def run_task(self, cluster, task_definition, count, started_by, overrides, launchtype='EC2', subnets=(), security_groups=(), public_ip=False): if not self.access_key_id or not self.secret_access_key: raise EcsConnectionError( u'Unable to locate credentials. Configure credentials by running "aws configure".' ) if cluster == 'unknown-cluster': raise EcsConnectionError( u'An error occurred (ClusterNotFoundException) when calling the RunTask operation: Cluster not found.' ) if self.deployment_errors: error = dict(Error=dict(Code=123, Message="Something went wrong")) raise ClientError(error, 'fake_error') return dict(tasks=[ dict(taskArn='arn:foo:bar'), dict(taskArn='arn:lorem:ipsum') ])
def update_rule(self, cluster, rule, task_definition): if not self.access_key_id or not self.secret_access_key: raise EcsConnectionError( u'Unable to locate credentials. Configure credentials by running "aws configure".' ) if cluster == 'unknown-cluster': raise EcsConnectionError( u'An error occurred (ClusterNotFoundException) when calling the RunTask operation: Cluster not found.' )
def register_task_definition(self, family, containers, volumes, role_arn, execution_role_arn, additional_properties): if not self.access_key_id or not self.secret_access_key: raise EcsConnectionError( u'Unable to locate credentials. Configure credentials by running "aws configure".' ) return deepcopy(RESPONSE_TASK_DEFINITION_2)
def describe_task_definition(self, task_definition_arn): if not self.access_key_id or not self.secret_access_key: raise EcsConnectionError( u'Unable to locate credentials. Configure credentials by running "aws configure".' ) if task_definition_arn in RESPONSE_TASK_DEFINITIONS: return deepcopy(RESPONSE_TASK_DEFINITIONS[task_definition_arn]) raise UnknownTaskDefinitionError('Unknown task definition arn: %s' % task_definition_arn)