예제 #1
 def __init__(self):
     self.Header = DistributionPackageHeaderObject()
     # {(Guid, Version, Path) : PackageObj}
     self.PackageSurfaceArea = Sdict()
     # {(Guid, Version, Name, Path) : ModuleObj}
     self.ModuleSurfaceArea = Sdict()
     self.Tools = MiscFileObject()
     self.MiscellaneousFiles = MiscFileObject()
     self.UserExtensions = []
     self.FileList = []
 def __init__(self):
     self.Binaries = Sdict()
     # Macro defined in this section should be only used in this section.
     self.Macros = {}
예제 #3
def GenDepex(ModuleObject):
    # generate [Depex] section
    NewSectionDict = Sdict()
    Content = ''
    for Depex in ModuleObject.GetPeiDepex() + ModuleObject.GetDxeDepex(
    ) + ModuleObject.GetSmmDepex():
        HelpTextList = Depex.GetHelpTextList()
        HelpStr = _GetHelpStr(HelpTextList)
        CommentStr = GenGenericCommentF(HelpStr)
        SupArchList = Depex.GetSupArchList()
        SupModList = Depex.GetModuleType()
        Expression = Depex.GetDepex()
        Statement = CommentStr + Expression
        KeyList = []
        if not SupArchList:
        if not SupModList:
            KeyList = SupArchList
            for ModuleType in SupModList:
                for Arch in SupArchList:
                        ConvertArchForInstall(Arch) + '.' + ModuleType)
        for Key in KeyList:
            if Key in NewSectionDict:
                NewSectionDict[Key] = NewSectionDict[Key] + [Statement]
                NewSectionDict[Key] = [Statement]
    Content += GenSection('Depex', NewSectionDict, False)

    return Content
예제 #4
def GenGuidSections(GuidObjList):
    # generate [Guids] section
    Content = ''
    GuidDict = Sdict()
    for Guid in GuidObjList:
        HelpTextList = Guid.GetHelpTextList()
        HelpStr = _GetHelpStr(HelpTextList)
        CName = Guid.GetCName()
        FFE = Guid.GetFeatureFlag()
        Statement = CName
        if FFE:
            Statement += '|' + FFE
        Usage = Guid.GetUsage()
        GuidType = Guid.GetGuidTypeList()[0]
        VariableName = Guid.GetVariableName()
        # Differentiate the generic comment and usage comment as multiple generic comment need to be put at first
        if Usage == DT.ITEM_UNDEFINED and GuidType == DT.ITEM_UNDEFINED:
            # generate list of generic comment
            Comment = GenGenericCommentF(HelpStr)
            # generate list of other comment
            Comment = HelpStr.replace('\n', ' ')
            Comment = Comment.strip()
            if Comment:
                Comment = ' # ' + Comment
                Comment = ''
            if Usage != DT.ITEM_UNDEFINED and GuidType == DT.ITEM_UNDEFINED:
                Comment = '## ' + Usage + Comment
            elif GuidType == 'Variable':
                Comment = '## ' + Usage + ' ## ' + GuidType + ':' + VariableName + Comment
                Comment = '## ' + Usage + ' ## ' + GuidType + Comment

            if Comment:
                Comment += '\n'
        # merge duplicate items
        ArchList = sorted(Guid.GetSupArchList())
        SortedArch = ' '.join(ArchList)
        if (Statement, SortedArch) in GuidDict:
            PreviousComment = GuidDict[Statement, SortedArch]
            Comment = PreviousComment + Comment
        GuidDict[Statement, SortedArch] = Comment
    NewSectionDict = GenMetaFileMisc.TransferDict(GuidDict, 'INF_GUID')
    # generate the section contents
    if NewSectionDict:
        Content = GenSection('Guids', NewSectionDict)

