예제 #1
class Channel(Document):
    channel_title = Text(analyzer=name_analyzer)
    channel_desc = Text(analyzer=text_analyzer)

    all_playlists_titles = Text(analyzer=name_analyzer)
    all_playlists_desc = Text(analyzer=text_analyzer)

    all_videos_titles = Text(analyzer=name_analyzer)
    all_videos_desc = Text(analyzer=text_analyzer)

    upload_interval = Double()
    view_count = Long()
    video_count = Integer()
    subscriber_count = Long()

    channel_create_date = Date()
    latest_upload_datetime = Date()

    categories = Text(analyzer=name_analyzer)
    image_url = Keyword()
    channel_url = Keyword()

    # override the Document save method to include subclass field definitions
    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return super(Channel, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
예제 #2
class PaperFieldsOfStudy(DocType):
    PaperId = Long(required=True)
    FieldOfStudyId = Long(required=True)
    Similarity = Float()

    class Meta:
        index = 'PaperFieldsOfStudy'.lower()
예제 #3
class TargetIndex(DocType):

    targetID = Long()
    target = Text()
    annotation = Text(analyzer=ngramAnalyzer)
    species = Text(analyzer=ngramAnalyzer)
    status = Keyword()  #  Text()
    clone = Keyword()  #  Text()
    protein = Keyword()  #  Text()
    genePage = Text(analyzer=ngramAnalyzer)
    uniprot = Text(analyzer=ngramAnalyzer)
    taxonClass = Text(analyzer=ngramAnalyzer)
    superkingdom = Keyword()
    targetRole = Text(analyzer=ngramAnalyzer)
    batch = Text(analyzer=ngramAnalyzer)
    community = Text(analyzer=ngramAnalyzer)
    maxCode = Long()
    targetID = Long()
    target = Text()
    annotation = Text()
    species = Text()
    status = Keyword()   #  Text()  
    clone = Keyword()   #  Text() 
    protein = Keyword()   #  Text() 
    genePage = Text()
    uniprot = Text()
    taxonClass = Text()
    superkingdom = Keyword()
    targetRole = Text()
    batch = Text()
    community = Text()
    maxCode = Long() '''
    class Meta:
        index = "targetstatus-index"
예제 #4
class Position(DocType):
    # 证券id
    securityId = Keyword()
    # 持有数量
    amount = Long()
    # 可交易数量
    availableAmount = Long()
    # 盈亏
    profit = Float()
    # 市值
    value = Float()
    # 成本价
    cost = Float()
    # 交易类型(0代表T+0,1代表T+1)
    tradingT = Short()

    def __init__(self, meta=None, security_id=None, trading_t=1, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(meta, **kwargs)
        self.securityId = security_id
        self.availableAmount = 0
        self.amount = 0
        self.profit = 0
        self.value = 0
        self.cost = 0
        self.tradingT = trading_t
예제 #5
class Features(DocType):
    """ Database entity for static features."""
    pass_name = Keyword()
    place = Keyword()
    features_set = Nested(
        doc_class = FeaturesSet,
        properties = {
            'numIVUsers': Integer(),
            'isLoopSimplifyForm': Boolean(),
            'isEmpty': Boolean(),
            'numIntToFloatCast': Integer(),
            'hasLoopPreheader': Boolean(),
            'numTermBrBlocks': Integer(),
            'latchBlockTermOpcode': Long(),
            'numCalls': Integer(),
            'notDuplicatable': Boolean(),
            'convergent': Boolean(),
            'loopSize': Integer(),
            'tripCount': Integer(),
            'tripMultiply': Long(),
            'termByCondBr': Boolean(),
            'headerAddressTaken': Boolean(),
            'PHINodesInExitBlocks': Boolean()

    class Meta:
        index = 'runsystemdb'

    def save(self, ** kwargs):
        return super(Features, self).save(** kwargs)
예제 #6
class TaxRulesIndex(DocType):
    id = Integer()
    code = Text()
    priority = Integer()
    position = Integer()
    customer_tax_class_ids = Long()
    product_tax_class_ids = Long()
    tax_rate_ids = Long()
    calculate_subtotal = Boolean()
    rates = Object(
            'id': Integer(),
            'tax_country_id': Text(),
            'tax_region_id': Integer(),
            'tax_postcode': Text(),
            'rate': Integer(),
            'code': Text(),

