def send_error_email(self, error, filename): send_client = emails.SendManager(self.config_dict['send_email_info']) text = 'There was an error setting up config filename.\nError ' + str( error) + '.\nFilename: ' + str(filename) send_client.send_email(destination=self.destination, subject='Error', msg_content=text)
def send_confirmation_email(self, config): organization_name = config.config_dict['send_email_info']['organization name'] send_client = emails.SendManager(config.config_dict['send_email_info']) text = 'Hi ' + + ',\n\n' text += 'Your ' + self.order_type.lower() + ' of ' + self.order + ' has printed succesfully. ' text += 'It will be ready at ' + self.pickup_time + '.' try: send_client.send_email(destination =, subject = organization_name + ' - Order Confirmation', msg_content = text) except: print('Email not sent')
def __init__(self, config): done = False while not done: try: self.client = pygsheets.authorize( service_file='client_secret.json') self.sheets = [] for name, params in config.config_dict['gsheets_info'].items(): sheet_name = params['spreadsheet_name'] format = params['format'] sh = gsheet = GSheet(name, format, sh) self.sheets.append(gsheet) done = True except Exception as e: email_error = emails.SendManager( config.config_dict['send_email_info']) email_error.send_email(config.config_dict['send_email_info'] ['send status emails to'], subject='Error in initializing sheet', msg_content=str(e)) time.sleep(30)
def refresh_sheets(self, config, printer): orders = [] r = None while r == None: try: for gsheet in self.sheets: gsheet.sheet.refresh() time.sleep(5) format = gsheet.format while gsheet.sheet.cell('A' + str(gsheet.index)).value != '': time.sleep(2) order_dict = {} s_index = str(gsheet.index) f = True while f: try: if 'day' in gsheet.format: day = gsheet.sheet.cell(format['day'] + s_index).value.lower() for x in config.day_params: order_dict[x] = gsheet.sheet.cell(format[day + '_' + x] + s_index).value time.sleep(2) for x in config.non_day_params: order_dict[x] = gsheet.sheet.cell(format[x] + s_index).value time.sleep(2) else: for x in config.params: order_dict[x] = gsheet.sheet.cell(format[x] + s_index).value time.sleep(2) order_dict['order_type'] = + ' Order' order_dict['order_number'] = gsheet.index % 100 orders.append(order_dict) order = Order(order_dict) printer.print_ticket(order) order.send_confirmation_email(config) f = False except Exception as e: try: print('ERROR') email_error = emails.SendManager(config.config_dict['send_email_info']) email_error.send_email(config.config_dict['send_email_info']['send status emails to'], subject = 'Error in getting sheet cells', msg_content = str(e)) time.sleep(5) except: time.sleep(5) time.sleep(1) print('Reading') gsheet.index += 1 gsheet.update_index() r = orders except Exception as e: print(e) try: email_error = emails.SendManager(config.config_dict['send_email_info']) email_error.send_email(config.config_dict['send_email_info']['send status emails to'], subject = 'Error in refreshing sheet', msg_content = str(e)) time.sleep(30) except: time.sleep(10) return orders
def send_confirmation_email(self, filename): send_client = emails.SendManager(self.config_dict['send_email_info']) text = str(filename) + ' initalized succesfully' send_client.send_email(destination=self.destination, subject='Success', msg_content=text)