    return Content
예제 #5
def GenProtocolPPiSections(ObjList, IsProtocol):
    Content = ''
    Dict = Sdict()
    for Object in ObjList:
        HelpTextList = Object.GetHelpTextList()
        HelpStr = _GetHelpStr(HelpTextList)
        CName = Object.GetCName()
        FFE = Object.GetFeatureFlag()
        Statement = CName
        if FFE:
            Statement += '|' + FFE
        Usage = Object.GetUsage()
        Notify = Object.GetNotify()
        # Differentiate the generic comment and usage comment as consecutive generic comment need to be put together
        if Usage == DT.ITEM_UNDEFINED and Notify == '':
            # generate list of generic comment
            Comment = GenGenericCommentF(HelpStr)
            # generate list of other comment
            Comment = HelpStr.replace('\n', ' ')
            Comment = Comment.strip()
            if Comment:
                Comment = ' # ' + Comment
                Comment = ''
            if Usage == DT.ITEM_UNDEFINED and not Comment and Notify == '':
                Comment = ''
                if Notify:
                    Comment = '## ' + Usage + ' ## ' + 'NOTIFY' + Comment
                    Comment = '## ' + Usage + Comment
            if Comment:
                Comment += '\n'
        # merge duplicate items
        ArchList = sorted(Object.GetSupArchList())
        SortedArch = ' '.join(ArchList)
        if (Statement, SortedArch) in Dict:
            PreviousComment = Dict[Statement, SortedArch]
            Comment = PreviousComment + Comment
        Dict[Statement, SortedArch] = Comment
    NewSectionDict = GenMetaFileMisc.TransferDict(Dict, 'INF_PPI_PROTOCOL')
    # generate the section contents
    if NewSectionDict:
        if IsProtocol:
            Content = GenSection('Protocols', NewSectionDict)
            Content = GenSection('Ppis', NewSectionDict)

    return Content
예제 #6
 def __init__(self, PkgFullName):
     # Key is combined with (Arch, SectionType)
     # Default is common
     self.ValueDict = Sdict()
     self._PkgFullName = PkgFullName
     self._PackagePath, self._FileName = os.path.split(PkgFullName)
     self._SecName = ''
예제 #7
def GenPackages(ModuleObject):
    Content = ''
    # generate [Packages] section
    NewSectionDict = Sdict()
    WorkspaceDir = GlobalData.gWORKSPACE
    for PackageDependency in ModuleObject.GetPackageDependencyList():
        # Generate generic comment
        CommentStr = ''
        HelpText = PackageDependency.GetHelpText()
        if HelpText:
            HelpStr = HelpText.GetString()
            CommentStr = GenGenericCommentF(HelpStr)
        Statement = CommentStr
        Guid = PackageDependency.GetGuid()
        Version = PackageDependency.GetVersion()
        FFE = PackageDependency.GetFeatureFlag()
        Path = ''
        # find package path/name
        for PkgInfo in GlobalData.gWSPKG_LIST:
            if Guid == PkgInfo[1]:
                if (not Version) or (Version == PkgInfo[2]):
                    Path = PkgInfo[3]
        # get relative path
        RelaPath = GetRelativePath(Path, WorkspaceDir)
        Statement += RelaPath.replace('\\', '/')
        if FFE:
            Statement += '|' + FFE
        ArchList = sorted(PackageDependency.GetSupArchList())
        SortedArch = ' '.join(ArchList)
        if SortedArch in NewSectionDict:
            NewSectionDict[SortedArch] = NewSectionDict[SortedArch] + [
            NewSectionDict[SortedArch] = [Statement]
    Content += GenSection('Packages', NewSectionDict)
    return Content
예제 #8
def GetPackageList(DistPkg, Dep, WorkspaceDir, Options, ContentZipFile,
                   ModuleList, PackageList):
    NewDict = Sdict()
    for Guid, Version, Path in DistPkg.PackageSurfaceArea:
        PackagePath = Path
        Package = DistPkg.PackageSurfaceArea[Guid, Version, Path]
        Logger.Info(ST.MSG_INSTALL_PACKAGE % Package.GetName())
        #         if Dep.CheckPackageExists(Guid, Version):
        #             Logger.Info(ST.WRN_PACKAGE_EXISTED %(Guid, Version))
        if Options.UseGuidedPkgPath:
            GuidedPkgPath = "%s_%s_%s" % (Package.GetName(), Guid, Version)
            NewPackagePath = InstallNewPackage(WorkspaceDir, GuidedPkgPath,
            NewPackagePath = InstallNewPackage(WorkspaceDir, PackagePath,
        InstallPackageContent(PackagePath, NewPackagePath, Package,
                              ContentZipFile, Dep, WorkspaceDir, ModuleList,

