예제 #1
class GradeBaltTests(SisTestMixin, TestCase):
    """ These test ensure we meet requirements defined by Cristo Rey Baltimore including
    Grade scales, course weights, and letter grades
    Sample data is anonomized real grade data """
    def populate_database(self):
        """ Override, not using traditional test data """
        self.data = SisData()

    def test_letter_grade(self):
        mp1 = self.data.mp1
        mp2 = self.data.mp2
        mp3 = self.data.mp3
        mp4 = self.data.mp4
        test_data = [
            [mp1, 1, 'C'],
            [mp1, 2, 'F'],
            [mp1, 3, 'F'],
            [mp1, 4, 'A-'],
            [mp1, 5, 'B-'],
            [mp1, 6, 'A'],
            [mp1, 7, 'B-'],
            [mp1, 8, 'A'],
            [mp2, 1, 'C+'],
            [mp2, 2, 'B-'],
            [mp2, 3, 'D'],
            [mp2, 4, 'B'],
            [mp2, 5, 'D'],
            [mp2, 6, 'A'],
            [mp2, 7, 'B'],
            [mp2, 8, 'A'],
            [mp3, 1, 'F'],
            [mp3, 2, 'C'],
            [mp3, 3, 'C'],
            [mp3, 4, 'C'],
            [mp3, 5, 'C'],
            [mp3, 6, 'B'],
            [mp3, 7, 'C+'],
            [mp3, 8, 'A'],
            [mp4, 1, 'C'],
            [mp4, 2, 'C+'],
            [mp4, 3, 'D'],
            [mp4, 4, 'B+'],
            [mp4, 5, 'B'],
            [mp4, 6, 'A-'],
            [mp4, 7, 'B+'],
            [mp4, 8, 'A'],
        for x in test_data:
            grade = Grade.objects.get(
                student = self.data.student,
            self.assertEqual(grade.get_grade(letter=True), x[2])

    def test_snx_grade(self):
        """ Really just a normal run of the mill Marking Period grade
        Balt uses s1x, s2x as tests that affect final grades
        grade = Grade.objects.get(marking_period=self.data.mps1x, course_section_id=1)
        self.assertEqual(grade.get_grade(), 90)
        grade = Grade.objects.get(marking_period=self.data.mps2x, course_section_id=1)
        self.assertEqual(grade.get_grade(), 79)

    def test_partial_course_average_grade(self):
        """ Tests getting the average of some but not all marking period averages """
        s1_ids = [1,2,3]
        s2_ids = [4,5,6]
        test_data = [
            [1, s1_ids, 78.08, 'C+'],
            [1, s2_ids, 71.96, 'D'],
            [2, s1_ids, 68.16, 'F'],
            [2, s2_ids, 70.84, 'D'],
            [3, s1_ids, 68.0, 'F'],
            [3, s2_ids, 69.84, 'D'],
            [4, s1_ids, 87.52, 'B+'],
            [4, s2_ids, 80.88, 'B-'],
            [5, s1_ids, 73.6, 'C'],
            [5, s2_ids, 80.08, 'B-'],
            [6, s1_ids, 93.2, 'A'],
            [6, s2_ids, 86.65, 'B+'],
            [7, s1_ids, 79.04, 'C+'],
            [7, s2_ids, 83.12, 'B'],
            [8, s1_ids, 100, 'A'],
            [8, s2_ids, 100, 'A'],
        for x in test_data:
            ce = CourseEnrollment.objects.get(user=self.data.student, course_section=x[0])
            self.assertAlmostEqual(ce.get_average_for_marking_periods(x[1]), Decimal(x[2]))
            self.assertEqual(ce.get_average_for_marking_periods(x[1], letter=True), x[3])

