예제 #1
 def test_fetch(self):
     config_wrapper = loc_utils.use_test_configuration()
     econ_platform_core.PlatformConfiguration = config_wrapper
     ser = econ_platform_core.fetch('TEST@TEST1', database='TEXT')
     targ = get_test_series('TEST1')
             os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data',
     # fetch again, will be from file.
     ser = econ_platform_core.fetch('TEST@TEST1', database='TEXT')
예제 #2
 def test_user_function(self):
     config_wrapper = loc_utils.use_test_configuration()
     econ_platform_core.PlatformConfiguration = config_wrapper
     User_provider = econ_platform_core.Providers.UserProvider
     User_provider.FunctionMapper['testfn'] = user_function
     ser = econ_platform_core.fetch('U@testfn(0)', database='TEXT')
     self.assertEqual(ser.values, [0])
예제 #3
def main():
    Routine used in testing. Not really a good candidate for test-driven development...
    obj = ProviderCansim_Csv()
    # obj.ParseUnzipped('10100002')
    ser = econ_platform_core.fetch('CCSV@10100002|v86822808')
예제 #4
def us_inflation(series_meta):

    :param series_meta: econ_platform_core.SeriesMetadata
    if not str(series_meta.ticker_query) == 'US_CPI_INFLATION':
        raise ValueError('Wrong series!')
    cpi_index = fetch('F@CPIAUCSL') # All -items, SA
    inf = cpi_index.pct_change(12)
    series_meta.series_name = '12-month Change in U.S. CPI Inflation'
    series_meta.series_description = 'Calculated series'
    return inf
def inflation_fn(series_meta, fn_args):
    Inflation dispersion in the U.S., based on major groups
    food and beverages, housing, apparel, transportation, medical care, recreation, education and communication, and other goods and services

    fn_args must be of the form N, return_type
    N = # of months to do the analysis on (annualised inflation rate over N months).
    return_type = "headline", "min", "max"  (case insensitive, do not include quotes).
            Either returns the headline inflation rate, or the min or max of the major groups.

    :param series_meta: econ_platform_core.SeriesMetadata
    :param fn_args': str

        N_months, return_type = fn_args.split(',')
        raise ValueError(
            'Dispersion function has two arguments: N, return_type')
    # Remove any quotes from people who don't follow directions...
    return_type = return_type.replace("'", '')
    return_type = return_type.replace('"', '')
    return_type = return_type.strip()
    return_type = return_type.upper()
        N_months = int(N_months)
        raise ValueError('N_months must be an integer')
    if return_type not in ('HEADLINE', 'MIN', 'MAX'):
        raise ValueError(
            f'Invalid return type {return_type}, must be one of HEADLINE, MIN, MAX'
    if return_type == 'HEADLINE':
        cpi_index = fetch('F@CPIAUCSL')  # All -items, SA
        pct_chg = cpi_index.pct_change(N_months)
        factor = 1. + pct_chg
        annualised = pow(factor, 12. / float(N_months))
        annualised = 100. * (annualised - 1.)
        annualised.name = str(series_meta.ticker_full)
        series_meta.series_name = 'N-month Annualised Change in U.S. CPI Inflation'
        series_meta.series_description = 'Calculated series'
        return annualised
    # Groups:
    # food and beverages, housing, apparel, transportation, medical care, recreation, education and communication, and other goods and services
    groups_tickers = [

