def SignSEMData(options): global gPath2SignTool if gPath2SignTool == None: a = DFCI_SupportLib () gPath2SignTool = a.get_signtool_path () return DetachedSignWithSignTool (gPath2SignTool, options.SigningInputFile, options.SigningOutputFile, options.SigningPfxFile, options.SigningPfxPw, gOid)
def SignSEMProvisionData(options): global gPath2SignTool if gPath2SignTool == None: a = DFCI_SupportLib () gPath2SignTool = a.get_signtool_path () logging.critical("Signing Started") logging.critical(options.SigningInputFile) logging.critical(options.SigningOutputFile) logging.critical(options.SigningPfxFile) return DetachedSignWithSignTool (gPath2SignTool, options.SigningInputFile, options.SigningOutputFile, options.SigningPfxFile, options.SigningPfxPw, gOid)
def TestSignSemTrustedCert(options): global gPath2SignTool if gPath2SignTool == None: a = DFCI_SupportLib () gPath2SignTool = a.get_signtool_path () logging.critical("Signing Started") logging.critical(gPath2SignTool) logging.critical(options.CertFilePath) logging.critical(options.Signing2AOutputFile) logging.critical(options.Signing2APfxFile) return DetachedSignWithSignTool (gPath2SignTool, options.CertFilePath, options.Signing2AOutputFile, options.Signing2APfxFile, options.Signing2APfxPw, gOid)
def main(): parser = OptionParser() #Output debug log parser.add_option("-l", dest="OutputLog", help="Create an output log file: ie -l out.txt", default=None) parser.add_option("-o", "--OutputFile", dest="OutputFile", help="Result/Output file", default=None) parser.add_option("-p", "--payload", dest="Payload", help="Input unsigned payload file", default=None) parser.add_option("--production", dest="ProductionSign", action="store_true", help="Production Sign Process (no dev signing)", default=False) parser.add_option("-m", dest="MonotonicCount", help="Monotonic Count Value", default=0) parser.add_option( "-s", dest="DetachedSignature", help="Detached Signature file (production signed phase 3 step only)", default=None) parser.add_option("--pfxfile", dest="PfxPath", help="Path to PFX file for dev signing", default=None) parser.add_option( "--pfxpass", dest="PfxPass", help="Optional - PFX password for dev signing with PFX cert", default=None) parser.add_option( "--eku", dest="Eku", help="Option -specify EKU value to pass to signtool if required", default=None) parser.add_option("--SignTool", dest="SignToolPath", help="Path to signtool.exe") #Turn on dubug level logging parser.add_option("--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug", help="turn on debug logging level for file log", default=False) parser.add_option( "--dirty", action="store_true", dest="dirty", help= "turn on dirty flag to keep intermediate files. Default is to delete them.", default=False) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() #setup file based logging if outputReport specified if (options.OutputLog): if (len(options.OutputLog) < 2): logging.critical("the output log file parameter is invalid") return -2 else: #setup file based logging filelogger = logging.FileHandler(filename=options.OutputLog, mode='w') if (options.debug): filelogger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: filelogger.setLevel(logging.INFO) filelogger.setFormatter(formatter) logging.getLogger('').addHandler(filelogger)"Log Started: " + datetime.datetime.strftime(, "%A, %B %d, %Y %I:%M%p")) #check for valid files if not options.Payload: logging.critical("No Payload file specified") return -1 if not os.path.isfile(options.Payload): logging.critical("Invalid Path to payload file") return -2 if not options.DetachedSignature: logging.debug("No Detached Signature File.") else: logging.debug("Parameter for detached signature file specified. " + options.DetachedSignature) logging.debug("Entering Phase2-PackageOnly Mode") global gPhase3PackageOnly gPhase3PackageOnly = True if not options.OutputFile: logging.debug( "No output file specified. Using default. AuthPayload.FmImageAuth" ) options.OutputFile = "AuthPayload.FmImageAuth" if (not gPhase3PackageOnly and not options.ProductionSign): #must have a pfx file if not options.PfxPath: logging.critical("No Pfx File given.") return -7 if not os.path.isfile(options.PfxPath): logging.critical("Invalid PFX Path. File doesn't exist. " + options.PfxPath) return -6 logging.debug("Using PFX file: " + str(options.PfxPath)) logging.debug("Production Mode: " + str(options.ProductionSign)) logging.debug("Monotonic Count: " + str(options.MonotonicCount)) logging.debug("Output File: " + str(options.OutputFile)) logging.debug("Dirty Mode: " + str(options.dirty)) FileToSign = os.path.join("payload.Temp.ToBeSigned") #if not doing phase2 only then we need to do presign stuff if not gPhase3PackageOnly: #Since we are not in phase3packageonly mode we know no DetachedSignature file speficied. Set to the default output. OutputDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(options.OutputFile)) logging.debug("Temp files will be written to: " + str(OutputDir)) #change the path to temp location FileToSign = os.path.join(OutputDir, FileToSign) options.DetachedSignature = FileToSign + ".p7" #Create a temp file with payload + monotonic count f = open(FileToSign, "wb") pf = open(options.Payload, "rb") f.write( mc = struct.pack("Q", int(options.MonotonicCount)) f.write(mc) pf.close() f.close() #if not doing production signing then sign it if not options.ProductionSign: #check sign tool if (os.path.exists(options.SignToolPath)): logging.debug("Signtool.exe found at location: " + options.SignToolPath) else: logging.critical("Can't find signtool at location: " + options.SignToolPath) return -5 ret = DetachedSignWithSignTool(options.SignToolPath, FileToSign, options.DetachedSignature, options.PfxPath, PfxPass=options.PfxPass, Eku=options.Eku) if ret != 0: logging.critical("DetachedSignWithSignTool Failed: " + str(ret)) return ret if not options.dirty: logging.debug("Delete temp file: " + str(FileToSign)) os.remove(FileToSign) else: logging.critical("File To Production Sign Created: " + FileToSign) return 0 #package the final output (phase 3) wcugSize = os.path.getsize(options.DetachedSignature) logging.debug("PKCS7 Signed Data is size: " + str(wcugSize)) wcugSize = wcugSize + 4 + 2 + 2 + 16 # matches the hdr + guid below # #Header layout and structures defined in UEFI 2.4 Errata B. # #EFI_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_AUTH #UINT64 Monotonic Count <--count value used when signing it #WIN_CERTIFICATE_UEFI_GUID AuthInfo #WIN_CERTIFICATE Hdr #UINT32 dwLength <--Length of cert header #UINT16 wRevision <--Revision level of win cert current 0x0200 #UINT16 wCertType <--WIN_CERT_TYPE_EFI_GUID 0x0EF1 #EFI_GUID CertType <--gEfiCertPkcs7Guid = { 0x4aafd29d, 0x68df, 0x49ee, {0x8a, 0xa9, 0x34, 0x7d, 0x37, 0x56, 0x65, 0xa7 }} #UINT8[] PKCS7 SignedData <--DetachedSignature from signtool #UINT8[] Payload <--Payload file #struct format for the header header = struct.pack("QLHH", int(options.MonotonicCount), int(wcugSize), int("200", 16), int("0EF1", 16)) pkcsguid = uuid.UUID('{4aafd29d-68df-49ee-8aa9-347d375665a7}') f = open(options.OutputFile, "wb") f.write(header) f.write(pkcsguid.bytes_le) sd = open(options.DetachedSignature, "rb") f.write( sd.close() p = open(options.Payload, "rb") f.write( p.close() f.close() logging.critical( "Final FMP compliant Authenticated Payload Image File created:\n " + os.path.abspath(str(options.OutputFile))) #if user wants temp files deleted and didn't pass in the p7 file....then delete it now if not options.dirty: if not gPhase3PackageOnly: logging.debug("Delete temp file: " + str(options.DetachedSignature)) os.remove(options.DetachedSignature) return 0