    def test_scaled_average(self):
        """ Tests an asinine method for averages by converting to non linear scale first """
        test_data = [
            [1, Decimal(2.0)],
            [2, Decimal(2.4)],
            [4, Decimal(1.9)],
            [5, Decimal(2.8)],
        for x in test_data:
            smpg = StudentMarkingPeriodGrade.objects.get(student=self.data.student, marking_period=x[0])
            self.assertAlmostEqual(smpg.get_scaled_average(rounding=1), x[1])

    def test_average(self):
        test_data = [
            [3, 72.7],
            [6, 71.8],
        for x in test_data:
            smpg = StudentMarkingPeriodGrade.objects.get(student=self.data.student, marking_period=x[0])
            self.assertAlmostEqual(smpg.get_average(rounding=1), Decimal(x[1]))

    def test_scaled_multiple_mp_average(self):
        test_data = [
            [[1, 2, 3], Decimal(1.9)],
            [[4, 5, 6], Decimal(2.1)],
        for x in test_data:
            average = Grade.get_scaled_multiple_mp_average(self.data.student, x[0], rounding=1)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(average, x[1])

    def test_scaled_final_year_average(self):
        test_data = [
            [1, Decimal(2.2)],
        for x in test_data:
            year_grade = self.data.student.studentyeargrade_set.get(year=x[0])
            average = year_grade.get_grade(numeric_scale=True, rounding=1, prescale=True)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(average, x[1])

    def test_balt_gpa(self):
        gpa = self.data.student.calculate_gpa(rounding=1, prescale=True)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(gpa, Decimal(2.2))

    def test_final_grade(self):
        test_data = [
            [1, 'C'],
            [2, 'D'],
            [3, 'D'],
            [4, 'B'],
            [5, 'C+'],
            [6, 'A-'],
            [7, 'B-'],
            [8, 'A'],
        for x in test_data:
            ce = CourseEnrollment.objects.get(user=self.data.student, course_section=x[0])
            with self.assertNumQueries(1):
                self.assertEqual(ce.get_grade(letter=True), x[1])

    def test_honors_and_ap_scaled_grades(self):
        assert that the honors and ap grades receive correct boost by 
        replicating the grades in our manual spreadsheet

        # Now, test that the scaled averages are correct
        test_data = [
            {'mp_id': 1, 'boosted': Decimal(4.0), 'unboosted': Decimal(3.7)},
            {'mp_id': 2, 'boosted': Decimal(3.6), 'unboosted': Decimal(3.3)},
            {'mp_id': 4, 'boosted': Decimal(3.7), 'unboosted': Decimal(3.4)},
            {'mp_id': 5, 'boosted': Decimal(3.5), 'unboosted': Decimal(3.2)}
        for x in test_data:
            smpg = StudentMarkingPeriodGrade.objects.get(student=self.data.honors_student, marking_period=x['mp_id'])
            self.assertAlmostEqual(smpg.get_scaled_average(rounding=1), x['boosted'])
            self.assertAlmostEqual(smpg.get_scaled_average(rounding=1, boost=False), x['unboosted'])

    def test_honors_and_ap_student_year_grade(self):
        assert that the end of the year grade is correct

        # try without pre-scaling
        year_grade = self.data.honors_student.studentyeargrade_set.get(year=1)
        average = year_grade.get_grade(numeric_scale=True, rounding=1)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(average, Decimal(3.8))

        # try with pre-scaling
        year_grade = self.data.honors_student.studentyeargrade_set.get(year=1)
        average = year_grade.get_grade(numeric_scale=True, rounding=1, prescale=True)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(average, Decimal(3.6))