        NewDict[Guid, Version, Package.GetPackagePath()] = Package

    # Now generate meta-data files, first generate all dec for package
    # dec should be generated before inf, and inf should be generated after
    # all packages installed, else hard to resolve modules' package
    # dependency (Hard to get the location of the newly installed package)
    for Package in PackageList:
        FilePath = PackageToDec(Package, DistPkg.Header)
        Md5Signature = md5(__FileHookOpen__(str(FilePath), 'rb').read())
        Md5Sum = Md5Signature.hexdigest()
        if (FilePath, Md5Sum) not in Package.FileList:
            Package.FileList.append((FilePath, Md5Sum))

    return NewDict
예제 #9
 def __init__(self):
     self.Sources = Sdict()
 def __init__(self):
     self.UserExtension = Sdict()
예제 #11
 def __init__(self):
     self.LibraryClasses = Sdict()
     # Macro defined in this section should be only used in this section.
     self.Macros = {}
예제 #12
    def ValidateDistributionPackage(self):
        XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage']
        if self.DistP:
            # Check DistributionPackage -> DistributionHeader
            XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', '']
            CheckDict = {'DistributionHeader': self.DistP.Header}
            IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)

            if self.DistP.Header:
                DpHeader = self.DistP.Header
                XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', 'DistributionHeader']
                CheckDict = Sdict()
                if DpHeader.GetAbstract():
                    DPAbstract = DpHeader.GetAbstract()[0][1]
                    DPAbstract = ''
                if DpHeader.GetCopyright():
                    DPCopyright = DpHeader.GetCopyright()[0][1]
                    DPCopyright = ''
                if DpHeader.GetLicense():
                    DPLicense = DpHeader.GetLicense()[0][1]
                    DPLicense = ''

                CheckDict['Name'] = DpHeader.GetName()
                CheckDict['GUID'] = DpHeader.GetGuid()
                CheckDict['Version'] = DpHeader.GetVersion()
                CheckDict['Copyright'] = DPCopyright
                CheckDict['License'] = DPLicense
                CheckDict['Abstract'] = DPAbstract
                CheckDict['Vendor'] = DpHeader.GetVendor()
                CheckDict['Date'] = DpHeader.GetDate()
                CheckDict['XmlSpecification'] = DpHeader.GetXmlSpecification()

                IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
                XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', 'DistributionHeader']
                CheckDict = CheckDict = {
                    'DistributionHeader': '',
                IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)

            # Check Each Package
            for Key in self.DistP.PackageSurfaceArea:

            # Check Each Module
            for Key in self.DistP.ModuleSurfaceArea:
                           ['DistributionPackage', 'ModuleSurfaceArea'])

            # Check Each Tool
            if self.DistP.Tools:
                XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', 'Tools', 'Header']
                CheckDict = {
                    'Name': self.DistP.Tools.GetName(),
                IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)

                if not self.DistP.Tools.GetFileList():
                    XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', 'Tools']
                    CheckDict = {
                        'FileName': None,
                    IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
                for Item in self.DistP.Tools.GetFileList():
                    XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', 'Tools']
                    CheckDict = {
                        'FileName': Item.GetURI(),
                    IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)

            # Check Each Misc File
            if self.DistP.MiscellaneousFiles:
                XmlTreeLevel = [
                    'DistributionPackage', 'MiscellaneousFiles', 'Header'
                CheckDict = {
                    'Name': self.DistP.MiscellaneousFiles.GetName(),
                IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)

                if not self.DistP.MiscellaneousFiles.GetFileList():
                    XmlTreeLevel = [
                        'DistributionPackage', 'MiscellaneousFiles'
                    CheckDict = {
                        'FileName': None,
                    IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
                for Item in self.DistP.MiscellaneousFiles.GetFileList():
                    XmlTreeLevel = [
                        'DistributionPackage', 'MiscellaneousFiles'
                    CheckDict = {
                        'FileName': Item.GetURI(),
                    IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)

