class DirectedDirector( PartyRelationship ): """Relation from a directed organization to a director""" using_options( tablename = 'party_relationship_dir', inheritance = 'multi' ) established_from = ManyToOne( 'Organization', required = True, ondelete = 'cascade', onupdate = 'cascade' ) established_to = ManyToOne( 'Party', required = True, ondelete = 'cascade', onupdate = 'cascade' ) title = Field( Unicode( 256 ) ) represented_by = OneToMany( 'RepresentedRepresentor', inverse = 'established_to' ) class Admin( PartyRelationship.Admin ): verbose_name = _('Direction structure') verbose_name_plural = _('Direction structures') list_display = ['established_from', 'established_to', 'title', 'represented_by'] list_search = ['established_from.full_name', 'established_to.full_name'] field_attributes = {'established_from':{'name':_('Organization')}, 'established_to':{'name':_('Director')}} class DirectorAdmin( Admin ): verbose_name = _('Director') list_display = ['established_to', 'title', 'from_date', 'thru_date'] form_display = ['established_to', 'title', 'from_date', 'thru_date', 'represented_by', 'comment'] class DirectedAdmin( Admin ): verbose_name = _('Directed organization') list_display = ['established_from', 'title', 'from_date', 'thru_date'] form_display = ['established_from', 'title', 'from_date', 'thru_date', 'represented_by', 'comment']
class Notification(Entity): using_options(order_by = 'added') added = Field(Integer, default = lambda: int(time.time())) read = Field(Boolean, default = False) message = Field(Unicode(255)) data = Field(JsonType)
class Organization( Party ): """An organization represents any internal or external organization. Organizations can include businesses and groups of individuals""" using_options( tablename = 'organization', inheritance = 'multi' ) name = Field( Unicode( 50 ), required = True, index = True ) logo = Field( camelot.types.Image( upload_to = 'organization-logo' ), deferred = True ) tax_id = Field( Unicode( 20 ) ) directors = OneToMany( 'DirectedDirector', inverse = 'established_from', cascade='all, delete, delete-orphan' ) employees = OneToMany( 'EmployerEmployee', inverse = 'established_from', cascade='all, delete, delete-orphan' ) suppliers = OneToMany( 'SupplierCustomer', inverse = 'established_to', cascade='all, delete, delete-orphan' ) customers = OneToMany( 'SupplierCustomer', inverse = 'established_from', cascade='all, delete, delete-orphan' ) shareholders = OneToMany( 'SharedShareholder', inverse = 'established_from', cascade='all, delete, delete-orphan' ) def __unicode__( self ): return or '' @property def number_of_shares_issued( self ): return sum( ( shareholder.shares for shareholder in self.shareholders ), 0 ) class Admin( Party.Admin ): verbose_name = _( 'Organization' ) verbose_name_plural = _( 'Organizations' ) list_display = ['name', 'tax_id', 'contact_mechanisms_email', 'contact_mechanisms_phone'] form_display = TabForm( [( _('Basic'), Form( ['name', 'tax_id', 'addresses', 'contact_mechanisms'] ) ), ( _('Employment'), Form( ['employees'] ) ), ( _('Customers'), Form( ['customers'] ) ), ( _('Suppliers'), Form( ['suppliers'] ) ), ( _('Corporate'), Form( ['directors', 'shareholders', 'shares'] ) ), ( _('Branding'), Form( ['logo'] ) ), ( _('Status'), Form( ['status'] ) ), ] )
class ContactMechanism( Entity ): using_options( tablename = 'contact_mechanism' ) mechanism = Field( camelot.types.VirtualAddress( 256 ), required = True ) party_address = ManyToOne( 'PartyAddress', ondelete = 'set null', onupdate = 'cascade' ) party_contact_mechanisms = OneToMany( 'PartyContactMechanism' ) def __unicode__( self ): if self.mechanism: return u'%s : %s' % ( self.mechanism[0], self.mechanism[1] ) class Admin( EntityAdmin ): form_size = ( 700, 150 ) verbose_name = _('Contact mechanism') list_display = ['mechanism'] form_display = Form( ['mechanism', 'party_address'] ) field_attributes = {'mechanism':{'minimal_column_width':25}} def get_depending_objects(self, contact_mechanism ): for party_contact_mechanism in contact_mechanism.party_contact_mechanisms: if party_contact_mechanism not in party_contact_mechanism.expire( ['mechanism'] ) yield party_contact_mechanism party = if party and party not in party.expire(['email', 'phone']) yield party
class GeographicalData(Entity): id = Field(Integer,primary_key=True) google_place_id = Field(String(255)) lat = Field(String(20)) lon = Field(String(20)) using_options(tablename="GeoData") using_table_options(mysql_engine="InnoDB")