        # try with pre-scaling but without boost
        year_grade = self.data.honors_student.studentyeargrade_set.get(year=1)
        average = year_grade.get_grade(numeric_scale=True, rounding=1, prescale=True, boost=False)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(average, Decimal(3.3))

    def test_honors_and_ap_letter_grades(self):
        assert that the end-of-semester and final letter grades are correct

        for individual course sections that is...
        expected_grades = [
            {'section': 'English-H', 's1': 'B+', 's2': 'B',  'final': 'B' },
            {'section': 'Precalc-H', 's1': 'B',  's2': 'B-', 'final': 'B' },
            {'section': 'Phys',      's1': 'A-', 's2': 'A-', 'final': 'A-'},
            {'section': 'Hist-AP',   's1': 'B-', 's2': 'B',  'final': 'B' },
            {'section': 'Span',      's1': 'A-', 's2': 'B',  'final': 'B+'},
            {'section': 'Photo',     's1': 'A',  's2': 'A',  'final': 'A' },
            {'section': 'Faith',     's1': 'B+', 's2': 'A-', 'final': 'B+'},
            {'section': 'Wrt Lab',   's1': 'A',  's2': 'A',  'final': 'A' }

        # first check final grades
        for x in expected_grades:
            section = CourseSection.objects.get(name = x['section'])
            ce = CourseEnrollment.objects.get(
                user = self.data.honors_student, 
                course_section = section,
            with self.assertNumQueries(1):
                self.assertEqual(ce.get_grade(letter=True), x['final'])

            sm1_grade = ce.get_average_for_marking_periods(
                marking_periods = [1,2,3],
                letter = True,
            sm2_grade = ce.get_average_for_marking_periods(
                marking_periods = [4,5,6],
                letter = True,

            self.assertEqual(sm1_grade, x['s1'])
            self.assertEqual(sm2_grade, x['s2'])

    def test_honors_student_gpa(self):
        test that the student's gpa after 1 year is correct!
        gpa = self.data.honors_student.calculate_gpa(rounding=1, prescale=True)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(gpa, Decimal(3.6))
예제 #2
class GradeBaltTests(SisTestMixin, TestCase):
    """ These test ensure we meet requirements defined by Cristo Rey Baltimore including
    Grade scales, course weights, and letter grades
    Sample data is anonomized real grade data """

    def populate_database(self):
        """ Override, not using traditional test data """
        self.data = SisData()

    def test_letter_grade(self):
        mp1 = self.data.mp1
        mp2 = self.data.mp2
        mp3 = self.data.mp3
        mp4 = self.data.mp4
        test_data = [
            [mp1, 1, 'C'],
            [mp1, 2, 'F'],
            [mp1, 3, 'F'],
            [mp1, 4, 'A-'],
            [mp1, 5, 'B-'],
            [mp1, 6, 'A'],
            [mp1, 7, 'B-'],
            [mp1, 8, 'A'],
            [mp2, 1, 'C+'],
            [mp2, 2, 'B-'],
            [mp2, 3, 'D'],
            [mp2, 4, 'B'],
            [mp2, 5, 'D'],
            [mp2, 6, 'A'],
            [mp2, 7, 'B'],
            [mp2, 8, 'A'],
            [mp3, 1, 'F'],
            [mp3, 2, 'C'],
            [mp3, 3, 'C'],
            [mp3, 4, 'C'],
            [mp3, 5, 'C'],
            [mp3, 6, 'B'],
            [mp3, 7, 'C+'],
            [mp3, 8, 'A'],
            [mp4, 1, 'C'],
            [mp4, 2, 'C+'],
            [mp4, 3, 'D'],
            [mp4, 4, 'B+'],
            [mp4, 5, 'B'],
            [mp4, 6, 'A-'],
            [mp4, 7, 'B+'],
            [mp4, 8, 'A'],
        for x in test_data:
            grade = Grade.objects.get(
                student = self.data.student,
                course_section=getattr(self.data, 'course_section' + str(x[1]))
            self.assertEqual(grade.get_grade(letter=True), x[2])

    def test_snx_grade(self):
        """ Really just a normal run of the mill Marking Period grade
        Balt uses s1x, s2x as tests that affect final grades
        grade = Grade.objects.get(marking_period=self.data.mps1x, course_section=self.data.course_section1)
        self.assertEqual(grade.get_grade(), 90)
        grade = Grade.objects.get(marking_period=self.data.mps2x, course_section=self.data.course_section1)
        self.assertEqual(grade.get_grade(), 79)

