elif elapsed.days == 4:
        reminder = 'reminder_days_final'
    elif elapsed.days == 5:
        reminder = ''
        email_body = 'dropout'  # change body to dropout if 5 days
    elif elapsed.days == 8:
        reminder = 'reminder_dropout'
        email_body = 'dropout'
    else:  #includes if days == 6,7, or >8

    footer = dt.datetime.now(
    )  # makes sure bottom of email isn't hidden by gmail due to repeated content
    email_class = Emails(reminder, email_body, survey_url, footer)
    html_email = email_class.make_email()
    text_email = email_class.make_plaintext()


    #gmail set up
    port = 465
    smtp_server = "smtp.gmail.com"
    sender_email = ""
    password = ""
    #input("Type your password and press enter: ")

    #sussex webmail (outlook) setup
    #port = 465
    #smtp_server = "smtp.office365.com"
    #sender_email = ""
    #password = ""