def main(args=sys.argv[1:]): usage = "usage: %prog [options] <test key>" parser = eideticker.TestOptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("--url-params", action="store", dest="url_params", help="additional url parameters for test") parser.add_option("--name", action="store", type="string", dest="capture_name", help="name to give capture") parser.add_option("--capture-file", action="store", type="string", dest="capture_file", help="name to give to capture file") parser.add_option("--app-name", action="store", type="string", dest="appname", help="Specify an application name (android only)") parser.add_option("--test-type", action="store", type="string", dest="test_type", help="override test type") parser.add_option("--profile-file", action="store", type="string", dest="profile_file", help="Collect a performance profile using the built in " "profiler (fennec only).") parser.add_option("--request-log-file", action="store", type="string", dest="request_log_file", help="Collect a log of HTTP requests during test") parser.add_option("--actions-log-file", action="store", type="string", dest="actions_log_file", help="Collect a log of actions requests during test") options, args = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: parser.error("You must specify (only) a test key") sys.exit(1) testkey = args[0] if options.prepare_test: eideticker.prepare_test(testkey, options) testlog = eideticker.run_test(testkey, options, capture_filename=options.capture_file, profile_filename=options.profile_file) # save logs if applicable if options.request_log_file: open(options.request_log_file, 'w').write(json.dumps(testlog.http_request_log)) if options.actions_log_file: open(options.actions_log_file, 'w').write(json.dumps(testlog.actions))
def main(args=sys.argv[1:]): usage = "usage: %prog [options] <test key>" parser = eideticker.TestOptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("--url-params", action="store", dest="url_params", help="additional url parameters for test") parser.add_option("--name", action="store", type="string", dest="capture_name", help="name to give capture") parser.add_option("--capture-file", action="store", type="string", dest="capture_file", help="name to give to capture file") parser.add_option("--no-capture", action="store_true", dest="no_capture", help="run through the test, but don't actually " "capture anything") parser.add_option("--app-name", action="store", type="string", dest="appname", help="Specify an application name (android only)") parser.add_option("--test-type", action="store", type="string", dest="test_type", help="override test type") parser.add_option("--profile-file", action="store", type="string", dest="profile_file", help="Collect a performance profile using the built in " "profiler (fennec only).") parser.add_option("--request-log-file", action="store", type="string", dest="request_log_file", help="Collect a log of HTTP requests during test") parser.add_option("--actions-log-file", action="store", type="string", dest="actions_log_file", help="Collect a log of actions requests during test") options, args = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 1: parser.error("You must specify (only) a test key") sys.exit(1) testkey = args[0] device_prefs = eideticker.getDevicePrefs(options) if options.prepare_test: eideticker.prepare_test(testkey, device_prefs) testlog = eideticker.run_test( testkey, options.capture_device, options.appname, options.capture_name, device_prefs, extra_prefs=options.extra_prefs, extra_env_vars=options.extra_env_vars, test_type=options.test_type, profile_file=options.profile_file, no_capture=options.no_capture, capture_area=options.capture_area, fps=options.fps, capture_file=options.capture_file, wifi_settings_file=options.wifi_settings_file, sync_time=options.sync_time) # save logs if applicable testlog.save_logs(http_request_log_path=options.request_log_file, actions_log_path=options.actions_log_file)
