예제 #1
파일: scene.py 프로젝트: gitter-badger/eddy
    def __init__(self, mainwindow, parent=None):
        Initialize the diagram scene.
        :type mainwindow: MainWindow
        :type parent: QWidget
        self.document = File(parent=self)
        self.guid = GUID(self)
        self.factory = ItemFactory(self)
        self.index = ItemIndex(self)
        self.meta = PredicateMetaIndex(self)
        self.undostack = QUndoStack(self)
        self.validator = OWL2Validator(self)
        self.mainwindow = mainwindow
        self.pasteOffsetX = Clipboard.PasteOffsetX
        self.pasteOffsetY = Clipboard.PasteOffsetY
        self.mode = DiagramMode.Idle
        self.modeParam = Item.Undefined
        self.mouseOverNode = None
        self.mousePressEdge = None
        self.mousePressPos = None
        self.mousePressNode = None
        self.mousePressNodePos = None
        self.mousePressData = {}

        connect(self.sgnItemAdded, self.index.add)
        connect(self.sgnItemRemoved, self.index.remove)
예제 #2
파일: diagram.py 프로젝트: obdasystems/eddy
    def __init__(self, name, parent):
        Initialize the diagram.
        :type name: str
        :type parent: Project

        self.factory = ItemFactory(self)
        self.guid = GUID(self)
        self.mode = DiagramMode.Idle
        self.modeParam = Item.Undefined
        self.name = name
        self.pasteX = Clipboard.PasteOffsetX
        self.pasteY = Clipboard.PasteOffsetY

        self.mo_Node = None
        self.mp_Data = None
        self.mp_Edge = None
        self.mp_Label = None
        self.mp_LabelPos = None
        self.mp_Node = None
        self.mp_NodePos = None
        self.mp_Pos = None

        settings = QtCore.QSettings()
                                          self.font().pixelSize(), int)))

        connect(self.sgnItemAdded, self.onItemAdded)
        connect(self.sgnItemRemoved, self.onItemRemoved)
        connect(self.sgnNodeIdentification, self.doNodeIdentification)
예제 #3
    def __init__(self, name, parent):
        Initialize the diagram.
        :type name: str
        :type parent: Project

        self.factory = ItemFactory(self)
        self.guid = GUID(self)
        self.mode = DiagramMode.Idle
        self.modeParam = Item.Undefined
        self.name = name
        self.pasteX = Clipboard.PasteOffsetX
        self.pasteY = Clipboard.PasteOffsetY

        self.mo_Node = None
        self.mp_Data = None
        self.mp_Edge = None
        self.mp_Label = None
        self.mp_LabelPos = None
        self.mp_Node = None
        self.mp_NodePos = None
        self.mp_Pos = None

        connect(self.sgnItemAdded, self.onItemAdded)
        connect(self.sgnItemRemoved, self.onItemRemoved)
        connect(self.sgnNodeIdentification, self.doNodeIdentification)
예제 #4
    def __init__(self, name, parent):
        Initialize the diagram.
        :type name: str
        :type parent: Project

        self.factory = ItemFactory(self)
        self.guid = GUID(self)
        self.mode = DiagramMode.Idle
        self.modeParam = Item.Undefined
        self.name = name
        self.pasteX = Clipboard.PasteOffsetX
        self.pasteY = Clipboard.PasteOffsetY

        self.mo_Node = None
        self.mp_Data = None
        self.mp_Edge = None
        self.mp_Label = None
        self.mp_LabelPos = None
        self.mp_Node = None
        self.mp_NodePos = None
        self.mp_Pos = None

        connect(self.sgnItemAdded, self.onItemAdded)
        connect(self.sgnItemRemoved, self.onItemRemoved)
        connect(self.sgnNodeIdentification, self.doNodeIdentification)
예제 #5
 def __init__(self, mainwindow, filepath, parent=None):
     Initialize the loader.
     :type mainwindow: MainWindow
     :type filepath: str
     :type parent: QObject
     self.mainwindow = mainwindow
     self.filepath = filepath
     self.factory = ItemFactory(self)
     self.scene = None
     self.errors = []
예제 #6
class Diagram(QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene):
    Extension of QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene which implements a single Graphol diagram.
    Additionally to built-in signals, this class emits:

    * sgnItemAdded: whenever an element is added to the Diagram.
    * sgnItemInsertionCompleted: whenever an item 'MANUAL' insertion process is completed.
    * sgnItemRemoved: whenever an element is removed from the Diagram.
    * sgnModeChanged: whenever the Diagram operational mode (or its parameter) changes.
    * sgnUpdated: whenever the Diagram has been updated in any of its parts.
    GridSize = 10
    MinSize = 2000
    MaxSize = 1000000
    SelectionRadius = 4

    sgnItemAdded = QtCore.pyqtSignal('QGraphicsScene', 'QGraphicsItem')
    sgnItemInsertionCompleted = QtCore.pyqtSignal('QGraphicsItem', int)
    sgnItemRemoved = QtCore.pyqtSignal('QGraphicsScene', 'QGraphicsItem')
    sgnModeChanged = QtCore.pyqtSignal(DiagramMode)
    sgnNodeIdentification = QtCore.pyqtSignal('QGraphicsItem')
    sgnUpdated = QtCore.pyqtSignal()

    def __init__(self, name, parent):
        Initialize the diagram.
        :type name: str
        :type parent: Project

        self.factory = ItemFactory(self)
        self.guid = GUID(self)
        self.mode = DiagramMode.Idle
        self.modeParam = Item.Undefined
        self.name = name
        self.pasteX = Clipboard.PasteOffsetX
        self.pasteY = Clipboard.PasteOffsetY

        self.mo_Node = None
        self.mp_Data = None
        self.mp_Edge = None
        self.mp_Label = None
        self.mp_LabelPos = None
        self.mp_Node = None
        self.mp_NodePos = None
        self.mp_Pos = None

        connect(self.sgnItemAdded, self.onItemAdded)
        connect(self.sgnItemRemoved, self.onItemRemoved)
        connect(self.sgnNodeIdentification, self.doNodeIdentification)

    #   FACTORY

    def create(cls, name, size, project):
        Build and returns a new Diagram instance, using the given parameters.
        :type name: str
        :type size: int
        :type project: Project
        :rtype: Diagram
        diagram = Diagram(name, project)
        diagram.setSceneRect(QtCore.QRectF(-size / 2, -size / 2, size, size))
        return diagram


    def project(self):
        Returns the project this diagram belongs to (alias for Diagram.parent()).
        :rtype: Project
        return self.parent()

    def session(self):
        Returns the session this diagram belongs to (alias for Diagram.project.parent()).
        :rtype: Session
        return self.project.parent()

    #   EVENTS

    def dragEnterEvent(self, dragEvent):
        Executed when a dragged element enters the scene area.
        :type dragEvent: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent
        if dragEvent.mimeData().hasFormat('text/plain'):

    def dragMoveEvent(self, dragEvent):
        Executed when an element is dragged over the scene.
        :type dragEvent: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent
        if dragEvent.mimeData().hasFormat('text/plain'):

    def dropEvent(self, dropEvent):
        Executed when a dragged element is dropped on the diagram.
        :type dropEvent: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent
        if dropEvent.mimeData().hasFormat('text/plain'):
            snapToGrid = self.session.action('toggle_grid').isChecked()
            node = self.factory.create(Item.forValue(dropEvent.mimeData().text()))
            node.setPos(snap(dropEvent.scenePos(), Diagram.GridSize, snapToGrid))
            self.session.undostack.push(CommandNodeAdd(self, node))
            self.sgnItemInsertionCompleted.emit(node, dropEvent.modifiers())

    def mousePressEvent(self, mouseEvent):
        Executed when a mouse button is clicked on the scene.
        :type mouseEvent: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent
        mouseModifiers = mouseEvent.modifiers()
        mouseButtons = mouseEvent.buttons()
        mousePos = mouseEvent.scenePos()

        if mouseButtons & QtCore.Qt.LeftButton:

            if self.mode is DiagramMode.NodeAdd:

