def opt_and_md(struc='cl20', file='card.gen', supercell=[1, 1, 1], T=3000, step=20000, wall=False, restart=None, psp=None, functional='REVPBE', restart_nve='WAVEFUNCTION COORDINATES LATEST', ncpu=12): if file == 'card.gen': get_structure(struc=struc, supercell=supercell, output='dftb', recover=True, center=True) A = read(file) run_cpmd(A, res_opt=restart, res_md=restart_nve, wall=wall, psp=psp, functional=functional, ncpu=ncpu)
def collect_data(strucs=['cl20mol', 'hmxmol'], T=200, step=20000, np=12): ''' gather datas ''' root = getcwd() restart_l = 'WAVEFUNCTION COORDINATES VELOCITIES CELL ACCUMULATORS NOSEE NOSEP LATEST' for s in strucs: for i in range(5): dirc = s + '_' + str(i) system('mkdir ' + dirc) chdir(dirc) if i == 0: system('cp ../*.psp ./') get_structure(struc=s, output='dftb', recover=True, center=True) A = read('card.gen') write_cpmd_inp(A, runtype='wvopt', restart=None) print('* optimizing wave functions of %s ...' % s) system('mpirun -n %d cpmd inp-wvopt>wv.out' % np) write_cpmd_inp(A, runtype='md', ensemble='nve', T=T, step=step, restart=restart_l) else: system('cp ../' + s + '_' + str(i - 1) + '/*.psp ./') system('cp ../' + s + '_' + str(i - 1) + '/RESTART.1 ./') system('cp ../' + s + '_' + str(i - 1) + '/LATEST ./') write_cpmd_inp(A, runtype='wvopt', restart=restart_l) print('* optimizing wave functions of %s ...' % s) system('mpirun -n %d cpmd inp-wvopt>wv.out' % np) write_cpmd_inp(A, runtype='md', ensemble='nvt', T=T, step=step, restart=restart_l) print('* Car-Parinnello MD simulations ...') system('mpirun -n %d cpmd inp-nvt>nvt.out' % np) chdir(root)
if not il == 0: cell.append([float(l[0]), float(l[1]), float(l[2])]) il += 1 if readlat and il < 2: if not il == 0: cell = [[float(l[0]), 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, float(l[1]) * float(l[0]), 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, float(l[2]) * float(l[0])]] il += 1 finp.close() return cell if __name__ == '__main__': from emdk import get_structure, emdk from import read, write from ase import Atoms from cpmd import write_cpmd_inp supercell = [1, 1, 1] struc = 'cl20mol' get_structure(struc=struc, output='dftb', recover=True, center=True) # emdk(cardtype='xyz',cardfile='', # cell=[[10.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,10.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0,10.0]], # output='dftb', # center='.True.',log='log') A = read('card.gen') write_cpmd_inp(A, runtype='md', ensemble='nve') # write_cpmd_inp(A,runtype='md',ensemble='nvt',restart=True)