def main(args=sys.argv[1:]): usage = "usage: %prog [options] <product> <test> <output dir>" parser = eideticker.TestOptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("--enable-profiling", action="store_true", dest="enable_profiling", help="Create SPS profile to go along with capture") parser.add_option("--device-id", action="store", dest="device_id", help="id of device (used in output json)", default=os.environ.get('DEVICE_ID')) parser.add_option("--device-name", action="store", dest="device_name", help="name of device to display in dashboard (if not " "specified, display model name)", default=os.environ.get('DEVICE_NAME')) parser.add_option("--apk", action="store", dest="apk", help="Product apk to get metadata from " "(Android-specific)") parser.add_option("--baseline", action="store_true", dest="baseline", help="Create baseline results for dashboard") parser.add_option("--num-runs", action="store", type="int", dest="num_runs", help="number of runs (default: 1)") parser.add_option("--app-version", action="store", dest="app_version", help="Specify app version (if not automatically " "available; Android-specific)") parser.add_option("--sources-xml", action="store", dest="sources_xml", help="Path to sources XML file for getting revision " "information (B2G-specific)") options, args = parser.parse_args() if len(args) != 3: parser.print_usage() sys.exit(1) (productname, testkey, outputdir) = args num_runs = 1 if options.num_runs: num_runs = options.num_runs testinfo = eideticker.get_testinfo(testkey) device_id = options.device_id if not device_id: print "ERROR: Must specify device id (either with --device-id or with " "DEVICE_ID environment variable)" sys.exit(1) # we'll log http requests for webstartup tests only log_http_requests = False if testinfo['type'] == 'webstartup': log_http_requests = True # likewise, log actions only for web tests and b2g tests log_actions = False if testinfo['type'] == 'web' or testinfo['type'] == 'b2g': log_actions = True product = eideticker.get_product(productname) current_date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") capture_name = "%s - %s (taken on %s)" % (testkey, product['name'], current_date) datafile = os.path.join(outputdir, device_id, '%s.json' % testkey) data = NestedDict() if os.path.isfile(datafile): data.update(json.loads(open(datafile).read())) device_prefs = eideticker.getDevicePrefs(options) device = eideticker.getDevice(**device_prefs) devices = {} devicefile = os.path.join(outputdir, 'devices.json') if os.path.isfile(devicefile): devices = json.loads(open(devicefile).read())['devices'] testfile = os.path.join(outputdir, '%s' % device_id, 'tests.json') if os.path.isfile(testfile): tests = json.loads(open(testfile).read())['tests'] else: tests = {} tests[testkey] = { 'shortDesc': testinfo['shortDesc'], 'defaultMeasure': testinfo['defaultMeasure'] } device_name = options.device_name if not device_name: device_name = device.model if options.devicetype == "android": devices[device_id] = { 'name': device_name, 'version': device.getprop('') } if options.apk: if options.app_version: raise Exception("Should specify either --app-version or " "--apk, not both!") appinfo = eideticker.get_fennec_appinfo(options.apk) appname = appinfo['appname'] print "Using application name '%s' from apk '%s'" % (appname, options.apk) capture_name = "%s %s" % (product['name'], appinfo['appdate']) else: if not options.app_version: raise Exception("Should specify --app-version if not --apk!") # no apk, assume it's something static on the device appinfo = { 'appdate': time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), 'version': options.app_version } appname = product['appname'] elif options.devicetype == "b2g": if not options.sources_xml: raise Exception("Must specify --sources-xml on b2g!") devices[device_id] = {'name': device_name} appinicontents = device.pullFile('/system/b2g/application.ini') sfh = StringIO.StringIO(appinicontents) appinfo = eideticker.get_appinfo(sfh) appinfo.update(get_revision_data(options.sources_xml)) appname = None else: print "Unknown device type '%s'!" % options.devicetype # update the device / test list for the dashboard with open(devicefile, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps({'devices': devices})) testfiledir = os.path.dirname(testfile) if not os.path.exists(testfiledir): os.mkdir(testfiledir) with open(testfile, 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps({'tests': tests})) if options.prepare_test: eideticker.prepare_test(testkey, device_prefs) # Run the test the specified number of times for i in range(num_runs): runtest(device, device_prefs, options.capture_device, options.capture_area, product, appname, appinfo, testinfo, capture_name + " #%s" % i, outputdir, datafile, data, enable_profiling=options.enable_profiling, log_http_requests=log_http_requests, log_actions=log_actions, baseline=options.baseline, wifi_settings_file=options.wifi_settings_file, sync_time=options.sync_time) if options.devicetype == "android": # Kill app after test complete device.killProcess(appname)
