def optimizeDiagram(self): """ Perform geometrical optimizations on the loaded diagram. """ ## CENTER THE DIAGRAM R1 = self.diagram.sceneRect() R2 = self.diagram.visibleRect(margin=0) moveX = snapF(((R1.right() - R2.right()) - (R2.left() - R1.left())) / 2, Diagram.GridSize) moveY = snapF(((R1.bottom() - R2.bottom()) - ( - / 2, Diagram.GridSize) if moveX or moveY: collection = [x for x in self.diagram.items() if x.isNode() or x.isEdge()] for item in collection: QtWidgets.QApplication.processEvents() item.moveBy(moveX, moveY) for item in collection: QtWidgets.QApplication.processEvents() item.updateEdgeOrNode() ## RESIZE THE DIAGRAM R3 = self.diagram.visibleRect(margin=20) size = int(max(R3.width(), R3.height(), Diagram.MinSize)) self.diagram.setSceneRect(QtCore.QRectF(-size / 2, -size / 2, size, size)) LOGGER.debug('Diagram resized: %s -> %s', Diagram.MaxSize, size) ## OPTIMIZE NODE LABEL POSITIONS for node in self.diagram.nodes(): QtWidgets.QApplication.processEvents() self.optimizeLabelPos(node) LOGGER.debug('Performed geometrical optimization on %s nodes', len(self.diagram.nodes()))
def viewportEvent(self, viewportEvent): """ Perform pinch to zoom feature to scale the viewport. :type viewportEvent: QTouchEvent """ if viewportEvent.type() in {QtCore.QEvent.TouchBegin, QtCore.QEvent.TouchUpdate, QtCore.QEvent.TouchEnd}: if viewportEvent.type() in {QtCore.QEvent.TouchBegin, QtCore.QEvent.TouchEnd}: self.pinchFactor = 1.0 pts = viewportEvent.touchPoints() if len(pts) == 2: p0 = pts[0] p1 = pts[1] p2 = midpoint(p0.pos(), p1.pos()) pinchFactor = QtCore.QLineF(p0.pos(), p1.pos()).length() / QtCore.QLineF(p0.startPos(), p1.startPos()).length() pinchFactor = snapF(pinchFactor, DiagramView.PinchSize) if pinchFactor < DiagramView.PinchGuard[0] or pinchFactor > DiagramView.PinchGuard[1]: if pinchFactor != self.pinchFactor: zoom = self.zoom zoom += +DiagramView.ZoomStep if pinchFactor > self.pinchFactor else -DiagramView.ZoomStep zoom = clamp(zoom, DiagramView.ZoomMin, DiagramView.ZoomMax) self.pinchFactor = pinchFactor if zoom != self.zoom: self.scaleViewOnPoint(zoom, p2.toPoint()) return super().viewportEvent(viewportEvent)
def importEdgeFromGenericEdge(self, item, element): """ Build an edge using the given item type and QDomElement. :type item: Item :type element: QDomElement raise DiagramParseError: If one of the endpoints of the edge is not available. :rtype: AbstractEdge """ data = element.firstChildElement('data') while not data.isNull(): if data.attribute('key', '') == self.keys['edge_key']: if not element.attribute('source') in self.nodes: raise DiagramParseError('missing source node (%s)' % element.attribute('source')) if not element.attribute('target') in self.nodes: raise DiagramParseError('missing target node (%s)' % element.attribute('target')) source = self.nodes[element.attribute('source')] target = self.nodes[element.attribute('target')] if source is target: raise DiagramParseError('detected loop between nodes %s and %s' % (, points = [] polyLineEdge = data.firstChildElement('y:PolyLineEdge') path = polyLineEdge.firstChildElement('y:Path') collection = path.elementsByTagName('y:Point') for i in range(0, collection.count()): point = pos = QtCore.QPointF(float(point.attribute('x')), float(point.attribute('y'))) pos = QtCore.QPointF(snapF(pos.x(), Diagram.GridSize), snapF(pos.y(), Diagram.GridSize)) points.append(pos) kwargs = {'id': element.attribute('id'), 'source': source, 'target': target, 'breakpoints': points} edge = self.diagram.factory.create(item, **kwargs) edge.source.setAnchor(edge, self.parseAnchorPos(edge, edge.source, path.attribute('sx'), path.attribute('sy'))), self.parseAnchorPos(edge,, path.attribute('tx'), path.attribute('ty'))) edge.source.addEdge(edge) return edge data = data.nextSiblingElement('data') return None
def viewportEvent(self, viewportEvent): """ Perform pinch to zoom feature to scale the viewport. :type viewportEvent: QTouchEvent """ if viewportEvent.type() in { QtCore.QEvent.TouchBegin, QtCore.QEvent.TouchUpdate, QtCore.QEvent.TouchEnd }: if viewportEvent.type() in { QtCore.QEvent.TouchBegin, QtCore.QEvent.TouchEnd }: self.pinchFactor = 1.0 pts = viewportEvent.touchPoints() if len(pts) == 2: p0 = pts[0] p1 = pts[1] p2 = midpoint(p0.pos(), p1.pos()) pinchFactor = QtCore.QLineF( p0.pos(), p1.pos()).length() / QtCore.QLineF( p0.startPos(), p1.startPos()).length() pinchFactor = snapF(pinchFactor, DiagramView.PinchSize) if pinchFactor < DiagramView.PinchGuard[ 0] or pinchFactor > DiagramView.PinchGuard[1]: if pinchFactor != self.pinchFactor: zoom = self.zoom zoom += +DiagramView.ZoomStep if pinchFactor > self.pinchFactor else -DiagramView.ZoomStep zoom = clamp(zoom, DiagramView.ZoomMin, DiagramView.ZoomMax) self.pinchFactor = pinchFactor if zoom != self.zoom: self.scaleViewOnPoint(zoom, p2.toPoint()) return super().viewportEvent(viewportEvent)
def resize(self, mousePos): """ Handle the interactive resize of the shape. :type mousePos: QtCore.QPointF """ snap = self.session.action('toggle_grid').isChecked() size = self.diagram.GridSize moved = self.label.isMoved() background = self.background.geometry() selection = self.selection.geometry() polygon = self.polygon.geometry() R = QtCore.QRectF(self.boundingRect()) D = QtCore.QPointF(0, 0) mbrh = 58 mbrw = 118 self.prepareGeometryChange() if self.mp_Handle == self.HandleTL: fromX = self.mp_Bound.left() fromY = toX = fromX + mousePos.x() - self.mp_Pos.x() toY = fromY + mousePos.y() - self.mp_Pos.y() toX = snapF(toX, size, -4, snap) toY = snapF(toY, size, -4, snap) D.setX(toX - fromX) D.setY(toY - fromY) R.setLeft(toX) R.setTop(toY) ## CLAMP SIZE if R.width() < mbrw: D.setX(D.x() - mbrw + R.width()) R.setLeft(R.left() - mbrw + R.width()) if R.height() < mbrh: D.setY(D.y() - mbrh + R.height()) R.setTop( - mbrh + R.height()) background.setLeft(R.left()) background.setTop( selection.setLeft(R.left()) selection.setTop( polygon.setLeft(R.left() + 4) polygon.setTop( + 4) elif self.mp_Handle == self.HandleTM: fromY = toY = fromY + mousePos.y() - self.mp_Pos.y() toY = snapF(toY, size, -4, snap) D.setY(toY - fromY) R.setTop(toY) ## CLAMP SIZE if R.height() < mbrh: D.setY(D.y() - mbrh + R.height()) R.setTop( - mbrh + R.height()) background.setTop( selection.setTop( polygon.setTop( + 4) elif self.mp_Handle == self.HandleTR: fromX = self.mp_Bound.right() fromY = toX = fromX + mousePos.x() - self.mp_Pos.x() toY = fromY + mousePos.y() - self.mp_Pos.y() toX = snapF(toX, size, +4, snap) toY = snapF(toY, size, -4, snap) D.setX(toX - fromX) D.setY(toY - fromY) R.setRight(toX) R.setTop(toY) ## CLAMP SIZE if R.width() < mbrw: D.setX(D.x() + mbrw - R.width()) R.setRight(R.right() + mbrw - R.width()) if R.height() < mbrh: D.setY(D.y() - mbrh + R.height()) R.setTop( - mbrh + R.height()) background.setRight(R.right()) background.setTop( selection.setRight(R.right()) selection.setTop( polygon.setRight(R.right() - 4) polygon.setTop( + 4) elif self.mp_Handle == self.HandleML: fromX = self.mp_Bound.left() toX = fromX + mousePos.x() - self.mp_Pos.x() toX = snapF(toX, size, -4, snap) D.setX(toX - fromX) R.setLeft(toX) ## CLAMP SIZE if R.width() < mbrw: D.setX(D.x() - mbrw + R.width()) R.setLeft(R.left() - mbrw + R.width()) background.setLeft(R.left()) selection.setLeft(R.left()) polygon.setLeft(R.left() + 4) elif self.mp_Handle == self.HandleMR: fromX = self.mp_Bound.right() toX = fromX + mousePos.x() - self.mp_Pos.x() toX = snapF(toX, size, +4, snap) D.setX(toX - fromX) R.setRight(toX) ## CLAMP SIZE if R.width() < mbrw: D.setX(D.x() + mbrw - R.width()) R.setRight(R.right() + mbrw - R.width()) background.setRight(R.right()) selection.setRight(R.right()) polygon.setRight(R.right() - 4) elif self.mp_Handle == self.HandleBL: fromX = self.mp_Bound.left() fromY = self.mp_Bound.bottom() toX = fromX + mousePos.x() - self.mp_Pos.x() toY = fromY + mousePos.y() - self.mp_Pos.y() toX = snapF(toX, size, -4, snap) toY = snapF(toY, size, +4, snap) D.setX(toX - fromX) D.setY(toY - fromY) R.setLeft(toX) R.setBottom(toY) ## CLAMP SIZE if R.width() < mbrw: D.setX(D.x() - mbrw + R.width()) R.setLeft(R.left() - mbrw + R.width()) if R.height() < mbrh: D.setY(D.y() + mbrh - R.height()) R.setBottom(R.bottom() + mbrh - R.height()) background.setLeft(R.left()) background.setBottom(R.bottom()) selection.setLeft(R.left()) selection.setBottom(R.bottom()) polygon.setLeft(R.left() + 4) polygon.setBottom(R.bottom() - 4) elif self.mp_Handle == self.HandleBM: fromY = self.mp_Bound.bottom() toY = fromY + mousePos.y() - self.mp_Pos.y() toY = snapF(toY, size, +4, snap) D.setY(toY - fromY) R.setBottom(toY) ## CLAMP SIZE if R.height() < mbrh: D.setY(D.y() + mbrh - R.height()) R.setBottom(R.bottom() + mbrh - R.height()) background.setBottom(R.bottom()) selection.setBottom(R.bottom()) polygon.setBottom(R.bottom() - 4) elif self.mp_Handle == self.HandleBR: fromX = self.mp_Bound.right() fromY = self.mp_Bound.bottom() toX = fromX + mousePos.x() - self.mp_Pos.x() toY = fromY + mousePos.y() - self.mp_Pos.y() toX = snapF(toX, size, +4, snap) toY = snapF(toY, size, +4, snap) D.setX(toX - fromX) D.setY(toY - fromY) R.setRight(toX) R.setBottom(toY) ## CLAMP SIZE if R.width() < mbrw: D.setX(D.x() + mbrw - R.width()) R.setRight(R.right() + mbrw - R.width()) if R.height() < mbrh: D.setY(D.y() + mbrh - R.height()) R.setBottom(R.bottom() + mbrh - R.height()) background.setRight(R.right()) background.setBottom(R.bottom()) selection.setRight(R.right()) selection.setBottom(R.bottom()) polygon.setRight(R.right() - 4) polygon.setBottom(R.bottom() - 4) self.background.setGeometry(background) self.selection.setGeometry(selection) self.polygon.setGeometry(polygon) self.updateNode(selected=True, handle=self.mp_Handle, anchors=(self.mp_Data, D)) self.updateTextPos(moved=moved)
