def _output_result(output, result): """ Outputs result of the action (if any) in the chosen format. Argument: output: command line argument for output result: result object of the previously taken action Returns: success - flag if the action was succesful error - error message """ success = True error = None if not isinstance(result, pd.DataFrame): success = False error = "Expecting result as pandas dataframe. Got %s" % (type(result)) log(error, level=0) return success, error if output == CONST_OUTPUT_TABLE: print( tabulate(result, headers="keys", tablefmt="psql", showindex=False)) elif output == CONST_OUTPUT_CSV: result.to_csv("%s.csv" % CONST_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE_NAME) elif output == CONST_OUTPUT_JSON: result.to_json("%s.json" % CONST_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FILE_NAME, orient="records") else: success = False error = "Unrecognised type of output. Skipping." log(error, level=0) return success, error
def _take_action(args, crawler): """ The main routine to handle all command line actions. Arguments: args: command line arguments crawler: eduhub crawler object """ results_df = None if hasattr(args, "courses_action"): if args.courses_action == CONST_ACTION_LIST: success, error, results_df = crawler.get_courses_df() else: log("Unrecognised subaction. Skipping.", level=0) elif hasattr(args, "handout_action"): if hasattr(args, "course_name"): course_name = args.course_name else: course_name = None if hasattr(args, "lab_name"): lab_name = args.lab_name else: lab_name = None if hasattr(args, "handout_name"): handout_name = args.handout_name else: handout_name = None if args.handout_action == CONST_ACTION_LIST: # all courses if course_name is None: success, error, results_df = crawler.get_eduhub_details() # specific course (optionally, specific lab, handout) else: success, error, results_df = crawler.get_course_details_df( course_name, lab_name, handout_name) else: log("Unrecognised subaction. Skipping.", level=0) else: log("Unrecognised/unspecified action. Skipping.", level=0) return success, error, results_df
def crawl(args): """ The main crawling routine. Arguments: args: command line arguments Returns: success - flag if the action was succesful error - error message return_result - if output is df - resulting dataframe """ success = True error = None return_result = None # check if any action is specified if (not (hasattr(args, "courses_action") or hasattr(args, "handout_action"))): success = False error = "Unrecognised/unspecified action. Skipping." log(error, level=0) if success: log("Crawler started", level=1) os.environ["WDM_LOG_LEVEL"] = "%d" % CONST_VERBOSE_LEVEL try: login_email = os.environ["EC_EMAIL"] login_password = os.environ["EC_PASSWORD"] except Exception: login_email = None login_password = None if (login_email is None or login_password is None or len(login_email) == 0 or len(login_password) == 0): success = False error = "Missing login credentials. Have you " + \ "set the environmental parameters? Exiting." log(error, level=0) if success: result = None try: webdriver_headless = os.environ["EC_HIDE"].lower() == "true" except Exception: webdriver_headless = CONST_WEBDRIVER_HEADLESS try: if os.environ["EC_MFA"].lower() == "false": mfa_on = False else: mfa_on = True except Exception: mfa_on = True # instantiate the crawler crawler = Crawler(login_email, login_password, hide=webdriver_headless, mfa=mfa_on) # take the specified action if crawler.client is not None: success, error, result = _take_action(args, crawler) else: success = False error = "Client not established" result = None crawler.quit() if success and result is not None: if args.output != CONST_OUTPUT_DF: _output_result(args.output, result) else: return_result = result log("Crawler finished", level=1) return success, error, return_result
def get_handout_details(self, handout_name): """ Gets the handout details (sub_name, sub_id, sub_status, sub_user_email_list) from the Handout details blade. Checks if the correct handout is being selected by comparing subscription name with the handout name. Arguments: handout_name: handout name Returns: success - a flag indicating if subscription details were read successfully error - error message sub_name, sub_id, sub_status, sub_expiry_date, sub_user_email_list """ success = True error = None sub_details_loaded = False sub_name = None sub_id = None sub_status = None sub_expiry_date = None sub_user_email_list = [] time_start = time() timeout = False while not sub_details_loaded: time_elapsed = time() - time_start if time_elapsed > CONST_TIMEOUT: timeout = True break log( "Sleeping while handout (%s) details are loading (%f).." % (handout_name, CONST_REFRESH_SLEEP_TIME), level=3, indent=4, ) sleep(CONST_REFRESH_SLEEP_TIME) try: crawl_time_utc_dt = datetime.utcnow() sub_name = self.client.find_element_by_class_name( "ext-classroom-handout-edit-subscription-name").text