def main(args=sys.argv[1:]): usage = "usage: %prog <test> [appname1] [appname2] ..." parser = eideticker.TestOptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("--num-runs", action="store", type="int", dest="num_runs", default=1, help="number of runs (default: 1)") parser.add_option("--output-dir", action="store", type="string", dest="outputdir", help="output results to web site") parser.add_option("--enable-profiling", action="store_true", dest="enable_profiling", help="Collect performance profiles using the built in " "profiler.") parser.add_option( "--get-internal-checkerboard-stats", action="store_true", dest="get_internal_checkerboard_stats", help="get and calculate internal checkerboard stats (Android only)") parser.add_option("--url-params", action="store", dest="url_params", default="", help="additional url parameters for test") parser.add_option("--use-apks", action="store_true", dest="use_apks", help="use and install android APKs as part of test " "(instead of specifying appnames)") parser.add_option("--date", action="store", dest="date", metavar="YYYY-MM-DD", help="get and test nightly build for date") parser.add_option("--start-date", action="store", dest="start_date", metavar="YYYY-MM-DD", help="start date for range of nightlies to test") parser.add_option("--end-date", action="store", dest="end_date", metavar="YYYY-MM-DD", help="end date for range of nightlies to test") options, args = parser.parse_args() if len(args) == 0: parser.error("Must specify at least one argument: the test") if options.enable_profiling and not options.outputdir: parser.error("Must specify output directory if profiling enabled") dates = [] appnames = [] apks = [] if options.start_date and options.end_date and len(args) == 1: testname = args[0] start_date = eideticker.BuildRetriever.get_date(options.start_date) end_date = eideticker.BuildRetriever.get_date(options.end_date) days = (end_date - start_date).days for numdays in range(days + 1): dates.append(start_date + datetime.timedelta(days=numdays)) elif and len(args) == 1: testname = args[0] dates = [eideticker.BuildRetriever.get_date(] elif not and len(args) >= 2: testname = args[0] if options.use_apks: apks = args[1:] else: appnames = args[1:] elif options.devicetype == "b2g": testname = args[0] elif not or (not options.start_date and not options.end_date): parser.error("On Android, must specify date, date range, a set of " "appnames (e.g. org.mozilla.fennec) or a set of apks (if " "--use-apks is specified)") device_prefs = eideticker.getDevicePrefs(options) if options.outputdir: eideticker.copy_dashboard_files(options.outputdir, indexfile='metric.html') if options.devicetype == "b2g": runtest(device_prefs, testname, options) elif appnames: for appname in appnames: runtest(device_prefs, testname, options, appname=appname) elif apks: for apk in apks: runtest(device_prefs, testname, options, apk=apk) else: br = eideticker.BuildRetriever() productname = "nightly" product = eideticker.get_product(productname) for date in dates: apk = br.get_build(product, date) runtest(device_prefs, testname, options, apk=apk, appdate=date)
def main(args=sys.argv[1:]): usage = "usage: %prog [options] TEST..." parser = eideticker.TestOptionParser(usage=usage) eideticker.add_dashboard_options(parser) parser.add_option("--enable-profiling", action="store_true", dest="enable_profiling", help="Create SPS profile to go along with capture") parser.add_option("--dashboard-id", action="store", dest="dashboard_id", help="id of dashboard (used in output json)", default=os.environ.get('DASHBOARD_ID')) parser.add_option("--dashboard-name", action="store", dest="dashboard_name", help="name of dashboard to display", default=os.environ.get('DASHBOARD_NAME')) parser.add_option("--device-id", action="store", dest="device_id", help="id of device (used in output json)", default=os.environ.get('DEVICE_ID')) parser.add_option("--branch", action="store", dest="branch_id", help="branch under test (used in output json)", default=os.environ.get('BRANCH')) parser.add_option("--device-name", action="store", dest="device_name", help="name of device to display in dashboard (if not " "specified, display model