    class Index:
        name = 'vue_storefront_catalog'
        doc_type = 'taxrule'

    class Meta:
        doc_type = "taxrule"
예제 #7
class TwitterEntitiesMedia(InnerDoc):
    id = Long(doc_values=False, index=False)
    id_str = Keyword(doc_values=False, index=False)
    indices = Short(doc_values=False, index=False, multi=True)

    media_url = Keyword(doc_values=False, index=False)
    media_url_https = Keyword(doc_values=False, index=False)
    url = Keyword(doc_values=False, index=False)
    display_url = Keyword(doc_values=False, index=False)
    expanded_url = Keyword(doc_values=False, index=False)

    type = Keyword()
    original_info = Object(TwitterEntitiesMediaOriginalInfo)
    sizes = Object(TwitterEntitiesMediaSizes)
    source_status_id = Long(doc_values=False, index=False)
    source_status_id_str = Keyword()
    source_user_id = Long(doc_values=False, index=False)
    source_user_id_str = Keyword()
    video_info = Object(TwitterEntitiesMediaVideoInfo)
    features = Object(TwitterEntitiesMediaFeatures)  # {}?

    media_key = Keyword(doc_values=False, index=False)
    ext_media_availability = Object(TwitterEntitiesMediaExtMediaAvailability)
    ext_alt_text = Keyword(doc_values=False, index=False)
    ext_media_color = Object(TwitterExtensionsMediaColor)
    ext = Object(TwitterExtensions)
    additional_media_info = Object(TwitterEntitiesAdditionalMediaInfo)
예제 #8
class PaperAuthorAffiliations(DocType):
    PaperId = Long(required=True)
    AuthorId = Long(required=True)
    AffiliationId = Long()
    AuthorSequenceNumber = Integer(required=True)
    OriginalAffiliation = Text()  # new attribute ver.2019-01-01

    class Meta:
        index = 'PaperAuthorAffiliations'.lower()
예제 #9
class SubscriptionObj(DocType):
    id = Long()
    user_id = Long()
    page_id = Long()
    subscription_uuid = Text()
    created = Date()
    modified = Date()
    start = Date()
    end = Date()
    status = Text()
예제 #10
class SiMu(Document):
    id = Text()
    establishDate = Long()
    fundName = Text()
    managerName = Text()
    mandatorName = Text()
    putOnRecordDate = Long()

    class Index:
        name = 'simu'
예제 #11
class ConferenceSeries(DocType):
    ConferenceSeriesId = Long(required=True)
    Rank = Integer(required=True)
    NormalizedName = Text(required=True, analyzer="standard")
    DisplayName = Text(required=True, analyzer="standard")
    PaperCount = Long()
    CitationCount = Long()
    CreatedDate = Date(required=True)

    class Meta:
        index = 'ConferenceSeries'.lower()
예제 #12
파일: stats_ip.py 프로젝트: tuntunlhj/mnet
class DstIp(CommonDoc, CommonIp):
    dst ip doc class
    flows = Long()
    bytes = Long()
    packets = Long()
    ip = Keyword()

    class Meta:
        index = 'dst-ip-stats-2017.08.02'
예제 #13
파일: stats_ip.py 프로젝트: tuntunlhj/mnet
class SrcIp(CommonDoc, CommonIp):
    src ip doc class
    flows = Long()
    bytes = Long()
    packets = Long()
    ip = Keyword()

    class Meta:
        index = 'src-ip-stats-2017.08.02'
예제 #14
class Authors(DocType):
    AuthorId = Long(required=True)
    Rank = Integer(required=True)
    NormalizedName = Text(required=True, analyzer="standard")
    DisplayName = Text(required=True, analyzer="standard")
    LastKnownAffiliationId = Long()
    PaperCount = Long()
    CitationCount = Long()
    CreatedDate = Date(required=True)

    class Meta:
        index = 'Authors'.lower()  # index name should be lowercase
예제 #15
class Loop(DocType):
    """Database entity for loop."""
    loop_id = Keyword()
    exec_time = Long()
    code_size = Long()
    llc_misses = Long()
    function_id = Keyword()

    class Meta:
        index = 'runsystemdb'