def test_snapF_with_skip(self): self.assertEqual(8.0, snapF(value=8.0, size=10.0, perform=False)) self.assertEqual(6.0, snapF(value=6.0, size=10.0, perform=False))
def test_snapF_with_offset(self): self.assertEqual(12.0, snapF(value=8.0, size=10.0, offset=2.0)) self.assertEqual(6.0, snapF(value=6.0, size=10.0, offset=-4.0))
def test_snapF(self): self.assertEqual(10.0, snapF(value=8.0, size=10.0)) self.assertEqual(10.0, snapF(value=6.0, size=10.0)) self.assertEqual(0.0, snapF(value=5.0, size=10.0)) self.assertEqual(0.0, snapF(value=4.0, size=10.0)) self.assertEqual(0.0, snapF(value=2.0, size=10.0))
def test_snapF_with_skip(): assert 8.0 == snapF(value=8.0, size=10.0, perform=False) assert 6.0 == snapF(value=6.0, size=10.0, perform=False)
def test_snapF_with_offset(): assert 12.0 == snapF(value=8.0, size=10.0, offset=2.0) assert 6.0 == snapF(value=6.0, size=10.0, offset=-4.0)
def test_snapF(): assert 10.0 == snapF(value=8.0, size=10.0) assert 10.0 == snapF(value=6.0, size=10.0) assert 0.0 == snapF(value=5.0, size=10.0) assert 0.0 == snapF(value=4.0, size=10.0) assert 0.0 == snapF(value=2.0, size=10.0)
def resize(self, mousePos): """ Handle the interactive resize of the shape. :type mousePos: QtCore.QPointF """ snap = self.session.action('toggle_grid').isChecked() size = self.diagram.GridSize moved = self.label.isMoved() background = self.background.geometry() selection = self.selection.geometry() polygon = self.polygon.geometry() R = QtCore.QRectF(self.boundingRect()) D = QtCore.QPointF(0, 0) mbrh = 58 mbrw = 78 self.prepareGeometryChange() if self.mp_Handle == self.HandleTL: fromX = self.mp_Bound.left() fromY = toX = fromX + mousePos.x() - self.mp_Pos.x() toY = fromY + mousePos.y() - self.mp_Pos.y() toX = snapF(toX, size, -4, snap) toY = snapF(toY, size, -4, snap) D.setX(toX - fromX) D.setY(toY - fromY) R.setLeft(toX) R.setTop(toY) ## CLAMP SIZE if R.width() < mbrw: D.setX(D.x() - mbrw + R.width()) R.setLeft(R.left() - mbrw + R.width()) if R.height() < mbrh: D.setY(D.y() - mbrh + R.height()) R.setTop( - mbrh + R.height()) selection[self.IndexT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + R.width() / 2, selection[self.IndexB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + R.width() / 2, selection[self.IndexB].y()) selection[self.IndexL] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), + R.height() / 2) selection[self.IndexE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), + R.height() / 2) selection[self.IndexR] = QtCore.QPointF(selection[self.IndexR].x(), + R.height() / 2) background[self.IndexT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + R.width() / 2, background[self.IndexB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + R.width() / 2, background[self.IndexB].y()) background[self.IndexL] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), + R.height() / 2) background[self.IndexE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), + R.height() / 2) background[self.IndexR] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexR].x(), + R.height() / 2) polygon[self.IndexT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + R.width() / 2, + 4) polygon[self.IndexB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + R.width() / 2, polygon[self.IndexB].y()) polygon[self.IndexL] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, + R.height() / 2) polygon[self.IndexE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, + R.height() / 2) polygon[self.IndexR] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexR].x(), + R.height() / 2) elif self.mp_Handle == self.HandleTM: fromY = toY = fromY + mousePos.y() - self.mp_Pos.y() toY = snapF(toY, size, -4, snap) D.setY(toY - fromY) R.setTop(toY) ## CLAMP SIZE if R.height() < mbrh: D.setY(D.y() - mbrh + R.height()) R.setTop( - mbrh + R.height()) selection[self.IndexT] = QtCore.QPointF(selection[self.IndexT].x(), selection[self.IndexL] = QtCore.QPointF(selection[self.IndexL].x(), + R.height() / 2) selection[self.IndexE] = QtCore.QPointF(selection[self.IndexE].x(), + R.height() / 2) selection[self.IndexR] = QtCore.QPointF(selection[self.IndexR].x(), + R.height() / 2) background[self.IndexT] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexT].x(), background[self.IndexL] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexL].x(), + R.height() / 2) background[self.IndexE] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexE].x(), + R.height() / 2) background[self.IndexR] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexR].x(), + R.height() / 2) polygon[self.IndexT] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexT].x(), + 4) polygon[self.IndexL] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexL].x(), + R.height() / 2) polygon[self.IndexE] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexE].x(), + R.height() / 2) polygon[self.IndexR] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexR].x(), + R.height() / 2) elif self.mp_Handle == self.HandleTR: fromX = self.mp_Bound.right() fromY = toX = fromX + mousePos.x() - self.mp_Pos.x() toY = fromY + mousePos.y() - self.mp_Pos.y() toX = snapF(toX, size, +4, snap) toY = snapF(toY, size, -4, snap) D.setX(toX - fromX) D.setY(toY - fromY) R.setRight(toX) R.setTop(toY) ## CLAMP SIZE if R.width() < mbrw: D.setX(D.x() + mbrw - R.width()) R.setRight(R.right() + mbrw - R.width()) if R.height() < mbrh: D.setY(D.y() - mbrh + R.height()) R.setTop( - mbrh + R.height()) selection[self.IndexT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - R.width() / 2, selection[self.IndexB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - R.width() / 2, selection[self.IndexB].y()) selection[self.IndexL] = QtCore.QPointF(selection[self.IndexL].x(), + R.height() / 2) selection[self.IndexE] = QtCore.QPointF(selection[self.IndexE].x(), + R.height() / 2) selection[self.IndexR] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), + R.height() / 2) background[self.IndexT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - R.width() / 2, background[self.IndexB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - R.width() / 2, background[self.IndexB].y()) background[self.IndexL] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexL].x(), + R.height() / 2) background[self.IndexE] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexE].x(), + R.height() / 2) background[self.IndexR] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), + R.height() / 2) polygon[self.IndexT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - R.width() / 2, + 4) polygon[self.IndexB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - R.width() / 2, polygon[self.IndexB].y()) polygon[self.IndexL] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexL].x(), + R.height() / 2) polygon[self.IndexE] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexE].x(), + R.height() / 2) polygon[self.IndexR] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - 4, + R.height() / 2) elif self.mp_Handle == self.HandleML: fromX = self.mp_Bound.left() toX = fromX + mousePos.x() - self.mp_Pos.x() toX = snapF(toX, size, -4, snap) D.setX(toX - fromX) R.setLeft(toX) ## CLAMP SIZE if R.width() < mbrw: D.setX(D.x() - mbrw + R.width()) R.setLeft(R.left() - mbrw + R.width()) selection[self.IndexL] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), + self.mp_Bound.height() / 2) selection[self.IndexE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), + self.mp_Bound.height() / 2) selection[self.IndexT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + R.width() / 2, selection[self.IndexT].y()) selection[self.IndexB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + R.width() / 