예제 #1
    def _span ( typw ):
        count chars available for wildcard match
            typw - wildcard
            non-negative count if any match possible, otherwise -1
        k = minMatch(patn[mp:])  # calculate min char count to match rest of pattern

#       print "exclude=",k,"@",offs

        # calculate maximum chars a wildcard can match

        mx = ellyChar.findBreak(text,offs) - k # max span reduced by exclusion
        if mx < 0: return -1                   # cannot match if max span < 0

        tfn = Matching[typw]                   # char type matching a wildcard

#       print "text at",offs,"maximum wildcard match=",mx

        nm = 0
        for i in range(mx):
            c = text[offs+i]                   # next char in text from offset
            if not tfn(c): break               # stop when it fails to match
            nm += 1

#       print "maximum wildcard span=",nm

        return nm
예제 #2
    def findBreak ( self ):

        look for next token break in buffer


            remaining char count in buffer if no break is found
            otherwise, count of chars to next break if nonzero, but 1 if zero,

        if len(self.buffer) == 0:
            return 0

        if self.buffer[0] == APO:
            return 1

        k = ellyChar.findBreak(self.buffer)
#       print 'findBreak k=' , k
        if k > 2 and self.buffer[k-1] in [ APO , APX ]:
            k -= 1
        if k > 2 and self.buffer[k-1] in [ APO , APX , COM , DOT ]:
            k -= 1
        self.index = k
        return k
예제 #3
    def findBreak ( self ):

        look for next token break in buffer


            remaining char count in buffer if no break is found
            otherwise, count of chars to next break if nonzero, but 1 if zero,

        k = ellyChar.findBreak(self.buffer)
        self.index = k
        return k