def test_adding(self): s_id= self.folder.invokeFactory('', 'service1', service_type='subscription', grade='12', subject='maths', price='111') s1 = self.folder._getOb(s_id) self.failUnless(IService.providedBy(s1))
def warnings(self): """ Find all the current member's active memberservices. Use that to compute the related services. Compare that to the current order's services. If there are matches, return a list of those that match. We do this in order to warn the user that he might be ordering and paying for a service or product again. """ ordered_services = [] ordered_products = [] for oi in self.order.order_items(): r_item = oi.related_item.to_object if IService.providedBy(r_item): ordered_services.append(r_item) else: ordered_products.append(r_item) ordered_services = set(ordered_services) ordered_products = set(ordered_products) pps = self.context.restrictedTraverse('@@plone_portal_state') memberid = pps.member().getId() orders = get_paid_orders_for_member(self.context, memberid) paid_products = [] paid_services = [] for order in orders: for item in order.order_items(): r_item = item.related_item.to_object if r_item is None: continue if 'discount' in r_item.title.lower(): continue if IService.providedBy(r_item): paid_services.append(r_item) else: paid_products.append(r_item) paid_services = set(paid_services) paid_products = set(paid_products) matching_products = paid_products.intersection(ordered_products) matching_services = paid_services.intersection(ordered_services) return matching_products.union(matching_services)
def test_get_services(self): view = self.portal.restrictedTraverse('maths/@@practice') self.update_request(view) result = view() self.assertEqual(len(view.memberservices), NUM_SERVICES, 'There should be %s practice memberservices.') for ms in view.memberservices: assert (IMemberService.providedBy(ms), 'The memberservice does not provide the correct interface.') for service in view.practice_services: assert (IService.providedBy(service), 'The practice_service does not provide the correct interface.')
def test_factory(self): fti = queryUtility(IDexterityFTI, name='') factory = fti.factory new_object = createObject(factory) self.failUnless(IService.providedBy(new_object))