                # NODE INSERTION

                snapToGrid = self.session.action('toggle_grid').isChecked()
                node = self.factory.create(Item.forValue(self.modeParam))
                node.setPos(snap(mousePos, Diagram.GridSize, snapToGrid))
                self.session.undostack.push(CommandNodeAdd(self, node))
                self.sgnItemInsertionCompleted.emit(node, mouseEvent.modifiers())

            elif self.mode is DiagramMode.EdgeAdd:

                # EDGE INSERTION

                node = first(self.items(mousePos, edges=False))
                if node:
                    edge = self.factory.create(Item.forValue(self.modeParam), source=node)
                    self.mp_Edge = edge


                # Execute super at first since this may change the diagram
                # mode: some actions are directly handle by graphics items
                # (i.e: edge breakpoint move, edge anchor move, node shape
                # resize) and we need to check whether any of them is being
                # performed before handling the even locally.

                if self.mode is DiagramMode.Idle:

                    if mouseModifiers & QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier:

                        # LABEL MOVE

                        item = first(self.items(mousePos, nodes=False, edges=False, labels=True))
                        if item and item.isMovable():
                            self.mp_Label = item
                            self.mp_LabelPos = item.pos()
                            self.mp_Pos = mousePos


                        # ITEM SELECTION

                        item = first(self.items(mousePos, labels=True))
                        if item:

                            if item.isLabel():
                                # If we are hitting a label, check whether the label
                                # is overlapping it's parent item and such item is
                                # also intersecting the current mouse position: if so,
                                # use the parent item as placeholder for the selection.
                                parent = item.parentItem()
                                items = self.items(mousePos)
                                item =  parent if parent in items else None

                            if item:

                                if mouseModifiers & QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier:
                                    # CTRL => support item multi selection.
                                    item.setSelected(not item.isSelected())
                                    if self.selectedItems():
                                        # Some elements have been already selected in the
                                        # diagram, during a previous mouse press event.
                                        if not item.isSelected():
                                            # There are some items selected but we clicked
                                            # on a node which is not currently selected, so
                                            # make this node the only selected one.
                                        # No item (nodes or edges) is selected and we just
                                        # clicked on one so make sure to select this item and
                                        # because selectedItems() filters out item Label's,
                                        # clear out the selection on the diagram.

                                # If we have some nodes selected we need to prepare data for a
                                # possible item move operation: we need to make sure to retrieve
                                # the node below the mouse cursor that will act as as mouse grabber
                                # to compute delta  movements for each component in the selection.
                                selected = self.selectedNodes()
                                if selected:
                                    self.mp_Node = first(self.items(mousePos, edges=False))
                                    if self.mp_Node:
                                        self.mp_NodePos = self.mp_Node.pos()
                                        self.mp_Pos = mousePos
                                        self.mp_Data = {
                                            'nodes': {
                                                node: {
                                                    'anchors': {k: v for k, v in node.anchors.items()},
                                                    'pos': node.pos(),
                                                } for node in selected},
                                            'edges': {}
                                        # Figure out if the nodes we are moving are sharing edges:
                                        # if that's the case, move the edge together with the nodes
                                        # (which actually means moving the edge breakpoints).
                                        for node in self.mp_Data['nodes']:
                                            for edge in node.edges:
                                                if edge not in self.mp_Data['edges']:
                                                    if edge.other(node).isSelected():
                                                        self.mp_Data['edges'][edge] = edge.breakpoints[:]

    def mouseMoveEvent(self, mouseEvent):
        Executed when then mouse is moved on the scene.
        :type mouseEvent: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent
        mouseButtons = mouseEvent.buttons()
        mousePos = mouseEvent.scenePos()

        if mouseButtons & QtCore.Qt.LeftButton:

            if self.mode is DiagramMode.EdgeAdd:

                # EDGE INSERTION

                if self.isEdgeAdd():

                    statusBar = self.session.statusBar()
                    edge = self.mp_Edge

                    previousNode = self.mo_Node
                    if previousNode:

                    currentNode = first(self.items(mousePos, edges=False, skip={edge.source}))
                    if currentNode:
                        self.mo_Node = currentNode
                        pvr = self.project.profile.checkEdge(edge.source, edge, currentNode)
                        currentNode.updateNode(selected=False, valid=pvr.isValid())
                        if not pvr.isValid():
                        self.mo_Node = None

            elif self.mode is DiagramMode.LabelMove:

                # LABEL MOVE

                if self.isLabelMove():

                    snapToGrid = self.session.action('toggle_grid').isChecked()
                    point = self.mp_LabelPos + mousePos - self.mp_Pos
                    point = snap(point, Diagram.GridSize / 2, snapToGrid)
                    delta = point - self.mp_LabelPos
                    self.mp_Label.setPos(self.mp_LabelPos + delta)


                if self.mode is DiagramMode.Idle:
                    if self.mp_Node:

                if self.mode is DiagramMode.NodeMove:

                    # ITEM MOVEMENT

                    if self.isNodeMove():

                        snapToGrid = self.session.action('toggle_grid').isChecked()
                        point = self.mp_NodePos + mousePos - self.mp_Pos
                        point = snap(point, Diagram.GridSize, snapToGrid)
                        delta = point - self.mp_NodePos
                        edges = set()

                        for edge, breakpoints in self.mp_Data['edges'].items():
                            for i in range(len(breakpoints)):
                                edge.breakpoints[i] = breakpoints[i] + delta

                        for node, data in self.mp_Data['nodes'].items():
                            edges |= set(node.edges)
                            node.setPos(data['pos'] + delta)
                            for edge, pos in data['anchors'].items():
                                node.setAnchor(edge, pos + delta)

                        for edge in edges:


    def mouseReleaseEvent(self, mouseEvent):
        Executed when the mouse is released from the scene.
        :type mouseEvent: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent
        mouseModifiers = mouseEvent.modifiers()
        mouseButton = mouseEvent.button()
        mousePos = mouseEvent.scenePos()

        if mouseButton == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton:

            if self.mode is DiagramMode.EdgeAdd:

                # EDGE INSERTION

                if self.isEdgeAdd():

                    edge = self.mp_Edge
                    currentNode = first(self.items(mousePos, edges=False, skip={edge.source}))
                    insertEdge = False

                    if currentNode:
                        pvr = self.project.profile.checkEdge(edge.source, edge, currentNode)
                        if pvr.isValid():
                            edge.target = currentNode
                            insertEdge = True

                    # We temporarily remove the item from the diagram and we perform the
                    # insertion using the undo command that will also emit the sgnItemAdded
                    # signal hence all the widgets will be notified of the edge insertion.
                    # We do this because while creating the edge we need to display it so the
                    # user knows what he is connecting, but we don't want to truly insert
                    # it till it's necessary (when the mouse is released and the validation
                    # confirms that the generated expression is a valid graphol expression).

                    if insertEdge:
                        self.session.undostack.push(CommandEdgeAdd(self, edge))

                    statusBar = self.session.statusBar()

                    self.sgnItemInsertionCompleted.emit(edge, mouseModifiers)

            elif self.mode is DiagramMode.LabelMove:

                # LABEL MOVE

                if self.isLabelMove():

                    pos = self.mp_Label.pos()
                    if self.mp_LabelPos != pos:
                        item = self.mp_Label.parentItem()
                        command = CommandLabelMove(self, item, self.mp_LabelPos, pos)


            elif self.mode is DiagramMode.NodeMove:

                # ITEM MOVEMENT

                if self.isNodeMove():

                    pos = self.mp_Node.pos()
                    if self.mp_NodePos != pos:
                        data = {
                            'undo': self.mp_Data,
                            'redo': {
                                'nodes': {
                                    node: {
                                        'anchors': {k: v for k, v in node.anchors.items()},
                                        'pos': node.pos(),
                                    } for node in self.mp_Data['nodes']},
                                'edges': {x: x.breakpoints[:] for x in self.mp_Data['edges']}
                        self.session.undostack.push(CommandNodeMove(self, data))


        elif mouseButton == QtCore.Qt.RightButton:

            if self.mode is not DiagramMode.SceneDrag:

                # CONTEXTUAL MENU

                item = first(self.items(mousePos))
                if not item:
                    items = []
                    items = self.selectedItems()
                    if item not in items:
                        items = [item]

                self.mp_Pos = mousePos
                menu = self.session.mf.create(self, items, mousePos)


        self.mo_Node = None
        self.mp_Data = None
        self.mp_Edge = None
        self.mp_Label = None
        self.mp_LabelPos = None
        self.mp_Node = None
        self.mp_NodePos = None
        self.mp_Pos = None

    #   SLOTS

    def doNodeIdentification(self, node):
        Perform node identification.
        :type node: AbstractNode
        if Identity.Neutral in node.identities():

            func = lambda x: Identity.Neutral in x.identities()
            collection = bfs(source=node, filter_on_visit=func)
            generators = partition(func, collection)
            excluded = set()
            strong = set(generators[1])
            weak = set(generators[0])

            for node in weak:
                identification = node.identify()
                if identification:
                    strong = set.union(strong, identification[0])
                    strong = set.difference(strong, identification[1])
                    excluded = set.union(excluded, identification[2])

            computed = Identity.Neutral
            identities = set(x.identity() for x in strong)
            if identities:
                computed = first(identities)
                if len(identities) > 1:
                    computed = Identity.Unknown

            for node in weak - strong - excluded:

    @QtCore.pyqtSlot('QGraphicsScene', 'QGraphicsItem')
    def onItemAdded(self, _, item):
        Executed whenever a connection is created/removed.
        :type _: Diagram
        :type item: AbstractItem
        if item.isEdge():
            # Execute the node identification procedure only if one of the
            # endpoints we are connecting is currently identified as NEUTRAL.
            if (item.source.identity() is Identity.Neutral) ^ (item.target.identity() is Identity.Neutral):
                for node in (item.source, item.target):

    @QtCore.pyqtSlot('QGraphicsScene', 'QGraphicsItem')
    def onItemRemoved(self, _, item):
        Executed whenever a connection is created/removed.
        :type _: Diagram
        :type item: AbstractItem
        if item.isEdge():
            # When an edge is removed we may be in the case where
            # the ontology is split into 2 subgraphs, hence we need
            # to run the identification procedure on the 2 subgraphs.
            for node in (item.source, item.target):


    def addItem(self, item):
        Add an item to the Diagram (will redraw the item to reflect its status).
        :type item: AbstractItem
        if item.isNode():

    def edge(self, eid):
        Returns the edge matching the given id or None if no edge is found.
        :type eid: str
        :rtype: AbstractEdge
        return self.project.edge(self, eid)

    def edges(self):
        Returns a collection with all the edges in the diagram.
        :rtype: set
        return self.project.edges(self)

    def isEdgeAdd(self):
        Returns True if an edge insertion is currently in progress, False otherwise.
        :rtype: bool
        return self.mode is DiagramMode.EdgeAdd and self.mp_Edge is not None

    def isLabelMove(self):
        Returns True if a label is currently being moved, False otherwise.
        :rtype: bool
        return self.mode is DiagramMode.LabelMove and \
           self.mp_Label is not None and \
           self.mp_LabelPos is not None and \
           self.mp_Pos is not None

    def isNodeMove(self):
        Returns True if a node(s) is currently being moved, False otherwise.
        :rtype: bool
        return self.mode is DiagramMode.NodeMove and \
           self.mp_Data is not None and \
           self.mp_Node is not None and \
           self.mp_NodePos is not None and \
           self.mp_Pos is not None

    def isEmpty(self):
        Returns True if this diagram containts no element, False otherwise.
        :rtype: bool
        return len(self.project.items(self)) == 0

    def items(self, mixed=None, mode=QtCore.Qt.IntersectsItemShape, **kwargs):
        Returns a collection of items ordered from TOP to BOTTOM.
        If no argument is supplied, an unordered list containing all the elements in the diagram is returned.
        :type mixed: T <= QPointF | QRectF | QPolygonF | QPainterPath
        :type mode: ItemSelectionMode
        :rtype: list
        if mixed is None:
            items = super().items()
        elif isinstance(mixed, QtCore.QPointF):
            x = mixed.x() - (Diagram.SelectionRadius / 2)
            y = mixed.y() - (Diagram.SelectionRadius / 2)
            w = Diagram.SelectionRadius
            h = Diagram.SelectionRadius
            items = super().items(QtCore.QRectF(x, y, w, h), mode)
            items = super().items(mixed, mode)
        return sorted([
            x for x in items
                if (kwargs.get('nodes', True) and x.isNode() or
                    kwargs.get('edges', True) and x.isEdge() or
                    kwargs.get('labels', False) and x.isLabel()) and
                    x not in kwargs.get('skip', set())
        ], key=lambda i: i.zValue(), reverse=True)

    def nodes(self):
        Returns a collection with all the nodes in the diagram.
        :rtype: set
        return self.project.nodes(self)

    def node(self, nid):
        Returns the node matching the given id or None if no node is found.
        :type nid: str
        :rtype: AbstractNode
        return self.project.node(self, nid)

    def selectedEdges(self, filter_on_edges=lambda x: True):
        Returns the edges selected in the diagram.
        :type filter_on_edges: callable
        :rtype: list
        return [x for x in super().selectedItems() if x.isEdge() and filter_on_edges(x)]

    def selectedItems(self, filter_on_items=lambda x: True):
        Returns the items selected in the diagram.
        :type filter_on_items: callable
        :rtype: list
        return [x for x in super().selectedItems() if (x.isNode() or x.isEdge()) and filter_on_items(x)]

    def selectedNodes(self, filter_on_nodes=lambda x: True):
        Returns the nodes selected in the diagram.
        :type filter_on_nodes: callable
        :rtype: list
        return [x for x in super().selectedItems() if x.isNode() and filter_on_nodes(x)]

    def setMode(self, mode, param=None):
        Set the operational mode.
        :type mode: DiagramMode
        :type param: Item
        if self.mode != mode or self.modeParam != param:
            #LOGGER.debug('Diagram mode changed: mode=%s, param=%s', mode, param)
            self.mode = mode
            self.modeParam = param

    def visibleRect(self, margin=0):
        Returns a rectangle matching the area of visible items.
        :type margin: float
        :rtype: QtCore.QRectF
        items = self.items()
        if items:
            x = set()
            y = set()
            for item in items:
                b = item.mapRectToScene(item.boundingRect())
                x.update({b.left(), b.right()})
                y.update({b.top(), b.bottom()})
            return QtCore.QRectF(QtCore.QPointF(min(x) - margin, min(y) - margin), QtCore.QPointF(max(x) + margin, max(y) + margin))
        return QtCore.QRectF()
예제 #7
파일: scene.py 프로젝트: gitter-badger/eddy
class DiagramScene(QGraphicsScene):
    This class implements the main Diagram Scene.
    GridPen = QPen(QColor(80, 80, 80), 0, Qt.SolidLine)
    GridSize = 20
    MinSize = 2000
    MaxSize = 1000000
    RecentNum = 5

    sgnInsertionEnded = pyqtSignal('QGraphicsItem', int)
    sgnItemAdded = pyqtSignal('QGraphicsItem')
    sgnModeChanged = pyqtSignal(DiagramMode)
    sgnItemRemoved = pyqtSignal('QGraphicsItem')
    sgnUpdated = pyqtSignal()