    group_df = pandas.DataFrame()
    for group in groups_tickers:
        level = fetch('F@' + group)
        pct_chg = level.pct_change(N_months)
        factor = 1. + pct_chg
        annualised = pow(factor, 12. / float(N_months))
        annualised = 100. * (annualised - 1.)
        group_df[group] = annualised
    group_df.dropna(axis=0, inplace=True)
    if return_type == 'MIN':
        out = group_df.min(axis=1)
        series_meta.series_name = f'Minimum {N_months}-annualised inflation for major groups in U.S.'
        out = group_df.max(axis=1)
        series_meta.series_name = f'Maximum {N_months}-annualised inflation for major groups in U.S.'
    series_meta.series_description = 'Calculated series'
    return out, series_meta
        factor = 1. + pct_chg
        annualised = pow(factor, 12. / float(N_months))
        annualised = 100. * (annualised - 1.)
        group_df[group] = annualised
    group_df.dropna(axis=0, inplace=True)
    if return_type == 'MIN':
        out = group_df.min(axis=1)
        series_meta.series_name = f'Minimum {N_months}-annualised inflation for major groups in U.S.'
        out = group_df.max(axis=1)
        series_meta.series_name = f'Maximum {N_months}-annualised inflation for major groups in U.S.'
    series_meta.series_description = 'Calculated series'
    return out, series_meta

# Push the handler into the UserProvider
user_provider = Providers.UserProvider
user_provider.FunctionMapper['US_INF_DISPERSION'] = inflation_fn
# End of code that should be in a library.

# Now we can fetch it.
# Note that since this calculated series uses the US CPI index level, the system
# automatically also creates the CPI series on the database when this is called.

# Call reset_update_time() to force an update of the series while the code is under development.
# Note that this does not affect the series fetched from the external provider.
reset_update_time('U@US_INF_DISPERSION(24, MAX)')
inf = fetch('U@US_INF_DISPERSION(24, MAX)')

예제 #7
def us_inflation(query_ticker):
    if not query_ticker == 'US_CPI_INFLATION':
        raise ValueError('Wrong series!')
    cpi_index = fetch('F@CPIAUCSL')  # All -items, SA
    inf = cpi_index.pct_change(12)
    return inf
예제 #8

from econ_platform_core import fetch, Providers
from econ_platform.start import quick_plot

# Normally, the user-defined series would be handled in a library. Kept here to keep
# Example self-contained.

def us_inflation(query_ticker):
    if not query_ticker == 'US_CPI_INFLATION':
        raise ValueError('Wrong series!')
    cpi_index = fetch('F@CPIAUCSL')  # All -items, SA
    inf = cpi_index.pct_change(12)
    return inf

# Push the handler into the UserProvider
# Assume we are still using the default provider code
user_provider = Providers['U']
user_provider.SeriesMapper['US_CPI_INFLATION'] = us_inflation
# End of code that should be in a library.

# Now we can fetch it.
# Note that since this calculated series uses the US CPI index level, the system
# automatically also creates the CPI series on the database when this is called.
inf = fetch('U@US_CPI_INFLATION')
    :param series_meta: econ_platform_core.SeriesMetadata
    if not str(series_meta.ticker_query) in ('GREEK_DRACHMA_OVERNIGHT_AVG',
        raise ValueError('Wrong series!')
    full_ticker = tickers.TickerFull(series_meta.ticker_full)
    # I will assume that the file is downloaded to the current directory
    sheet = pandas.read_excel('drachma_overnight_rate.xls',  header=2)
    if str(series_meta.ticker_query) == 'GREEK_DRACHMA_OVERNIGHT_AVG':
        ser = pandas.Series(sheet['monthly averages'])
        ser.index = sheet['Unnamed: 0']
        series_meta.series_name = 'Average pre-Euro Greek Drachma Bank Overnight Rate'
        series_meta.series_description = 'Monthly average bank overnight rate from Bank of Greece'
        # quick_plot(ser)
        raise NotImplementedError('Bam!')
    ser.name = str(full_ticker)
    return ser
# Push the handler into the UserProvider
user_provider = Providers.UserProvider
user_provider.SeriesMapper['GREEK_DRACHMA_OVERNIGHT_AVG'] = greek_overnight
user_provider.SeriesMapper['GREEK_DRACHMA_OVERNIGHT_EOM'] = greek_overnight
# End of code that should be in a library.

# Now we can fetch it.