    def test_partial_course_average_grade(self):
        """ Tests getting the average of some but not all marking period averages """
        s1_ids = [self.data.mp1.id ,self.data.mp2.id ,self.data.mps1x.id]
        s2_ids = [self.data.mp3.id ,self.data.mp4.id ,self.data.mps2x.id]
        test_data = [
            [1, s1_ids, 78.08, 'C+'],
            [1, s2_ids, 71.96, 'D'],
            [2, s1_ids, 68.16, 'F'],
            [2, s2_ids, 70.84, 'D'],
            [3, s1_ids, 68.0, 'F'],
            [3, s2_ids, 69.84, 'D'],
            [4, s1_ids, 87.52, 'B+'],
            [4, s2_ids, 80.88, 'B-'],
            [5, s1_ids, 73.6, 'C'],
            [5, s2_ids, 80.08, 'B-'],
            [6, s1_ids, 93.2, 'A'],
            [6, s2_ids, 86.65, 'B+'],
            [7, s1_ids, 79.04, 'C+'],
            [7, s2_ids, 83.12, 'B'],
            [8, s1_ids, 100, 'A'],
            [8, s2_ids, 100, 'A'],
        for x in test_data:
            ce = CourseEnrollment.objects.get(user=self.data.student, course_section=getattr(self.data, 'course_section' + str(x[0])))
            self.assertAlmostEqual(ce.get_average_for_marking_periods(x[1]), Decimal(x[2]))
            self.assertEqual(ce.get_average_for_marking_periods(x[1], letter=True), x[3])

    def test_scaled_average(self):
        """ Tests an asinine method for averages by converting to non linear scale first """
        test_data = [
            [self.data.mp1, Decimal(2.0)],
            [self.data.mp2, Decimal(2.4)],
            [self.data.mp3, Decimal(1.9)],
            [self.data.mp4, Decimal(2.8)],
        for x in test_data:
            smpg = StudentMarkingPeriodGrade.objects.get(student=self.data.student, marking_period=x[0])
            self.assertAlmostEqual(smpg.get_scaled_average(rounding=1), x[1])

    def test_average(self):
        test_data = [
            [self.data.mps1x, 72.7],
            [self.data.mps2x, 71.8],
        for x in test_data:
            smpg = StudentMarkingPeriodGrade.objects.get(student=self.data.student, marking_period=x[0])
            self.assertAlmostEqual(smpg.get_average(rounding=1), Decimal(x[1]))

    def test_scaled_multiple_mp_average(self):
        test_data = [
            [[self.data.mp1.id, self.data.mp2.id, self.data.mps1x.id], Decimal(1.9)],
            [[self.data.mp3.id, self.data.mp4.id, self.data.mps2x.id], Decimal(2.1)],
        for x in test_data:
            average = Grade.get_scaled_multiple_mp_average(self.data.student, x[0], rounding=1)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(average, x[1])

    def test_scaled_final_year_average(self):
        test_data = [
            [self.data.year, Decimal(2.2)],
        for x in test_data:
            year_grade = self.data.student.studentyeargrade_set.get(year=x[0])
            average = year_grade.get_grade(numeric_scale=True, rounding=1, prescale=True)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(average, x[1])

    def test_balt_gpa(self):
        gpa = self.data.student.calculate_gpa(rounding=1, prescale=True)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(gpa, Decimal(2.2))

    def test_final_grade(self):
        test_data = [
            [1, 'C'],
            [2, 'D'],
            [3, 'D'],
            [4, 'B'],
            [5, 'C+'],
            [6, 'A-'],
            [7, 'B-'],
            [8, 'A'],
        for x in test_data:
            ce = CourseEnrollment.objects.get(
                course_section=getattr(self.data, 'course_section' + str(x[0])))
            with self.assertNumQueries(1):
                self.assertEqual(ce.get_grade(letter=True), x[1])

    def test_honors_and_ap_scaled_grades(self):
        assert that the honors and ap grades receive correct boost by
        replicating the grades in our manual spreadsheet