    #                                                                                                                  #
    #   DIAGRAM SCENE IMPLEMENTATION                                                                                   #
    #                                                                                                                  #

    def __init__(self, mainwindow, parent=None):
        Initialize the diagram scene.
        :type mainwindow: MainWindow
        :type parent: QWidget
        self.document = File(parent=self)
        self.guid = GUID(self)
        self.factory = ItemFactory(self)
        self.index = ItemIndex(self)
        self.meta = PredicateMetaIndex(self)
        self.undostack = QUndoStack(self)
        self.validator = OWL2Validator(self)
        self.mainwindow = mainwindow
        self.pasteOffsetX = Clipboard.PasteOffsetX
        self.pasteOffsetY = Clipboard.PasteOffsetY
        self.mode = DiagramMode.Idle
        self.modeParam = Item.Undefined
        self.mouseOverNode = None
        self.mousePressEdge = None
        self.mousePressPos = None
        self.mousePressNode = None
        self.mousePressNodePos = None
        self.mousePressData = {}

        connect(self.sgnItemAdded, self.index.add)
        connect(self.sgnItemRemoved, self.index.remove)

    #                                                                                                                  #
    #   EVENTS                                                                                                         #
    #                                                                                                                  #

    def dragEnterEvent(self, dragEvent):
        Executed when a dragged element enters the scene area.
        :type dragEvent: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent
        if dragEvent.mimeData().hasFormat('text/plain'):

    def dragMoveEvent(self, dragEvent):
        Executed when an element is dragged over the scene.
        :type dragEvent: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent
        if dragEvent.mimeData().hasFormat('text/plain'):

    def dropEvent(self, dropEvent):
        Executed when a dragged element is dropped on the scene.
        :type dropEvent: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent
        if dropEvent.mimeData().hasFormat('text/plain'):
            item = Item.forValue(dropEvent.mimeData().text())
            node = self.factory.create(item=item, scene=self)
            node.setPos(snap(dropEvent.scenePos(), DiagramScene.GridSize, self.mainwindow.snapToGrid))
            self.undostack.push(CommandNodeAdd(scene=self, node=node))
            self.sgnInsertionEnded.emit(node, dropEvent.modifiers())

    def mousePressEvent(self, mouseEvent):
        Executed when a mouse button is clicked on the scene.
        :type mouseEvent: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent
        mouseButtons = mouseEvent.buttons()
        mousePos = mouseEvent.scenePos()

        if mouseButtons & Qt.LeftButton:

            if self.mode is DiagramMode.InsertNode:

                #                                                                                                      #
                #                                         NODE INSERTION                                               #
                #                                                                                                      #

                item = Item.forValue(self.modeParam)
                node = self.factory.create(item, self)
                node.setPos(snap(mousePos, DiagramScene.GridSize, self.mainwindow.snapToGrid))
                self.undostack.push(CommandNodeAdd(self, node))
                self.sgnInsertionEnded.emit(node, mouseEvent.modifiers())


            elif self.mode is DiagramMode.InsertEdge:

                #                                                                                                      #
                #                                         EDGE INSERTION                                               #
                #                                                                                                      #

                node = self.itemOnTopOf(mousePos, edges=False)
                if node:
                    item = Item.forValue(self.modeParam)
                    edge = self.factory.create(item, self, source=node)
                    self.mousePressEdge = edge




                if self.mode is DiagramMode.Idle:

                    #                                                                                                  #
                    #                                      ITEM SELECTION                                              #
                    #                                                                                                  #

                    # See if we have some nodes selected in the scene: this is needed because itemOnTopOf
                    # will discard labels, so if we have a node whose label is overlapping the node shape,
                    # clicking on the label will make itemOnTopOf return the node item instead of the label.
                    selected = self.selectedNodes()

                    if selected:

                        # We have some nodes selected in the scene so we probably are going to do a
                        # move operation, prepare data for mouse move event => select a node that will act
                        # as mouse grabber to compute delta movements for each componenet in the selection.
                        self.mousePressNode = self.itemOnTopOf(mousePos, edges=False)

                        if self.mousePressNode:

                            self.mousePressNodePos = self.mousePressNode.pos()
                            self.mousePressPos = mousePos

                            self.mousePressData = {
                                'nodes': {
                                    node: {
                                        'anchors': {k: v for k, v in node.anchors.items()},
                                        'pos': node.pos(),
                                    } for node in selected},
                                'edges': {}

                            # Figure out if the nodes we are moving are sharing edges: if so, move the edge
                            # together with the nodes (which actually means moving the edge breakpoints).
                            for node in self.mousePressData['nodes']:
                                for edge in node.edges:
                                    if edge not in self.mousePressData['edges']:
                                        if edge.other(node).isSelected():
                                            self.mousePressData['edges'][edge] = edge.breakpoints[:]

    def mouseMoveEvent(self, mouseEvent):
        Executed when then mouse is moved on the scene.
        :type mouseEvent: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent
        mouseButtons = mouseEvent.buttons()
        mousePos = mouseEvent.scenePos()

        if mouseButtons & Qt.LeftButton:

            if self.mode is DiagramMode.InsertEdge:

                #                                                                                                      #
                #                                         EDGE INSERTION                                               #
                #                                                                                                      #

                if self.mousePressEdge:

                    edge = self.mousePressEdge
                    currentNode = self.itemOnTopOf(mousePos, edges=False, skip={edge.source})
                    previousNode = self.mouseOverNode
                    statusBar = self.mainwindow.statusBar()

                    if previousNode:

                    if currentNode:
                        self.mouseOverNode = currentNode
                        res = self.validator.result(edge.source, edge, currentNode)
                        currentNode.updateBrush(selected=False, valid=res.valid)
                        if not res.valid:
                        self.mouseOverNode = None


                if self.mode is DiagramMode.Idle:
                    if self.mousePressNode:

                if self.mode is DiagramMode.MoveNode:

                    #                                                                                                  #
                    #                                       ITEM MOVEMENT                                              #
                    #                                                                                                  #

                    point = self.mousePressNodePos + mousePos - self.mousePressPos
                    point = snap(point, DiagramScene.GridSize, self.mainwindow.snapToGrid)
                    delta = point - self.mousePressNodePos
                    edges = set()

                    # Update all the breakpoints positions.
                    for edge, breakpoints in self.mousePressData['edges'].items():
                        for i in range(len(breakpoints)):
                            edge.breakpoints[i] = breakpoints[i] + delta

                    # Move all the selected nodes.
                    for node, data in self.mousePressData['nodes'].items():
                        edges |= set(node.edges)
                        node.setPos(data['pos'] + delta)
                        for edge, pos in data['anchors'].items():
                            node.setAnchor(edge, pos + delta)