sub_id = self.client.find_element_by_class_name( "ext-classroom-handout-edit-subscription-id").text user_email_list = self.client.find_elements_by_class_name( "ext-classroom-handout-edit-user-email") sub_status_data = self.client.find_elements_by_class_name( "ext-classroom-handout-edit-subscription-status-data") if len(sub_status_data) == 2: sub_status = sub_status_data[0].text try: sub_expiry_date = datetime.strptime( sub_status_data[1].text, "%b %d, %Y").strftime("%Y-%m-%d") except Exception: sub_expiry_date = "" if sub_name == handout_name and len(user_email_list) > 0: sub_details_loaded = True else: continue for user_email_li in user_email_list: try: user_email = user_email_li.text except Exception: user_email = None if user_email is not None: sub_user_email_list.append(user_email) except Exception: sub_details_loaded = False if timeout: success = False error = "ERROR: Time out (%d)" % (CONST_TIMEOUT) log(error, level=0) if sub_details_loaded: log("(%s) handout details read." % (handout_name), level=1, indent=2) else: success = False error = "Could not read (%s) handout details" % (handout_name) log(error, level=1, indent=2) return ( success, error, sub_name, sub_id, sub_status, sub_expiry_date, sub_user_email_list, crawl_time_utc_dt, )
def get_handouts_details(self, course_name, lab_name, handout_name=None): """ Gets the details of all the handouts of a selected lab in a course and returns them as a pandas dataframe. Arguments: course_name: the name of the course lab_name: the name of the lab handout_name: name of a handout (optional) Returns: success - flag if the action was succesful error - error message handouts_df: pandas dataframe """ success = True error = None handouts_df = None data = [] found = False handout_list_table = None time_start = time() timeout = False # wait until handout list table is loading while not found: time_elapsed = time() - time_start if time_elapsed > CONST_TIMEOUT: timeout = True break log( "Sleeping while the (%s) course -> " % (course_name) + "(%s) lab -> more blade: handout list " % (lab_name) + "table is loading (%.2f).." % (CONST_REFRESH_SLEEP_TIME), level=3, indent=4, ) sleep(CONST_REFRESH_SLEEP_TIME) try: handout_list_table = self.client.find_element_by_class_name( "ext-classroster-grid") found = True except Exception: found = False if timeout: success = False error = "ERROR: Time out (%d)" % (CONST_TIMEOUT) log(error, level=0) return success, error, handouts_df if not found: success = False error = ("Could not load the (%s) course -> " % (course_name) + "(%s) lab -> more blade: handout list table." % (lab_name)) log(error, level=0, indent=4) return success, error, handouts_df # Checks if the correct lab is loaded blade_titles = self.client.find_elements_by_class_name( "fxs-blade-title-content") blade_titles_cnt = len(blade_titles) if blade_titles_cnt != 4: success = False error = ("Expected to be in the (%s) course -> " % (course_name) + "(%s) lab -> more blade (depth = 4). " % (lab_name) + "Current depth = %d." % (blade_titles_cnt)) log(error, level=0, indent=4) return success, error, handouts_df consumption_loaded = False time_start = time() timeout = False while not consumption_loaded: time_elapsed = time() - time_start if time_elapsed > CONST_TIMEOUT: timeout = True break consumption_loaded = True log( "Sleeping while the (%s) course -> " % (course_name) + "(%s) lab -> more blade: handout list table is " % (lab_name) + "loading consumption data " + "(%.2f).." % (CONST_REFRESH_SLEEP_TIME), level=3, indent=4, ) sleep(CONST_REFRESH_SLEEP_TIME) # Finding the list of handouts handout_list = handout_list_table.find_elements_by_class_name( "azc-grid-row") # Getting details for handouts/subscriptions for el_handout in handout_list: el_handout_details = el_handout.find_elements_by_class_name( "azc-grid-cellContent") if len(el_handout_details) < 6: # something wrong, incorrect number of cells continue el_handout_link = el_handout_details[0] \ .find_element_by_class_name("ext-grid-clickable-link") el_handout_name = el_handout_link.text el_handout_budget = el_handout_details[3].text.lower() el_handout_consumed = el_handout_details[4].text.lower() el_handout_status = el_handout_details[5].text.lower() if el_handout_consumed == "--": consumption_loaded = False break # are we are looking for a particular handout? if ((handout_name is not None) and (handout_name != el_handout_name)): continue ( success, error, sub_name, sub_id, sub_status, sub_expiry_date, sub_user_email_list, crawltime_utc, ) = self.get_handout_details(el_handout_name) if success: data.append([ course_name, lab_name, el_handout_name, el_handout_budget, el_handout_consumed, el_handout_status, sub_name, sub_id, sub_status, sub_expiry_date, sub_user_email_list, crawltime_utc, ]) else: error = ("(%s) course -> " % (course_name) + "(%s) lab -> " % (lab_name) + "(%s) handout subscription " % (el_handout_name) + "details