예제 #1
    def test_get_advisory(self, _make_request: Mock, ClientSession: Mock):
        api = AsyncErrataAPI("https://errata.example.com")
        _make_request.return_value = {"result": "fake"}

        actual = get_event_loop().run_until_complete(api.get_advisory(1))
        _make_request.assert_awaited_once_with(ANY, "GET", "/api/v1/erratum/1")
        self.assertEqual(actual, {"result": "fake"})

        actual = get_event_loop().run_until_complete(
            ANY, "GET", "/api/v1/erratum/RHBA-2021%3A0001")
        self.assertEqual(actual, {"result": "fake"})
예제 #2
 def test_get_cves(self, _make_request: Mock, ClientSession: Mock):
     api = AsyncErrataAPI("https://errata.example.com")
     api.get_advisory = AsyncMock(
         return_value={"content": {
             "content": {
                 "cve": "A B C"
     actual = get_event_loop().run_until_complete(api.get_cves(1))
     self.assertEqual(actual, ["A", "B", "C"])
예제 #3
class BugValidator:
    def __init__(self,
                 runtime: Runtime,
                 use_jira: bool = False,
                 output: str = 'text'):
        self.runtime = runtime
        self.use_jira = use_jira
        bug_tracker_cls = JIRABugTracker if use_jira else BugzillaBugTracker
        self.config = bug_tracker_cls.get_config(runtime)
        self.bug_tracker = bug_tracker_cls(self.config)
        self.target_releases: List[str] = self.config['target_release']
        self.product: str = self.config['product']
        self.et_data: Dict[str, Any] = runtime.gitdata.load_data(
        self.errata_api = AsyncErrataAPI(
            self.et_data.get("server", constants.errata_url))
        self.problems: List[str] = []
        self.output = output

    async def close(self):
        await self.errata_api.close()

    def validate(
        non_flaw_bugs: Iterable[Bug],
        verify_bug_status: bool,
        non_flaw_bugs = self.filter_bugs_by_release(non_flaw_bugs,
        blocking_bugs_for = self._get_blocking_bugs_for(non_flaw_bugs)

        if verify_bug_status:

        if self.problems:
            if self.output != 'slack':
                    "Some bug problems were listed above. Please investigate.")
            "All bugs were verified. This check doesn't cover CVE flaw bugs.")

    async def verify_attached_flaws(self, advisory_bugs: Dict[int, List[Bug]]):
        futures = []
        for advisory_id, attached_bugs in advisory_bugs.items():
            attached_trackers = [
                b for b in attached_bugs if b.is_tracker_bug()
            attached_flaws = [b for b in attached_bugs if b.is_flaw_bug()]
                self._verify_attached_flaws_for(advisory_id, attached_trackers,
        await asyncio.gather(*futures)
        if self.problems:
                "Some bug problems were listed above. Please investigate.")
        green_print("All CVE flaw bugs were verified.")

    async def _verify_attached_flaws_for(self, advisory_id: int,
                                         attached_trackers: Iterable[Bug],
                                         attached_flaws: Iterable[Bug]):
        # Retrieve flaw bugs in Bugzilla for attached_tracker_bugs
        tracker_flaws, flaw_id_bugs = self.bug_tracker.get_corresponding_flaw_bugs(

        # Find first-fix flaws
        first_fix_flaw_ids = set()
        if attached_trackers:
            current_target_release = bzutil.Bug.get_target_release(
            if current_target_release[-1] == 'z':
                first_fix_flaw_ids = flaw_id_bugs.keys()
                first_fix_flaw_ids = {
                    for flaw_bug in flaw_id_bugs.values()
                    if bzutil.is_first_fix_any(self.bug_tracker.client(
                    ), flaw_bug, current_target_release)

        # Check if attached flaws match attached trackers
        attached_flaw_ids = {b.id for b in attached_flaws}
        missing_flaw_ids = attached_flaw_ids - first_fix_flaw_ids
        if missing_flaw_ids:
                f"On advisory {advisory_id}, {len(missing_flaw_ids)} flaw bugs are not attached but they are referenced by attached tracker bugs: {', '.join(sorted(map(str, missing_flaw_ids)))}."
                " You probably need to attach those flaw bugs or drop the corresponding tracker bugs."
        extra_flaw_ids = first_fix_flaw_ids - attached_flaw_ids
        if extra_flaw_ids:
                f"On advisory {advisory_id}, {len(extra_flaw_ids)} flaw bugs are attached but there are no tracker bugs referencing them: {', '.join(sorted(map(str, extra_flaw_ids)))}."
                " You probably need to drop those flaw bugs or attach the corresponding tracker bugs."

