def write(self, cr, uid, ids, vals, context=None): employee_id = vals.get('employee_id', False) if not self._check_state_access_right(cr, uid, vals, context): raise AccessError(_('You cannot set a leave request as \'%s\'. Contact a human resource manager.') % vals.get('state')) hr_holiday_id = super(hr_holidays, self).write(cr, uid, ids, vals, context=context) self.add_follower(cr, uid, ids, employee_id, context=context) return hr_holiday_id
def set_sale_defaults(self): self.ensure_one() if not self.env.user._is_admin(): raise AccessError(_("Only administrators can change the settings")) default_picking_policy = 'one' if self.default_picking_policy else 'direct' self.env['ir.values'].sudo().set_default('sale.order', 'picking_policy', default_picking_policy) res = super(SaleConfiguration, self).set_sale_defaults() return res
def check(self, cr, uid, ids, mode, context=None, values=None): """Restricts the access to an ir.attachment, according to referred model In the 'document' module, it is overriden to relax this hard rule, since more complex ones apply there. """ res_ids = {} require_employee = False if ids: if isinstance(ids, (int, long)): ids = [ids] cr.execute( 'SELECT res_model, res_id, create_uid, public FROM ir_attachment WHERE id = ANY (%s)', (ids, )) for rmod, rid, create_uid, public in cr.fetchall(): if public and mode == 'read': continue if not (rmod and rid): if create_uid != uid: require_employee = True continue res_ids.setdefault(rmod, set()).add(rid) if values: if values.get('res_model') and values.get('res_id'): res_ids.setdefault(values['res_model'], set()).add(values['res_id']) ima = self.pool.get('ir.model.access') for model, mids in res_ids.items(): # ignore attachments that are not attached to a resource anymore when checking access rights # (resource was deleted but attachment was not) if not self.pool.get(model): require_employee = True continue existing_ids = self.pool[model].exists(cr, uid, mids) if len(existing_ids) != len(mids): require_employee = True # For related models, check if we can write to the model, as unlinking # and creating attachments can be seen as an update to the model if (mode in ['unlink', 'create']): ima.check(cr, uid, model, 'write') else: ima.check(cr, uid, model, mode) self.pool[model].check_access_rule(cr, uid, existing_ids, mode, context=context) if require_employee: if not uid == SUPERUSER_ID and not self.pool[ 'res.users'].has_group(cr, uid, 'base.group_user'): raise AccessError( _("Sorry, you are not allowed to access this document."))
def set_technical_features(self): """ Map boolean field value to group membership, but checking access """ group = self.env.ref( 'base_technical_features.group_technical_features') for user in self: if self.env.ref('base.group_no_one') not in user.groups_id: raise AccessError( _('The user does not have access to technical ' 'features.')) if user.technical_features: self.sudo().write({'groups_id': [(4,]}) else: self.sudo().write({'groups_id': [(3,]})
def create(self, cr, uid, values, context=None): """ Override to avoid automatic logging of creation """ if context is None: context = {} employee_id = values.get('employee_id', False) context = dict(context, mail_create_nolog=True, mail_create_nosubscribe=True) if not self._check_state_access_right(cr, uid, values, context): raise AccessError(_('You cannot set a leave request as \'%s\'. Contact a human resource manager.') % values.get('state')) if not values.get('name'): employee_name = self.pool['hr.employee'].browse(cr, uid, employee_id, context=context).name holiday_type = self.pool['hr.holidays.status'].browse(cr, uid, values.get('holiday_status_id'), context=context).name values['name'] = _("%s on %s") % (employee_name, holiday_type) hr_holiday_id = super(hr_holidays, self).create(cr, uid, values, context=context) self.add_follower(cr, uid, [hr_holiday_id], employee_id, context=context) return hr_holiday_id
def force_storage(self, cr, uid, context=None): """Force all attachments to be stored in the currently configured storage""" if not self.pool['res.users']._is_admin(cr, uid, [uid]): raise AccessError( _('Only administrators can execute this action.')) location = self._storage(cr, uid, context) domain = { 'db': [('store_fname', '!=', False)], 'file': [('db_datas', '!=', False)], }[location] ids =, uid, domain, context=context) for attach in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context): attach.write({'datas': attach.datas}) return True
def check_access_rule(self, cr, uid, ids, operation, context=None): """ Add Access rules of mail.message for non-employee user: - read: - raise if the type is comment and subtype NULL (internal note) """ if uid != SUPERUSER_ID: group_ids = self.pool.get('res.users').browse( cr, uid, uid, context=context).groups_id group_user_id = self.pool.get( "").get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'base', 'group_public')[1] if group_user_id in [ for group in group_ids]: cr.execute( 'SELECT id FROM "%s" WHERE website_published IS FALSE AND id = ANY (%%s)' % (self._table), (ids, )) if cr.fetchall(): raise AccessError( _('The requested operation cannot be completed due to security restrictions. Please contact your system administrator.\n\n(Document type: %s, Operation: %s)' ) % (self._description, operation)) return super(MailMessage, self).check_access_rule(cr, uid, ids=ids, operation=operation, context=context)
def read(self, fields=None, load='_classic_read'): if self.search_count([('id', 'in', self._ids), ('name', '=', 'NOACCESS')]): raise AccessError('Sorry') return super(Category, self).read(fields=fields, load=load)
def get_actions(self, cr, uid, action_slot, model, res_id=False, context=None): """Retrieves the list of actions bound to the given model's action slot. See the class description for more details about the various action slots: :class:`~.ir_values`. :param string action_slot: the action slot to which the actions should be bound to - one of ``client_action_multi``, ``client_print_multi``, ``client_action_relate``, ``tree_but_open``. :param string model: model name :param int res_id: optional record id - will bind the action only to a specific record of the model, not all records. :return: list of action tuples of the form ``(id, name, action_def)``, where ``id`` is the ID of the default entry, ``name`` is the action label, and ``action_def`` is a dict containing the action definition as obtained by calling :meth:`` on the action record. """ assert action_slot in ACTION_SLOTS, 'Illegal action slot value: %s' % action_slot # use a direct SQL query for performance reasons, # this is called very often query = """SELECT,, v.value FROM ir_values v WHERE v.key = %s AND v.key2 = %s AND v.model = %s AND (v.res_id = %s OR v.res_id IS NULL OR v.res_id = 0) ORDER BY""" cr.execute(query, ('action', action_slot, model, res_id or None)) # map values to their corresponding action record actions = [] for id, name, value in cr.fetchall(): if not value: continue # skip if undefined action_model, action_id = value.split(',') if action_model not in self.pool: continue # unknown model? skip it! action = self.pool[action_model].browse(cr, uid, int(action_id), context) actions.append((id, name, action)) # process values and their action user = self.pool['res.users'].browse(cr, uid, uid, context) results = {} for id, name, action in actions: fields = [ field for field in action._fields if field not in EXCLUDED_FIELDS ] # FIXME: needs cleanup try: action_def = { field: action._fields[field].convert_to_read(action[field]) for field in fields } if action._name in ('', 'ir.actions.act_window'): if action.groups_id and not action.groups_id & user.groups_id: if name == 'Menuitem': raise AccessError( _('You do not have the permission to perform this operation!!!' )) continue # keep only the last action registered for each action name results[name] = (id, name, action_def) except (AccessError, MissingError): continue return sorted(results.values())