def test_basic_hash_properties(self, a: ElementModQ, b: ElementModQ): ha = hash_elems(a) hb = hash_elems(b) if a == b: self.assertEqual(ha, hb) if ha != hb: self.assertNotEqual(a, b)
def get_with_headers(self, item: int, *headers: str) -> ElementModQ: """ Gets an item from the sequence at any offset. Headers can be included to optionally help specify what a nonce is being used for. :param item: Index into the nonces. :param headers: Optional string headers. """ if item < 0: raise TypeError("Nonces do not support negative indices.") return hash_elems(self.__seed, item, *headers)
def test_same_answer_twice_in_a_row(self, a: ElementModQ, b: ElementModQ): # if this doesn't work, then our hash function isn't a function h1 = hash_elems(a, b) h2 = hash_elems(a, b) self.assertEqual(h1, h2)
def verify( description: ElectionDescription, context: CiphertextElectionContext, constants: ElectionConstants, devices: Iterable[EncryptionDevice], ciphertext_ballots: Iterable[CiphertextAcceptedBallot], spoiled_ballots: Iterable[CiphertextAcceptedBallot], ciphertext_tally: PublishedCiphertextTally, plaintext_tally: PlaintextTally, coefficient_validation_sets: Iterable[CoefficientValidationSet] = None ) -> bool: """ Returns whether the election results provided as arguments represent a valid ElectionGuard election. Verification details can be emitted by setting the logging level.""" # Verify election paramter cryptographic values election_parameters: Invariants = Invariants('Election Parameters') election_parameters.ensure('p is correct', constants.large_prime == P) election_parameters.ensure('q is correct', constants.small_prime == Q) election_parameters.ensure('r is correct', constants.cofactor == R) election_parameters.ensure('g is correct', constants.generator == G) election_parameters.ensure('k ≥ 1', context.quorum >= 1) election_parameters.ensure('k ≤ n', context.number_of_guardians >= context.quorum) election_parameters.ensure( 'Q = H(p,Q,g,n,k,d)', context.crypto_base_hash == hash_elems(P, Q, G, context.number_of_guardians, context.quorum, description.crypto_hash())) if not election_parameters.validate(): return False # Verify guardian public key values public_keys: Invariants = Invariants('Guardian Public Keys') elgamal_public_key: ElementModP = int_to_p(1) for guardian in coefficient_validation_sets: elgamal_public_key = mult_p( elgamal_public_key, get_first_el(guardian.coefficient_commitments)) for proof in guardian.coefficient_proofs: # Warning: This definition follows the electionguard package in deviating from the official spec public_keys.ensure( 'cᵢⱼ = H(Kᵢⱼ,hᵢⱼ)', proof.challenge == hash_elems(proof.public_key, proof.commitment)) public_keys.ensure( 'gᵘⁱʲ mod p = hᵢⱼKᵢⱼᶜⁱ mod p', pow_p(constants.generator, proof.response) == mult_p( proof.commitment, pow_p(proof.public_key, proof.challenge))) warn( 'The official electionguard Python implementation has an improper ballot challenge definition. This error will be ignored by this verifier.' ) public_keys.ensure('K = ∏ᵢ₌₁ⁿ Kᵢ mod p', context.elgamal_public_key == elgamal_public_key) # Warning: This definition follows the electionguard package in deviating from the official spec warn( 'The official electionguard Python implementation has an improper extended base hash definition. This error will be ignored by this verifier.' ) public_keys.ensure( 'Q̅ = H(Q,K)', context.crypto_extended_base_hash == hash_elems( context.crypto_base_hash, context.elgamal_public_key)) if not public_keys.validate(): return False # Verify ballot selection encryptions ballot_selections: Invariants = Invariants('Ballot Selection Encryptions') for ballot in ciphertext_ballots: for contest in ballot.contests: for selection in contest.ballot_selections: ballot_selections.ensure( 'α ∈ Zₚʳ', selection.ciphertext.pad.is_valid_residue()) ballot_selections.ensure( 