        # Check if advisory is of the expected type
        advisory_info = await self.errata_api.get_advisory(advisory_id)
        advisory_type = next(iter(advisory_info["errata"].keys())).upper(
        )  # should be one of [RHBA, RHSA, RHEA]
        if not first_fix_flaw_ids:
            if advisory_type == "RHSA":
                    f"Advisory {advisory_id} is of type {advisory_type} but has no first-fix flaw bugs. It should be converted to RHBA or RHEA."
            return  # The remaining checks are not needed for a non-RHSA.
        if advisory_type != "RHSA":
                f"Advisory {advisory_id} is of type {advisory_type} but has first-fix flaw bugs {first_fix_flaw_ids}. It should be converted to RHSA."

        # Check if flaw bugs are associated with specific builds
        cve_components_mapping: Dict[str, Set[str]] = {}
        for tracker in attached_trackers:
            component_name = tracker.whiteboard_component
            if not component_name:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Tracker bug {tracker.id} doesn't have a valid component name in its whiteboard field."
            flaw_ids = tracker_flaws[tracker.id]
            for flaw_id in flaw_ids:
                if len(flaw_id_bugs[flaw_id].alias) != 1:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"Flaw bug {flaw_id} should have exact 1 alias.")
                cve = flaw_id_bugs[flaw_id].alias[0]
        current_cve_package_exclusions = await AsyncErrataUtils.get_advisory_cve_package_exclusions(
            self.errata_api, advisory_id)
        attached_builds = await self.errata_api.get_builds_flattened(
        expected_cve_packages_exclusions = AsyncErrataUtils.compute_cve_package_exclusions(
            attached_builds, cve_components_mapping)
        extra_cve_package_exclusions, missing_cve_package_exclusions = AsyncErrataUtils.diff_cve_package_exclusions(
            current_cve_package_exclusions, expected_cve_packages_exclusions)
        for cve, cve_package_exclusions in extra_cve_package_exclusions.items(
            if cve_package_exclusions:
                    f"On advisory {advisory_id}, {cve} is not associated with Brew components {', '.join(sorted(cve_package_exclusions))}."
                    " You may need to associate the CVE with the components in the CVE mapping or drop the tracker bugs."
        for cve, cve_package_exclusions in missing_cve_package_exclusions.items(
            if cve_package_exclusions:
                    f"On advisory {advisory_id}, {cve} is associated with Brew components {', '.join(sorted(cve_package_exclusions))} without a tracker bug."
                    " You may need to explictly exclude those Brew components from the CVE mapping or attach the corresponding tracker bugs."

        # Check if flaw bugs match the CVE field of the advisory
        advisory_cves = advisory_info["content"]["content"]["cve"].split()
        extra_cves = cve_components_mapping.keys() - advisory_cves
        if extra_cves:
                f"On advisory {advisory_id}, bugs for the following CVEs are already attached but they are not listed in advisory's `CVE Names` field: {', '.join(sorted(extra_cves))}"
        missing_cves = advisory_cves - cve_components_mapping.keys()
        if missing_cves:
                f"On advisory {advisory_id}, bugs for the following CVEs are not attached but listed in advisory's `CVE Names` field: {', '.join(sorted(missing_cves))}"

