def files(self, query = None, offset = None, count = None, folder = None, modified_after = None, modified_before = None, namespaces = None, custom_metadata = None, sort_by = None, sort_direction = None): """ Search for files. Parameters: * query The search string you want to find. * is supported as a postfix wildcard, AND and OR as bool operations and double quotes for phrase search. * offset The 0-based index of the initial record being requested (Integer >= 0). * count The number of entries per page (min 1, max 100) * folder Limit the result set to only items contained in the specified folder. * modified_before Limit to results before the specified datetime ( object or ISO 8601 format datetime string {YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS}). * modified_after Limit to results after the specified datetime timestamp ( or ISO 8601 format datetime string {YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS}). * namespaces List of strings containing the name of the namespaces requested. Namespace will only return if there is a value in any of the fields. * custom_metadata Either this or query is required. List of JSON containing values to search - See * sort_by Returns sorted search results. Valid values are one of {"last_modified", "size", "score", "name"}. * sort_direction Sort results in ascending or descending order. Returns list of SearchMatch objects, with additional attributes offset, total_count and has_more. """ if not query and not custom_metadata: raise exc.InvalidParameters( "query and custom_metadata both can't be None at the same time. " "Either pass the query or custom_metadata or both to search." ) if sort_by and sort_by not in self._sort_by: raise exc.InvalidParameters( "Invalid sort_by, it must be one of %s" % self._sort_by ) if sort_direction and sort_direction not in self._sort_dir: raise exc.InvalidParameters( "Invalid sort_direction, it must be one of %s" % self._sort_dir ) url = self._client.get_url(self._url_template) params = base.filter_none_values(dict( query=query, offset=offset, count=count, folder=folder, modified_after=base.date_in_ms(modified_after), modified_before=base.date_in_ms(modified_before), custom_metadata=custom_metadata, namespaces=namespaces, sort_by=sort_by, sort_direction=sort_direction) ) json = exc.default.check_json_response(self._client.POST(url, json=params)) return base.ResultList((SearchMatch(self._client, **d) for d in json.get('results', ())), json['total_count'], json['offset'], json['hasMore'])
def date_in_ms(date): if isinstance(date, (datetime.datetime, return int(date.strftime("%s")) * 1000 elif isinstance(date, (text_type, string_types)): try: date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") return int(date.strftime("%s")) * 1000 except ValueError: raise exc.InvalidParameters( "Datetime string must be in ISO 8601 format. E.g YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS, " "the given date {%s} couldn't be parsed" % date) else: return date
def download(self, download_range=None): """ Download file contents. Returns a FileDownload. Optional range is 2 integer sequence (start offset, end offset) used to download only part of the file. """ url = self._client.get_url(self._url_template_content, path=self.path) if download_range is None: r = exc.default.check_response(self._client.GET(url, stream=True)) else: if len(download_range) != 2: raise exc.InvalidParameters('Download range needs to be None or a 2 element integer sequence') r = exc.partial.check_response(self._client.GET(url, stream=True, headers={'Range': 'bytes=%d-%d' % download_range})) return base.FileDownload(r, self)