                    # Update edges.
                    for edge in edges:


    def mouseReleaseEvent(self, mouseEvent):
        Executed when the mouse is released from the scene.
        :type mouseEvent: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent
        mouseButton = mouseEvent.button()
        mousePos = mouseEvent.scenePos()

        if mouseButton == Qt.LeftButton:

            if self.mode is DiagramMode.InsertEdge:

                #                                                                                                      #
                #                                         EDGE INSERTION                                               #
                #                                                                                                      #

                if self.mousePressEdge:

                    edge = self.mousePressEdge
                    currentNode = self.itemOnTopOf(mousePos, edges=False, skip={edge.source})
                    insertEdge = False

                    if currentNode:
                        if self.validator.valid(edge.source, edge, currentNode):
                            edge.target = currentNode
                            insertEdge = True

                    # We remove the item temporarily from the graphics scene and we perform the add using
                    # the undo command that will also emit the sgnItemAdded signal hence all the widgets will
                    # be notified of the edge insertion. We do this because while creating the edge we need
                    # to display it so the users knows what is he connecting, but we don't want to truly insert
                    # it till it's necessary (when the mouse is released and the validator allows the insertion)

                    if insertEdge:
                        self.undostack.push(CommandEdgeAdd(self, edge))

                    self.mouseOverNode = None
                    self.mousePressEdge = None
                    statusBar = self.mainwindow.statusBar()

                    self.sgnInsertionEnded.emit(edge, mouseEvent.modifiers())

            elif self.mode is DiagramMode.MoveNode:

                #                                                                                                      #
                #                                         ITEM MOVEMENT                                                #
                #                                                                                                      #

                data = {
                    'undo': self.mousePressData,
                    'redo': {
                        'nodes': {
                            node: {
                                'anchors': {k: v for k, v in node.anchors.items()},
                                'pos': node.pos(),
                            } for node in self.mousePressData['nodes']},
                        'edges': {x: x.breakpoints[:] for x in self.mousePressData['edges']}

                self.undostack.push(CommandNodeMove(self, data))

        elif mouseButton == Qt.RightButton:

            if self.mode is not DiagramMode.SceneDrag:

                #                                                                                                      #
                #                                         CONTEXT MENU                                                 #
                #                                                                                                      #

                item = self.itemOnTopOf(mousePos)
                if item:

                self.mousePressPos = mousePos
                menu = self.mainwindow.menuFactory.create(self.mainwindow, self, item, mousePos)


        self.mousePressPos = None
        self.mousePressNode = None
        self.mousePressNodePos = None
        self.mousePressData = None

    #                                                                                                                  #
    #   AXIOMS COMPOSITION                                                                                             #
    #                                                                                                                  #

    def propertyAxiomComposition(self, source, restriction):
        Returns a collection of items to be added to the given source node to compose a property axiom.
        :type source: AbstractNode
        :type restriction: class
        :rtype: set
        node = restriction(scene=self)
        edge = InputEdge(scene=self, source=source, target=node)

        size = DiagramScene.GridSize

        offsets = (
            QPointF(snapF(+source.width() / 2 + 70, size), 0),
            QPointF(snapF(-source.width() / 2 - 70, size), 0),
            QPointF(0, snapF(-source.height() / 2 - 70, size)),
            QPointF(0, snapF(+source.height() / 2 + 70, size)),
            QPointF(snapF(+source.width() / 2 + 70, size), snapF(-source.height() / 2 - 70, size)),
            QPointF(snapF(-source.width() / 2 - 70, size), snapF(-source.height() / 2 - 70, size)),
            QPointF(snapF(+source.width() / 2 + 70, size), snapF(+source.height() / 2 + 70, size)),
            QPointF(snapF(-source.width() / 2 - 70, size), snapF(+source.height() / 2 + 70, size)),

        pos = None
        num = sys.maxsize
        rad = QPointF(node.width() / 2, node.height() / 2)

        for o in offsets:
            count = len(self.items(QRectF(source.pos() + o - rad, source.pos() + o + rad)))
            if count < num:
                num = count
                pos = source.pos() + o


        return {node, edge}

    def propertyDomainAxiomComposition(self, source):
        Returns a collection of items to be added to the given source node to compose a property domain.
        :type source: AbstractNode
        :rtype: set
        return self.propertyAxiomComposition(source, DomainRestrictionNode)

    def propertyRangeAxiomComposition(self, source):
        Returns a collection of items to be added to the given source node to compose a property range.
        :type source: AbstractNode
        :rtype: set
        return self.propertyAxiomComposition(source, RangeRestrictionNode)

    #                                                                                                                  #
    #   SLOTS                                                                                                          #
    #                                                                                                                  #

    def clear(self):
        Clear the diagram by removing all the elements.

    #                                                                                                                  #
    #   INTERFACE                                                                                                      #
    #                                                                                                                  #

    def edge(self, eid):
        Returns the edge matching the given edge id.
        :type eid: str
        return self.index.edgeForId(eid)

    def edges(self):
        Returns a view on all the edges of the diagram.
        :rtype: view
        return self.index.edges()

    def itemOnTopOf(self, point, nodes=True, edges=True, skip=None):
        Returns the shape which is on top of the given point.
        :type point: QPointF
        :type nodes: bool
        :type edges: bool
        :type skip: iterable
        :rtype: Item
        skip = skip or {}
        data = [x for x in self.items(point) if (nodes and x.node or edges and x.edge) and x not in skip]
        if data:
            return max(data, key=lambda x: x.zValue())
        return None

    def node(self, nid):
        Returns the node matching the given node id.
        :type nid: str
        return self.index.nodeForId(nid)

    def nodes(self):
        Returns a view on all the nodes in the diagram.
        :rtype: view
        return self.index.nodes()

    def selectedEdges(self):
        Returns the edges selected in the scene.
        :rtype: list
        return [x for x in super(DiagramScene, self).selectedItems() if x.edge]

    def selectedItems(self):
        Returns the items selected in the scene (will filter out labels since we don't need them).
        :rtype: list
        return [x for x in super(DiagramScene, self).selectedItems() if x.node or x.edge]

    def selectedNodes(self):
        Returns the nodes selected in the scene.
        :rtype: list
        return [x for x in super(DiagramScene, self).selectedItems() if x.node]

    def setMode(self, mode, param=None):
        Set the operation mode.
        :type mode: DiagramMode
        :type param: int
        if self.mode != mode or self.modeParam != param:
            self.mode = mode
            self.modeParam = param

    def visibleRect(self, margin=0):
        Returns a rectangle matching the area of visible items.
        :type margin: float
        :rtype: QRectF
        bound = self.itemsBoundingRect()
        topLeft = QPointF(bound.left() - margin, bound.top() - margin)
        bottomRight = QPointF(bound.right() + margin, bound.bottom() + margin)
        return QRectF(topLeft, bottomRight)
예제 #8
파일: diagram.py 프로젝트: obdasystems/eddy
class Diagram(QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene):
    Extension of QtWidgets.QGraphicsScene which implements a single Graphol diagram.
    Additionally to built-in signals, this class emits:

