def test_execute_log(self): parser = e2m.Ecospold2Matrix(self.sysdir,, verbose=True) c = parser.conn.cursor() c.executescript(""" drop table if exists foo; create table foo ( aName text unique, anId int unique); drop table if exists fou; create table fou ( aName text unique, anId int unique); """) c.execute(""" insert or ignore into foo values ('soleil', NULL);""") c.execute(""" insert or ignore into foo values ('lune', NULL);""") c.execute(""" insert or ignore into fou values ('soleil', 8);""") sql_command = """ update foo set anId = (select distinct fou.anId from fou where foo.aName = fou.aName) where foo.anId is NULL """ print("Gonna test updatenull_log") changes = parser._updatenull_log(sql_command, 'foo', 'anId') assert (changes == 1) print("Gonna test updatenull_log") changes = parser._updatenull_log(sql_command, 'foo', 'anId') assert (changes == 0)
def test_build_STR(self): # Read test values from csv file STR0 = pd.read_csv('./test/STR.csv', sep='|', index_col=0) parser = e2m.Ecospold2Matrix(self.sysdir, parser.build_STR() pdt.assert_frame_equal(STR0, parser.STR)
def test_build_PRO(self): # Read test values from csv file PRO0 = pd.read_table('./test/PRO.csv', sep='|', index_col=0) parser = e2m.Ecospold2Matrix(self.sysdir, parser.build_PRO() return (PRO0, parser) pdt.assert_frame_equal(PRO0, parser.PRO)
def test_build_AF(self): parser = e2m.Ecospold2Matrix(self.sysdir, parser.inflows = self.inflows parser.outflows = self.outflows parser.elementary_flows = self.elementary_flows parser.PRO = self.A_label parser.STR = self.F_label parser.build_AF() pdt.assert_frame_equal(self.A, parser.A) pdt.assert_frame_equal(self.F, parser.F)
def test_extract_products(self): # Load test value from csv file products0 = pd.DataFrame.from_csv('./test/products.csv', sep='|') products0.rename(columns={'productId.1': 'productId'}, inplace=True) # build product list parser = e2m.Ecospold2Matrix(self.sysdir, parser.extract_products() pdt.assert_frame_equal(products0, parser.products)
def test_build_sut_untrace(self): """ Test compilation of supply, use and elementary exchange tables, aggregating away traceability, from ecoinvent flow lists """ testflows = self.inflows.copy() testflows.ix[1:2, 'sourceActivityId'] = None V0 = pd.DataFrame({ 'BAR': { 'foo': 1, 'waste': np.nan }, 'PUB': { 'foo': np.nan, 'waste': -1 } }) G0 = pd.DataFrame({ "BAR": { "CO2": 10.0, "CH4": np.nan }, "PUB": { "CO2": np.nan, "CH4": 0.3 } }).reindex(self.F_label.index) # untraceable use U0 = pd.DataFrame({ "BAR": { "foo": 0.3, "waste": -0.1 }, "PUB": { "foo": np.nan, "waste": -0.02 } }) parser = e2m.Ecospold2Matrix(self.sysdir, parser.activities = self.activities parser.products = self.products parser.inflows = testflows parser.outflows = self.outflows parser.elementary_flows = self.elementary_flows parser.STR = self.F_label parser.build_sut(make_untraceable=True) pdt.assert_frame_equal(parser.U, U0) pdt.assert_frame_equal(parser.V, V0) pdt.assert_frame_equal(parser.G_act, G0)
def test_scale_up_AF(self): parser = e2m.Ecospold2Matrix(self.sysdir, parser.outflows = self.outflows parser.PRO = self.A_label parser.STR = self.F_label parser.A = self.A parser.F = self.F parser.scale_up_AF() pdt.assert_frame_equal(self.Z, parser.Z) pdt.assert_frame_equal(self.G_pro, parser.G_pro)
