def send_watches(watches, current_watches, es): xpack = XPackClient(es) updated = [] for watch, template in watches.items(): if watch_changed(watch, template, current_watches): xpack.watcher.put_watch(watch, template) updated.append(watch) return updated
body=event, id=event['id'] if "id" in event else i, params=params) i += 1 es.indices.refresh(index=test["index"]) #Load Scripts if 'scripts' in test: for script in test['scripts']: with open(script['path'], 'r') as script_file: es.index(index="_scripts", doc_type="painless", id=script["name"], body=json.loads( #Load Watch and Execute watcher = XPackClient(es).watcher with open(test['watch_file'], 'r') as watch_file: watch = json.loads( watcher.put_watch(id=test["watch_name"], body=watch) response = watcher.execute_watch(test["watch_name"]) #Confirm Matches match = test['match'] if 'match' in test else True print("Expected: Watch Condition: %s" % match) if not 'condition' in response['watch_record']['result']: print("Condition not evaluated due to watch error") print("TEST FAIL") sys.exit(1) met = response['watch_record']['result']['condition']['met'] print("Received: Watch Condition: %s" % met) if match: if met and response['watch_record']['result']['condition'][
time_field = test["time_field"] if "time_field" in test else "@timestamp" for event in test['events']: #All offsets in seconds event_time=current_data+datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(event['offset'] if 'offset' in event else 0)) event[time_field]=event_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ') if not time_field in event else event[time_field] es.index(index=test['index'],doc_type=test['type'],body=event,id=event['id'] if "id" in event else i,params=params) i+=1 es.indices.refresh(index=test["index"]) #Load Scripts if 'scripts' in test: for script in test['scripts']: with open(script['path'], 'r') as script_file: es.put_script(id=script["name"],body=json.loads( #Load Watch and Execute watcher = XPackClient(es).watcher with open(test['watch_file'],'r') as watch_file: watch=json.loads( watcher.put_watch(id=test["watch_name"],body=watch) response=watcher.execute_watch(test["watch_name"]) #Confirm Matches match = test['match'] if 'match' in test else True print("Expected: Watch Condition: %s"%match) if not 'condition' in response['watch_record']['result']: print("Condition not evaluated due to watch error") print("TEST FAIL") sys.exit(1) met=response['watch_record']['result']['condition']['met'] print("Received: Watch Condition: %s"%met) if match: if met and response['watch_record']['result']['condition']['status'] == "success":
if __name__ == "__main__": """This script set the default roles and users to run the LTR demo""" if len(sys.argv) == 2: password = getpass.getpass() elif len(sys.argv) == 3: password = sys.argv[2] else: print( """ [elasticsearch.user] [elasticsearch.password]""" ) sys.exit(-1) username = sys.argv[1] es = Elasticsearch(http_auth=(username, password)) xpack = XPackClient(es) print("Configure ltr_admin role:") res = 'ltr_admin', { "cluster": ["all"], "indices": [{ "names": [".ltrstore*"], "privileges": ["all"] }] }) print(res) print("Configure tmdb role:") res = 'tmdb', {'indices': [{