    * sgnItemAdded: whenever an element is added to the Diagram.
    * sgnItemInsertionCompleted: whenever an item 'MANUAL' insertion process is completed.
    * sgnItemRemoved: whenever an element is removed from the Diagram.
    * sgnModeChanged: whenever the Diagram operational mode (or its parameter) changes.
    * sgnUpdated: whenever the Diagram has been updated in any of its parts.
    GridSize = 10
    KeyMoveFactor = 10
    MinSize = 2000
    MaxSize = 1000000
    MinFontSize = 8
    MaxFontSize = 40
    SelectionRadius = 4

    sgnItemAdded = QtCore.pyqtSignal('QGraphicsScene', 'QGraphicsItem')
    sgnItemInsertionCompleted = QtCore.pyqtSignal('QGraphicsItem', int)
    sgnItemRemoved = QtCore.pyqtSignal('QGraphicsScene', 'QGraphicsItem')
    sgnModeChanged = QtCore.pyqtSignal(DiagramMode)
    sgnNodeIdentification = QtCore.pyqtSignal('QGraphicsItem')
    sgnUpdated = QtCore.pyqtSignal()

    def __init__(self, name, parent):
        Initialize the diagram.
        :type name: str
        :type parent: Project

        self.factory = ItemFactory(self)
        self.guid = GUID(self)
        self.mode = DiagramMode.Idle
        self.modeParam = Item.Undefined
        self.name = name
        self.pasteX = Clipboard.PasteOffsetX
        self.pasteY = Clipboard.PasteOffsetY

        self.mo_Node = None
        self.mp_Data = None
        self.mp_Edge = None
        self.mp_Label = None
        self.mp_LabelPos = None
        self.mp_Node = None
        self.mp_NodePos = None
        self.mp_Pos = None

        settings = QtCore.QSettings()
                                          self.font().pixelSize(), int)))

        connect(self.sgnItemAdded, self.onItemAdded)
        connect(self.sgnItemRemoved, self.onItemRemoved)
        connect(self.sgnNodeIdentification, self.doNodeIdentification)

    #   FACTORY

    def create(cls, name, size, project):
        Build and returns a new Diagram instance, using the given parameters.
        :type name: str
        :type size: int
        :type project: Project
        :rtype: Diagram
        diagram = Diagram(name, project)
        diagram.setSceneRect(QtCore.QRectF(-size / 2, -size / 2, size, size))
        return diagram


    def project(self):
        Returns the project this diagram belongs to (alias for Diagram.parent()).
        :rtype: Project
        return self.parent()

    def session(self):
        Returns the session this diagram belongs to (alias for Diagram.project.parent()).
        :rtype: Session
        return self.project.parent()

    #   EVENTS

    def event(self, event: QtCore.QEvent) -> bool:
        Executed when an event happens in the scene, before any specialized handler executes.
        :type event: QtCore.QEvent
        :rtype: bool
        # This event is sent to itself by the scene every time the scene font property changes,
        # either directly (via setFont()) or indirectly (via QApplication::setFont()).
        # Here we cascade the event to all top-level widget items in the scene to have
        # them notified about the font change.
        if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.FontChange:
            for item in self.items():
                self.sendEvent(item, event)
        return super().event(event)

    def dragEnterEvent(self, dragEvent):
        Executed when a dragged element enters the scene area.
        :type dragEvent: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent
        if dragEvent.mimeData().hasFormat('text/plain'):

    def dragMoveEvent(self, dragEvent):
        Executed when an element is dragged over the scene.
        :type dragEvent: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent
        if dragEvent.mimeData().hasFormat('text/plain'):

    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    def dropEvent(self, dropEvent):
        Executed when a dragged element is dropped on the diagram.
        :type dropEvent: QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent
        if dropEvent.mimeData().hasFormat('text/plain') and Item.valueOf(
            snapToGrid = self.session.action('toggle_grid').isChecked()
            nodeType = dropEvent.mimeData().text()
            if Item.ConceptIRINode <= int(
                    dropEvent.mimeData().text()) <= Item.IndividualIRINode:
                #New node associated with IRI object
                #node = ConceptNode(diagram=self)
                node = self.factory.create(
                    snap(dropEvent.scenePos(), Diagram.GridSize, snapToGrid))
                data = dropEvent.mimeData().data(dropEvent.mimeData().text())
                if not data:
                    #new element
                    if isinstance(node, FacetNode):
                    elif isinstance(node, OntologyEntityNode) or isinstance(
                            node, OntologyEntityResizableNode):
                    elif isinstance(node, LiteralNode):
                    #copy of existing element (e.g. drag and drop from ontology explorer)
                    data_str = str(data, encoding='utf-8')
                    iri = self.project.getIRI(data_str)
                    node.iri = iri
                #Old node type
                node = self.factory.create(
                data = dropEvent.mimeData().data(dropEvent.mimeData().text())
                iri = None

                if data is not None:
                    data_str = str(data, encoding='utf-8')
                    if data_str is not '':
                        data_comma_seperated = data_str.split(',')
                        iri = data_comma_seperated[0]
                        rc = data_comma_seperated[1]
                        txt = data_comma_seperated[2]
                        node.remaining_characters = rc

                    snap(dropEvent.scenePos(), Diagram.GridSize, snapToGrid))
                commands = []

                if iri is not None:
                    Duplicate_dict_1 = self.project.copy_IRI_prefixes_nodes_dictionaries(
                        self.project.IRI_prefixes_nodes_dict, dict())
                    Duplicate_dict_2 = self.project.copy_IRI_prefixes_nodes_dictionaries(
                        self.project.IRI_prefixes_nodes_dict, dict())
                    Duplicate_dict_1 = self.project.addIRINodeEntry(
                        Duplicate_dict_1, iri, node)

                    if Duplicate_dict_1 is not None:

                    #commands.append(CommandProjetSetIRIPrefixesNodesDict(self.project, Duplicate_dict_2, Duplicate_dict_1, [iri], None))
                commands.append(CommandNodeAdd(self, node))

                if any(commands):
                    self.session.undostack.beginMacro('node Add - {0}'.format(
                    for command in commands:
                        if command:

            self.sgnItemInsertionCompleted.emit(node, dropEvent.modifiers())

    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    def mousePressEvent(self, mouseEvent):
        Executed when a mouse button is clicked on the scene.
        :type mouseEvent: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent

        mouseModifiers = mouseEvent.modifiers()
        mouseButtons = mouseEvent.buttons()
        mousePos = mouseEvent.scenePos()

        if mouseButtons & QtCore.Qt.LeftButton:

            if self.mode is DiagramMode.NodeAdd:

                # NODE INSERTION

                snapToGrid = self.session.action('toggle_grid').isChecked()
                node = self.factory.create(Item.valueOf(self.modeParam))
                node.setPos(snap(mousePos, Diagram.GridSize, snapToGrid))
                if isinstance(node, OntologyEntityNode) or isinstance(
                        node, OntologyEntityResizableNode):
                elif isinstance(node, FacetNode):
                elif isinstance(node, LiteralNode):
                    self.session.undostack.push(CommandNodeAdd(self, node))

            elif self.mode is DiagramMode.EdgeAdd:

                # EDGE INSERTION

                node = first(self.items(mousePos, edges=False))
                if node:
                    edge = self.factory.create(Item.valueOf(self.modeParam),
                    self.mp_Edge = edge


                # Execute super at first since this may change the diagram
                # mode: some actions are directly handle by graphics items
                # (i.e: edge breakpoint move, edge anchor move, node shape
                # resize) and we need to check whether any of them is being
                # performed before handling the even locally.

                if self.mode is DiagramMode.Idle:

                    if mouseModifiers & QtCore.Qt.ShiftModifier:

                        # LABEL MOVE

                        item = first(
                        if item and item.isMovable():
                            self.mp_Label = item
                            self.mp_LabelPos = item.pos()
                            self.mp_Pos = mousePos


                        # ITEM SELECTION

                        item = first(self.items(mousePos, labels=True))
                        if item:

                            if item.isLabel():
                                # If we are hitting a label, check whether the label
                                # is overlapping it's parent item and such item is
                                # also intersecting the current mouse position: if so,
                                # use the parent item as placeholder for the selection.
                                parent = item.parentItem()
                                items = self.items(mousePos)
                                item = parent if parent in items else None

                            if item:

                                if mouseModifiers & QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier:
                                    # CTRL => support item multi selection.
                                    item.setSelected(not item.isSelected())
                                    if self.selectedItems():
                                        # Some elements have been already selected in the
                                        # diagram, during a previous mouse press event.
                                        if not item.isSelected():
                                            # There are some items selected but we clicked
                                            # on a node which is not currently selected, so
                                            # make this node the only selected one.
                                        # No item (nodes or edges) is selected and we just
                                        # clicked on one so make sure to select this item and
                                        # because selectedItems() filters out item Label's,
                                        # clear out the selection on the diagram.

