예제 #1
    help="If not specified, queue will not call back a connector.")

output_file = click.option("-O", "--output-file", type=click.File("wb"))

def schema_content_file(command: Optional[Callable] = None, **kwargs):
    default_kwargs = {"type": click.File("rb"), "help": "Schema file."}
    kwargs = {**default_kwargs, **kwargs}
    decorator = click.option("-s", "--schema-content-file",
                             "schema_content_file_", **kwargs)
    if command is None:
        return decorator
    return decorator(command)

schema_content = schema_content_factory(schema_content_file)

def workspace_id(command: Optional[Callable] = None, **kwargs):
    default_kwargs = {"type": int, "help": "Workspace ID."}
    kwargs = {**default_kwargs, **kwargs}
    decorator = click.option("-w", "--workspace-id", **kwargs)
    if command is None:
        return decorator
    return decorator(command)

def queue(command: Optional[Callable] = None,
          related_object: Optional[str] = "object",
    default_kwargs = {
예제 #2
from elisctl.common import schema_content_factory
from elisctl.schema.xlsx import XlsxToSchema

def file_decorator(*_args, **_kwargs):
    def test_decorator(f):
        def test_wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
            return f(*args, **kwargs)

        return test_wrapped

    return test_decorator

parameter = schema_content_factory(file_decorator)

class TestSchemaContent:
    def test_json(self):
        command = mock.Mock()

        with io.BytesIO(b"{}") as buffer:

    def test_xlsx(self):
        command = mock.Mock()

        with io.BytesIO(b"<mock xlsx>") as buffer, mock.patch.object(