could not be read!") log(error, level=0, indent=4) break # if we found the handout, do not need to continue if (handout_name is not None and handout_name == el_handout_name): break if not success: break if timeout: success = False error = "ERROR: Time out (%d)" % (CONST_TIMEOUT) log(error, level=0) return success, error, handouts_df if not success: return success, error, handouts_df handouts_df = pd.DataFrame( data, columns=[ "Course name", "Lab name", "Handout name", "Handout budget", "Handout consumed", "Handout status", "Subscription name", "Subscription id", "Subscription status", "Subscription expiry date", "Subscription users", "Crawl time utc", ], ) log( "Finished getting the (%s) course " % (course_name) + "-> (%s) lab -> more blade: handout details" % (lab_name), level=1, ) return success, error, handouts_df
def get_lab_details(self, course_name, lab_name, handout_name=None): """ Gets the details (handouts' details) of a selected lab. Arguments: course_name: the name of the course lab_name: the name of the lab handout_name: name of a handout (optional) Returns: success - flag if the action was succesful error - error message handouts_df: pandas dataframe """ success = True error = None log( "Loading (%s) course -> (%s) lab -> more blade." % (course_name, lab_name), level=1, ) found = False more_buttom = None time_start = time() timeout = False while not found: time_elapsed = time() - time_start if time_elapsed > CONST_TIMEOUT: timeout = True break log( "Sleeping while the initial handout list is loading (%f).." % (CONST_REFRESH_SLEEP_TIME), level=3, indent=2, ) sleep(CONST_REFRESH_SLEEP_TIME) try: more_buttom = self.client.find_element_by_class_name( "ext-assignment-detail-more-handout-link") found = True except Exception: found = False if timeout: success = False error = "ERROR: Time out (%d)" % (CONST_TIMEOUT) log(error, level=0) return success, error, None if not found: success = False error = ("Could not find 'more' button in the (%s) " % (course_name) + "course -> (%s) lab blade. Returning." % (lab_name)) log(error, level=0, indent=2) return success, error, None ########################################################### # Gets details of all the handouts of a selected lab in a course ########################################################### log( "Getting (%s) course -> (%s) lab handouts' details." % (course_name, lab_name), level=1, ) success, error, handouts_df = self.get_handouts_details( course_name, lab_name, handout_name) return success, error, handouts_df
def __init__(self, login_email, login_pass, hide=True, mfa=True): """ Creates a cleint and logins to the EduHub portal. Arguments: login_email - login email login_pass - login password hide - hide chromium while the action are taken mfa - does login involve mfa, if so wait some more time for it. Returns: client - webdriver client if login was successful, otherwise None """ success = True error = None options = Options() if hide: options.add_argument("--headless") options.add_argument("--no-sandbox") options.add_argument("--disable-dev-shm-usage") options.add_argument("--log-level=0") self.client = webdriver.Chrome(ChromeDriverManager().install(), options=options) # self.client.implicitly_wait(30) log("Logging to %s as %s" % (CONST_PORTAL_ADDRESS, login_email), level=1) self.client.get(CONST_PORTAL_ADDRESS) sleep(CONST_SLEEP_TIME) # entering email address self.client.find_element_by_xpath("//input[@type='email']").send_keys( login_email) self.client.find_element_by_xpath("//input[@type='submit']").click() sleep(CONST_SLEEP_TIME) # check if username error occured try: _ = self.client.find_element_by_id("usernameError") success = False error = "Username might be incorrect. Stopping." log(error, level=0) except Exception: success = True if success: # entering password self.client.find_element_by_xpath( "//input[@name='passwd']").send_keys(login_pass) self.client.find_element_by_xpath( "//input[@type='submit']").click() sleep(CONST_SLEEP_TIME) # check if password error occured try: _ = self.client.find_element_by_id("passwordError") success = False error = "Password might be incorrect. Stopping." log(error, level=0) except Exception: error = False # wait until the mfa has been approved if success and mfa: log("Waiting for MFA approval.", level=1) sleep_counter = 0 sleep_wait = True while sleep_wait and sleep_counter < CONST_MAX_REFRESH_COUNT: log("Sleeping (%f).." % (CONST_REFRESH_SLEEP_TIME), level=3, indent=2) sleep(CONST_REFRESH_SLEEP_TIME) # wait for MFA approval if needed try: _ = self.client.find_element_by_id("idDiv_SAOTCAS_Title") except Exception: try: self.client.find_element_by_xpath( "//input[@type='submit']") log("MFA approved!", level=1) sleep_wait = False except Exception: sleep_wait = True sleep_counter += 1 if sleep_wait: success = False error = "MFA was not approved! Stopping." log(error, level=0) if not success: self.client.quit() self.client = None else: # stay signed in self.client.find_element_by_xpath( "//input[@type='submit']").click() sleep(CONST_SLEEP_TIME)