2, selection[self.IndexB].y()) background[self.IndexL] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), + self.mp_Bound.height() / 2) background[self.IndexE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), + self.mp_Bound.height() / 2) background[self.IndexT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + R.width() / 2, background[self.IndexT].y()) background[self.IndexB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + R.width() / 2, background[self.IndexB].y()) polygon[self.IndexL] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, + self.mp_Bound.height() / 2) polygon[self.IndexE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, + self.mp_Bound.height() / 2) polygon[self.IndexT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + R.width() / 2, polygon[self.IndexT].y()) polygon[self.IndexB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + R.width() / 2, polygon[self.IndexB].y()) elif self.mp_Handle == self.HandleMR: fromX = self.mp_Bound.right() toX = fromX + mousePos.x() - self.mp_Pos.x() toX = snapF(toX, size, +4, snap) D.setX(toX - fromX) R.setRight(toX) ## CLAMP SIZE if R.width() < mbrw: D.setX(D.x() + mbrw - R.width()) R.setRight(R.right() + mbrw - R.width()) selection[self.IndexR] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), + self.mp_Bound.height() / 2) selection[self.IndexT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - R.width() / 2, selection[self.IndexT].y()) selection[self.IndexB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - R.width() / 2, selection[self.IndexB].y()) background[self.IndexR] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), + self.mp_Bound.height() / 2) background[self.IndexT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - R.width() / 2, background[self.IndexT].y()) background[self.IndexB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - R.width() / 2, background[self.IndexB].y()) polygon[self.IndexR] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - 4, + self.mp_Bound.height() / 2) polygon[self.IndexT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - R.width() / 2, polygon[self.IndexT].y()) polygon[self.IndexB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - R.width() / 2, polygon[self.IndexB].y()) elif self.mp_Handle == self.HandleBL: fromX = self.mp_Bound.left() fromY = self.mp_Bound.bottom() toX = fromX + mousePos.x() - self.mp_Pos.x() toY = fromY + mousePos.y() - self.mp_Pos.y() toX = snapF(toX, size, -4, snap) toY = snapF(toY, size, +4, snap) D.setX(toX - fromX) D.setY(toY - fromY) R.setLeft(toX) R.setBottom(toY) ## CLAMP SIZE if R.width() < mbrw: D.setX(D.x() - mbrw + R.width()) R.setLeft(R.left() - mbrw + R.width()) if R.height() < mbrh: D.setY(D.y() + mbrh - R.height()) R.setBottom(R.bottom() + mbrh - R.height()) selection[self.IndexT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + R.width() / 2, selection[self.IndexT].y()) selection[self.IndexB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + R.width() / 2, R.bottom()) selection[self.IndexL] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), R.bottom() - R.height() / 2) selection[self.IndexE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), R.bottom() - R.height() / 2) selection[self.IndexR] = QtCore.QPointF(selection[self.IndexR].x(), R.bottom() - R.height() / 2) background[self.IndexT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + R.width() / 2, background[self.IndexT].y()) background[self.IndexB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + R.width() / 2, R.bottom()) background[self.IndexL] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), R.bottom() - R.height() / 2) background[self.IndexE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), R.bottom() - R.height() / 2) background[self.IndexR] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexR].x(), R.bottom() - R.height() / 2) polygon[self.IndexT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + R.width() / 2, polygon[self.IndexT].y()) polygon[self.IndexB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + R.width() / 2, R.bottom() - 4) polygon[self.IndexL] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, R.bottom() - R.height() / 2) polygon[self.IndexE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, R.bottom() - R.height() / 2) polygon[self.IndexR] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexR].x(), R.bottom() - R.height() / 2) elif self.mp_Handle == self.HandleBM: fromY = self.mp_Bound.bottom() toY = fromY + mousePos.y() - self.mp_Pos.y() toY = snapF(toY, size, +4, snap) D.setY(toY - fromY) R.setBottom(toY) ## CLAMP SIZE if R.height() < mbrh: D.setY(D.y() + mbrh - R.height()) R.setBottom(R.bottom() + mbrh - R.height()) selection[self.IndexB] = QtCore.QPointF(selection[self.IndexB].x(), R.bottom()) selection[self.IndexL] = QtCore.QPointF(selection[self.IndexL].x(), + R.height() / 2) selection[self.IndexE] = QtCore.QPointF(selection[self.IndexE].x(), + R.height() / 2) selection[self.IndexR] = QtCore.QPointF(selection[self.IndexR].x(), + R.height() / 2) background[self.IndexB] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexB].x(), R.bottom()) background[self.IndexL] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexL].x(), + R.height() / 2) background[self.IndexE] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexE].x(), + R.height() / 2) background[self.IndexR] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexR].x(), + R.height() / 2) polygon[self.IndexB] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexB].x(), R.bottom() - 4) polygon[self.IndexL] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexL].x(), + R.height() / 2) polygon[self.IndexE] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexE].x(), + R.height() / 2) polygon[self.IndexR] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexR].x(), + R.height() / 2) elif self.mp_Handle == self.HandleBR: fromX = self.mp_Bound.right() fromY = self.mp_Bound.bottom() toX = fromX + mousePos.x() - self.mp_Pos.x() toY = fromY + mousePos.y() - self.mp_Pos.y() toX = snapF(toX, size, +4, snap) toY = snapF(toY, size, +4, snap) D.setX(toX - fromX) D.setY(toY - fromY) R.setRight(toX) R.setBottom(toY) ## CLAMP SIZE if R.width() < mbrw: D.setX(D.x() + mbrw - R.width()) R.setRight(R.right() + mbrw - R.width()) if R.height() < mbrh: D.setY(D.y() + mbrh - R.height()) R.setBottom(R.bottom() + mbrh - R.height()) selection[self.IndexT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - R.width() / 2, selection[self.IndexT].y()) selection[self.IndexB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - R.width() / 2, R.bottom()) selection[self.IndexL] = QtCore.QPointF(selection[self.IndexL].x(), R.bottom() - R.height() / 2) selection[self.IndexE] = QtCore.QPointF(selection[self.IndexE].x(), R.bottom() - R.height() / 2) selection[self.IndexR] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), R.bottom() - R.height() / 2) background[self.IndexT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - R.width() / 2, background[self.IndexT].y()) background[self.IndexB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - R.width() / 2, R.bottom()) background[self.IndexL] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexL].x(), R.bottom() - R.height() / 2) background[self.IndexE] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexE].x(), R.bottom() - R.height() / 2) background[self.IndexR] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), R.bottom() - R.height() / 2) polygon[self.IndexT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - R.width() / 2, polygon[self.IndexT].y()) polygon[self.IndexB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - R.width() / 2, R.bottom() - 4) polygon[self.IndexL] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexL].x(), R.bottom() - R.height() / 2) polygon[self.IndexE] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexE].x(), R.bottom() - R.height() / 2) polygon[self.IndexR] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - 4, R.bottom() - R.height() / 2) self.background.setGeometry(background) self.selection.setGeometry(selection) self.polygon.setGeometry(polygon) self.updateNode(selected=True, handle=self.mp_Handle, anchors=(self.mp_Data, D)) self.updateTextPos(moved=moved)