    def save(self, ** kwargs):
        return super(Loop, self).save(** kwargs)
예제 #16
class FieldsOfStudy(DocType):
    FieldOfStudyId = Long(required=True)
    Rank = Integer(required=True)
    NormalizedName = Text(required=True, analyzer="standard")
    DisplayName = Text(required=True, analyzer="standard")
    MainType = Text(analyzer="standard")
    Level = Integer(required=True)
    PaperCount = Long()
    CitationCount = Long()
    CreatedDate = Date(required=True)

    class Meta:
        index = 'FieldsOfStudy'.lower()
예제 #17
class SlowQuery(Document):
    finger = Text(fields={'raw': Keyword()})
    host = Text(fields={'raw': Keyword()})
    lock_time = Float()
    query_sql = Text(fields={'raw': Keyword()})
    query_time = Float()
    rows_examined = Long()
    rows_sent = Long()
    user = Text(fields={'raw': Keyword()})
    schema = Text(fields={'raw': Keyword()})

    class Index:
        # 声明使用哪个索引
        name = 'mysql-slowsql-test-*'
예제 #18
class AuthorInfo(DocType):
    # meta.id = hash(NormalizedName)
    NormalizedName = Text(required=True, analyzer="standard")
    DisplayName = Text(required=True, analyzer="standard")
    AuthorIds = Long(multi=True)
    Papers = Object(multi=True,
                        "AuthorId": Long(required=True),
                        "PaperIds": Long(multi=True)
    CreatedDate = Date(required=True)

    class Meta:
        index = "author_info"
예제 #19
class Journals(DocType):
    JournalId = Long(required=True)
    Rank = Integer(required=True)
    NormalizedName = Text(required=True, analyzer="standard")
    DisplayName = Text(required=True, analyzer="standard")
    Issn = Text()
    Publisher = Text()
    Webpage = Text()
    PaperCount = Long()
    CitationCount = Long()
    CreatedDate = Date(required=True)

    class Meta:
        index = 'Journals'.lower()
예제 #20
class Affiliations(DocType):
    AffiliationId = Long(required=True)
    Rank = Integer(required=True)
    NormalizedName = Text(required=True, analyzer="standard")
    DisplayName = Text(required=True, analyzer="standard")
    GridId = Text(required=True)
    OfficialPage = Text(required=True)
    WikiPage = Text(required=True)
    PaperCount = Long()
    CitationCount = Long()
    CreatedDate = Date(required=True)

    class Meta:
        index = 'Affiliations'.lower()
예제 #21
class Event(InnerDoc):
    Meetup Group Event

    # required fields
    meetup_id = Text(required=True)
    time = Date(required=True)
    name = Text(required=True)
    link = Text(required=True)
    date_in_series_pattern = Boolean(required=True)

    # optional fields
    attendance_count = Integer()
    attendance_sample = Integer()
    attendee_sample = Integer()
    created = Date()
    description = Text()
    duration = Long()
    fee_accepts = Text()
    fee_amount = Integer()
    fee_currency = Text()
    fee_description = Text()
    fee_label = Text()
    how_to_find_us = Text()
    status = Text()
    updated = Date()
    utc_offset = Long()
    venue_visibility = Text()
    visibility = Text()

    # venue
    venue_address_1 = Text()
    venue_address_2 = Text()
    venue_address_3 = Text()
    venue_city = Text()
    venue_country = Text()
    venue_localized_country_name = Text()
    venue_name = Text()
    venue_phone = Text()
    venue_zip_code = Text()
    venue_location = GeoPoint()

    # event hosts
    event_host_host_count = Integer()
    event_host_id = Integer()
    event_host_intro = Text()
    event_host_join_date = Date()
    event_host_name = Text()
예제 #22
class DigitalFileDoc(BaseDoc):
    uuid = Text()
    # To split file extensions, the pattern tokenizer is used,
    # which defaults to the "\W+" pattern.
    filepath = Text(
        fields={'raw': Keyword()},
    fileformat = Text(fields={'raw': Keyword()})
    size_bytes = Long()
    # Always saved as UTC, not just the default.
    datemodified = Date(default_timezone='UTC')
    dip = Object(
            'id': Integer(),
            'identifier': Text(),
            'title': Text(),
            'import_status': Keyword(),
    collection = Object(
            'id': Integer(),
            'identifier': Text(),
            'title': Text(fields={'raw': Keyword()}),

    class Index:
        name = 'scope_digital_files'
예제 #23
class Session(DocType):
    Session model, on which Products are grouped.