    async def get_attached_bugs(
            self, advisory_ids: Iterable[str]) -> Dict[int, Set[Bug]]:
        """ Get bugs attached to specified advisories
        :return: a dict with advisory id as key and set of bug objects as value
        green_print(f"Retrieving bugs for advisory {advisory_ids}")
        if self.use_jira:
            issue_keys = {
                advisory_id: [
                    issue["key"] for issue in
                for advisory_id in advisory_ids
            bug_map = self.bug_tracker.get_bugs_map(
                [key for keys in issue_keys.values() for key in keys])
            result = {
                advisory_id: {bug_map[key]
                              for key in issue_keys[advisory_id]}
                for advisory_id in advisory_ids
            advisories = await asyncio.gather(*[
                for advisory_id in advisory_ids
            bug_map = self.bug_tracker.get_bugs_map(
                    for ad in advisories for b in ad["bugs"]["bugs"]
            result = {
                 for b in ad["bugs"]["bugs"]}
                for ad in advisories
        return result

    def filter_bugs_by_product(self, bugs):
        # filter out bugs for different product (presumably security flaw bugs)
        return [b for b in bugs if b.product == self.product]

    def filter_bugs_by_release(self,
                               bugs: Iterable[Bug],
                               complain: bool = False) -> List[Bug]:
        # filter out bugs with an invalid target release
        filtered_bugs = []
        for b in bugs:
            # b.target release is a list of size 0 or 1
            if any(target in self.target_releases
                   for target in b.target_release):
            elif complain:
                    f"bug {b.id} target release {b.target_release} is not in "
                    f"{self.target_releases}. Does it belong in this release?")
        return filtered_bugs

    def _get_blocking_bugs_for(self, bugs):
        # get blocker bugs in the next version for all bugs we are examining
        candidate_blockers = [b.depends_on for b in bugs if b.depends_on]
        candidate_blockers = {b for deps in candidate_blockers for b in deps}

        v = minor_version_tuple(self.target_releases[0])
        next_version = (v[0], v[1] + 1)

        pattern = re.compile(r'^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.(0|z)$')

        # retrieve blockers and filter to those with correct product and target version
        blocking_bugs = {
            bug.id: bug
            for bug in self.bug_tracker.get_bugs(list(candidate_blockers))
            # b.target release is a list of size 0 or 1
            if any(
                minor_version_tuple(target) == next_version
                for target in bug.target_release
                if pattern.match(target)) and bug.product == self.product

        return {
            [blocking_bugs[b] for b in bug.depends_on if b in blocking_bugs]
            for bug in bugs

    def _verify_blocking_bugs(self, blocking_bugs_for):
        # complain about blocker bugs that aren't verified or shipped
        for bug, blockers in blocking_bugs_for.items():
            for blocker in blockers:
                message = str()
                if blocker.status not in [
                        'VERIFIED', 'RELEASE_PENDING', 'CLOSED'
                    if self.output == 'text':
                        message = f"Regression possible: {bug.status} bug {bug.id} is a backport of bug " \
                            f"{blocker.id} which has status {blocker.status}"
                    elif self.output == 'slack':
                        message = f"`{bug.status}` bug <{bug.weburl}|{bug.id}> is a backport of " \
                                  f"`{blocker.status}` bug <{blocker.weburl}|{blocker.id}>"
                if blocker.status == 'CLOSED' and blocker.resolution not in [
                        'NOTABUG', 'WONTFIX'
                    if self.output == 'text':
                        message = f"Regression possible: {bug.status} bug {bug.id} is a backport of bug " \
                            f"{blocker.id} which was CLOSED {blocker.resolution}"
                    elif self.output == 'slack':
                        message = f"`{bug.status}` bug <{bug.weburl}|{bug.id}> is a backport of bug " \
                            f"<{blocker.weburl}|{blocker.id}> which was CLOSED `{blocker.resolution}`"

    def _verify_bug_status(self, bugs):
        # complain about bugs that are not yet VERIFIED or more.
        for bug in bugs:
            if bug.is_flaw_bug():
            if bug.status in ["VERIFIED", "RELEASE_PENDING"]:
            if bug.status == "CLOSED" and bug.resolution == "ERRATA":
            status = f"{bug.status}"
            if bug.status == 'CLOSED':
                status = f"{bug.status}: {bug.resolution}"
            self._complain(f"Bug {bug.id} has status {status}")

    def _complain(self, problem: str):