예제 #1
def test_UnrecognisedMontageError():
    from electrolib.channel.montage import MontageFile, UnrecognisedMontageError
    from electrolib.io import openeeg
    import py.test
    eeg = openeeg('data/wg1.wg1', 'r')
    with py.test.raises(UnrecognisedMontageError):
        meeg = MontageFile(eeg, '_invalid_')
예제 #2
def test_MontageFile():
    from electrolib.channel.montage import MontageFile
    from electrolib.io import openeeg
    eeg = openeeg('data/wg1.wg1', 'r')
    meeg = MontageFile(eeg, 'special')
    head = meeg.get_head()
    blocks = meeg.get_blocks(0, 1)
예제 #3
 def open(self, eegname=None, fmt=None):
     """Open EEG file for viewing
     open EEGFILE: open file EEGFILE base on extension
     open EEGFILE FMT: open EEGFILE as FMT typ EEG file
     Type 'formats' to list supported formats.
     # Open EEG file
     if eegname is None:
         if fmt is None:
             fmt = 'edf'
         newfile = openeeg(sys.stdin, mode='r', fmt=fmt, cached=True)
         if not os.path.exists(eegname):
             raise ConsoleError("file '{0}' does not exist".format(eegname))
         newfile = openeeg(eegname, mode='r', fmt=fmt)
     # Close previous file and keep new
     if self.eegfile:
     self.eegfile = newfile
     # Update display
     yield "file '{0}' opened.\n".format(newfile.name)
예제 #4
    def __init__(self, eegfile):
        """Stores infile stream and size"""
        if isinstance(eegfile, basestring):
            from electrolib.io import openeeg
            eegfile = openeeg(eegfile, 'r')
        self.__file = eegfile
        if not hasattr(self, 'mode'):
            self.mode = 'r'
        self.name = self.__file.name
        if not 'r' in self.mode:
        self.head = self.get_head()
        self.nblocks = self.head.nblocks
        self.chan = self.get_chan()
        self.channames = [ch.label for ch in self.chan]

        self.tstart    = self.head.tstart
        self.nchan     = self.head.nchan
        self._secsblock = self.head.secsblock
        for ch in self.chan:
            ch.deltat = float(self.head.secsblock) / ch.nsblock
예제 #5
def plot(ax, eegfile, fmt=None,
        only_eeg=False, channels='all', twindow='all', upside_down=False,
        tunit='auto', title='', xlabel=True, ylabel='', font_file=None, scale='auto',
        resolution='auto', resample=False, simplify=True, minmax=False,
    """Plot the eegfile to the specified matplotlib Axes"""
    # Parse possible string arguments
    if twindow != 'all' and isinstance(twindow, basestring):
        t1, t2 = twindow.split(',')
        twindow = (float(t1), float(t2))

    # Parse options for plot command
    if channels != 'all' and isinstance(channels, basestring):
        channels = channels.split(',')

    # Open file.
    if isinstance(eegfile, (basestring, file)):
        output("Opening '{0}'".format(eegfile), verbose)
        eegfile = openeeg(eegfile, 'r', fmt)

    # All signals?
    if channels == 'all':
        channels = None

    # Establish time window used
    if twindow == 'all':
        sigs = eegfile.get_signals_all(only_eeg=only_eeg, channels=channels)
        t1, t2 = 0, eegfile.secsdur
        t1, t2 = twindow
        sigs = eegfile.get_signals(t1, t2, only_eeg=only_eeg, channels=channels)

    # Retrieve signals from file:
    Nc = len(sigs)
    output('Found {0} signals'.format(Nc), verbose)
    secsdur = eegfile.as_seconds(sigs[0].t2 - sigs[0].t1)

    # Determine scale automatically?
    if scale == 'auto':
        output('Choosing scale automatically'.format(Nc), verbose)
        scale = 4 * sum(np.std(sig.x) for sig in sigs) / Nc
    scale = float(scale)
    if upside_down:
        scale = -scale
    output('Scale is {0}'.format(scale), verbose)

    # Determine resolution automatically?
    if resolution == 'auto':
        output('Choosing resolution automatically'.format(Nc), verbose)
        resolution = secsdur / 1000.
    resolution = float(resolution)
    output('Resolution is {0}'.format(resolution), verbose)

    # Determine time unit automatically?
    if tunit == 'auto':
        output('Choosing time unit automatically'.format(Nc), verbose)
        if secsdur / 3600 > TUNIT_MIN:
            tunit = 'hours'
        elif secsdur / 60 > TUNIT_MIN:
            tunit = 'minutes'
        elif secsdur > TUNIT_MIN:
            tunit = 'seconds'
            tunit = 'milliseconds'
        tunit = TUNITS[tunit]
    tscale = TSCALES[tunit]
    output('Time unit is {0}'.format(tunit), verbose)

