예제 #1
    def deserializeFromClipboard(self, data):
        hashmap = {}

        # calculate mouse pointer - scene position
        view = self.scene.grScene.views()[0]
        mouse_scene_pos = view.last_scene_mouse_position

        # calculate selected objects bbox and center
        minx, maxx, miny, maxy = 0, 0, 0, 0
        for box_data in data['boxes']:
            x, y = box_data['pos_x'], box_data['pos_y']
            if x < minx: minx = x
            if x > maxx: maxx = x
            if y < miny: miny = y
            if y > maxy: maxy = y
        bbox_center_x = (minx + maxx) / 2
        bbox_center_y = (miny + maxy) / 2

        # calculate the offset of the newly creating boxes
        offset_x = mouse_scene_pos.x() - bbox_center_x
        offset_y = mouse_scene_pos.y() - bbox_center_y

        # create each box
        for box_data in data['boxes']:
            new_box = Box(self.scene)
            new_box.deserialize(box_data, hashmap, restore_id=False)

            # readjust the new box's position
            pos = new_box.pos
            new_box.setPos(pos.x() + offset_x, pos.y() + offset_y)

        # create each edge
        if 'edges' in data:
            for edge_data in data['edges']:
                new_edge = Edge(self.scene)
                new_edge.deserialize(edge_data, hashmap, restore_id=False)

        # store history
        self.scene.history.storeHistory("Pasted elements in scene")