'β ∈ Zₚʳ', ballot_selections.ensure( 'a₀ ∈ Zₚʳ', selection.proof.proof_zero_pad.is_valid_residue()) ballot_selections.ensure( 'b₀ ∈ Zₚʳ', selection.proof.proof_zero_data.is_valid_residue()) ballot_selections.ensure( 'a₁ ∈ Zₚʳ', selection.proof.proof_one_pad.is_valid_residue()) ballot_selections.ensure( 'b₁ ∈ Zₚʳ', selection.proof.proof_one_pad.is_valid_residue()) ballot_selections.ensure( 'c = H(Q̅,α,β,a₀,b₀,a₁,b₁)', selection.proof.challenge == hash_elems( context.crypto_extended_base_hash, selection.ciphertext.pad,, selection.proof.proof_zero_pad, selection.proof.proof_zero_data, selection.proof.proof_one_pad, selection.proof.proof_one_data)) ballot_selections.ensure( 'c₀ ∈ Zᵩ', selection.proof.proof_zero_challenge.is_in_bounds()) ballot_selections.ensure( 'c₁ ∈ Zᵩ', selection.proof.proof_one_challenge.is_in_bounds()) ballot_selections.ensure( 'v₀ ∈ Zᵩ', selection.proof.proof_zero_response.is_in_bounds()) ballot_selections.ensure( 'v₁ ∈ Zᵩ', selection.proof.proof_one_response.is_in_bounds()) ballot_selections.ensure( 'c = c₀+c₁ mod q', selection.proof.challenge == add_q( selection.proof.proof_zero_challenge, selection.proof.proof_one_challenge)) ballot_selections.ensure( 'gᵛ⁰ = a₀αᶜ⁰ (mod p)', pow_p(constants.generator, selection.proof.proof_zero_response) == mult_p( selection.proof.proof_zero_pad, pow_p(selection.ciphertext.pad, selection.proof.proof_zero_challenge))) ballot_selections.ensure( 'gᵛ¹ = a₁αᶜ¹ (mod p)', pow_p(constants.generator, selection.proof.proof_one_response) == mult_p( selection.proof.proof_one_pad, pow_p(selection.ciphertext.pad, selection.proof.proof_one_challenge))) ballot_selections.ensure( 'Kᵛ⁰ = b₀βᶜ⁰ (mod p)', pow_p(context.elgamal_public_key, selection.proof.proof_zero_response) == mult_p( selection.proof.proof_zero_data, pow_p(, selection.proof.proof_zero_challenge))) # Warning: Ommitting test, as it fails against electionguard package # ballot_selections.ensure('gᶜ¹Kᵛ¹ = b₁βᶜ¹ (mod p)', mult_p(pow_p(constants.generator, selection.proof.proof_one_challenge), pow_p(context.elgamal_public_key, selection.proof.proof_one_response)) == mult_p(selection.proof.proof_one_pad, pow_p(, selection.proof.proof_one_challenge))) warn( 'The official electionguard Python implementation always fails the validation gᶜ¹Kᵛ¹ = b₁βᶜ¹ (mod p). This error will be ignored by this verifier.' ) if not ballot_selections.validate(): return False # Verify adherence to vote limits vote_limits: Invariants = Invariants('Vote Limits') contests: Contests = Contests(description) for ballot in ciphertext_ballots: for contest in ballot.contests: contest_description = contests[contest.object_id] vote_limits.ensure('all contests appear in election description', contest_description != None) if contest_description: vote_limits.ensure( 'placeholder options match contest selection limit', sum(1 for x in contest.ballot_selections if x.is_placeholder_selection) == contest_description.votes_allowed) vote_limits.ensure('V ∈ Zᵩ', contest.proof.response.is_in_bounds()) # Warning: Multiple tests are ommitted, as the current electionguard package does not seem to output (A,B) and (a,b) warn( 'The official electionguard Python implementation fails to publish the required values (A,B) and (a,b) for every ballot, making it impossible to verify multiple required tests. This error will be ignored by this verifier.' ) if not vote_limits.validate(): return False # Verify ballot chaining ballot_chaining: Invariants = Invariants('Ballot Chaining') # Warning: It is currently not possible to verify ballot chaining, as the electionguard package contains the following errors: # - Fails to establish an ordering of published encrypted ballots by providing a suitable index field # - Contains no "first" ballot with previous_hash == H₀ = H(Q̅), per the specification # - Fails to include any ballot device information in the hash calculation, as required by the electionguard spec warn( 'The official electionguard Python implementation fails to index ballots and adhere to the proper ballot chaining hash definition. This error will be ignored by this verifier.' ) if not ballot_chaining.validate(): return False # Verify correctness of ballot aggregation and partial decryptions ballot_aggregations: Invariants = Invariants( 'Ballot Aggregations & Partial Decryptions') guardians: Guardians = Guardians(coefficient_validation_sets) for contest in plaintext_tally.contests.values(): for selection in contest.selections.values(): A: ElementModP = int_to_p(1) B: ElementModP = int_to_p(1) for ballot in ciphertext_ballots: if ballot.state == BallotBoxState.CAST: ballot_selection: CiphertextBallotSelection = get_selection( ballot, contest.object_id, selection.object_id) if ballot_selection: A = mult_p(A, ballot_selection.ciphertext.pad) B = mult_p(B, ballot_aggregations.ensure('A = ∏ⱼαⱼ', selection.message.pad == A) ballot_aggregations.ensure('B = ∏ⱼβⱼ', == B) for share in selection.shares: if share.proof: ballot_aggregations.ensure( 'vᵢ ∈ Zᵩ', share.proof.response.is_in_bounds()) ballot_aggregations.ensure( 'aᵢ ∈ Zₚʳ', share.proof.pad.is_valid_residue()) ballot_aggregations.ensure( 'bᵢ ∈ Zₚʳ', ballot_aggregations.ensure( 'cᵢ = H(Q̅,A,B,aᵢ,bᵢ,Mᵢ)', share.proof.challenge == hash_elems( context.crypto_extended_base_hash, selection.message.pad,, share.proof.pad,, share.share)) ballot_aggregations.ensure( 'Aᵛⁱ = bᵢMᵢᶜⁱ (mod p)', pow_p(selection.message.pad, share.proof.response) == mult_p(, pow_p(share.share, share.proof.challenge))) if share.guardian_id in guardians.guardians: ballot_aggregations.ensure( 'gᵛⁱ = aᵢKᵢᶜⁱ (mod p)', pow_p(constants.generator, share.proof.response) == mult_p( share.proof.pad, pow_p( get_first_el( guardians[share.guardian_id]. coefficient_commitments), share.proof.challenge))) else: ballot_aggregations.ensure( 'tally share guardians are valid election guardians', False) if not ballot_aggregations.validate(): return False # Verify correctness of recovered data for missing guardians missing_guardians: Invariants = Invariants( 'Recovered Data for Missing Guardians') for contest in plaintext_tally.contests.values(): for selection in contest.selections.values(): for share in selection.shares: missing_guardians.ensure( 'tally share contains exactly one proof or recovered part', (not share.proof) ^ (not share.recovered_parts)) if share.recovered_parts: for part in share.recovered_parts.values(): missing_guardians.ensure( 'vᵢₗ ∈ Zᵩ', part.proof.response.is_in_bounds()) missing_guardians.ensure( 'aᵢₗ ∈ Zₚʳ', part.proof.pad.is_valid_residue()) missing_guardians.ensure( 'bᵢₗ ∈ Zₚʳ', missing_guardians.ensure( 'cᵢₗ = H(Q̅,A,B,aᵢₗ,bᵢₗ,Mᵢₗ)', part.proof.challenge == hash_elems( context.crypto_extended_base_hash, selection.message.pad,, part.proof.pad,, part.share)) missing_guardians.ensure( 'Aᵛⁱˡ = bᵢₗMᵢₗᶜⁱˡ (mod p)', pow_p(selection.message.pad, part.proof.response) == mult_p(, pow_p(part.share, part.proof.challenge))) if part.guardian_id in guardians.guardians: missing_guardians.ensure( 'gᵛⁱˡ = aᵢₗ(∏ⱼ₌₀ᵏ⁻¹Kᵢⱼˡʲ)ᶜⁱˡ (mod p)', pow_p(constants.generator, part.proof.response) == mult_p( part.proof.pad, pow_p(part.recovery_key, part.proof.challenge))) else: missing_guardians.ensure( 'tally share reconstruction guardians are valid election guardians', False) if not missing_guardians.validate(): return False # Verify correctness of construction of replacement partial decryptions reconstructed_decryptions: Invariants = Invariants( 'Reconstructed Partial Decryptions for Missing Guardians') # Warning: the Lagrange coefficients used in reconstruction are not published. Because of this, it is impossible to verify: # - whether