    # Base plot height for each signal
    offsets = range(Nc, 0, -1)

    if simplify:
        rc_change = {'path.simplify':True, 'path.simplify_threshold':1.0}
        rc_old = dict((k, rcParams[k]) for k in rc_change)

    # Adjust sampling
    ts, xs = [], []
    for sig, offset in zip(sigs, offsets):
        # Number of samples to skip
        every = max(int(resolution / sig.dt), 1)

        if every == 1:
            t, x = sig.t, sig.x
        # Proper resampling (expensive)
        elif resample:
            from scipy.signal import resample
            ns = min(sig.n, int(np.ceil(secsdur / resolution)))
            output("Resampling '{0}' to {1}".format(sig.label, ns), verbose)
            x = resample(sig.x, ns)
            t = np.linspace(sig.t1, sig.t2, ns)
        # Plot mins and maxs over downsampling period
        elif minmax:
            # Work out the shape of the new arrays
            nsnew = len(sig.t) // every
            nsold = every * nsnew
            t = np.zeros(2*nsnew, float)
            x = np.zeros_like(t)
            # Copy in the data
            t[::2] = t[1::2] = sig.t[:nsold:every]
            xr = sig.x[:nsold].reshape((nsnew, every))
            x[::2] = np.min(xr, 1)
            x[1::2] = np.max(xr, 1)
        # Simple downsampling
            output("Downsampling '{0}' by {1}".format(sig.label, every), verbose)
            t, x = sig.t[::every], sig.x[::every]

        # Actually plot the line
        ax.plot(t / tscale, offset + x / scale, color='black', linestyle='-')

    if simplify:

    # Finish up the plot
    output('Formatting plot', verbose)

    # Load specified font file
    kwargs = {}
    if font_file:
        output('Loading font file {0}'.format(font_file), verbose)
        kwargs['fontproperties'] = fm.FontProperties(fname=font_file)

    labels = [sig.label for sig in sigs]
    tlim = (t1 / tscale, t2 / tscale)
    ax.set_yticklabels(labels, size='x-small', **kwargs)
    ax.set_ylim([min(offsets) - 1, max(offsets) + 1])
    if tunit is None:
        xticks = [int(_) if _ == int(_) else _ for _ in ax.get_xticks()]
        ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels(xticks, size='x-small', **kwargs)
    if xlabel:
        ax.set_xlabel('Time ({0})'.format(tunit), **kwargs)
    if ylabel:
        ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, **kwargs)
    if title:
        ax.set_title(title, **kwargs)

    # For annotation of the plot:
    plot_data = {
    return plot_data
예제 #6
def test_openeeg_edf_r_cached():
    from electrolib.io import openeeg
    eeg = openeeg('data/sin.edf', 'r', cached=True)
예제 #7
def test_openeeg_invalid_fmt_EEGFormatError():
    from electrolib.io import openeeg, EEGFormatError
    import py.test
    with py.test.raises(EEGFormatError):
        eeg = openeeg('data/sin_tmp.xfg', 'r')
예제 #8
def test_openeeg_wg1_r():
    from electrolib.io import openeeg
    eeg = openeeg('data/wg1.wg1', 'r')
예제 #9
def test_openeeg_alternate_fmt():
    from electrolib.io import openeeg
    eeg = openeeg('data/nblocks.gdf', 'r', fmt='gdf')
예제 #10
def test_openeeg_edf_w():
    from electrolib.io import openeeg
    import os
    eeg = openeeg('data/sin_tmp.edf', 'w')
예제 #11
def test_openeeg_file_object():
    from electrolib.io import openeeg
    eeg = openeeg(open('data/sin.edf', 'rb'), 'r')
예제 #12
def test_openeeg_edf_r():
    from electrolib.io import openeeg
    eeg = openeeg('data/sin.edf', 'r')
예제 #13
def test_blockfile_unknown_length():
    from electrolib.blocks.blockfile import BlockFile
    from electrolib.io import openeeg
    eeg = openeeg('data/wg1.wg1', 'r')
    bfile = BlockFile(eeg, 5, 10)
    assert bfile.head.nblocks == -1
예제 #14
def _open_output_file(outfile, opts):
    """Processes options and args to open output as an EEG file"""
    outfile = outfile or sys.stdout
    fmt = opts['output_format'] or 'edf'
    return io.openeeg(outfile, 'w', fmt)
예제 #15
def _open_input_file(infile, opts):
    """Processes options and args to open input as an EEG file"""
    infile = infile or sys.stdin
    fmt = opts['input_format'] or 'edf'
    return io.openeeg(infile, 'r', fmt)