def resize(self, mousePos): """ Handle the interactive resize of the shape. :type mousePos: QtCore.QPointF """ snap = self.session.action('toggle_grid').isChecked() size = self.diagram.GridSize moved = self.label.isMoved() background = self.background.geometry() selection = self.selection.geometry() polygon = self.polygon.geometry() R = QtCore.QRectF(self.boundingRect()) D = QtCore.QPointF(0, 0) mbrh = 68 mbrw = 68 self.prepareGeometryChange() if self.mp_Handle == self.HandleTL: fromX = self.mp_Bound.left() fromY = toX = fromX + mousePos.x() - self.mp_Pos.x() toY = fromY + mousePos.y() - self.mp_Pos.y() toX = snapF(toX, size, -4, snap) toY = snapF(toY, size, -4, snap) D.setX(toX - fromX) D.setY(toY - fromY) R.setLeft(toX) R.setTop(toY) ## CLAMP SIZE if R.width() < mbrw: D.setX(D.x() - mbrw + R.width()) R.setLeft(R.left() - mbrw + R.width()) if R.height() < mbrh: D.setY(D.y() - mbrh + R.height()) R.setTop( - mbrh + R.height()) newSideY = (R.height() - 4 * 2) / (1 + math.sqrt(2)) newSideX = (R.width() - 4 * 2) / (1 + math.sqrt(2)) newLeftRightBottomY = (R.y() + R.height() / 2) + newSideY / 2 newLeftRightTopY = (R.y() + R.height() / 2) - newSideY / 2 newTopBottomLeftX = (R.x() + R.width() / 2) - newSideX / 2 newTopBottomRightX = (R.x() + R.width() / 2) + newSideX / 2 selection[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY) selection[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightBottomY) selection[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightTopY) selection[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightBottomY) selection[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, selection[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, selection[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.bottom()) selection[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.bottom()) selection[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY) background[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY) background[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightBottomY) background[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightTopY) background[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightBottomY) background[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, background[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, background[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.bottom()) background[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.bottom()) background[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY) polygon[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, newLeftRightTopY) polygon[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, newLeftRightBottomY) polygon[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - 4, newLeftRightTopY) polygon[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - 4, newLeftRightBottomY) polygon[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, + 4) polygon[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, + 4) polygon[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.bottom() - 4) polygon[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.bottom() - 4) polygon[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, newLeftRightTopY) elif self.mp_Handle == self.HandleTM: fromY = toY = fromY + mousePos.y() - self.mp_Pos.y() toY = snapF(toY, size, -4, snap) D.setY(toY - fromY) R.setTop(toY) ## CLAMP SIZE if R.height() < mbrh: D.setY(D.y() - mbrh + R.height()) R.setTop( - mbrh + R.height()) newSide = (R.height() - 4 * 2) / (1 + math.sqrt(2)) newLeftRightBottomY = (R.y() + R.height() / 2) + newSide / 2 newLeftRightTopY = (R.y() + R.height() / 2) - newSide / 2 selection[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF( background[self.IndexTL].x(), selection[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF( background[self.IndexTR].x(), selection[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF( background[self.IndexLB].x(), newLeftRightBottomY) selection[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF( background[self.IndexRB].x(), newLeftRightBottomY) selection[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF( background[self.IndexLT].x(), newLeftRightTopY) selection[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF( background[self.IndexRT].x(), newLeftRightTopY) selection[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF( background[self.IndexEE].x(), newLeftRightTopY) background[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF( background[self.IndexTL].x(), background[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF( background[self.IndexTR].x(), background[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF( background[self.IndexLB].x(), newLeftRightBottomY) background[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF( background[self.IndexRB].x(), newLeftRightBottomY) background[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF( background[self.IndexLT].x(), newLeftRightTopY) background[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF( background[self.IndexRT].x(), newLeftRightTopY) background[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF( background[self.IndexEE].x(), newLeftRightTopY) polygon[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexTL].x(), + 4) polygon[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexTR].x(), + 4) polygon[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexLB].x(), newLeftRightBottomY) polygon[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexRB].x(), newLeftRightBottomY) polygon[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexLT].x(), newLeftRightTopY) polygon[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexRT].x(), newLeftRightTopY) polygon[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexEE].x(), newLeftRightTopY) elif self.mp_Handle == self.HandleTR: fromX = self.mp_Bound.right() fromY = toX = fromX + mousePos.x() - self.mp_Pos.x() toY = fromY + mousePos.y() - self.mp_Pos.y() toX = snapF(toX, size, +4, snap) toY = snapF(toY, size, -4, snap) D.setX(toX - fromX) D.setY(toY - fromY) R.setRight(toX) R.setTop(toY) ## CLAMP SIZE if R.width() < mbrw: D.setX(D.x() + mbrw - R.width()) R.setRight(R.right() + mbrw - R.width()) if R.height() < mbrh: D.setY(D.y() - mbrh + R.height()) R.setTop( - mbrh + R.height()) newSideY = (R.height() - 4 * 2) / (1 + math.sqrt(2)) newSideX = (R.width() - 4 * 2) / (1 + math.sqrt(2)) newLeftRightBottomY = (R.y() + R.height() / 2) + newSideY / 2 newLeftRightTopY = (R.y() + R.height() / 2) - newSideY / 2 newTopBottomLeftX = (R.x() + R.width() / 2) - newSideX / 2 newTopBottomRightX = (R.x() + R.width() / 2) + newSideX / 2 selection[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY) selection[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightBottomY) selection[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightTopY) selection[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightBottomY) selection[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, selection[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, selection[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.bottom()) selection[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.bottom()) selection[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY) background[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY) background[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightBottomY) background[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightTopY) background[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightBottomY) background[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, background[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, background[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.bottom()) background[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.bottom()) background[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY) polygon[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, newLeftRightTopY) polygon[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, newLeftRightBottomY) polygon[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - 4, newLeftRightTopY) polygon[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - 4, newLeftRightBottomY) polygon[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, + 4) polygon[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, + 4) polygon[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.bottom() - 4) polygon[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.bottom() - 4) polygon[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, newLeftRightTopY) elif self.mp_Handle == self.HandleML: fromX = self.mp_Bound.left() toX = fromX + mousePos.x() - self.mp_Pos.x() toX = snapF(toX, size, -4, snap) D.setX(toX - fromX) R.setLeft(toX) ## CLAMP SIZE if R.width() < mbrw: D.setX(D.x() - mbrw + R.width()) R.setLeft(R.left() - mbrw + R.width()) newSide = (R.width() - 4 * 2) / (1 + math.sqrt(2)) newTopBottomLeftX = (R.x() + R.width() / 2) - newSide / 2 newTopBottomRightX = (R.x() + R.width() / 