            # Check Each Distribution Level User Extension
            for Item in self.DistP.UserExtensions:
                XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', 'UserExtensions']
                CheckDict = {
                    'UserId': Item.GetUserID(),
                IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
예제 #13
def ValidatePS1(Package):
    # Check DistributionPackage -> PackageSurfaceArea -> Header
    XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', 'PackageSurfaceArea', 'Header']
    CheckDict = Sdict()
    CheckDict['Name'] = Package.GetName()
    CheckDict['BaseName'] = Package.GetBaseName()
    CheckDict['GUID'] = Package.GetGuid()
    CheckDict['Version'] = Package.GetVersion()
    CheckDict['PackagePath'] = Package.GetPackagePath()

    IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
    if not IsValidInstallPath(Package.GetPackagePath()):
        Logger.Error("UPT", FORMAT_INVALID,
                     ERR_FILE_NAME_INVALIDE % Package.GetPackagePath())

    # Check DistributionPackage -> PackageSurfaceArea -> ClonedFrom
    XmlTreeLevel = ['DistributionPackage', 'PackageSurfaceArea', 'ClonedFrom']
    for Item in Package.GetClonedFromList():
        if Item is None:
            CheckDict = Sdict()
            CheckDict['GUID'] = ''
            IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
        CheckDict = Sdict()
        CheckDict['GUID'] = Item.GetPackageGuid()
        CheckDict['Version'] = Item.GetPackageVersion()

        IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)

    # Check DistributionPackage -> PackageSurfaceArea -> LibraryClassDeclarations -> LibraryClass
    XmlTreeLevel = [
        'DistributionPackage', 'PackageSurfaceArea', 'LibraryClassDeclarations'
    for Item in Package.GetLibraryClassList():
        if Item is None:
            CheckDict = {'LibraryClass': ''}
            IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)

    XmlTreeLevel = [
        'DistributionPackage', 'PackageSurfaceArea',
        'LibraryClassDeclarations', 'LibraryClass'
    for Item in Package.GetLibraryClassList():
        CheckDict = {
            'Keyword': Item.GetLibraryClass(),
            'HeaderFile': Item.GetIncludeHeader()
        IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)

    # Check DistributionPackage -> PackageSurfaceArea -> IndustryStandardIncludes -> IndustryStandardHeader
    XmlTreeLevel = [
        'DistributionPackage', 'PackageSurfaceArea', 'IndustryStandardIncludes'
    for Item in Package.GetStandardIncludeFileList():
        if Item is None:
            CheckDict = {'IndustryStandardHeader': ''}
            IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)

    XmlTreeLevel = [
        'DistributionPackage', 'PackageSurfaceArea',
        'IndustryStandardIncludes', 'IndustryStandardHeader'
    for Item in Package.GetStandardIncludeFileList():
        CheckDict = {'HeaderFile': Item.GetFilePath()}
        IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)

    # Check DistributionPackage -> PackageSurfaceArea -> PackageIncludes -> PackageHeader
    XmlTreeLevel = [
        'DistributionPackage', 'PackageSurfaceArea', 'PackageIncludes'
    for Item in Package.GetPackageIncludeFileList():
        if Item is None:
            CheckDict = {'PackageHeader': ''}
            IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)

    XmlTreeLevel = [
        'DistributionPackage', 'PackageSurfaceArea', 'PackageIncludes',
    for Item in Package.GetPackageIncludeFileList():
        CheckDict = {'HeaderFile': Item.GetFilePath()}
        IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
예제 #14
    def __init__(self):
        # LibraryClassObject
        self.LibraryClassList = []
        # FileObject
        self.IncludePathList = []
        # StandardIncludeFileObject
        self.StandardIncludeFileList = []
        # PackageIncludeFileObject
        self.PackageIncludeFileList = []
        # Include and Arch List, item is (IncludePath, SupArchList-List of Arch), used during install package
        self.IncludeArchList = []
        # ProtocolObject
        self.ProtocolList = []
        # PpiObject
        self.PpiList = []
        # GuidObject
        self.GuidList = []
        # (PcdObject, PcdErrorObject)
        self.PcdList = []
        # {(PcdTokenSpaceGuidCName, PcdErrroNumber): PcdErrorMessageList}
        self.PcdErrorCommentDict = {}
        # UserExtensionObject
        self.UserExtensionList = []
        # MiscFileObject
        self.MiscFileList = []
        self.ModuleDict = Sdict()
        # ClonedRecordObject
        self.ClonedFromList = []
        # string object
        self.ModuleFileList = []

