def test_run_inference(self): for model in test_utils.get_model_list(): print('Testing model :', model) engine = BasicEngine(test_utils.test_data_path(model)) input_data = test_utils.generate_random_input( 1, engine.required_input_array_size()) latency, ret = engine.run_inference(input_data) self.assertEqual(ret.size, engine.total_output_array_size()) # Check debugging functions. self.assertLess(math.fabs(engine.get_inference_time() - latency), 0.001) raw_output = engine.get_raw_output() self.assertEqual(ret.size, raw_output.size) for i in range(ret.size): if math.isnan(ret[i]) and math.isnan(raw_output[i]): continue self.assertLess(math.fabs(ret[i] - raw_output[i]), 0.001)
def main(user_id, output_file='training_data.txt'): # initial the facenet TFLite model engine = BasicEngine("../src/models/facenet_edgetpu.tflite") # list of people (subdirectory folder names) people = [person for person in os.listdir("image_data/") ] if user_id == "-1" else [str(user_id)] with open(output_file, 'a+') as f: writer = csv.writer(f) for person in people: image_names = [ image for image in os.listdir("image_data/" + person) ] # run inferece on each mage in the directory for image_name in image_names: image ="image_data/" + person + '/' + image_name) print("\t->" + person + '/' + image_name) # run inference engine.RunInference(np.array(image).flatten()) value = np.zeros(513).astype(object) value[0] = str(person).replace('_', ' ') value[1:] = engine.get_raw_output() # append new label and face embedding pair of the image to the output file writer.writerow(value)
def inference_thread(running, state, result_buffer, frame_buffer, args, identity_dict, current_identity): global IDLE, TRACK, RESET, FACE_RECOG_THRESHOLD, FACE_RECOG_THRESHOLD_A global od_engine, face_detector, facenet_engine, svm_clf # Initialize object detection engine. od_engine = DetectionEngine(args.od_model) print("device_path: ", od_engine.device_path()) _, od_width, od_height, _ = od_engine.get_input_tensor_shape() print("od input dim: ", od_width, od_height) # initial face detector using the opencv haarcascade model face_detector = FaceDetector(args.hc_model) # Initialize facenet engine. facenet_engine = BasicEngine(args.fn_model) # load the sklearn support vector machine model from disk svm_clf = pickle.load(open(args.svm_model, 'rb')) while running.value: # check if the frame buffer has a frame, else busy waiting if frame_buffer.empty(): continue frame = frame_buffer.get() tinf = time.perf_counter() if state.value == IDLE: fd_results = None # reorder image frame from BGR to RGB img = frame[:,:,::-1] # face detection faces_coord = face_detector.detect(img, True) # image preprocessing, downsampling print("faces_coord: ",faces_coord) if not isinstance(faces_coord, type(None)): # normalize face image face_image = np.array(normalize_faces(img ,faces_coord)) # facenet to generate face embedding facenet_engine.RunInference(face_image.flatten()) face_emb = facenet_engine.get_raw_output().reshape(1,-1) # use SVM to classfy identity with face embedding pred_prob = svm_clf.predict_proba(face_emb) best_class_index = np.argmax(pred_prob, axis=1)[0] best_class_prob = pred_prob[0, best_class_index] print("best_class_index: ",best_class_index) print("best_class_prob: ",best_class_prob) print("label", svm_clf.classes_[best_class_index]) # Check threshold and verify identify is in the identifiy dictionary if best_class_prob > FACE_RECOG_THRESHOLD: face_label = svm_clf.classes_[best_class_index] if face_label in identity_dict: print("\n=================================") print("Identity found: ", face_label, " ",identity_dict[face_label], " with Prob = ", best_class_prob) print("=================================\n") current_identity.value = identity_dict[face_label][0] # ID result_buffer.put(faces_coord) elif state.value == TRACK: od_results = None # convert numpy array representation to PIL image with rgb format img = Image.fromarray(frame[:,:,::-1], 'RGB') # Run inference. od_results = od_engine.DetectWithImage(img, threshold=0.30, keep_aspect_ratio=True, relative_coord=False, top_k=10) # push result to buffer queue result_buffer.put(od_results) print(time.perf_counter() - tinf, "sec") print("[Finish] inference_thread")
##### INVERT image = cv2.bitwise_not(image) ##### CONVERT TO BINARY (OTHER OPTIONS MAY MAKE MORE SENSE) _, image = cv2.threshold(image,180,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY) ##### FLATTEN INPUT (TPU REQUIREMENT) input = image.flatten() ##### RUN ON TPU results = engine.run_inference(input) ##### PLOT RESULTS mp.gca().cla(),engine.get_raw_output()) mp.axis([-0.5,9.5,0,1]) mp.xlabel('Number') mp.ylabel('Probability') mp.pause(0.001) ##### SHOW IMAGE THAT WAS FORWARDED TO TPU MODEL image = cv2.resize(frame, (560, 560)) cv2.imshow('frame', image) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break ##### CLEAR CAPTURE AND DISPAY cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()