2) + newSide / 2 selection[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF( R.left(), selection[self.IndexLT].y()) selection[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF( R.left(), selection[self.IndexLB].y()) selection[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF( R.left(), selection[self.IndexEE].y()) selection[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF( newTopBottomLeftX, selection[self.IndexTL].y()) selection[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF( newTopBottomRightX, selection[self.IndexTR].y()) selection[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF( newTopBottomLeftX, selection[self.IndexBL].y()) selection[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF( newTopBottomRightX, selection[self.IndexBR].y()) background[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF( R.left(), background[self.IndexLT].y()) background[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF( R.left(), background[self.IndexLB].y()) background[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF( R.left(), background[self.IndexEE].y()) background[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF( newTopBottomLeftX, background[self.IndexTL].y()) background[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF( newTopBottomRightX, background[self.IndexTR].y()) background[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF( newTopBottomLeftX, background[self.IndexBL].y()) background[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF( newTopBottomRightX, background[self.IndexBR].y()) polygon[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, polygon[self.IndexLT].y()) polygon[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, polygon[self.IndexLB].y()) polygon[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, polygon[self.IndexEE].y()) polygon[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, polygon[self.IndexTL].y()) polygon[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, polygon[self.IndexTR].y()) polygon[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, polygon[self.IndexBL].y()) polygon[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, polygon[self.IndexBR].y()) elif self.mp_Handle == self.HandleMR: fromX = self.mp_Bound.right() toX = fromX + mousePos.x() - self.mp_Pos.x() toX = snapF(toX, size, +4, snap) D.setX(toX - fromX) R.setRight(toX) ## CLAMP SIZE if R.width() < mbrw: D.setX(D.x() + mbrw - R.width()) R.setRight(R.right() + mbrw - R.width()) newSide = (R.width() - 4 * 2) / (1 + math.sqrt(2)) newTopBottomRightX = (R.x() + R.width() / 2) + newSide / 2 newTopBottomLeftX = (R.x() + R.width() / 2) - newSide / 2 selection[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF( R.right(), selection[self.IndexRT].y()) selection[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF( R.right(), selection[self.IndexRB].y()) selection[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF( newTopBottomLeftX, selection[self.IndexTL].y()) selection[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF( newTopBottomRightX, selection[self.IndexTR].y()) selection[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF( newTopBottomLeftX, selection[self.IndexBL].y()) selection[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF( newTopBottomRightX, selection[self.IndexBR].y()) background[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF( R.right(), background[self.IndexRT].y()) background[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF( R.right(), background[self.IndexRB].y()) background[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF( newTopBottomLeftX, background[self.IndexTL].y()) background[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF( newTopBottomRightX, background[self.IndexTR].y()) background[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF( newTopBottomLeftX, background[self.IndexBL].y()) background[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF( newTopBottomRightX, background[self.IndexBR].y()) polygon[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - 4, polygon[self.IndexRT].y()) polygon[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - 4, polygon[self.IndexRB].y()) polygon[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, polygon[self.IndexTL].y()) polygon[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, polygon[self.IndexTR].y()) polygon[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, polygon[self.IndexBL].y()) polygon[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, polygon[self.IndexBR].y()) elif self.mp_Handle == self.HandleBL: fromX = self.mp_Bound.left() fromY = self.mp_Bound.bottom() toX = fromX + mousePos.x() - self.mp_Pos.x() toY = fromY + mousePos.y() - self.mp_Pos.y() toX = snapF(toX, size, -4, snap) toY = snapF(toY, size, +4, snap) D.setX(toX - fromX) D.setY(toY - fromY) R.setLeft(toX) R.setBottom(toY) ## CLAMP SIZE if R.width() < mbrw: D.setX(D.x() - mbrw + R.width()) R.setLeft(R.left() - mbrw + R.width()) if R.height() < mbrh: D.setY(D.y() + mbrh - R.height()) R.setBottom(R.bottom() + mbrh - R.height()) newSideY = (R.height() - 4 * 2) / (1 + math.sqrt(2)) newSideX = (R.width() - 4 * 2) / (1 + math.sqrt(2)) newLeftRightBottomY = (R.y() + R.height() / 2) + newSideY / 2 newLeftRightTopY = (R.y() + R.height() / 2) - newSideY / 2 newTopBottomLeftX = (R.x() + R.width() / 2) - newSideX / 2 newTopBottomRightX = (R.x() + R.width() / 2) + newSideX / 2 selection[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY) selection[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightBottomY) selection[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightTopY) selection[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightBottomY) selection[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, selection[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, selection[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.bottom()) selection[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.bottom()) selection[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY) background[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY) background[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightBottomY) background[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightTopY) background[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightBottomY) background[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, background[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, background[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.bottom()) background[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.bottom()) background[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY) polygon[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, newLeftRightTopY) polygon[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, newLeftRightBottomY) polygon[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - 4, newLeftRightTopY) polygon[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - 4, newLeftRightBottomY) polygon[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, + 4) polygon[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, + 4) polygon[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.bottom() - 4) polygon[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.bottom() - 4) polygon[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, newLeftRightTopY) elif self.mp_Handle == self.HandleBM: fromY = self.mp_Bound.bottom() toY = fromY + mousePos.y() - self.mp_Pos.y() toY = snapF(toY, size, +4, snap) D.setY(toY - fromY) R.setBottom(toY) ## CLAMP SIZE if R.height() < mbrh: D.setY(D.y() + mbrh - R.height()) R.setBottom(R.bottom() + mbrh - R.height()) newSide = (R.height() - 4 * 2) / (1 + math.sqrt(2)) newLeftRightTopY = (R.y() + R.height() / 2) - newSide / 2 newLeftRightBottomY = (R.y() + R.height() / 2) + newSide / 2 