        self.PcdChecks = []

        self.UNIFlag = False
예제 #15
 def __init__(self):
     self.Protocols = Sdict()
     # Macro defined in this section should be only used in this section.
     self.Macros = {}
예제 #16
 def __init__(self):
     self.Defines = Sdict()
예제 #17
    def GenIncludes(self, ContainerFile):
        if ContainerFile:
        Logger.Debug(2, "Generate %s ..." % TAB_INCLUDES)
        IncludesDict = Sdict()

        IncObj = self.DecParser.GetIncludeSectionObject()
        for Item in IncObj.GetAllIncludes():
            IncludePath = os.path.normpath(Item.File)
            if platform.system() != 'Windows' and platform.system(
            ) != 'Microsoft':
                IncludePath = IncludePath.replace('\\', '/')
            if IncludePath in IncludesDict:
                if Item.GetArchList() == [
                ] or IncludesDict[IncludePath] == [TAB_ARCH_COMMON]:
                    IncludesDict[IncludePath] = [TAB_ARCH_COMMON]
                    IncludesDict[IncludePath] = IncludesDict[
                        IncludePath] + Item.GetArchList()
                IncludesDict[IncludePath] = Item.GetArchList()

        # get the  standardIncludeFileList(industry), packageIncludeFileList
        # (others) for PackageObject
        PackagePath = os.path.split(self.GetFullPath())[0]
        IncludePathList = \
            sorted([os.path.normpath(Path) + sep for Path in IncludesDict.keys()])

        # get a non-overlap set of include path, IncludePathList should be
        # sorted, and path should be end with path separator '\'
        NonOverLapList = []
        for Path1 in IncludePathList:
            for Path2 in NonOverLapList:
                if Path1.startswith(Path2):
        # revert the list so the longest path shown first in list, also need
        # to remove the extra path separator '\'
        # as this list is used to search the supported Arch info
        for IndexN in range(0, len(IncludePathList)):
            IncludePathList[IndexN] = os.path.normpath(IncludePathList[IndexN])
        # save the include path list for later usage
        StandardIncludeFileList = []
        PackageIncludeFileList = []

        IncludeFileList = []
        for Path in NonOverLapList:
            FileList = GetFiles(os.path.join(PackagePath, Path),
                                ['CVS', '.svn'], False)
            IncludeFileList += [
                os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Path, File)) for File in FileList
        for Includefile in IncludeFileList:
            ExtName = os.path.splitext(Includefile)[1]
            if ExtName.upper() == '.DEC' and self.CheckMulDec:
                    'MkPkg', UPT_MUL_DEC_ERROR, ST.ERR_MUL_DEC_ERROR %
                     os.path.basename(ContainerFile), Includefile))

            FileCombinePath = os.path.dirname(Includefile)
            Include = IncludeObject()
            for Path in IncludePathList:
                if FileCombinePath.startswith(Path):
                    SupArchList = IncludesDict[Path]
            if Includefile.find('IndustryStandard') != -1:


        # put include path into the PackageIncludeFileList
        PackagePathList = []
        IncObj = self.DecParser.GetIncludeSectionObject()
        for Item in IncObj.GetAllIncludes():
            IncludePath = Item.File
            Include = IncludeObject()
        self.SetPackageIncludeFileList(PackagePathList +
예제 #18
 def __init__(self):
     self.SpecialComments = Sdict()
예제 #19
def GetModuleList(DistPkg, Dep, WorkspaceDir, ContentZipFile, ModuleList):
    # ModulePathList will keep track of the standalone module path that
    # we just installed. If a new module's path in that list
    # (only multiple INF in one directory will be so), we will
    # install them directly. If not, we will try to create a new directory
    # for it.
    ModulePathList = []