def get_course_details_df(self, course_name, lab_name=None, handout_name=None): """ Gets the list of handouts in a course and their details. Arguments: course_name: name of a course lab_name: name of a lab (optional) handout_name: name of a handout (optional) Returns: success - flag if the action was succesful error - error message details_df: pandas dataframe containing all the course's handouts and their details """ details_df = None log("Looking for %s course details" % (course_name), level=1) ########################################################### # first navigate to the courses page and wait till it loads ########################################################### success, error, entries = self.get_courses() if not success: return success, error, details_df ########################################################### # select the course ########################################################### found = False for entry in entries: elements = entry.find_elements_by_class_name( "azc-grid-cellContent") if elements[0].text == course_name: log("(%s) course found." % (course_name), level=1) found = True break if not found: success = False error = "Could not find (%s) course. Returning." % (course_name) log(error, level=0) return success, error, details_df ########################################################### # wait until the course overview page is loaded ########################################################### elements[0].click() log("Loading (%s) course " % (course_name), level=1) found = False course_title = None timeout = False time_start = time() while not found: time_elapsed = time() - time_start if time_elapsed > CONST_TIMEOUT: timeout = True break log( "Sleeping while the (%s) course overview is loading (%f).." % (course_name, CONST_REFRESH_SLEEP_TIME), level=3, indent=2, ) sleep(CONST_REFRESH_SLEEP_TIME) course_title_list = self.client.find_elements_by_class_name( "ext-classroom-overview-class-name-title") if len(course_title_list) != 0: log("(%s) course overview loaded." % (course_name), level=2) found = True course_title = course_title_list[0].text if timeout: success = False error = "ERROR: Time out (%d)" % (CONST_TIMEOUT) log(error, level=0) return success, error, details_df if not found: success = False error = "Could not load (%s) course. Returning." % (course_name) log(error, level=0, indent=2) return success, error, details_df if course_title != course_name: success = False error = ("The loaded course's title (%s) " % (course_title) + "doesn't match the given name (%s)." % (course_name)) log(error, level=0, indent=2) return success, error, details_df ########################################################### # finding all the labs that belong to the course and # getting their details ########################################################### sleep(CONST_SLEEP_TIME) classroom_grid = self.client.find_element_by_class_name( "ext-classroom-overview-assignment-grid") entries = classroom_grid.find_elements_by_class_name( "ext-grid-clickable-link") log("(%s) course has %d lab(s)." % (course_name, len(entries)), level=1) for element in entries: el_lab_name = element.text.lower() # are we are looking for a particular lab? if lab_name is not None and lab_name != el_lab_name: continue log( "Loading (%s) course -> (%s) lab blade." % (course_name, el_lab_name), level=1, ) # give some time to load sleep(CONST_SLEEP_TIME) success, error, handouts_df = self.get_lab_details( course_name, el_lab_name, handout_name) if not success: break if details_df is None: details_df = handouts_df else: details_df = details_df.append(handouts_df) # if we found the lab, do not need to continue if lab_name is not None and lab_name == el_lab_name: break return success, error, details_df
def get_courses(self): """ Loads courses page Returns: success - flag if the action was succesful error - error message entries - a list of courses """ success = True error = None log("Getting the list of courses", level=1) log("Loading %s" % (CONST_PORTAL_COURSES_ADDRESS), level=2, indent=2) self.client.get(CONST_PORTAL_COURSES_ADDRESS) sleep_wait = True time_start = time() # Finds table entries while sleep_wait: time_elapsed = time() - time_start if time_elapsed > CONST_TIMEOUT: success = False error = "ERROR: Time out (%d)" % (CONST_TIMEOUT) log(error, level=0) break log( "Sleeping while courses are loading (%f).." % (CONST_REFRESH_SLEEP_TIME), level=3, indent=2, ) sleep(CONST_REFRESH_SLEEP_TIME) entries = self.client.find_elements_by_xpath( '//*[@class="fxs-portal-hover fxs-portal-focus azc-grid-row"]') if len(entries) != 0: sleep_wait = False log("List of courses loaded!", level=2, indent=2) log("Found %d courses." % (len(entries)), level=1, indent=2) return success, error, entries