name)", default=os.environ.get('DEVICE_NAME')) parser.add_option("--apk", action="store", dest="apk", help="Product apk to get metadata from " "(Android-specific)") parser.add_option("--baseline", action="store_true", dest="baseline", help="Create baseline results for dashboard") parser.add_option("--num-runs", action="store", type="int", dest="num_runs", help="number of runs (default: %default)", default=1) parser.add_option("--app-version", action="store", dest="app_version", help="Specify app version (if not automatically " "available; Android-specific)") parser.add_option("--sources-xml", action="store", dest="sources_xml", help="Path to sources XML file for getting revision " "information (B2G-specific)") parser.add_option("--product", action="store", type="string", dest="product_name", default="nightly", help="product name (android-specific, default: " "%default)") options, args = parser.parse_args() if not args: # need to specify at least one test to run! parser.print_usage() sys.exit(1) if not options.dashboard_id: parser.error("Must specify dashboard id (either with --dashboard-id " "or with DASHBOARD_ID environment variable)") if not options.dashboard_name: parser.error("Must specify dashboard name (either with " "--dashboard-name or with DASHBOARD_NAME environment " "varaiable)") if not options.device_id: parser.error("Must specify device id (either with --device-id or with " "DEVICE_ID environment variable)") if not options.branch_id: parser.error("Must specify branch (either with --branch or with " "BRANCH environment variable)") # get device info device_prefs = eideticker.getDevicePrefs(options) device = eideticker.getDevice(**device_prefs) device_name = options.device_name if not device_name: device_name = device.model # copy dashboard files to output directory (if applicable) eideticker.copy_dashboard_files(options.dashboard_dir) if options.devicetype == 'android': product = eideticker.get_product(options.product_name) device_info = { 'name': device_name, 'version': device.getprop('') } elif options.devicetype == 'b2g': product = eideticker.get_product('b2g-nightly') device_info = {'name': device_name} else: print "ERROR: Unknown device type '%s'" % options.devicetype # update dashboard / device index eideticker.update_dashboard_list(options.dashboard_dir, options.dashboard_id, options.dashboard_name) eideticker.update_dashboard_device_list(options.dashboard_dir, options.dashboard_id, options.device_id, options.branch_id, device_info) # get application/build info if options.devicetype == "android": if options.apk: if options.app_version: raise Exception("Should specify either --app-version or " "--apk, not both!") appinfo = eideticker.get_fennec_appinfo(options.apk) options.appname = appinfo['appname'] print "Using application name '%s' from apk '%s'" % ( options.appname, options.apk) options.capture_name = "%s %s" % (product['name'], appinfo['appdate']) else: if not options.app_version: raise Exception("Should specify --app-version if not --apk!") # no apk, assume it's something static on the device appinfo = { 'appdate': time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), 'version': options.app_version } elif options.devicetype == "b2g": if not options.sources_xml: raise Exception("Must specify --sources-xml on b2g!") appinicontents = device.pullFile('/system/b2g/application.ini') sfh = StringIO.StringIO(appinicontents) appinfo = eideticker.get_appinfo(sfh) appinfo.update(get_revision_data(options.sources_xml)) options.appname = None else: print "Unknown device type '%s'!" % options.devicetype # run through the tests... failed_tests = [] for testkey in args: testinfo = eideticker.get_testinfo(testkey) eideticker.update_dashboard_test_list(options.dashboard_dir, options.dashboard_id, options.device_id, options.branch_id, testinfo) current_date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") options.capture_name = "%s - %s (taken on %s)" % ( testkey, product['name'], current_date) if options.prepare_test: eideticker.prepare_test(testkey, options) # Run the test the specified number of times for i in range(options.num_runs): try: runtest(device, device_prefs, options, product, appinfo, testinfo, options.capture_name + " #%s" % i) except eideticker.TestException: print "Unable to run test '%s'. Skipping and continuing." % testkey failed_tests.append(testkey) break # synchronize with dashboard (if we have a server to upload to) if options.dashboard_server: eideticker.upload_dashboard(options) else: print "No dashboard server specified. Skipping upload." if failed_tests: print "The following tests failed: %s" % ", ".join(failed_tests) sys.exit(1)