    # Check module exist and install
    Module = None
    NewDict = Sdict()
    for Guid, Version, Name, Path in DistPkg.ModuleSurfaceArea:
        ModulePath = Path
        Module = DistPkg.ModuleSurfaceArea[Guid, Version, Name, Path]
        Logger.Info(ST.MSG_INSTALL_MODULE % Module.GetName())
        if Dep.CheckModuleExists(Guid, Version, Name, Path):
            Logger.Quiet(ST.WRN_MODULE_EXISTED % Path)
        # here check for the multiple inf share the same module path cases:
        # they should be installed into the same directory
        ModuleFullPath = \
        os.path.normpath(os.path.join(WorkspaceDir, ModulePath))
        if ModuleFullPath not in ModulePathList:
            NewModulePath = InstallNewModule(WorkspaceDir, ModulePath,
            NewModuleFullPath = os.path.normpath(
                os.path.join(WorkspaceDir, NewModulePath))
            NewModulePath = ModulePath

        InstallModuleContent(ModulePath, NewModulePath, '', Module,
                             ContentZipFile, WorkspaceDir, ModuleList, None,
        # Update module
            Path, NewModulePath, 1))

        NewDict[Guid, Version, Name, Module.GetModulePath()] = Module

    # generate all inf for modules
    for (Module, Package) in ModuleList:
        CheckCNameInModuleRedefined(Module, DistPkg)
        FilePath = ModuleToInf(Module, Package, DistPkg.Header)
        Md5Signature = md5(__FileHookOpen__(str(FilePath), 'rb').read())
        Md5Sum = Md5Signature.hexdigest()
        if Package:
            if (FilePath, Md5Sum) not in Package.FileList:
                Package.FileList.append((FilePath, Md5Sum))
            if (FilePath, Md5Sum) not in Module.FileList:
                Module.FileList.append((FilePath, Md5Sum))
        # append the module unicode files to Package FileList
        for (FilePath, Md5Sum) in Module.FileList:
            if str(FilePath).endswith('.uni') and Package and (
                    FilePath, Md5Sum) not in Package.FileList:
                Package.FileList.append((FilePath, Md5Sum))

    return NewDict
예제 #20
def ValidateMS2(Module, TopXmlTreeLevel):
    # Check Header
    XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['Header']
    CheckDict = Sdict()
    CheckDict['Name'] = Module.GetName()
    CheckDict['BaseName'] = Module.GetBaseName()
    CheckDict['GUID'] = Module.GetGuid()
    CheckDict['Version'] = Module.GetVersion()
    IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)

    # Check ModuleProperties
    XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['ModuleProperties']
    CheckDict = {
        'ModuleType': Module.GetModuleType(),
        'Path': Module.GetModulePath()
    IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)

    if not IsValidInstallPath(Module.GetModulePath()):
        Logger.Error("UPT", FORMAT_INVALID,
                     ERR_FILE_NAME_INVALIDE % Module.GetModulePath())

    # Check ModuleProperties->BootMode
    XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['ModuleProperties'] + ['BootMode']
    for Item in Module.GetBootModeList():
        CheckDict = {
            'Usage': Item.GetUsage(),
            'SupportedBootModes': Item.GetSupportedBootModes()
        IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)

    # Check ModuleProperties->Event
    XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['ModuleProperties'] + ['Event']
    for Item in Module.GetEventList():
        CheckDict = {
            'Usage': Item.GetUsage(),
            'EventType': Item.GetEventType()
        IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)

    # Check ModuleProperties->Hob
    XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['ModuleProperties'] + ['HOB']
    for Item in Module.GetHobList():
        CheckDict = {'Usage': Item.GetUsage(), 'HobType': Item.GetHobType()}
        IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)