                                # If we have some nodes selected we need to prepare data for a
                                # possible item move operation: we need to make sure to retrieve
                                # the node below the mouse cursor that will act as as mouse grabber
                                # to compute delta  movements for each component in the selection.
                                selected = self.selectedNodes()
                                if selected:
                                    self.mp_Node = first(
                                        self.items(mousePos, edges=False))
                                    if self.mp_Node:
                                        self.mp_NodePos = self.mp_Node.pos()
                                        self.mp_Pos = mousePos
                                        self.mp_Data = self.setupMove(selected)

    def mouseMoveEvent(self, mouseEvent):
        Executed when then mouse is moved on the scene.
        :type mouseEvent: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent
        mouseButtons = mouseEvent.buttons()
        mousePos = mouseEvent.scenePos()

        if mouseButtons & QtCore.Qt.LeftButton:

            if self.mode is DiagramMode.EdgeAdd:

                # EDGE INSERTION

                if self.isEdgeAdd():

                    statusBar = self.session.statusBar()
                    edge = self.mp_Edge

                    previousNode = self.mo_Node
                    if previousNode:

                    currentNode = first(
                        self.items(mousePos, edges=False, skip={edge.source}))
                    if currentNode:
                        self.mo_Node = currentNode
                        pvr = self.project.profile.checkEdge(
                            edge.source, edge, currentNode)
                        if not pvr.isValid():
                        self.mo_Node = None

            elif self.mode is DiagramMode.LabelMove:

                # LABEL MOVE

                if self.isLabelMove():

                    snapToGrid = self.session.action('toggle_grid').isChecked()
                    point = self.mp_LabelPos + mousePos - self.mp_Pos
                    point = snap(point, Diagram.GridSize / 2, snapToGrid)
                    delta = point - self.mp_LabelPos
                    self.mp_Label.setPos(self.mp_LabelPos + delta)


                if self.mode is DiagramMode.Idle:
                    if self.mp_Node:

                if self.mode is DiagramMode.NodeMove:

                    # ITEM MOVEMENT

                    if self.isNodeMove():

                        snapToGrid = self.session.action(
                        point = self.mp_NodePos + mousePos - self.mp_Pos
                        point = snap(point, Diagram.GridSize, snapToGrid)
                        delta = point - self.mp_NodePos
                        edges = set()

                        for edge, breakpoints in self.mp_Data['edges'].items():
                            for i in range(len(breakpoints)):
                                edge.breakpoints[i] = breakpoints[i] + delta

                        for node, data in self.mp_Data['nodes'].items():
                            edges |= set(node.edges)
                            node.setPos(data['pos'] + delta)
                            for edge, pos in data['anchors'].items():
                                node.setAnchor(edge, pos + delta)

                        for edge in edges:


    def mouseReleaseEvent(self, mouseEvent):
        Executed when the mouse is released from the scene.
        :type mouseEvent: QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent

        mouseModifiers = mouseEvent.modifiers()
        mouseButton = mouseEvent.button()
        mousePos = mouseEvent.scenePos()

        if mouseButton == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton:

            if self.mode is DiagramMode.EdgeAdd:

                # EDGE INSERTION

                if self.isEdgeAdd():

                    edge = self.mp_Edge
                    currentNode = first(
                        self.items(mousePos, edges=False, skip={edge.source}))
                    insertEdge = False

                    if currentNode:
                        pvr = self.project.profile.checkEdge(
                            edge.source, edge, currentNode)
                        if pvr.isValid():
                            edge.target = currentNode
                            insertEdge = True

                    # We temporarily remove the item from the diagram and we perform the
                    # insertion using the undo command that will also emit the sgnItemAdded
                    # signal hence all the widgets will be notified of the edge insertion.
                    # We do this because while creating the edge we need to display it so the
                    # user knows what he is connecting, but we don't want to truly insert
                    # it till it's necessary (when the mouse is released and the validation
                    # confirms that the generated expression is a valid graphol expression).

                    if insertEdge:
                        self.session.undostack.push(CommandEdgeAdd(self, edge))

                    statusBar = self.session.statusBar()

                    self.sgnItemInsertionCompleted.emit(edge, mouseModifiers)

            elif self.mode is DiagramMode.LabelMove:

                # LABEL MOVE

                if self.isLabelMove():
                    pos = self.mp_Label.pos()
                    if self.mp_LabelPos != pos:
                        item = self.mp_Label.parentItem()
                        command = CommandLabelMove(self, item,
                                                   self.mp_LabelPos, pos)

            elif self.mode is DiagramMode.NodeMove:

                # ITEM MOVEMENT

                if self.isNodeMove():
                    pos = self.mp_Node.pos()
                    if self.mp_NodePos != pos:
                        moveData = self.completeMove(self.mp_Data)
                            CommandNodeMove(self, self.mp_Data, moveData))

        elif mouseButton == QtCore.Qt.RightButton:

            if self.mode is not DiagramMode.SceneDrag:

                # CONTEXTUAL MENU

                item = first(self.items(mousePos))
                if not item:
                    items = []
                    items = self.selectedItems()
                    if item not in items:
                        items = [item]

                self.mp_Pos = mousePos
                menu = self.session.mf.create(self, items, mousePos)


        self.mo_Node = None
        self.mp_Data = None
        self.mp_Edge = None
        self.mp_Label = None
        self.mp_LabelPos = None
        self.mp_Node = None
        self.mp_NodePos = None
        self.mp_Pos = None

    #   SLOTS

    def doAddOntologyEntityNode(self, node):
        Add to this diagram a node identified by an IRI
        :type node: AbstractNode
        if node:
            command = CommandNodeAdd(self, node)
            self.session.undostack.beginMacro('node Add - {0}'.format(
            if command:

    def doAddOntologyFacetNode(self, node):
        Add to this diagram a node representing a Facet
        :type node: FacetNode
        if node:
            command = CommandNodeAdd(self, node)
            self.session.undostack.beginMacro('node Add - {0}'.format(
            if command:

    def doAddOntologyLiteralNode(self, node):
        Add to this diagram a node representing a Literal
        :type node: FacetNode
        if node:
            command = CommandNodeAdd(self, node)
            self.session.undostack.beginMacro('node Add - {0}'.format(
            if command:

    def doNodeIdentification(self, node):
        Perform node identification.
        :type node: AbstractNode
        if Identity.Neutral in node.identities():

            func = lambda x: Identity.Neutral in x.identities()
            collection = bfs(source=node, filter_on_visit=func)
            generators = partition(func, collection)
            excluded = set()
            strong = set(generators[1])
            weak = set(generators[0])

            for node in weak:
                identification = node.identify()
                if identification:
                    strong = set.union(strong, identification[0])
                    strong = set.difference(strong, identification[1])
                    excluded = set.union(excluded, identification[2])

            computed = Identity.Neutral
            identities = set(x.identity() for x in strong)
            if identities:
                computed = first(identities)
                if len(identities) > 1:
                    computed = Identity.Unknown

            for node in weak - strong - excluded:

    @QtCore.pyqtSlot('QGraphicsScene', 'QGraphicsItem')
    def onItemAdded(self, _, item):
        Executed whenever a connection is created/removed.
        :type _: Diagram
        :type item: AbstractItem
        # Send a font change event to the item to update its font
        self.sendEvent(item, QtCore.QEvent(QtCore.QEvent.FontChange))
        if item.isEdge():
            # Execute the node identification procedure only if one of the
            # endpoints we are connecting is currently identified as NEUTRAL.
            if (item.source.identity() is Identity.Neutral) ^ (
                    item.target.identity() is Identity.Neutral):
                for node in (item.source, item.target):

    @QtCore.pyqtSlot('QGraphicsScene', 'QGraphicsItem')
    def onItemRemoved(self, _, item):
        Executed whenever a connection is created/removed.
        :type _: Diagram
        :type item: AbstractItem
        if item.isEdge():
            # When an edge is removed we may be in the case where
            # the ontology is split into 2 subgraphs, hence we need
            # to run the identification procedure on the 2 subgraphs.
            for node in (item.source, item.target):


    def addItem(self, item):
        Add an item to the Diagram (will redraw the item to reflect its status).
        :type item: AbstractItem
        )  #TODO a partire da questo momento item.diagram restituisce risultato diverso da None
        if item.isIRINode():
        if item.isNode():

    def completeMove(moveData, offset=QtCore.QPointF(0, 0)):
        Complete item movement, given initializated data for a collection of selected nodes.
        :type moveData: dict
        :type offset: QPointF
        :rtype: dict
        return {
            'nodes': {
                node: {
                    {k: v + offset
                     for k, v in node.anchors.items()},
                    'pos': node.pos() + offset,
                for node in moveData['nodes']
            'edges': {
                x: [p + offset for p in x.breakpoints[:]]
                for x in moveData['edges']

    def edge(self, eid):
        Returns the edge matching the given id or None if no edge is found.
        :type eid: str
        :rtype: AbstractEdge
        return self.project.edge(self, eid)

    def edges(self):
        Returns a collection with all the edges in the diagram.
        :rtype: set
        return self.project.edges(self)

    def isEdgeAdd(self):
        Returns True if an edge insertion is currently in progress, False otherwise.
        :rtype: bool
        return self.mode is DiagramMode.EdgeAdd and self.mp_Edge is not None

    def isLabelMove(self):
        Returns True if a label is currently being moved, False otherwise.
        :rtype: bool
        return self.mode is DiagramMode.LabelMove and \
           self.mp_Label is not None and \
           self.mp_LabelPos is not None and \
           self.mp_Pos is not None

    def isNodeMove(self):
        Returns True if a node(s) is currently being moved, False otherwise.
        :rtype: bool
        return self.mode is DiagramMode.NodeMove and \
           self.mp_Data is not None and \
           self.mp_Node is not None and \
           self.mp_NodePos is not None and \
           self.mp_Pos is not None

    def isEmpty(self):
        Returns True if this diagram containts no element, False otherwise.
        :rtype: bool
        return len(self.project.items(self)) == 0

    def items(self, mixed=None, mode=QtCore.Qt.IntersectsItemShape, **kwargs):
        Returns a collection of items ordered from TOP to BOTTOM.
        If no argument is supplied, an unordered list containing all the elements in the diagram is returned.
        :type mixed: T <= QPointF | QRectF | QPolygonF | QPainterPath
        :type mode: ItemSelectionMode
        :rtype: list
        if mixed is None:
            items = super().items()
        elif isinstance(mixed, QtCore.QPointF):
            x = mixed.x() - (Diagram.SelectionRadius / 2)
            y = mixed.y() - (Diagram.SelectionRadius / 2)
            w = Diagram.SelectionRadius
            h = Diagram.SelectionRadius
            items = super().items(QtCore.QRectF(x, y, w, h), mode)
            items = super().items(mixed, mode)
        return sorted([
            x for x in items
            if (kwargs.get('nodes', True) and x.isNode() or kwargs.get(
                'edges', True) and x.isEdge() or kwargs.get('labels', False)
                and x.isLabel()) and x not in kwargs.get('skip', set())
                      key=lambda i: i.zValue(),

    def nodes(self):
        Returns a collection with all the nodes in the diagram.
        :rtype: set
        return self.project.nodes(self)

    def node(self, nid):
        Returns the node matching the given id or None if no node is found.
        :type nid: str
        :rtype: AbstractNode
        return self.project.node(self, nid)

    def selectedEdges(self, filter_on_edges=lambda x: True):
        Returns the edges selected in the diagram.
        :type filter_on_edges: callable
        :rtype: list
        return [
            x for x in super().selectedItems()
            if x.isEdge() and filter_on_edges(x)

    def selectedItems(self, filter_on_items=lambda x: True):
        Returns the items selected in the diagram.
        :type filter_on_items: callable
        :rtype: list
        return [
            x for x in super().selectedItems()
            if (x.isNode() or x.isEdge()) and filter_on_items(x)

    def selectedNodes(self, filter_on_nodes=lambda x: True):
        Returns the nodes selected in the diagram.
        :type filter_on_nodes: callable
        :rtype: list
        return [
            x for x in super().selectedItems()
            if x.isNode() and filter_on_nodes(x)

    def setMode(self, mode, param=None):
        Set the operational mode.
        :type mode: DiagramMode
        :type param: Item
        if self.mode != mode or self.modeParam != param:
            #LOGGER.debug('Diagram mode changed: mode=%s, param=%s', mode, param)
            self.mode = mode
            self.modeParam = param

    def setupMove(selected):
        Compute necessary data to initialize item movement, given a collection of selected nodes.
        :type selected: T <= list | tuple
        :rtype: dict
        # Initialize movement data considering only
        # nodes which are involved in the selection.
        moveData = {
            'nodes': {
                node: {
                    'anchors': {k: v
                                for k, v in node.anchors.items()},
                    'pos': node.pos(),
                for node in selected
            'edges': {}
        # Figure out if the nodes we are moving are sharing edges:
        # if that's the case, move the edge together with the nodes
        # (which actually means moving the edge breakpoints).
        for node in moveData['nodes']:
            for edge in node.edges:
                if edge not in moveData['edges']:
                    if edge.other(node).isSelected():
                        moveData['edges'][edge] = edge.breakpoints[:]
        return moveData

    # noinspection PyTypeChecker
    def visibleRect(self, margin=0):
        Returns a rectangle matching the area of visible items.
        :type margin: float
        :rtype: QtCore.QRectF
        items = self.items()
        if items:
            x = set()
            y = set()
            for item in items:
                b = item.mapRectToScene(item.boundingRect())
                x.update({b.left(), b.right()})
                y.update({b.top(), b.bottom()})
            return QtCore.QRectF(
                QtCore.QPointF(min(x) - margin,
                               min(y) - margin),
                QtCore.QPointF(max(x) + margin,
                               max(y) + margin))
        return QtCore.QRectF()

    def __str__(self):
        return 'Diagram {}'.format(self.name)