class Reporting(object): def __init__(self, bot, channel_id, givenServers, givenServices): self.servers = givenServers = givenServices #the report list keeps track of down servers already reported so we dont repeat notifications = [] #the channel we send notifications to = bot.get_channel(channel_id) self.emailer = Emailer(, bb_config.username, bb_config.password) async def process(self): temp = for x in self.servers: # x[name, ip] if bool_ping(x[1]): if x[0] in temp.remove(x[0]) await":white_check_mark: " + x[0] + " is back up.") #else still up so no need to repeat else: if x[0] not in temp.append(x[0]) await":no_entry: " + x[0] + " is unresponsive.") #else still unresponsive so no need to repeat for x in # x[name, ip, port] if bool_socket(x[1], x[2]): if x[0] in temp.remove(x[0]) await":white_check_mark: " + x[0] + " is back up.") else: if x[0] not in temp.append(x[0]) await":no_entry: " + x[0] + " is down.") # Get our differences based on our two reports recovered = set( - set(temp) died = set(temp) - set( # Overwrite the report = temp # Notify if there's something worth reporting if bb_config.send_alerts_to != '': if recovered or died: body = "" if died: body += "The following have stopped responding\n" for x in died: body += x.split('.')[0] + "\n" body += "\n" if recovered: body += "The following have recovered\n" for x in recovered: body += x.split('.')[0] + "\n" body += "\n" body += "Please login and check running services." self.emailer.send_email(bb_config.send_alerts_to, 'Alert!', body)
protocol = os.environ.get('PROTOCOL', 'https') domain = os.environ.get('DOMAIN', False) # Send a Slack Webhook if webhook: payload = { 'attachments': [{ "fallback": subject, "color": "#36a64f", "pretext": "Quick Cache Warmer", "text": "Warmed %i pages in %i minutes on %s://%s" % (num_warmed, finished, protocol, domain) }] } r =, data=json.dumps(payload)) else: # Send the Email try: emailer.send_email(html, subject, attachments) sys.exit(0) except EmailerError as e: print e sys.exit(-1) # safely exit sys.exit(0)
from datetime import datetime as dt import time import requests from emailer import Emailer ''' The program below sends an email everyday at 10am With the currency rate between US Dollars and Euros ''' e = Emailer() while True: your_hour = if your_hour == 10: url = '' conversion_info = {"FROM": "USD", "TO": "EUR"} try: r =, json=conversion_info) rate = r.json()[u'rate'] e.connect() e.make_email(rate) e.send_email() e.disconnect() except: print('ERROR') time.sleep(3600)
class TinderBot: def __init__(self): self.statistics = { 'total_matches': 0, 'swipes': 0, 'cur_matches': 0, 'match_rate': 0 } statistics_path = 'tinder_statistics.csv' if os.path.exists(statistics_path): # Get current statistics with open(statistics_path, newline='') as csvfile: csv_data = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|') for row in csv_data: self.statistics[row[0]] = float(row[1]) else: open(statistics_path, 'w').close() self.current_matches = [] match_ids_path = "match_ids.txt" # Get already existing matches if os.path.exists(match_ids_path): with open(match_ids_path, 'r') as ids_file: for _id in ids_file: self.current_matches.append(_id.rstrip("\n\r")) else: open(match_ids_path, 'w').close() self.account_token = config.tinder_token self.matches = {} self.last_like_at = None self.last_auth_at = None track_time = "track_time.txt" if os.path.exists(track_time) and os.stat(track_time).st_size != 0: with open(track_time, 'r') as track_f: for i, time in enumerate(track_f): # this iterate only twice if i == 0: self.last_like_at = datetime.strptime( time.split('@')[1].rstrip('\n\r'), '%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S') if i == 1: self.last_auth_at = datetime.strptime( time.split('@')[1].rstrip('\n\r'), '%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S') else: f = open(track_time, 'w') f.write('last_liked@none\n') f.write('last_auth@none\n') f.close() self.emailer = Emailer() def fix_time_file(self): # True if fixing liking time, false if auth time date_time ='%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S') f = open('track_time.txt', 'r') l = [] for line in f: l.append(line.split('@')) f.close() f = open('track_time.txt', 'w') l[0][1] = self.last_like_at.strftime( '%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S') if self.last_like_at else None l[1][1] = self.last_auth_at.strftime( '%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S') if self.last_auth_at else None for line in l: append_to_file = line[1] if line[1] else 'none' f.write(line[0] + '@' + append_to_file + '\n') f.close() def isSwipeTime(self): if self.last_like_at: time_elapsed = ( - self.last_like_at ) # time as datetime object time_elapsed = time_elapsed.total_seconds() time_boundary = 21600 # 12 hours -- time to swipe again return (time_elapsed / time_boundary) > 1 return True # First iteration def update_statistics_file(self): with open('tinder_statistics.