        id: Session's id. Made by Elasticsearch
        name: Session's name. UPPERCASE
        gender: Session's target gender
        image: Session's image address
        pos: Session's position to be shown in the list
        storename: The store's name from which the data was crawled

    gender = Text(fields={"keyword": Keyword()}, required=True)
    image = Text(fields={"keyword": Keyword()}, required=True)
    name = Text(fields={"keyword": Keyword()}, required=True)
    pos = Long(required=True)
    storename = Text(fields={"keyword": Keyword()}, required=True)

    class Meta:
        index = "store"
        doc_type = "sessions"

    def get_dict(self) -> dict:
        return {
            "id": self.meta["id"],
            "name": self.name,
            "gender": self.gender,
            "image": self.image
예제 #24
class IndexedFile(DocType):
    name = Text(fields={
        '_exact': Keyword()
    path = Text(fields={
        '_exact': Keyword(),
        '_path': Text(analyzer=path_analyzer),
        '_path_real': Text(analyzer=path_analyzer)
    lastModified = Date()
    length = Long()
    format = String()
    mimeType = Keyword()
    type = String()
    system = String(fields={
        '_exact': Keyword()
    systemId = String()
    dsMeta = Nested()
    permissions = Nested(properties={
        'username': Keyword(),
        'recursive': Boolean(),
        'permission': Nested(properties={
            'read': Boolean(),
            'write': Boolean(),
            'execute': Boolean()
    uuid = Keyword()

    class Meta:
        index = settings.ES_INDICES['files']['name']
        doc_type = settings.ES_INDICES['files']['documents'][0]['name']
        dynamic = MetaField('strict')
예제 #25
class DigitalFileDoc(BaseDoc):
    uuid = Text()
    # To split file extensions, the pattern tokenizer is used,
    # which defaults to the "\W+" pattern.
    filepath = Text(
        fields={"raw": Keyword()},
    fileformat = Text(fields={"raw": Keyword()})
    size_bytes = Long()
    # Always saved as UTC, not just the default.
    datemodified = Date(default_timezone="UTC")
    dip = Object(
            "id": Integer(),
            "identifier": Text(),
            "title": Text(),
            "import_status": Keyword(),
    collection = Object(
            "id": Integer(),
            "identifier": Text(),
            "title": Text(fields={"raw": Keyword()}),

    class Index:
        name = "scope_digital_files"
예제 #26
class Book(DocType):
    id = Long()
    title = Text()
    description = Text()

    class Meta:
        index = 'book'
class Content(DocType):

    id = Long()
    context = Text(fields={'with_punctuations': Text(analyzer=my_analyzer)})

    class Meta:
        index = 'test_content'
예제 #28
class Wiki(Document):
    owner = Object(User)
    views = Long()
    ranked = RankFeatures()

    class Index:
        name = "test-wiki"
예제 #29
class ResourceIndex(DocType):
    name = Text()
    slug = Text()
    brief_description = Text()
    show_window = Boolean()
    visible = Boolean()
    order = Integer()
    topic_id = Long()
    subejct_id = Long()
    nested_tags = Nested(ResourceTagIndex)
    create_date = Date()
    last_update = Date()
    subclass = Text()

    class Index:
        name = 'resource-index'
예제 #30
class RedditLinkMediaOEmbed(InnerDoc):
    author_name = Keyword()
    author_url = Keyword()
    cache_age = Long(doc_values=False, index=False)
    description = Text(
    height = Short(doc_values=False, index=False)
    html = Keyword(doc_values=False, index=False)
    html5 = Keyword(doc_values=False, index=False)
    mean_alpha = Float(doc_values=False, index=False)
    provider_name = Keyword()
    provider_url = Keyword()
    thumbnail_height = Short(doc_values=False, index=False)
    thumbnail_url = Keyword(doc_values=False, index=False)
    thumbnail_size = Short(doc_values=False, index=False)
    thumbnail_width = Short(doc_values=False, index=False)
    title = Text(
    type = Keyword()
    version = Keyword()
    url = Keyword()
    width = Short(doc_values=False, index=False)