예제 #1
def test_SubParser():
    sub = SubArgs("val", Int("num"), abc="xyz")
    su2 = SubArgs("str", Choice(('yes', True), ('no', False)), abc="mno")
    su3 = SubArgs("stx", VarArgs("args", placeholder="..."), abc="pqr")
    arg = SubParser("var", sub, su2, su3)
    eq_(str(arg), 'var')
        repr(arg), "SubParser('var', SubArgs('val', Int('num'), abc='xyz'), "
        "SubArgs('str', Choice(('yes', True), ('no', False)), abc='mno'), "
        "SubArgs('stx', VarArgs('args', placeholder='...'), abc='pqr'))")

    test = make_completions_checker(arg)
    yield test, "", (["str", "stx", "val"], 0)
    yield test, "v", (["val"], 1)
    yield test, "v ", ([], 2)
    yield test, "val", (["val"], 3)
    yield test, "val ", ([], 4)
    yield test, "val v", (None, 4)
    yield test, "st", (["str", "stx"], 2)
    yield test, "str ", (["yes", "no"], 4)
    yield test, "str y", (["yes"], 5)

    test = make_placeholder_checker(arg)
    yield test, "", 0, ("var ...", 0)
    yield test, "v", 0, ("al num", 1)
    yield test, "v ", 0, ("num", 2)
    yield test, "val", 0, (" num", 3)
    yield test, "val ", 0, ("num", 4)
    yield test, "val 1", 0, ("", 5)
    yield test, "val x", 0, (None, None)
    yield test, "s", 0, ("...", 1)
    yield test, "s ", 0, (None, None)
    yield test, "st", 0, ("...", 2)
    yield test, "str", 0, (" yes", 3)
    yield test, "str ", 0, ("yes", 4)
    yield test, "str y", 0, ("es", 5)
    yield test, "str yes", 0, ("", 7)
    yield test, "str n", 0, ("o", 5)
    yield test, "str x", 0, (None, None)
    yield test, "str x ", 0, (None, None)

    test = make_type_checker(arg)
    yield test, '', 0, (None, 0)
    yield test, 'x', 0, ParseError("'x' does not match any of: str, stx, val",
                                   arg, 0, 1)
    yield test, 'v 1', 0, ((sub, Options(num=1)), 3)
    yield test, 'val 1', 0, ((sub, Options(num=1)), 5)
    yield test, 'val 1 2', 0, ((sub, Options(num=1)), 6)
    yield test, 'val x 2', 0, ArgumentError(
        "invalid arguments: val x 2", Options(num=None), [
            ParseError("invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'x'",
                       Int("num"), 4, 6)
        ], 4)

    test = make_arg_string_checker(arg)
    yield test, (sub, Options(num=1)), "val 1"
    yield test, (su2, Options(yes=True)), "str "
    yield test, (su2, Options(yes=False)), "str no"
예제 #2
def test_CommandParser_with_SubParser():
    sub = SubArgs("num", Int("n"), abc="xyz")
    arg = SubParser("var", sub)
    parser = CommandParser(arg, yesno)

    def test(text, result):
        eq_(parser.get_placeholder(text), result)

    yield test, "", "var ... yes"
    yield test, " ", "yes"
    yield test, "  ", ""
    yield test, "n", "um n yes"
    yield test, "n ", "n yes"
    yield test, "num ", "n yes"
    yield test, "num  ", "yes"

    def test(text, result):
        eq_(parser.get_completions(text), result)

    yield test, "", ["num"]
    yield test, " ", ["yes", "no"]
    yield test, "  ", None
    yield test, "n", ["num"]
    yield test, "n ", []
    yield test, "num ", []
    yield test, "num  ", ["yes", "no"]
예제 #3
def test_TextCommandController_lookup_full_command():
    def test(c):
        m = Mocker()
        menu = m.mock(ak.NSMenu)
        ctl = TextCommandController("<history>")
        for command in c.commands:
            ctl.add_command(command, None, menu)
            menu.insertItem_atIndex_(ANY, ANY)
        eq_(ctl.lookup_full_command(c.lookup), c.result)

    def cmd(*args):

    def num(*args):

    c = TestConfig(commands=[], lookup='cmd', result=(None, None))
    yield test, c
    yield test, c(commands=[cmd])
    yield test, c(commands=[num])
    yield test, c(commands=[num],
                  result=(num, Options(value=123)))
예제 #4
 def check(err):
         str(err), "invalid arguments: num x\n"
         "invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'x'")
     eq_(err.options, Options(var=None))
     eq_(err.errors, [
         ParseError("invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'x'",
                    Int("num"), 4, 5)
예제 #5
def test_save_options():
    def test(options, hist, command=dummy_command):
        with replace_history() as history:
            mod.save_options(options, command, history)
            eq_(next(iter(history), None), hist)

    yield test, Options(value=123), "123"
    yield test, Options(value=None), "abc"

    @mod.command(arg_parser=CommandParser(Int("value", default=42)))
    def xyz(textview, sender, options):

    yield test, Options(value=345), "xyz 345", xyz
    yield test, Options(value=42), "xyz", xyz
예제 #6
def test_CommandParser_with_SubParser_errors():
    sub = SubArgs("num", Int("num"), abc="xyz")
    arg = SubParser("var", sub)
    parser = CommandParser(arg)

    def check(err):
            str(err), "invalid arguments: num x\n"
            "invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'x'")
        eq_(err.options, Options(var=None))
        eq_(err.errors, [
            ParseError("invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'x'",
                       Int("num"), 4, 5)

    with assert_raises(ArgumentError, msg=check):
        parser.parse('num x')
예제 #7
def test_Int():
    arg = Int('num')
    eq_(str(arg), 'num')
    eq_(repr(arg), "Int('num')")

    test = make_type_checker(arg)
    yield test, '', 0, (None, 0)
    yield test, '3', 0, (3, 1)
    yield test, '42', 0, (42, 2)
    yield test, '100 99', 0, (100, 4)
    yield test, '1077 ', 1, (77, 5)
    yield test, 'a 99', 0, \
        ParseError("invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'a'", arg, 0, 2)

    test = make_arg_string_checker(arg)
    yield test, 42, "42"
    yield test, -42, "-42"
    yield test, None, ""
    yield test, "arg", Error("invalid value: num='arg'")
예제 #8
파일: wraplines.py 프로젝트: khairy/editxt
from editxt.command.base import command, objc_delegate, SheetController
from editxt.command.parser import Choice, Int, CommandParser, Options
from editxt.command.util import has_selection, iterlines