class SeasonLibrary(Library, DictMixin): using_options(inheritance='multi') season_number = Field(Integer, index=True) last_updated = Field(Integer, index=True) def getEpisodes(self): data = OrderedDict() for c in self.children: data[c.episode_number] = c return data # Read access episode by number: library[1][4] for season 1, episode 4 data = {} def __getitem__(self, key): if not self.setData() if key in return[key] if hasattr(self.__class__, "__missing__"): return self.__class__.__missing__(self, key) raise KeyError(key) def get(self, key, failobj=None): if key not in self: return failobj return self[key] def keys(self): return def setData(self): for c in self.children:[c.episode_number] = c
class Comment(Entity): id = Field(Integer,primary_key=True) content = Field(Text) user_id = Field(Integer) post_id = Field(Integer) using_options(tablename="Comment") using_table_options(mysql_engine="InnoDB")
class SharedShareholder( PartyRelationship ): """Relation from a shared organization to a shareholder""" using_options( tablename = 'party_relationship_shares', inheritance = 'multi' ) established_from = ManyToOne( 'Organization', required = True, ondelete = 'cascade', onupdate = 'cascade' ) established_to = ManyToOne( 'Party', required = True, ondelete = 'cascade', onupdate = 'cascade' ) shares = Field( Integer() ) class Admin( PartyRelationship.Admin ): verbose_name = _('Shareholder structure') verbose_name_plural = _('Shareholder structures') list_display = ['established_from', 'established_to', 'shares',] list_search = ['established_from.full_name', 'established_to.full_name'] field_attributes = {'established_from':{'name':_('Organization')}, 'established_to':{'name':_('Shareholder')}} class ShareholderAdmin( Admin ): verbose_name = _('Shareholder') list_display = ['established_to', 'shares', 'from_date', 'thru_date'] form_display = ['established_to', 'shares', 'from_date', 'thru_date', 'comment'] form_size = (500, 300) class SharedAdmin( Admin ): verbose_name = _('Shares') verbose_name_plural = _('Shares') list_display = ['established_from', 'shares', 'from_date', 'thru_date'] form_display = ['established_from', 'shares', 'from_date', 'thru_date', 'comment'] form_size = (500, 300)
class Translation(Entity): using_options(tablename='translation') language = Field(camelot.types.Language, index=True) source = Field(Unicode(500), index=True) # value needs to be indexed as well, because when starting up we # want to load only the translations that have a value specified value = Field(Unicode(500), index=True) cid = Field(INT(), default=0, index=True) uid = Field(INT(), default=0, index=True) # cache, to prevent too much of the same sql queries _cache = dict() class Admin(EntityAdmin): verbose_name_plural = _('Translations') form_size = (700, 150) section = 'configuration' list_display = ['source', 'language', 'value', 'uid'] list_filter = ['language'] list_actions = [ExportAsPO()] field_attributes = {'language': {'default': default_language}} @classmethod def translate(cls, source, language): """Translate source to language, return None if no translation is found""" if source: key = (source, language) if key in cls._cache: return cls._cache[key] translation = cls.query.filter_by( source=unicode(source), language=language).filter(Translation.uid != 0).first() if translation: cls._cache[key] = translation.value return translation.value return None return '' @classmethod def translate_or_register(cls, source, language): """Translate source to language, if no translation is found, register the source as to be translated and return the source""" if source: source = unicode(source) translation = cls.translate(source, language) if not translation: if not cls.query.filter_by(source=source, language=language).first(): if (source, language) not in cls._cache: from elixir import session registered_translation = Translation(source=source, language=language) cls._cache[(source, language)] = source session.flush([registered_translation]) logger.debug('registed %s with id %s' % (source, return source return translation return ''
class ForgotPassword(Entity): id = Field(Integer,primary_key=True) uuid = Field(String(255)) timestamp = Field(DateTime) user_id = Field(Integer) used = Field(Boolean) using_options(tablename="ForgotPassword") using_table_options(mysql_engine="InnoDB")
