def OnEstimateDataButton(self, event): #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Generate new porposal copying from existing alternative #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if self.checkOK == False: showMessage(_U("First You have to run the basic check and eliminate possible conflicts in redundant data")) return popup = DialogOK(self,_U("confirm data estimation"),\ _U("\nTake care: running data estimate will automatically estimate missing data.")+\ _U("\nAlternatively you can also manually add estimated data to the questionnaire and rerun basic check")+\ _U("\nDo You want to continue ?")) if popup.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: nc = self.mod.basicCheck(estimate=True) self.display() if nc > 0: = conflictFrame(self) event.Skip()
def OnBasicCheckButton(self, event): #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Generate new alterantive proposal #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ popup = DialogOK(self,_U("confirm basic check"),\ _U("\nTake care: running the check will invalidate existing alternative proposals")+\ _U("\nDo You want to continue ?")) if popup.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: Status.prj.copyQuestionnaire() nc = self.mod.basicCheck() self.display() if nc > 0: self.checkOK = False = conflictFrame(self) else: self.checkOK = True event.Skip()
def autoRun(parent): # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # calls the functions necessary for writing the report # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ logTrack("Control (autoRun): starting") # .............................................................................. # If there's no data, there's nothing to do ... if Status.StatusQ == 0: logError("Control (autoRun): sorry, but SOME data have to be filled in before starting") # .............................................................................. # Consistency check ... if Status.StatusCC == 0: logMessage("Control (autoRun): starting consistency check") showMessage("Control (autoRun): first we start consistency check") Status.prj.copyQuestionnaire() nc = Status.mod.moduleCC.basicCheck() if nc > 0: checkOK = False if Status.UserInteractionLevel in ["semi-automatic", "interactive"]: Status.mod.moduleCC.updatePanel() cf = conflictFrame(parent) cf.Show() else: showMessage( "Control (autoRun): data conflicts detected.\n" + "Don't know yet what to do in this case, as I'm in automatic mode" ) Status.main.tree.SelectItem(Status.main.qCC, select=True) nc = Status.mod.moduleCC.basicCheck(estimate=True) if nc > 0: checkOK = False if Status.UserInteractionLevel in ["semi-automatic", "interactive"]: Status.mod.moduleCC.updatePanel() cf = conflictFrame(parent) cf.Show() else: showMessage( "Control (autoRun): data conflicts detected.\n" + "Don't know yet what to do in this case, as I'm in automatic mode" ) Status.main.tree.SelectItem(Status.main.qCC, select=True) else: checkOK = True showMessage( "Control (autoRun): congratulations. data are consistent.\n" + "now let's continue calculating some energy balances" ) Status.prj.setActiveAlternative(0, checked=True) Status.mod.moduleEA.update() Status.main.tree.SelectItem(Status.main.qEA4a, select=True) else: logTrack("Control (autoRun): project already checked") Status.mod.moduleEA.update() Status.main.tree.SelectItem(Status.main.qEA4b, select=True) if Status.NoOfAlternatives >= 5: showMessage( "You already have a lot of alternative proposals in your study" + "Delete some of them and then call me again ..." ) return # .............................................................................. # Benchmarking pass # for the future # .............................................................................. # Now let's create some alternative proposals # .............................................................................. # Alternative proposal 1: Heat recovery only ret = askConfirmation( "First let's test the remaining heat recovery potential (Alternative 1)\n" + "The result will be used as base for system optimisation" ) if ret == wx.ID_NO: ret = askConfirmation("Do You want to interrupt the auto-design ?") if ret == wx.ID_YES: return shortName = "Heat recovery (HR)" description = "EINSTEIN default design of heat recovery system" basedOn = 0 Status.prj.createNewAlternative(basedOn, shortName, description) if Status.HRTool == "PE2": Status.mod.moduleHR.runHRDesign() else: Status.mod.moduleHR.runHRModule() # Finally check the boiler dimensioning for the remaining heat demand # Status.mod.moduleBB.designAssistant() Status.mod.moduleEA.update() Status.main.tree.SelectItem(Status.main.qEA4b, select=True) # .............................................................................. # Alternative proposal 2: Heat recovery + solar system ret = askConfirmation("Now let's try to install a solar system (Alternative 2)\n") if ret == wx.ID_NO: ret = askConfirmation("Do You want to interrupt the auto-design ?") if ret == wx.ID_YES: return shortName = "Solar thermal" description = "EINSTEIN default design of a solar thermal system" basedOn = 1 Status.prj.createNewAlternative(basedOn, shortName, description) Status.mod.moduleHR.runHRModule() Status.mod.moduleST.initPanel() Status.mod.moduleST.updatePanel(){"ST Config": [50.0, "<any>", 300.0]}) Status.mod.moduleST.setUserDefinedPars() Status.mod.moduleST.designAssistant1() Status.mod.moduleST.updatePanel() Status.mod.moduleBB.initPanel() # preparation sequence of HP Module Status.mod.moduleBB.updatePanel() Status.mod.moduleBB.designAssistant() Status.mod.moduleBB.updatePanel() Status.mod.moduleEA.update() Status.main.tree.SelectItem(Status.main.qST, select=True) # .............................................................................. # Alternative proposal 3: Heat recovery + heat pump ret = askConfirmation("Now let's try to install a heat pump (Alternative 3)\n") if ret == wx.ID_NO: ret = askConfirmation("Do You want to interrupt the auto-design ?") if ret == wx.ID_YES: return shortName = "Heat pump" description = "EINSTEIN default design of a heat pump based system" basedOn = 1 Status.prj.createNewAlternative(basedOn, shortName, description) Status.mod.moduleHP.initPanel() # preparation sequence of HP Module Status.mod.moduleHP.updatePanel() (mode, HPList) = Status.mod.moduleHP.designAssistant1() if len(HPList) > 0: HPId = HPList[0] # in automatic mode just take first in the list logMessage(_("Control (autoRun): %s possible HP models found") % len(HPList)) else: HPId = -1 logMessage(_("Control (autoRun): no heat pump application possible")) Status.mod.moduleHP.designAssistant2(HPId) Status.mod.moduleHP.updatePanel() # Finally check the boiler dimensioning for the remaining heat demand Status.mod.moduleBB.initPanel() # preparation sequence of HP Module Status.mod.moduleBB.updatePanel() Status.mod.moduleBB.designAssistant() Status.mod.moduleBB.updatePanel() Status.mod.moduleEA.update() Status.main.tree.SelectItem(Status.main.qHP, select=True) # .............................................................................. # Alternative proposal 4: New boiler cascade ret = askConfirmation("Now let's try to install a new boiler cascade (Alternative 4)\n") if ret == wx.ID_NO: ret = askConfirmation("Do You want to interrupt the auto-design ?") if ret == wx.ID_YES: return shortName = "Boiler cascade" description = "EINSTEIN default design of a new boiler cascade" basedOn = 1 Status.prj.createNewAlternative(basedOn, shortName, description) Status.mod.moduleBB.initPanel() # preparation sequence of HP Module Status.mod.moduleBB.updatePanel() Status.mod.moduleBB.designAssistant() Status.mod.moduleBB.updatePanel() # Finally check the boiler dimensioning for the remaining heat demand # Status.mod.moduleBB.designAssistant() Status.mod.moduleEA.update() Status.main.tree.SelectItem(Status.main.qBB, select=True) # .............................................................................. # Alternative proposal 5: And now lets mix up everything ret = askConfirmation("Now let's try to combine everything (Alternative 5)\n") if ret == wx.ID_NO: ret = askConfirmation("Do You want to interrupt the auto-design ?") if ret == wx.ID_YES: return shortName = "EINSTEIN Super Mix" description = "EINSTEIN default design of a new boiler cascade" basedOn = 3 Status.prj.createNewAlternative(basedOn, shortName, description) Status.mod.moduleST.initPanel() Status.mod.moduleST.updatePanel(){"ST Config": [50.0, "<any>", 300.0]}) Status.mod.moduleST.setUserDefinedPars() Status.mod.moduleST.designAssistant1() Status.mod.moduleST.updatePanel() Status.mod.moduleBB.initPanel() # preparation sequence of HP Module Status.mod.moduleBB.updatePanel() Status.mod.moduleBB.designAssistant() Status.mod.moduleBB.updatePanel() Status.mod.moduleEA.update() # Status.main.tree.SelectItem(Status.main.qEA3, select=True) # .............................................................................. # End of the journey Status.main.tree.SelectItem(Status.main.qCS1, select=True) showMessage("We arrived at the end of the journey\n" + "Have a look on the results ...")