def main(args=sys.argv[1:]): usage = "usage: %prog <test> [appname1] [appname2] ..." parser = eideticker.TestOptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("--num-runs", action="store", type="int", dest="num_runs", default=1, help="number of runs (default: 1)") parser.add_option("--output-dir", action="store", type="string", dest="outputdir", help="output results to web site") parser.add_option("--no-capture", action="store_true", dest="no_capture", help="run through the test, but don't actually capture " "anything") parser.add_option("--enable-profiling", action="store_true", dest="enable_profiling", help="Collect performance profiles using the built in " "profiler.") parser.add_option( "--get-internal-checkerboard-stats", action="store_true", dest="get_internal_checkerboard_stats", help="get and calculate internal checkerboard stats (Android only)") parser.add_option("--url-params", action="store", dest="url_params", default="", help="additional url parameters for test") parser.add_option("--use-apks", action="store_true", dest="use_apks", help="use and install android APKs as part of test " "(instead of specifying appnames)") parser.add_option("--date", action="store", dest="date", metavar="YYYY-MM-DD", help="get and test nightly build for date") parser.add_option("--start-date", action="store", dest="start_date", metavar="YYYY-MM-DD", help="start date for range of nightlies to test") parser.add_option("--end-date", action="store", dest="end_date", metavar="YYYY-MM-DD", help="end date for range of nightlies to test") options, args = parser.parse_args() if len(args) == 0: parser.error("Must specify at least one argument: the test") if options.enable_profiling and not options.outputdir: parser.error("Must specify output directory if profiling enabled") dates = [] appnames = [] apks = [] if options.start_date and options.end_date and len(args) == 1: testname = args[0] start_date = eideticker.BuildRetriever.get_date(options.start_date) end_date = eideticker.BuildRetriever.get_date(options.end_date) days = (end_date - start_date).days for numdays in range(days + 1): dates.append(start_date + datetime.timedelta(days=numdays)) elif and len(args) == 1: testname = args[0] dates = [eideticker.BuildRetriever.get_date(] elif not and len(args) >= 2: testname = args[0] if options.use_apks: apks = args[1:] else: appnames = args[1:] elif options.devicetype == "b2g": testname = args[0] elif not or (not options.start_date and not options.end_date): parser.error("On Android, must specify date, date range, a set of " "appnames (e.g. org.mozilla.fennec) or a set of apks (if " "--use-apks is specified)") device_prefs = eideticker.getDevicePrefs(options) if options.outputdir: for dirname in [ options.outputdir, os.path.join(options.outputdir, 'css'), os.path.join(options.outputdir, 'fonts'), os.path.join(options.outputdir, 'js'), os.path.join(options.outputdir, 'videos'), os.path.join(options.outputdir, 'metadata') ]: if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) for filename in [ 'css/bootstrap.min.css', 'fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot', 'fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg', 'fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf', 'fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff', 'framediff-view.html', 'js/ICanHaz.min.js', 'js/SS.min.js', 'js/bootstrap.min.js', 'js/common.js', 'js/framediff.js', 'js/jquery-1.7.1.min.js', 'js/jquery.flot.axislabels.js', 'js/jquery.flot.js', 'js/jquery.flot.stack.js', 'js/metric.js', 'metric.html' ]: if filename == 'metric.html': outfilename = 'index.html' else: outfilename = filename shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(DASHBOARD_DIR, filename), os.path.join(options.outputdir, outfilename)) if options.devicetype == "b2g": runtest(device_prefs, testname, options) elif appnames: for appname in appnames: runtest(device_prefs, testname, options, appname=appname) elif apks: for apk in apks: runtest(device_prefs, testname, options, apk=apk) else: br = eideticker.BuildRetriever() productname = "nightly" product = eideticker.get_product(productname) for date in dates: apk = br.get_build(product, date) runtest(device_prefs, testname, options, apk=apk, appdate=date)