    # The UDP Specification supports the module type of UEFI_RUNTIME_DRIVER, which is not present in the EDK II INF
    # File Specification v. 1.23, so UPT must perform the following translation that include the generation of a
    # [Depex] section.
    if Module.ModuleType == "UEFI_RUNTIME_DRIVER":
        Module.ModuleType = "DXE_RUNTIME_DRIVER"
        DxeObj = DepexObject()
        DxeObj.SetDepex("gEfiBdsArchProtocolGuid AND \ngEfiCpuArchProtocolGuid AND\n" + \
                        "gEfiMetronomeArchProtocolGuid AND \ngEfiMonotonicCounterArchProtocolGuid AND\n" + \
                        "gEfiRealTimeClockArchProtocolGuid AND \ngEfiResetArchProtocolGuid AND\n" + \
                        "gEfiRuntimeArchProtocolGuid AND \ngEfiSecurityArchProtocolGuid AND\n" + \
                        "gEfiTimerArchProtocolGuid AND \ngEfiVariableWriteArchProtocolGuid AND\n" + \
                        "gEfiVariableArchProtocolGuid AND \ngEfiWatchdogTimerArchProtocolGuid")
        Module.PeiDepex = []
        Module.DxeDepex = []
        Module.SmmDepex = []

    # Check LibraryClassDefinitions -> LibraryClass
    XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['LibraryClassDefinitions']
    for Item in Module.GetLibraryClassList():
        if Item is None:
            CheckDict = {'LibraryClass': ''}
            IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)

    XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + [
        'LibraryClassDefinitions', 'LibraryClass'

    IsLibraryModule = False
    LibrarySupModList = []
    for Item in Module.GetLibraryClassList():
        CheckDict = {
            'Keyword': Item.GetLibraryClass(),
            'Usage': Item.GetUsage()
        IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)
        # If the LibraryClass:SupModList is not "UNDEFINED" the LIBRARY_CLASS entry must have the list
        # appended using the format:
        # LIBRARY_CLASS = <ClassName> ["|" <Edk2ModuleTypeList>]
        # Edk2ModuleTypeList ::= <ModuleType> [" " <ModuleType>]{0,}
        # <ModuleTypes>      ::= {"BASE"} {"SEC"} {"PEI_CORE"} {"PEIM"}
        #                       {"DXE_CORE"} {"DXE_DRIVER"} {"SMM_CORE"}
        #                       {"DXE_SMM_DRIVER"} {"DXE_RUNTIME_DRIVER"}
        #                       {"DXE_SAL_DRIVER"} {"UEFI_DRIVER"}
        #                       {"UEFI_APPLICATION"} {"USER_DEFINED"}
        if len(Item.SupModuleList) > 0:
            for SupModule in Item.SupModuleList:
                if not IsValidInfMoudleType(SupModule):
                                 ERR_XML_INVALID_LIB_SUPMODLIST %
                                 (Item.LibraryClass, str(SupModule)),

        if Item.Usage == 'PRODUCES' or Item.Usage == 'SOMETIMES_PRODUCES':
            IsLibraryModule = True
            LibrarySupModList = Item.SupModuleList

    # For Library modules (indicated by a LIBRARY_CLASS statement in the [Defines] section)
    # If the SupModList attribute of the CONSTRUCTOR or DESTRUCTOR element does not match the Supported Module
    # Types listed after "LIBRARY_CLASS = <Keyword> |", the tool should gracefully exit with an error message
    # stating that there is a conflict in the module types the CONSTRUCTOR/DESTRUCTOR is to be used with and
    # the Module types this Library supports.
    if IsLibraryModule:
        for Item in Module.GetExternList():
            if Item.Constructor or Item.Destructor:
                if hasattr(Item, 'SupModList') and len(Item.SupModList) > 0 and \
                   not IsEqualList(Item.SupModList, LibrarySupModList):
                        ERR_XML_INVALID_EXTERN_SUPMODLIST %
                        (str(Item.SupModList), str(LibrarySupModList)),

