예제 #1
    def Invoke(self):
        ''' Main process function.  Should not need to be overwritten '''


        logging.log(edk2_logging.SECTION, "Init SDE")

        # Next, get the environment set up.
         shell_env) = self_describing_environment.BootstrapEnvironment(
             self.GetWorkspaceRoot(), self.GetActiveScopes())

        # Make sure the environment verifies IF it is required for this invocation
        if self.GetVerifyCheckRequired(
        ) and not self_describing_environment.VerifyEnvironment(
                self.GetWorkspaceRoot(), self.GetActiveScopes()):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "SDE is not current.  Please update your env before running this tool."

        # Load plugins
        logging.log(edk2_logging.SECTION, "Loading Plugins")

        self.plugin_manager = plugin_manager.PluginManager()
        failedPlugins = self.plugin_manager.SetListOfEnvironmentDescriptors(
        if failedPlugins:
                "One or more plugins failed to load. Halting build.")
            for a in failedPlugins:
                logging.error("Failed Plugin: {0}".format(a["name"]))
            raise Exception("One or more plugins failed to load.")

        self.helper = HelperFunctions()
        if (self.helper.LoadFromPluginManager(self.plugin_manager) > 0):
            raise Exception("One or more helper plugins failed to load.")

        logging.log(edk2_logging.SECTION, "Start Invocable Tool")
        retcode = self.Go()
        logging.log(edk2_logging.SECTION, "Summary")
        if (retcode != 0):

예제 #2
    def Go(self):
        logging.info("Running Python version: " + str(sys.version_info))


        (build_env, shell_env) = self_describing_environment.BootstrapEnvironment(
            self.GetWorkspaceRoot(), self.GetActiveScopes())

        # Bind our current execution environment into the shell vars.
        ph = os.path.dirname(sys.executable)
        if " " in ph:
            ph = '"' + ph + '"'
        shell_env.set_shell_var("PYTHON_HOME", ph)
        # PYTHON_COMMAND is required to be set for using edk2 python builds.
        # todo: work with edk2 to remove the bat file and move to native python calls
        pc = sys.executable
        if " " in pc:
            pc = '"' + pc + '"'
        shell_env.set_shell_var("PYTHON_COMMAND", pc)

        # Load plugins
        logging.log(edk2_logging.SECTION, "Loading Plugins")
        pm = plugin_manager.PluginManager()
        failedPlugins = pm.SetListOfEnvironmentDescriptors(
        if failedPlugins:
            logging.critical("One or more plugins failed to load. Halting build.")
            for a in failedPlugins:
                logging.error("Failed Plugin: {0}".format(a["name"]))
            raise Exception("One or more plugins failed to load.")

        helper = HelperFunctions()
        if(helper.LoadFromPluginManager(pm) > 0):
            raise Exception("One or more helper plugins failed to load.")

        # Make a pathobj so we can normalize and validate the workspace
        # and packages path.  The Settings Manager can return absolute or
        # relative paths
        pathobj = Edk2Path(self.GetWorkspaceRoot(), self.GetPackagesPath())
        # Now we can actually kick off a build.
        logging.log(edk2_logging.SECTION, "Kicking off build")
        ret = self.PlatformBuilder.Go(pathobj.WorkspacePath,
                                      helper, pm)
        logging.log(edk2_logging.SECTION, f"Log file is located at: {self.log_filename}")
        return ret
    def Go(self):
        logging.info("Running Python version: " + str(sys.version_info))


        (build_env, shell_env) = self_describing_environment.BootstrapEnvironment(
            self.GetWorkspaceRoot(), self.GetActiveScopes())

        # Bind our current execution environment into the shell vars.
        ph = os.path.dirname(sys.executable)
        if " " in ph:
            ph = '"' + ph + '"'
        shell_env.set_shell_var("PYTHON_HOME", ph)
        # PYTHON_COMMAND is required to be set for using edk2 python builds.
        # todo: work with edk2 to remove the bat file and move to native python calls
        pc = sys.executable
        if " " in pc:
            pc = '"' + pc + '"'
        shell_env.set_shell_var("PYTHON_COMMAND", pc)

        # Load plugins
        logging.log(edk2_logging.SECTION, "Loading Plugins")
        pm = plugin_manager.PluginManager()
        failedPlugins = pm.SetListOfEnvironmentDescriptors(
        if failedPlugins:
            logging.critical("One or more plugins failed to load. Halting build.")
            for a in failedPlugins:
                logging.error("Failed Plugin: {0}".format(a["name"]))
            raise Exception("One or more plugins failed to load.")

        helper = HelperFunctions()
        if(helper.LoadFromPluginManager(pm) > 0):
            raise Exception("One or more helper plugins failed to load.")
        # Now we can actually kick off a build.
        logging.log(edk2_logging.SECTION, "Kicking off build")
        return self.PlatformBuilder.Go(self.GetWorkspaceRoot(),
                                       helper, pm)