class Synchronized( Entity ): using_options( tablename = 'synchronized' ) database = Field( Unicode( 30 ), index = True ) tablename = Field( Unicode( 30 ), index = True ) primary_key = Field( Integer(), index = True ) last_update = Field( DateTime(), index = True, default =, onupdate = )
class AuthenticationMechanism( Entity ): using_options( tablename = 'authentication_mechanism' ) last_login = Field( DateTime() ) is_active = Field( Boolean, default = True, index = True ) class Admin( EntityAdmin ): verbose_name = _('Authentication mechanism') list_display = ['last_login', 'is_active']
class PartyAddressRoleType( Entity ): using_options( tablename = 'party_address_role_type' ) code = Field( Unicode( 10 ) ) description = Field( Unicode( 40 ) ) class Admin( EntityAdmin ): verbose_name = _('Address role type') list_display = ['code', 'description']
class LibraryTitle(Entity): """""" using_options(order_by='-default') title = Field(Unicode) default = Field(Boolean) language = OneToMany('Language') libraries = ManyToOne('Library')
class Message(Entity): id = Field(Integer,primary_key=True) title = Field(String(255)) content = Field(Text) timestamp = Field(DateTime) from_user_id = Field(Integer) to_user_id = Field(Integer) using_options(tablename="Message") using_table_options(mysql_engine="InnoDB")
class ShowLibrary(Library, DictMixin): using_options(inheritance='multi') last_updated = Field(Integer, index=True) show_status = Field(String(10), index=True) # XXX: Maybe we should convert this to seconds? # airs_time u'21:00' airs_time = Field(Unicode, index=True) # airs_dayofweek = Field(Integer, index = True) # u'Monday': 1, # u'Tuesday': 2, # u'Wednesday': 4, # u'Thursday': 8, # u'Friday': 16, # u'Saturday': 32, # u'Sunday': 64, # u'Daily': 127, airs_dayofweek = Field(Integer, index=True) def getSeasons(self): data = OrderedDict() for c in self.children: data[c.season_number] = c return data def getEpisodes(self, season_number): data = OrderedDict() for c in self.children[season_number].children: data[c.episode_number] = c return data # Read access to season by number: library[1] for season 1 data = {} def __getitem__(self, key): if not self.setData() if key in return[key] if hasattr(self.__class__, "__missing__"): return self.__class__.__missing__(self, key) raise KeyError(key) def get(self, key, failobj=None): if key not in self: return failobj return self[key] def keys(self): return def setData(self): for c in self.children:[c.season_number] = c
class ProfileType(Entity): """""" using_options(order_by = 'order') order = Field(Integer, default = 0, index = True) finish = Field(Boolean, default = True) wait_for = Field(Integer, default = 0) quality = ManyToOne('Quality') profile = ManyToOne('Profile')
class ProfileType(Entity): """""" using_options(order_by='order') order = Field(Integer) finish = Field(Boolean) wait_for = Field(Integer) quality = ManyToOne('Quality') profile = ManyToOne('Profile')
class Admin(Entity): id = Field(Integer, primary_key=True) first_name = Field(String(20)) last_name = Field(String(20)) password = Field(String(255)) email = Field(String(50)) phone_number = Field(String(20)) role = Field(Integer) using_options(tablename="admin") using_table_options(mysql_engine="InnoDB")
class Create( Memento ): """Marks the creation of an object""" using_options( inheritance = 'multi', tablename = 'memento_create', ) @property def description( self ): return 'Create' class Admin( Memento.Admin ): verbose_name = _('Create') verbose_name_plural = _('Creates')
class User(Entity): id = Field(Integer,primary_key=True) first_name = Field(String(255)) last_name = Field(String(255)) password = Field(String(255)) email = Field(String(255)) phone_number = Field(String(10)) community_id = Field(Integer) verified = Field(Boolean, default='0',server_default='0') using_options(tablename="User") using_table_options(mysql_engine="InnoDB")
class PartyRelationship( Entity ): using_options( tablename = 'party_relationship' ) from_date = Field( Date(), default =, required = True, index = True ) thru_date = Field( Date(), default = end_of_times, required = True, index = True ) comment = Field( camelot.types.RichText() ) is_synchronized( 'synchronized', lazy = True ) class Admin( EntityAdmin ): verbose_name = _('Relationship') verbose_name_plural = _('Relationships') list_display = ['established_from', 'established_to', 'from_date', 'thru_date']
