def toggle_load_fonts(prefix): """ Inverts a value, toggling between filtering or not the requests for web fonts on the net manager level TOG03 """ netmanager = get_manager(prefix) netmanager.load_webfonts ^= True if netmanager.load_webfonts: print("---- LOADING WEB FONTS NOW ----") else: print("---- DISABLING WEB FONTS ----")
def toggle_show_logs(prefix): """ Inverts a value, toggling between printing or not responses that were accepted by the webkit or (some of) those that were filtered at some point. TOG02 """ netmanager = get_manager(prefix) netmanager.show_detail ^= True if netmanager.show_detail: print("---- SHOWING DETAILS ----") else: print("---- HIDING DETAILS ----")
def navigate(self, request=None): """ Open the url on this tab. If 'url' is already a QUrl (if it comes from a href click), just send it. Otherwise, it comes either from the address bar or the PRIMARY clipboard through a keyboard shortcut. Check if the "url" is actually one, partial or otherwise; if it's not, construct a web search. BRW01 """ if isinstance(request, QUrl): qurl = request # 'navigate' was connected to a QLineEdit to extract its text elif isinstance(request, QLineEdit): url = request.text() qurl = fix_url(url) # BRW11 else: raise RuntimeError("Navigating to non-navigable") # if the qurl does not trigger an URL in SHORTENERS or REDIRECTORS, # this will be a no-op qurl = do_redirect(qurl) # BRW12 if self.attr.prefix is None: # this is the first navigation on this tab/webkit; replace # the Network Access Manager CFG02 instance = extract_instance(qurl.toString()) self.attr.set_prefix(get_options()['sites'][instance]['prefix']) if self.attr.prefix is None: raise RuntimeError( "prefix failed to be set... 'options' is broken") # strictly speaking, this should emit from Attributes.set_prefix self.set_prefix.emit(self.attr.prefix) if self.attr.prefix == "": print("GENERAL") else: print("INSTANCE: {}".format(self.attr.prefix)) if not has_manager(self.attr.prefix): register_manager(self.attr.prefix, InterceptNAM(instance, parent=None)) if not has_manager(self.attr.prefix): raise RuntimeError("prefix manager not registered...") print("{}>>>\t\t{}\n>>> NAVIGATE {}{}".format( Fore.CYAN,, qurl.toString(), Fore.RESET)) self.setFocus() self.load_requested.emit(qurl.toString()) self.load(qurl)