예제 #1
def main(args):

    # -----Global variables--------

    k = [37.0e09, 25.0e09, 123.0e09]  # Pa

    g = [44.0e09, 9.4e09, 51.0e09]  # Pa

    f = [0.8, 0.19, 0.01]  # Mineral fraccion

    rho = [2650.0, 2550.0, 3960.0]

    phiC = 0.4001  # critical porosity

    n = 20.0 - 34.0 * phiC + 14.0 * pow(phiC, 2)

    n *= 1.3


    # -------Elastic Media------------

    em = ElasticMedia()

    ks = em.hillAverage(k, f)

    gs = em.hillAverage(g, f)

    prs = ep.poisson(ks, gs)

    prc = ep.poisson(k[1], g[1])

    mc = ep.M_value(k[1], g[1])

    # --------Elastic Modeling---------

    p = arange(3.5e06, 17.5e06, 1.0e06)

    phi = arange(0.0001, 0.4001, 0.001)

    """Hertz mindlin"""

    gm = GranularMedia(n, phiC, gs, prs, p)

    khm = gm.applyKhm()

    ghm = gm.applyGhm()

    zhm = gm.applyZhm()

    z = gm.applyZ()

    """Modified lower Hashin-Shtrikman bound"""

    """Modified upper Hashin-Shtrikman bound"""

    CO2 = arange(0.0, 1.0, 0.1)
예제 #2
Rhoqz = 2650    #Pa

Rhoclay = 2550    #Pa

clayVol = 0.12 # 0.12 #= Clay proportion Paluxy con mucho clay

sidVol  = 0.015 # 0.1

Ks  = ha.Ksget(Kqz, Kclay, Ksid, clayVol,sidVol)

Gs  = ha.Ksget(Gqz, Gclay, Ksid, clayVol,sidVol)

Rhos  =  2632 # 2632 for Paluxy dirty em.Ksget(Rhoqz, Rhoclay, clayVol)

PRs = ep.poisson(Ks,Gs)

PRc = ep.poisson(Kc,Gc)

Mc  = ep.M_value(Kc,Gc)

Herts-Mindlin endpoint
phi_c = 0.4001 # Critical porosity, hard coded
#phi_c = 0.36010 # Critical porosity, hard coded

Relation between cordination number and porosity 
input parameter in Herts-Mindlin model and
예제 #3
Rhoqz = 2650  #Pa

Rhoclay = 2550  #Pa

clayVol = 0.17  # 0.12 #= Clay proportion Paluxy con mucho clay

sidVol = 0.01  # 0.1

Ks = ha.Ksget(Kqz, Kclay, Ksid, clayVol, sidVol)

Gs = ha.Ksget(Gqz, Gclay, Ksid, clayVol, sidVol)

Rhos = 2632  # 2632 for Paluxy dirty em.Ksget(Rhoqz, Rhoclay, clayVol)

PRs = ep.poisson(Ks, Gs)

PRc = ep.poisson(Kc, Gc)

Mc = ep.M_value(Kc, Gc)
Herts-Mindlin endpoint
phi_c = 0.4001  # Critical porosity, hard coded
#phi_c = 0.36010 # Critical porosity, hard coded
Relation between cordination number and porosity 
input parameter in Herts-Mindlin model and
contact dement model ###VERY IMPORTANT#####