예제 #1
def test_child_binding():
    '''Test 'child-binding:' in bindings'''
    edt = edtlib.EDT("test.dts", ["test-bindings"])
    child1 = edt.get_node("/child-binding/child-1")
    child2 = edt.get_node("/child-binding/child-2")
    grandchild = edt.get_node("/child-binding/child-1/grandchild")

    assert str(child1.binding_path) == hpath("test-bindings/child-binding.yaml")
    assert str(child1.description) == "child node"
    assert str(child1.props) == "OrderedDict([('child-prop', <Property, name: child-prop, type: int, value: 1>)])"

    assert str(child2.binding_path) == hpath("test-bindings/child-binding.yaml")
    assert str(child2.description) == "child node"
    assert str(child2.props) == "OrderedDict([('child-prop', <Property, name: child-prop, type: int, value: 3>)])"

    assert str(grandchild.binding_path) == hpath("test-bindings/child-binding.yaml")
    assert str(grandchild.description) == "grandchild node"
    assert str(grandchild.props) == "OrderedDict([('grandchild-prop', <Property, name: grandchild-prop, type: int, value: 2>)])"

    binding_file = Path("test-bindings/child-binding.yaml").resolve()
    top = edtlib.Binding(binding_file, {})
    child = top.child_binding
    assert Path(top.path) == binding_file
    assert Path(child.path) == binding_file
    assert top.compatible == 'top-binding'
    assert child.compatible is None

    binding_file = Path("test-bindings/child-binding-with-compat.yaml").resolve()
    top = edtlib.Binding(binding_file, {})
    child = top.child_binding
    assert Path(top.path) == binding_file
    assert Path(child.path) == binding_file
    assert top.compatible == 'top-binding-with-compat'
    assert child.compatible == 'child-compat'
예제 #2
def load_base_binding():
    # Make a Binding object for base.yaml.
    # This helps separate presentation for properties common to all
    # nodes from node-specific properties.

    base_yaml = ZEPHYR_BASE / 'dts' / 'bindings' / 'base' / 'base.yaml'
    if not base_yaml.is_file():
        sys.exit(f'Expected to find base.yaml at {base_yaml}')
    return edtlib.Binding(os.fspath(base_yaml), {}, require_compatible=False,