    # If the module is not a library module, the MODULE_TYPE listed in the ModuleSurfaceArea.Header must match the
    # SupModList attribute.  If these conditions cannot be met, the tool must exit gracefully, informing the user
    # that the EDK II Build system does not currently support the features required by this Module.
    if not IsLibraryModule:
        for Item in Module.GetExternList():
            if hasattr(Item, 'SupModList') and len(Item.SupModList) > 0 and \
               not IsEqualList(Item.SupModList, [Module.ModuleType]):
                             ERR_XML_INVALID_EXTERN_SUPMODLIST_NOT_LIB %
                             (str(Module.ModuleType), str(Item.SupModList)),
    # Check SourceFiles
    XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['SourceFiles']
    for Item in Module.GetSourceFileList():
        if Item is None:
            CheckDict = {'Filename': ''}
            IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)

    XmlTreeLevel = TopXmlTreeLevel + ['SourceFiles']
    for Item in Module.GetSourceFileList():
        CheckDict = {'Filename': Item.GetSourceFile()}
        IsRequiredItemListNull(CheckDict, XmlTreeLevel)

    for ItemCount in range(len(Module.GetBinaryFileList())):
        Item = Module.GetBinaryFileList()[ItemCount]
        if Item and len(Item.FileNamList
                        ) > 0 and Item.FileNamList[0].FileType == 'FREEFORM':
            Item.FileNamList[0].FileType = 'SUBTYPE_GUID'
            Module.GetBinaryFileList()[ItemCount] = Item
예제 #21
def GenPcdSections(ModuleObject):
    Content = ''
    if not GlobalData.gIS_BINARY_INF:
        # for each Pcd Itemtype, maintain a dict so the same type will be grouped
        # together
        ItemTypeDict = {}
        for Pcd in ModuleObject.GetPcdList():
            HelpTextList = Pcd.GetHelpTextList()
            HelpStr = _GetHelpStr(HelpTextList)
            Statement = ''
            CName = Pcd.GetCName()
            TokenSpaceGuidCName = Pcd.GetTokenSpaceGuidCName()
            DefaultValue = Pcd.GetDefaultValue()
            ItemType = Pcd.GetItemType()
            if ItemType in ItemTypeDict:
                Dict = ItemTypeDict[ItemType]
                Dict = Sdict()
                ItemTypeDict[ItemType] = Dict
            FFE = Pcd.GetFeatureFlag()
            Statement += TokenSpaceGuidCName + '.' + CName
            if DefaultValue:
                Statement += '|' + DefaultValue
                if FFE:
                    Statement += '|' + FFE
            elif FFE:
                Statement += '||' + FFE
            # Generate comment
            Usage = Pcd.GetValidUsage()
            # if FeatureFlag Pcd, then assume all Usage is CONSUMES
            if ItemType == DT.TAB_INF_FEATURE_PCD:
                Usage = DT.USAGE_ITEM_CONSUMES
            if Usage == DT.ITEM_UNDEFINED:
                # generate list of generic comment
                Comment = GenGenericCommentF(HelpStr)
                # generate list of other comment
                Comment = HelpStr.replace('\n', ' ')
                Comment = Comment.strip()
                if Comment:
                    Comment = ' # ' + Comment
                    Comment = ''
                Comment = '## ' + Usage + Comment
                if Comment:
                    Comment += '\n'
            # Merge duplicate entries
            ArchList = sorted(Pcd.GetSupArchList())
            SortedArch = ' '.join(ArchList)
            if (Statement, SortedArch) in Dict:
                PreviousComment = Dict[Statement, SortedArch]
                Comment = PreviousComment + Comment
            Dict[Statement, SortedArch] = Comment
        for ItemType in ItemTypeDict:
            # First we need to transfer the Dict to use SortedArch as key
            Dict = ItemTypeDict[ItemType]
            NewSectionDict = GenMetaFileMisc.TransferDict(Dict, 'INF_PCD')
            if NewSectionDict:
                Content += GenSection(ItemType, NewSectionDict)
    # For AsBuild INF files
        Content += GenAsBuiltPacthPcdSections(ModuleObject)
        Content += GenAsBuiltPcdExSections(ModuleObject)

    return Content
예제 #22
 def __init__(self, FileName):
     self.Pcds = Sdict()
     self.FileName = FileName