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

WHITESPACE = re.compile(r"[ \t]*")

    title="Hard Wrap...",
    hotkey=("\\", ak.NSCommandKeyMask | ak.NSShiftKeyMask),
    arg_parser=CommandParser(  # TODO test
        Int('wrap_column', default=const.DEFAULT_RIGHT_MARGIN),
        Choice(('indent', True), ('no-indent', False)),
def wrap_lines(textview, sender, args):
    if args is None:
        wrapper = WrapLinesController(textview)
        wrap_selected_lines(textview, args)

    title="Hard Wrap At Margin",
    hotkey=("\\", ak.NSCommandKeyMask),
    arg_parser=CommandParser(  # TODO test
        Choice(('indent', True),
예제 #9

@command(title="Command Bar", hotkey=(";", ak.NSCommandKeyMask))
def show_command_bar(textview, sender, args):
    """Show the command bar"""
    from editxt import app
    editor = app.find_editor_with_document_view(textview.doc_view)
    if editor is None:

@command(name='goto', title="Goto Line",
def goto_line(textview, sender, opts):
    """Jump to a line in the document"""
    if opts is None or opts.line is None:
        show_command_bar(textview, sender, None)

@command(title="(Un)comment Selected Lines",
    hotkey=(",", ak.NSCommandKeyMask),
def comment_text(textview, sender, args):
    """Comment/uncomment the selected text region
예제 #10
import editxt.command.base as mod
from editxt.controls.textview import TextView
from editxt.command.base import CommandController
from editxt.command.base import SheetController, PanelController
from editxt.command.parser import ArgumentError, CommandParser, Int, Options
from editxt.textcommand import CommandHistory
from editxt.util import KVOProxy

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

             hotkey=(',', 0),
             is_enabled=lambda *a: False,
def dummy_command(textview, sender, args):
    assert False, "this command is not meant to be executed"

def setup(controller_class, nib_name="TestController"):
    def setup_controller(func):
        def wrapper():
            assert not hasattr(controller_class, 'COMMAND')
            assert not hasattr(controller_class, 'NIB_NAME')
            controller_class.COMMAND = dummy_command
            controller_class.NIB_NAME = nib_name
예제 #11
def test_CommandParser():
    def test_parser(argstr, options, parser):
        if isinstance(options, Exception):

            def check(err):
                eq_(err, options)

            with assert_raises(type(options), msg=check):
            opts = parser.default_options()
            eq_(parser.parse(argstr), opts)

    test = partial(test_parser, parser=CommandParser(yesno))
    yield test, "", Options(yes=True)
    yield test, "no", Options(yes=False)

    manual = SubArgs("manual", Int("bass", default=50),
                     Int("treble", default=50))
    preset = SubArgs("preset", Choice("flat", "rock", "cinema", name="value"))
    level = Choice(("off", 0), ('high', 4), ("medium", 2), ('low', 1),
    radio_parser = CommandParser(
        Int("volume", default=50),  #, min=0, max=100),
        String("name"),  #, quoted=True),
    test = partial(test_parser, parser=radio_parser)
    yield test, "manual", Options(equalizer=(manual,
                                             Options(bass=50, treble=50)))
    yield test, "", Options()
    yield test, "preset rock low", Options(level=1,
    yield test, "  high", Options(level=0, name="high")
    yield test, " high", Options(level=4)
    yield test, "high", Options(level=4)
    yield test, "hi", Options(level=4)
    yield test, "high '' yes", ArgumentError(
        'unexpected argument(s): yes',
        Options(volume=50, equalizer=None, name='', level=4), [], 8)

    def test_placeholder(argstr, expected, parser=radio_parser):
        eq_(parser.get_placeholder(argstr), expected)

    test = test_placeholder
    yield test, "", "equalizer ... off 50 name"
    yield test, "  ", "50 name"
    yield test, "  5", " name"
    yield test, "  5 ", "name"
    yield test, "  high", ""
    yield test, " hi", "gh 50 name"
    yield test, " high", " 50 name"
    yield test, "hi", "gh 50 name"
    yield test, "high ", "50 name"

    def make_completions_checker(argstr, expected, parser=radio_parser):
        eq_(parser.get_completions(argstr), expected)

    test = make_completions_checker
    yield test, "", ['manual', 'preset']
    yield test, "  ", []
    yield test, "  5", []
    yield test, "  5 ", []
    yield test, "  high", []
    yield test, " ", ["off", "high", "medium", "low"]
    yield test, " hi", ["high"]

    parser = CommandParser(level, Int("value"),
                           Choice("highlander", "tundra", "4runner"))
    test = partial(make_completions_checker, parser=parser)
    yield test, "h", ["high"]
    yield test, "t", ["tundra"]
    yield test, "high", ["high"]
    yield test, "high ", []
    yield test, "high 4", []
    yield test, "high x", None  # ??? None indicates an error (the last token could not be consumed) ???
    yield test, "high  4", ["4runner"]