        # Now, test that the scaled averages are correct
        test_data = [
            {'mp': self.data.mp1, 'boosted': Decimal(4.0), 'unboosted': Decimal(3.7)},
            {'mp': self.data.mp2, 'boosted': Decimal(3.6), 'unboosted': Decimal(3.3)},
            {'mp': self.data.mp3, 'boosted': Decimal(3.7), 'unboosted': Decimal(3.4)},
            {'mp': self.data.mp4, 'boosted': Decimal(3.5), 'unboosted': Decimal(3.2)}
        for x in test_data:
            smpg = StudentMarkingPeriodGrade.objects.get(student=self.data.honors_student, marking_period=x['mp'])
            self.assertAlmostEqual(smpg.get_scaled_average(rounding=1), x['boosted'])
            self.assertAlmostEqual(smpg.get_scaled_average(rounding=1, boost=False), x['unboosted'])

    def test_honors_and_ap_student_year_grade(self):
        assert that the end of the year grade is correct

        # try without pre-scaling
        year_grade = self.data.honors_student.studentyeargrade_set.get(year=self.data.year)
        average = year_grade.get_grade(numeric_scale=True, rounding=1)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(average, Decimal(3.8))

        # try with pre-scaling
        year_grade = self.data.honors_student.studentyeargrade_set.get(year=self.data.year)
        average = year_grade.get_grade(numeric_scale=True, rounding=1, prescale=True)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(average, Decimal(3.6))

        # try with pre-scaling but without boost
        year_grade = self.data.honors_student.studentyeargrade_set.get(year=self.data.year)
        average = year_grade.get_grade(numeric_scale=True, rounding=1, prescale=True, boost=False)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(average, Decimal(3.3))

    def test_honors_and_ap_letter_grades(self):
        assert that the end-of-semester and final letter grades are correct

        for individual course sections that is...
        expected_grades = [
            {'section': 'English-H', 's1': 'B+', 's2': 'B',  'final': 'B' },
            {'section': 'Precalc-H', 's1': 'B',  's2': 'B-', 'final': 'B' },
            {'section': 'Phys',      's1': 'A-', 's2': 'A-', 'final': 'A-'},
            {'section': 'Hist-AP',   's1': 'B-', 's2': 'B',  'final': 'B' },
            {'section': 'Span',      's1': 'A-', 's2': 'B',  'final': 'B+'},
            {'section': 'Photo',     's1': 'A',  's2': 'A',  'final': 'A' },
            {'section': 'Faith',     's1': 'B+', 's2': 'A-', 'final': 'B+'},
            {'section': 'Wrt Lab',   's1': 'A',  's2': 'A',  'final': 'A' }

        # first check final grades
        for x in expected_grades:
            section = CourseSection.objects.get(name = x['section'])
            ce = CourseEnrollment.objects.get(
                user = self.data.honors_student,
                course_section = section,
            with self.assertNumQueries(1):
                self.assertEqual(ce.get_grade(letter=True), x['final'])

            sm1_grade = ce.get_average_for_marking_periods(
                marking_periods = [self.data.mp1.id, self.data.mp2.id, self.data.mps1x.id],
                letter = True,
            sm2_grade = ce.get_average_for_marking_periods(
                marking_periods = [self.data.mp3.id, self.data.mp4.id, self.data.mps2x.id],
                letter = True,

            self.assertEqual(sm1_grade, x['s1'])
            self.assertEqual(sm2_grade, x['s2'])

    def test_honors_student_gpa(self):
        test that the student's gpa after 1 year is correct!
        gpa = self.data.honors_student.calculate_gpa(rounding=1, prescale=True)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(gpa, Decimal(3.6))