selection[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF( selection[self.IndexBL].x(), R.bottom()) selection[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF( selection[self.IndexBR].x(), R.bottom()) selection[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF( selection[self.IndexLB].x(), newLeftRightBottomY) selection[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF( selection[self.IndexRB].x(), newLeftRightBottomY) selection[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF( selection[self.IndexLT].x(), newLeftRightTopY) selection[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF( selection[self.IndexRT].x(), newLeftRightTopY) selection[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF( selection[self.IndexEE].x(), newLeftRightTopY) background[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF( background[self.IndexBL].x(), R.bottom()) background[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF( background[self.IndexBR].x(), R.bottom()) background[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF( background[self.IndexLB].x(), newLeftRightBottomY) background[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF( background[self.IndexRB].x(), newLeftRightBottomY) background[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF( background[self.IndexLT].x(), newLeftRightTopY) background[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF( background[self.IndexRT].x(), newLeftRightTopY) background[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF( background[self.IndexEE].x(), newLeftRightTopY) polygon[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexBL].x(), R.bottom() - 4) polygon[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexBR].x(), R.bottom() - 4) polygon[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexLB].x(), newLeftRightBottomY) polygon[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexRB].x(), newLeftRightBottomY) polygon[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexLT].x(), newLeftRightTopY) polygon[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexRT].x(), newLeftRightTopY) polygon[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexEE].x(), newLeftRightTopY) elif self.mp_Handle == self.HandleBR: fromX = self.mp_Bound.right() fromY = self.mp_Bound.bottom() toX = fromX + mousePos.x() - self.mp_Pos.x() toY = fromY + mousePos.y() - self.mp_Pos.y() toX = snapF(toX, size, +4, snap) toY = snapF(toY, size, +4, snap) D.setX(toX - fromX) D.setY(toY - fromY) R.setRight(toX) R.setBottom(toY) ## CLAMP SIZE if R.width() < mbrw: D.setX(D.x() + mbrw - R.width()) R.setRight(R.right() + mbrw - R.width()) if R.height() < mbrh: D.setY(D.y() + mbrh - R.height()) R.setBottom(R.bottom() + mbrh - R.height()) newSideY = (R.height() - 4 * 2) / (1 + math.sqrt(2)) newSideX = (R.width() - 4 * 2) / (1 + math.sqrt(2)) newLeftRightBottomY = (R.y() + R.height() / 2) + newSideY / 2 newLeftRightTopY = (R.y() + R.height() / 2) - newSideY / 2 newTopBottomLeftX = (R.x() + R.width() / 2) - newSideX / 2 newTopBottomRightX = (R.x() + R.width() / 2) + newSideX / 2 selection[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY) selection[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightBottomY) selection[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightTopY) selection[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightBottomY) selection[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, selection[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, selection[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.bottom()) selection[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.bottom()) selection[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY) background[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY) background[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightBottomY) background[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightTopY) background[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightBottomY) background[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, background[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, background[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.bottom()) background[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.bottom()) background[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY) polygon[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, newLeftRightTopY) polygon[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, newLeftRightBottomY) polygon[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - 4, newLeftRightTopY) polygon[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - 4, newLeftRightBottomY) polygon[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, + 4) polygon[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, + 4) polygon[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.bottom() - 4) polygon[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.bottom() - 4) polygon[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, newLeftRightTopY) self.background.setGeometry(background) self.selection.setGeometry(selection) self.polygon.setGeometry(polygon) self.updateNode(selected=True, handle=self.mp_Handle, anchors=(self.mp_Data, D)) self.updateTextPos(moved=moved)
def resize(self, mousePos): """ Handle the interactive resize of the shape. :type mousePos: QtCore.QPointF """ snap = self.session.action("toggle_grid").isChecked() size = self.diagram.GridSize moved = self.label.isMoved() background = self.background.geometry() selection = self.selection.geometry() polygon = self.polygon.geometry() R = QtCore.QRectF(self.boundingRect()) D = QtCore.QPointF(0, 0) mbrh = 68 mbrw = 68 self.prepareGeometryChange() if self.mp_Handle == self.HandleTL: fromX = self.mp_Bound.left() fromY = toX = fromX + mousePos.x() - self.mp_Pos.x() toY = fromY + mousePos.y() - self.mp_Pos.y() toX = snapF(toX, size, -4, snap) toY = snapF(toY, size, -4, snap) D.setX(toX - fromX) D.setY(toY - fromY) R.setLeft(toX) R.setTop(toY) ## CLAMP SIZE if R.width() < mbrw: D.setX(D.x() - mbrw + R.width()) R.setLeft(R.left() - mbrw + R.width()) if R.height() < mbrh: D.setY(D.y() - mbrh + R.height()) R.setTop( - mbrh + R.height()) newSideY = (R.height() - 4 * 2) / (1 + math.sqrt(2)) newSideX = (R.width() - 4 * 2) / (1 + math.sqrt(2)) newLeftRightBottomY = (R.y() + R.height() / 2) + newSideY / 2 newLeftRightTopY = (R.y() + R.height() / 2) - newSideY / 2 newTopBottomLeftX = (R.x() + R.width() / 2) - newSideX / 2 newTopBottomRightX = (R.x() + R.width() / 2) + newSideX / 2 selection[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY) selection[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightBottomY) selection[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightTopY) selection[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightBottomY) selection[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, selection[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, selection[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.bottom()) selection[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.bottom()) selection[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY) background[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY) background[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightBottomY) background[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightTopY) background[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightBottomY) background[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, background[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, background[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.bottom()) background[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.bottom()) background[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY) polygon[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, newLeftRightTopY) polygon[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, newLeftRightBottomY) polygon[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - 4, newLeftRightTopY) polygon[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - 4, newLeftRightBottomY) polygon[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, + 4) polygon[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, + 4) polygon[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.bottom() - 4) polygon[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.bottom() - 4) polygon[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, newLeftRightTopY) elif self.mp_Handle == self.HandleTM: fromY = toY = fromY + mousePos.y() - self.mp_Pos.y() toY = snapF(toY, size, -4, snap) D.setY(toY - fromY) R.setTop(toY) ## CLAMP SIZE if R.height() < mbrh: D.setY(D.y() - mbrh + R.height()) R.setTop( - mbrh + R.height()) newSide = (R.height() - 4 * 2) / (1 + math.sqrt(2)) newLeftRightBottomY = (R.y() + R.height() / 2) + newSide / 2 newLeftRightTopY = (R.y() + R.height() / 2) - newSide / 2 