class Profile(Entity): """""" using_options(order_by='order') label = Field(Unicode(50)) order = Field(Integer) core = Field(Boolean) hide = Field(Boolean) movie = OneToMany('Movie') types = OneToMany('ProfileType', cascade='all, delete-orphan')
class Category(Entity): """""" using_options(order_by = 'order') label = Field(Unicode(50)) order = Field(Integer, default = 0, index = True) required = Field(Unicode(255)) preferred = Field(Unicode(255)) ignored = Field(Unicode(255)) destination = Field(Unicode(255)) movie = OneToMany('Movie')
class InterPost(Entity): id = Field(Integer,primary_key=True) title = Field(String(255)) content = Field(Text) timestamp = Field(DateTime) user_id = Field(Integer) community_id = Field(Integer) category = Field(String(20)) admin_approved = Field(Boolean,default='0',server_default='0') file_id = Field(Integer) using_options(tablename="InterPost") using_table_options(mysql_engine="InnoDB")
class IntraPost(Entity): id = Field(Integer,primary_key=True) title = Field(String(255)) content = Field(Text) category = Field(String(20)) timestamp = Field(DateTime) user_id = Field(Integer) community_id = Field(Integer) post_type = Field(Integer) file_id = Field(Integer) using_options(tablename="IntraPost") using_table_options(mysql_engine="InnoDB")
class GeographicBoundary( Entity ): """The base class for Country and City""" using_options( tablename = 'geographic_boundary' ) code = Field( Unicode( 10 ) ) name = Field( Unicode( 40 ), required = True ) @ColumnProperty def full_name( self ): return self.code + ' ' + def __unicode__( self ): return u'%s %s' % ( self.code, )
class BeforeDelete( Memento ): """The state of the object before it is deleted""" using_options( inheritance = 'multi', tablename = 'memento_delete', ) previous_attributes = Field( PickleType() ) @property def description( self ): return 'Delete' class Admin( Memento.Admin ): verbose_name = _('Delete') verbose_name_plural = _('Deletes')
class Person( Party ): """Person represents natural persons """ using_options( tablename = 'person', inheritance = 'multi' ) first_name = Field( Unicode( 40 ), required = True ) last_name = Field( Unicode( 40 ), required = True ) # end short person definition middle_name = Field( Unicode( 40 ) ) personal_title = Field( Unicode( 10 ) ) suffix = Field( Unicode( 3 ) ) sex = Field( Unicode( 1 ), default = u'M' ) birthdate = Field( Date() ) martial_status = Field( Unicode( 1 ) ) social_security_number = Field( Unicode( 12 ) ) passport_number = Field( Unicode( 20 ) ) passport_expiry_date = Field( Date() ) is_staff = Field( Boolean, default = False, index = True ) is_superuser = Field( Boolean, default = False, index = True ) picture = Field( camelot.types.Image( upload_to = 'person-pictures' ), deferred = True ) comment = Field( camelot.types.RichText() ) employers = OneToMany( 'EmployerEmployee', inverse = 'established_to', cascade='all, delete, delete-orphan' ) @property def note(self): for person in self.__class__.query.filter_by(first_name=self.first_name, last_name=self.last_name): if person != self: return _('A person with the same name allready exists') @property def name( self ): # we don't use full name in here, because for new objects, full name will be None, since # it needs to be fetched from the db first return u'%s %s' % ( self.first_name, self.last_name ) def __unicode__( self ): return or '' class Admin( Party.Admin ): verbose_name = _( 'Person' ) verbose_name_plural = _( 'Persons' ) list_display = ['first_name', 'last_name', 'contact_mechanisms_email', 'contact_mechanisms_phone'] form_display = TabForm( [( _('Basic'), Form( [HBoxForm( [Form( [WidgetOnlyForm('note'), 'first_name', 'last_name', 'sex'] ), Form( ['picture', ] ), ] ), 'contact_mechanisms', 'comment', ], scrollbars = False ) ), ( _('Official'), Form( ['birthdate', 'social_security_number', 'passport_number', 'passport_expiry_date', 'addresses', ], scrollbars = False ) ), ( _('Work'), Form( ['employers', 'directed_organizations', 'shares'], scrollbars = False ) ), ( _('Status'), Form( ['status'] ) ), ] ) field_attributes = dict( Party.Admin.field_attributes ) field_attributes['note'] = {'delegate':delegates.NoteDelegate}
class Quality(Entity): """Quality name of a release, DVD, 720p, DVD-Rip etc""" using_options(order_by = 'order') identifier = Field(String(20), unique = True) label = Field(Unicode(20)) order = Field(Integer, default = 0, index = True) size_min = Field(Integer) size_max = Field(Integer) releases = OneToMany('Release') profile_types = OneToMany('ProfileType')