def test_extract_activities(self): # Load test values from csv file activities0 = pd.read_csv('./test/activities.csv', sep='|', index_col=0) # build activity list parser = e2m.Ecospold2Matrix(self.sysdir, parser.extract_activities() pdt.assert_frame_equal(activities0, parser.activities)
def test_build_sut_trace(self): """ Test compilation of supply, use and elementary exchange tables, preserving traceability, from ecoinvent flow lists """ testflows = self.inflows.copy() testflows.ix[1:2, 'sourceActivityId'] = None U0_index = pd.MultiIndex(levels=[['', 'BAR'], ['foo', 'waste']], labels=[[0, 1], [1, 0]], names=['sourceActivityId', 'productId']) U0 = pd.DataFrame([[-0.1, -0.02], [0.3, np.nan]], index=U0_index, columns=['BAR', 'PUB']) = 'activityId' = 'productId' V0 = pd.DataFrame({ 'BAR': { 'foo': 1, 'waste': np.nan }, 'PUB': { 'foo': np.nan, 'waste': -1 } }) G0 = pd.DataFrame({ "BAR": { "CO2": 10.0, "CH4": np.nan }, "PUB": { "CO2": np.nan, "CH4": 0.3 } }).reindex(self.F_label.index) parser = e2m.Ecospold2Matrix(self.sysdir, parser.activities = self.activities parser.products = self.products parser.inflows = testflows parser.outflows = self.outflows parser.elementary_flows = self.elementary_flows parser.STR = self.F_label parser.build_sut() pdt.assert_frame_equal(parser.U, U0) pdt.assert_frame_equal(parser.V, V0) pdt.assert_frame_equal(parser.G_act, G0)
def test_extract_flows(self): # Read test values from csv file inflows0 = pd.read_table('./test/inflows.csv', sep='|', index_col=0) outflows0 = pd.read_table('./test/outflows.csv', sep='|', index_col=0) elementary_flows0 = pd.read_table('./test/elementary_flows.csv', sep='|', index_col=0) parser = e2m.Ecospold2Matrix(self.sysdir, parser.extract_flows() return inflows0, outflows0, elementary_flows0, parser self.assert_same_but_roworder(inflows0, parser.inflows, 0) self.assert_same_but_roworder(outflows0, parser.outflows, 0) self.assert_same_but_roworder(elementary_flows0, parser.elementary_flows, 0)
def test_complement_labels(self): # Read test values from csv file PRO0 = pd.DataFrame.from_csv('./test/PRO_full.csv', sep='|') parser = e2m.Ecospold2Matrix(self.sysdir, products0 = pd.DataFrame.from_csv('./test/products.csv', sep='|') parser.products = products0.rename( columns={'productId.1': 'productId'}) parser.activities = pd.read_csv('./test/activities.csv', sep='|', index_col=0) parser.STR = pd.read_csv('./test/STR.csv', sep='|', index_col=0) parser.PRO = pd.read_table('./test/PRO.csv', sep='|', index_col=0) IPython.embed() parser.complement_labels() pdt.assert_frame_equal(PRO0, parser.PRO)
def test_build_AF_positive_waste(self): parser = e2m.Ecospold2Matrix(self.sysdir, parser.inflows = self.inflows parser.outflows = self.outflows parser.elementary_flows = self.elementary_flows parser.PRO = self.A_label parser.STR = self.F_label parser.positive_waste = True parser.build_AF() a = { 'BAR_foo': { 'BAR_foo': 0.3, 'PUB_waste': 0.1 }, 'PUB_waste': { 'BAR_foo': np.nan, 'PUB_waste': 0.02 } } f = { 'BAR_foo': { 'CH4': np.nan, 'CO2': 10.0 }, 'PUB_waste': { 'CH4': 0.3, 'CO2': np.nan } } A0 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(a) F0 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(f) A0 = A0.reindex(index=self.A_label.index, columns=self.A_label.index) F0 = F0.reindex(index=self.F_label.index, columns=self.A_label.index) pdt.assert_frame_equal(A0, parser.A) pdt.assert_frame_equal(F0, parser.F)