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvfile: writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) for stat in self.statistics: writer.writerow([stat] + [self.statistics[stat]]) def isLucasOn(self): try: requests.get(config.aws_host) except: print('LUCAS IS NOT CONNECTED') return False else: print('LUCAS IS CONNECTED') return True def swipe_right(self): LIKES_LIMIT = 45 #Tinder has a limit of 100 like per 12 hours, like 45/6 hours so we are safe. try: track_iterator = 0 while track_iterator <= LIKES_LIMIT: recommendations = tinder_api.get_recs_v2()['data']['results'] for rec in recommendations: girl_id = rec['user']['_id'] try: like_response = except: print('WHATS HAPPENING') return print('LIKED') self.statistics['swipes'] += 1 track_iterator += 1 if track_iterator == LIKES_LIMIT: # Check if its time to stop liking self.last_like_at = self.fix_time_file() self.update_statistics_file() break time.sleep(10) print('DONE LIKING') except: print('COULD NOT FINISH LIKING') def isNewMatch(self, match_id): return match_id not in self.current_matches def fix_id_file(self): open('match_ids.txt', 'w').close() f = open('match_ids.txt', 'a') for _id in self.current_matches: f.write(str(_id) + '\n') f.close() def onMatch(self, match): ## onMatch will be called always if its the first iteration, so we update self.match before check if is new match girl = match['person'] bio = girl['bio'] if 'bio' in girl else '' self.matches[match['_id']] = { 'name': girl['name'], 'age': get_girls_age(, girl['birth_date']), 'messages': { message_obj['message']: i for i, message_obj in enumerate(match['messages']) }, 'photos': [ photo_obj['processedFiles'][0]['url'] for photo_obj in girl['photos'] ], # get url for each photo of the girl 'bio': bio } if self.isNewMatch(match['_id']): ## New match!! self.statistics['total_matches'] += 1 self.statistics['match_rate'] = self.statistics[ 'total_matches'] / self.statistics[ 'swipes'] if self.statistics['swipes'] != 0 else 0 self.update_statistics_file() f = open('match_ids.txt', 'a') f.write(str(match['_id']) + '\n') f.close() # updates ids file self.current_matches.append(str(match['_id'])) girl = self.matches[match['_id']] self.emailer.connect() # Email Lucas about new match self.emailer.make_email(girl, 'match') self.emailer.send_email() self.emailer.disconnect() print('NEW MATCH') while not self.isLucasOn(): time.sleep(10) try: url = config.aws_host + "/match" json_data = {"name": girl['name'], "age": str(girl['age'])} r =, json=json_data) response = r.json() except Exception as e: print(e) return { "error": "Something went wrong when trying to communicate with Lucas." } if bool(int(response["will_unmatch"])): # unmatch person match_id = match['_id'] self.current_matches.remove(match_id) self.fix_id_file() del self.matches[match_id] return tinder_api.unmatch(match_id) else: return tinder_api.send_msg(match['_id'], response['message']) def onNewMessage(self, new_messages, match_id): her_messages = get_her_messages(self.matches[match_id]['name'], new_messages) my_messages = get_my_messages(self.matches[match_id]['name'], new_messages) did_she_text_last = (her_messages[-1] == new_messages[-1]) if ( len(her_messages) != 0) else False if 'WRONG HOLE' in her_messages or 'WIERD' in her_messages: # unmatch person print('ARE YOU HERE FOR REAL?') self.current_matches.remove(match_id) self.fix_id_file() del self.matches[match_id] return tinder_api.unmatch(match_id) if 'MORE' == her_messages[-1]: tinder_api.send_msg( match_id, create_message(self.matches[match_id]['name'], "more")) print("MORE MESSAGE SENT") if did_she_text_last and AUTOMATIC_MESSAGES['YES DADDY'].rstrip( '\n\r' ) not in my_messages: # This means that I am talking to her now if 'YES DADDY' in her_messages or 'LETS GO' in her_messages: tinder_api.send_msg( match_id, create_message(self.matches[match_id]['name'], "YES DADDY")) print("NEW DATE FOUND -- YES DADDY MESSAGE SENT") self.emailer.connect() # Tell Lucas about new date girl = self.matches[match_id] self.emailer.make_email(girl, 'date') self.emailer.send_email() self.emailer.disconnect() else: tinder_api.send_msg( match_id, create_message(self.matches[match_id]['name'], "invalid_reply")) print("INVALID REPLY MESSAGE SENT") def update(self): try: matches = tinder_api.get_updates()['matches'] except: print('COULD NOT UPDATE') time.sleep(1) self.statistics['cur_matches'] = len(matches) for match in matches: match_id = match['_id'] if match_id not in self.matches: # new match! self.onMatch(match) else: new_messages = [ message_obj['message'] for message_obj in match['messages'] ] old_messages = self.matches[match_id]['messages'] if self.matches[ match_id] and old_messages != new_messages: # new message! self.onNewMessage(new_messages, match_id) def isAuthTime( self ): # Every 24 hours we need a new tinder_token to make requests if self.last_auth_at: time_elapsed = ( - self.last_auth_at ) # time as datetime object time_elapsed = time_elapsed.total_seconds() time_boundary = 86400 # 24 hours -- time to auth again return (time_elapsed / time_boundary) > 1 return True # First iteration def update_token(self, token): r = open('', 'r') new_file = ['tinder_token = "{}"\n'.format(token)] for i, l in enumerate(r): if i != 0: new_file.append(l) r.close() r = open('', 'w') for l in new_file: r.write(l) r.close() def handle_authentication(self): self.emailer.connect() # Tell Luca to get SMS code self.emailer.make_alert_email() self.emailer.send_email() self.emailer.disconnect() while not self.isLucasOn(): time.sleep(10) print("SENDING SMS...") log_code = sendCode(config.lucas_phone_number) try: r = requests.get(config.aws_host + '/auth_code') except Exception as e: print(e) print("ERROR CONNECTING WITH LUCAS") else: response = r.json() new_token = getToken(str(config.lucas_phone_number), str(response['sms_code']), log_code) self.update_token(new_token) time.sleep(5) try: tr = tinder_api.get_self() while 'error' in tr: print('ERROR WITH TOKEN') tell_lucas = requests.get(config.aws_host + '/failure') log_code = sendCode(config.lucas_phone_number) r = requests.get(config.aws_host + '/auth_code') response = r.json() new_token = getToken(str(config.lucas_phone_number), str(response['sms_code']), log_code) self.update_token(new_token) time.sleep(5) tr = tinder_api.get_self() tell_lucas = requests.get(config.aws_host + '/success') print("NEW TOKEN UPDATED SUCCESSFULLY") self.last_auth_at = self.fix_time_file() except: print('ERROR AUTHENTICATING') exit() def run(self): while True: if self.isAuthTime(): self.handle_authentication() if self.isSwipeTime(): self.swipe_right() print('UPDATING') self.update() time.sleep(10)
with open("video_log.txt", "a+") as f: already_checked = f.readlines() # Request the videos and retrieve response in an array requester = VideoRequest(CHANNEL_ID, PLAYLIST_ID, NUM_ITEMS) requester.request_videos(NUM_ITEMS) videos = requester.parse_response() # Sort the videos with the corresponding query in the title into a new array successes = [] for vid in videos: if "desired_query" in vid.title: successes.append(vid) # Check that these videos have not already been notified for for vid in successes: found = False if not already_checked: found = False for line in already_checked: if vid.video_id in line: found = True break # If the video has not already been checked, add it to the file and send an email notification if not found: mailer.send_email(vid.video_id, vid.title) with open("video_log.txt", "a+") as f: f.write(vid.video_id + " " + vid.title + '\n')
table += "<td>{}</td>".format(esc_field) table += "</tr>" table += "</table>" if not errors: subject = "OKAY: Night Check" success = nc.get_okay() table = "<h4>The following scripts ran successfully:<h4>\n" table += """ <table cellpadding='10'> <tr> <th>Execution Time</th> <th>Script Name</th> <tr> """ for okay in success: table += """ <tr> <td>{}</td> <td>{}</td> </tr> """.format(okay[0], okay[1]) new_email = Emailer(table, subject) new_email.set_recipients(EMAIL_LIST) new_email.send_email() """ nc.add_error("THIS IS URGENT",1); """
print(oldS3Sheet.save_data_to_sheet(buckets)) elif args[1] == 'purge_instances': numberOfInstancesDeleted = terminate_instances(oldInstancesSheet, allInstancesSheet) summaryRow['EC2 Cleanup'] = 'Deleted {} instances'.format(numberOfInstancesDeleted) delete_stacks() elif args[1] == 'generate_ec2_deletion_summary': summaryEmail = get_old_instances_email_summary(oldInstancesSheet, allInstancesSheet, summarySheet) if summaryEmail is not None: smtp_addr = os.environ['SMTP_ADDR'] smtp_username = os.environ['SMTP_USERNAME'] smtp_password = os.environ['SMTP_PASSWORD'] smtp_sender = os.environ['SMTP_SENDER'] smtp_receivers = os.environ['SMTP_RECEIVERS'].split(',') emailer = Emailer(smtp_addr, smtp_username, smtp_password) emailer.send_email(smtp_sender, smtp_receivers, 'AWS Cleanup Notification', summaryEmail) skip_summary = True elif args[1] == 'purge_vpcs': numberOfVpcsDeleted = delete_vpcs() summaryRow['VPC Cleanup'] = 'Deleted {} vpcs'.format(numberOfVpcsDeleted) numberOfEipsDeleted = delete_unassigned_eips(get_all_eips()) summaryRow['EC2 Cleanup'] = 'Deleted {} eips'.format(numberOfEipsDeleted) else: pass if not skip_summary: summarySheet.append_data_to_sheet([summaryRow])