selection[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexTL].x(), selection[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexTR].x(), selection[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexLB].x(), newLeftRightBottomY) selection[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexRB].x(), newLeftRightBottomY) selection[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexLT].x(), newLeftRightTopY) selection[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexRT].x(), newLeftRightTopY) selection[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexEE].x(), newLeftRightTopY) background[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexTL].x(), background[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexTR].x(), background[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexLB].x(), newLeftRightBottomY) background[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexRB].x(), newLeftRightBottomY) background[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexLT].x(), newLeftRightTopY) background[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexRT].x(), newLeftRightTopY) background[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexEE].x(), newLeftRightTopY) polygon[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexTL].x(), + 4) polygon[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexTR].x(), + 4) polygon[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexLB].x(), newLeftRightBottomY) polygon[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexRB].x(), newLeftRightBottomY) polygon[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexLT].x(), newLeftRightTopY) polygon[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexRT].x(), newLeftRightTopY) polygon[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexEE].x(), newLeftRightTopY) elif self.mp_Handle == self.HandleTR: fromX = self.mp_Bound.right() fromY = toX = fromX + mousePos.x() - self.mp_Pos.x() toY = fromY + mousePos.y() - self.mp_Pos.y() toX = snapF(toX, size, +4, snap) toY = snapF(toY, size, -4, snap) D.setX(toX - fromX) D.setY(toY - fromY) R.setRight(toX) R.setTop(toY) ## CLAMP SIZE if R.width() < mbrw: D.setX(D.x() + mbrw - R.width()) R.setRight(R.right() + mbrw - R.width()) if R.height() < mbrh: D.setY(D.y() - mbrh + R.height()) R.setTop( - mbrh + R.height()) newSideY = (R.height() - 4 * 2) / (1 + math.sqrt(2)) newSideX = (R.width() - 4 * 2) / (1 + math.sqrt(2)) newLeftRightBottomY = (R.y() + R.height() / 2) + newSideY / 2 newLeftRightTopY = (R.y() + R.height() / 2) - newSideY / 2 newTopBottomLeftX = (R.x() + R.width() / 2) - newSideX / 2 newTopBottomRightX = (R.x() + R.width() / 2) + newSideX / 2 selection[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY) selection[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightBottomY) selection[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightTopY) selection[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightBottomY) selection[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, selection[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, selection[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.bottom()) selection[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.bottom()) selection[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY) background[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY) background[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightBottomY) background[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightTopY) background[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightBottomY) background[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, background[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, background[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.bottom()) background[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.bottom()) background[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY) polygon[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, newLeftRightTopY) polygon[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, newLeftRightBottomY) polygon[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - 4, newLeftRightTopY) polygon[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - 4, newLeftRightBottomY) polygon[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, + 4) polygon[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, + 4) polygon[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.bottom() - 4) polygon[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.bottom() - 4) polygon[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, newLeftRightTopY) elif self.mp_Handle == self.HandleML: fromX = self.mp_Bound.left() toX = fromX + mousePos.x() - self.mp_Pos.x() toX = snapF(toX, size, -4, snap) D.setX(toX - fromX) R.setLeft(toX) ## CLAMP SIZE if R.width() < mbrw: D.setX(D.x() - mbrw + R.width()) R.setLeft(R.left() - mbrw + R.width()) newSide = (R.width() - 4 * 2) / (1 + math.sqrt(2)) newTopBottomLeftX = (R.x() + R.width() / 2) - newSide / 2 newTopBottomRightX = (R.x() + R.width() / 2) + newSide / 2 selection[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), selection[self.IndexLT].y()) selection[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), selection[self.IndexLB].y()) selection[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), selection[self.IndexEE].y()) selection[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, selection[self.IndexTL].y()) selection[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, selection[self.IndexTR].y()) selection[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, selection[self.IndexBL].y()) selection[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, selection[self.IndexBR].y()) background[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), background[self.IndexLT].y()) background[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), background[self.IndexLB].y()) background[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), background[self.IndexEE].y()) background[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, background[self.IndexTL].y()) background[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, background[self.IndexTR].y()) background[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, background[self.IndexBL].y()) background[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, background[self.IndexBR].y()) polygon[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, polygon[self.IndexLT].y()) polygon[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, polygon[self.IndexLB].y()) polygon[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, polygon[self.IndexEE].y()) polygon[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, polygon[self.IndexTL].y()) polygon[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, polygon[self.IndexTR].y()) polygon[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, polygon[self.IndexBL].y()) polygon[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, polygon[self.IndexBR].y()) elif self.mp_Handle == self.HandleMR: fromX = self.mp_Bound.right() toX = fromX + mousePos.x() - self.mp_Pos.x() toX = snapF(toX, size, +4, snap) D.setX(toX - fromX) R.setRight(toX) ## CLAMP SIZE if R.width() < mbrw: D.setX(D.x() + mbrw - R.width()) R.setRight(R.right() + mbrw - R.width()) newSide = (R.width() - 4 * 2) / (1 + math.sqrt(2)) newTopBottomRightX = (R.x() + R.width() / 2) + newSide / 2 newTopBottomLeftX = (R.x() + R.width() / 2) - newSide / 2 selection[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), selection[self.IndexRT].y()) selection[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), selection[self.IndexRB].y()) selection[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, selection[self.IndexTL].y()) selection[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, selection[self.IndexTR].y()) selection[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, selection[self.IndexBL].y()) selection[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, selection[self.IndexBR].y()) background[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), background[self.IndexRT].y()) background[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), background[self.IndexRB].y()) background[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, background[self.IndexTL].y()) background[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, background[self.IndexTR].y()) background[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, background[self.IndexBL].y()) background[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, background[self.IndexBR].y()) polygon[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - 4, polygon[self.IndexRT].y()) polygon[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - 4, polygon[self.IndexRB].y()) polygon[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, polygon[self.IndexTL].y()) polygon[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, polygon[self.IndexTR].y()) polygon[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, polygon[self.IndexBL].y()) polygon[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, polygon[self.IndexBR].y()) elif