the Lagrange coefficients are correctly computed # - whether the missing tally shares, which depend on the Lagrange coefficients, are correctly computed. warn( 'The official electionguard Python implementation fails to publish Lagrange coefficients for missing guardian reconstructions, making it impossible to verify these values. This error will be ignored by this verifier.' ) if not reconstructed_decryptions.validate(): return False # Verify correct decryption of tallies tally_decryption: Invariants = Invariants('Decryption of Tallies') for contest in plaintext_tally.contests.values(): tally_decryption.ensure( 'tally contest label exists in ballot coding file', contest.object_id in contests.contests) for selection in contest.selections.values(): tally_decryption.ensure( 'B = M (∏ᵢ₌₁ⁿ Mᵢ) mod p', == mult_p( selection.value, *map(lambda x: x.share, selection.shares))) tally_decryption.ensure( 'M = gᵗ mod p', selection.value == pow_p(constants.generator, selection.tally)) if not tally_decryption.validate(): return False # Verify spoiled ballots spoils: Invariants = Invariants('Spoiled Ballots') for ballot in plaintext_tally.spoiled_ballots.values(): for contest in ballot.values(): tally_decryption.ensure( 'tally contest label exists in ballot coding file', contest.object_id in contests.contests) for selection in contest.selections.values(): for share in selection.shares: spoils.ensure( 'tally share contains exactly one proof or recovered part', (not share.proof) ^ (not share.recovered_parts)) if share.proof: spoils.ensure('vᵢ ∈ Zᵩ', share.proof.response.is_in_bounds()) spoils.ensure('aᵢ ∈ Zₚʳ', share.proof.pad.is_valid_residue()) spoils.ensure('bᵢ ∈ Zₚʳ', spoils.ensure( 'cᵢ = H(Q̅,A,B,aᵢ,bᵢ,Mᵢ)', share.proof.challenge == hash_elems( context.crypto_extended_base_hash, selection.message.pad,, share.proof.pad,, share.share)) spoils.ensure( 'Aᵛⁱ = bᵢMᵢᶜⁱ (mod p)', pow_p(selection.message.pad, share.proof.response) == mult_p(, pow_p(share.share, share.proof.challenge))) if share.guardian_id in guardians.guardians: spoils.ensure( 'gᵛⁱ = aᵢKᵢᶜⁱ (mod p)', pow_p(constants.generator, share.proof.response) == mult_p( share.proof.pad, pow_p( get_first_el( guardians[share.guardian_id]. coefficient_commitments), share.proof.challenge))) else: spoils.ensure( 'tally share guardians are valid election guardians', False) if share.recovered_parts: for part in share.recovered_parts.values(): spoils.ensure('vᵢₗ ∈ Zᵩ', part.proof.response.is_in_bounds()) spoils.ensure('aᵢₗ ∈ Zₚʳ', part.proof.pad.is_valid_residue()) spoils.ensure('bᵢₗ ∈ Zₚʳ', spoils.ensure( 'cᵢₗ = H(Q̅,A,B,aᵢₗ,bᵢₗ,Mᵢₗ)', part.proof.challenge == hash_elems( context.crypto_extended_base_hash, selection.message.pad,, part.proof.pad,, part.share)) spoils.ensure( 'Aᵛⁱˡ = bᵢₗMᵢₗᶜⁱˡ (mod p)', pow_p(selection.message.pad, part.proof.response) == mult_p(, pow_p(part.share, part.proof.challenge))) if part.guardian_id in guardians.guardians: spoils.ensure( 'gᵛⁱˡ = aᵢₗ(∏ⱼ₌₀ᵏ⁻¹Kᵢⱼˡʲ)ᶜⁱˡ (mod p)', pow_p(constants.generator, part.proof.response) == mult_p( part.proof.pad, pow_p(part.recovery_key, part.proof.challenge))) else: spoils.ensure( 'tally share reconstruction guardians are valid election guardians', False) spoils.ensure( 'B = M (∏ᵢ₌₁ⁿ Mᵢ) mod p', == mult_p( selection.value, *map(lambda x: x.share, selection.shares))) spoils.ensure( 'M = gᵗ mod p', selection.value == pow_p(constants.generator, selection.tally)) # Warning: All other warnings also apply to spoiled ballots. warn('All other warnings also apply to spoiled ballot verification steps.') if not spoils.validate(): return False # All verification steps have succeeded return True
def __init__(self, seed: ElementModQ, *headers: Union[str, ElementModPOrQ]) -> None: if len(headers) > 0: self.__seed: ElementModQ = hash_elems(seed, *headers) else: self.__seed = seed