self.mp_Handle == self.HandleBL: fromX = self.mp_Bound.left() fromY = self.mp_Bound.bottom() toX = fromX + mousePos.x() - self.mp_Pos.x() toY = fromY + mousePos.y() - self.mp_Pos.y() toX = snapF(toX, size, -4, snap) toY = snapF(toY, size, +4, snap) D.setX(toX - fromX) D.setY(toY - fromY) R.setLeft(toX) R.setBottom(toY) ## CLAMP SIZE if R.width() < mbrw: D.setX(D.x() - mbrw + R.width()) R.setLeft(R.left() - mbrw + R.width()) if R.height() < mbrh: D.setY(D.y() + mbrh - R.height()) R.setBottom(R.bottom() + mbrh - R.height()) newSideY = (R.height() - 4 * 2) / (1 + math.sqrt(2)) newSideX = (R.width() - 4 * 2) / (1 + math.sqrt(2)) newLeftRightBottomY = (R.y() + R.height() / 2) + newSideY / 2 newLeftRightTopY = (R.y() + R.height() / 2) - newSideY / 2 newTopBottomLeftX = (R.x() + R.width() / 2) - newSideX / 2 newTopBottomRightX = (R.x() + R.width() / 2) + newSideX / 2 selection[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY) selection[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightBottomY) selection[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightTopY) selection[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightBottomY) selection[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, selection[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, selection[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.bottom()) selection[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.bottom()) selection[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY) background[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY) background[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightBottomY) background[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightTopY) background[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightBottomY) background[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, background[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, background[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.bottom()) background[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.bottom()) background[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY) polygon[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, newLeftRightTopY) polygon[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, newLeftRightBottomY) polygon[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - 4, newLeftRightTopY) polygon[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - 4, newLeftRightBottomY) polygon[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, + 4) polygon[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, + 4) polygon[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.bottom() - 4) polygon[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.bottom() - 4) polygon[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, newLeftRightTopY) elif self.mp_Handle == self.HandleBM: fromY = self.mp_Bound.bottom() toY = fromY + mousePos.y() - self.mp_Pos.y() toY = snapF(toY, size, +4, snap) D.setY(toY - fromY) R.setBottom(toY) ## CLAMP SIZE if R.height() < mbrh: D.setY(D.y() + mbrh - R.height()) R.setBottom(R.bottom() + mbrh - R.height()) newSide = (R.height() - 4 * 2) / (1 + math.sqrt(2)) newLeftRightTopY = (R.y() + R.height() / 2) - newSide / 2 newLeftRightBottomY = (R.y() + R.height() / 2) + newSide / 2 selection[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(selection[self.IndexBL].x(), R.bottom()) selection[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(selection[self.IndexBR].x(), R.bottom()) selection[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(selection[self.IndexLB].x(), newLeftRightBottomY) selection[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(selection[self.IndexRB].x(), newLeftRightBottomY) selection[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(selection[self.IndexLT].x(), newLeftRightTopY) selection[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(selection[self.IndexRT].x(), newLeftRightTopY) selection[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(selection[self.IndexEE].x(), newLeftRightTopY) background[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexBL].x(), R.bottom()) background[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexBR].x(), R.bottom()) background[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexLB].x(), newLeftRightBottomY) background[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexRB].x(), newLeftRightBottomY) background[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexLT].x(), newLeftRightTopY) background[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexRT].x(), newLeftRightTopY) background[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(background[self.IndexEE].x(), newLeftRightTopY) polygon[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexBL].x(), R.bottom() - 4) polygon[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexBR].x(), R.bottom() - 4) polygon[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexLB].x(), newLeftRightBottomY) polygon[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexRB].x(), newLeftRightBottomY) polygon[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexLT].x(), newLeftRightTopY) polygon[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexRT].x(), newLeftRightTopY) polygon[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(polygon[self.IndexEE].x(), newLeftRightTopY) elif self.mp_Handle == self.HandleBR: fromX = self.mp_Bound.right() fromY = self.mp_Bound.bottom() toX = fromX + mousePos.x() - self.mp_Pos.x() toY = fromY + mousePos.y() - self.mp_Pos.y() toX = snapF(toX, size, +4, snap) toY = snapF(toY, size, +4, snap) D.setX(toX - fromX) D.setY(toY - fromY) R.setRight(toX) R.setBottom(toY) ## CLAMP SIZE if R.width() < mbrw: D.setX(D.x() + mbrw - R.width()) R.setRight(R.right() + mbrw - R.width()) if R.height() < mbrh: D.setY(D.y() + mbrh - R.height()) R.setBottom(R.bottom() + mbrh - R.height()) newSideY = (R.height() - 4 * 2) / (1 + math.sqrt(2)) newSideX = (R.width() - 4 * 2) / (1 + math.sqrt(2)) newLeftRightBottomY = (R.y() + R.height() / 2) + newSideY / 2 newLeftRightTopY = (R.y() + R.height() / 2) - newSideY / 2 newTopBottomLeftX = (R.x() + R.width() / 2) - newSideX / 2 newTopBottomRightX = (R.x() + R.width() / 2) + newSideX / 2 selection[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY) selection[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightBottomY) selection[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightTopY) selection[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightBottomY) selection[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, selection[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, selection[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.bottom()) selection[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.bottom()) selection[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY) background[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY) background[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightBottomY) background[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightTopY) background[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right(), newLeftRightBottomY) background[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, background[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, background[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.bottom()) background[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.bottom()) background[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left(), newLeftRightTopY) polygon[self.IndexLT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, newLeftRightTopY) polygon[self.IndexLB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, newLeftRightBottomY) polygon[self.IndexRT] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - 4, newLeftRightTopY) polygon[self.IndexRB] = QtCore.QPointF(R.right() - 4, newLeftRightBottomY) polygon[self.IndexTL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, + 4) polygon[self.IndexTR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, + 4) polygon[self.IndexBL] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomLeftX, R.bottom() - 4) polygon[self.IndexBR] = QtCore.QPointF(newTopBottomRightX, R.bottom() - 4) polygon[self.IndexEE] = QtCore.QPointF(R.left() + 4, newLeftRightTopY) self.background.setGeometry(background) self.selection.setGeometry(selection) self.polygon.setGeometry(polygon) self.updateNode(selected=True, handle=self.mp_Handle, anchors=(self.mp_Data, D)) self.updateTextPos(moved=moved)