예제 #1
def __chat_settings__(chat_id, user_id):
	welcome_pref, _, _, _ = sql.get_welc_pref(chat_id)
	goodbye_pref, _, _, _ = sql.get_gdbye_pref(chat_id)
	cleanserv = sql.clean_service(chat_id)
	return tl(user_id, "Obrolan ini memiliki preferensi `{}` untuk pesan sambutan.\n" \
		   "Untuk preferensi pesan selamat tinggal `{}`.\n" \
		   "Bot `{}` menghapus notifikasi member masuk/keluar secara otomatis").format(welcome_pref, goodbye_pref, cleanserv)
예제 #2
def goodbye(bot: Bot, update: Update, args: List[str]):
	chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]

	if len(args) == 0 or args[0] == "noformat":
		noformat = args and args[0] == "noformat"
		pref, goodbye_m, cust_content, goodbye_type = sql.get_gdbye_pref(chat.id)
			tl(update.effective_message, "Obrolan ini memiliki setelan selamat tinggal yang disetel ke: `{}`.\n*Pesan selamat tinggal "
			"(tidak mengisi {{}}) adalah:*").format(pref),

		buttons = sql.get_gdbye_buttons(chat.id)
		if goodbye_type == sql.Types.BUTTON_TEXT:
			if noformat:
				goodbye_m += revert_buttons(buttons)
				send_message(update.effective_message, goodbye_m)

				if buttons:
					keyb = build_keyboard(buttons)
					keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyb)
					keyboard = None

				send(update, goodbye_m, keyboard, sql.DEFAULT_GOODBYE)

			if noformat:
				goodbye_m += revert_buttons(buttons)
				ENUM_FUNC_MAP[goodbye_type](chat.id, cust_content, caption=goodbye_m)
				if buttons:
					keyb = build_keyboard(buttons)
					keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyb)
					keyboard = None
				ENUM_FUNC_MAP[goodbye_type](chat.id, cust_content, caption=goodbye_m, reply_markup=keyboard, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN, disable_web_page_preview=True)

	elif len(args) >= 1:
		if args[0].lower() in ("on", "yes"):
			sql.set_gdbye_preference(str(chat.id), True)
			send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Aku akan menyesal jika orang-orang pergi!"))

		elif args[0].lower() in ("off", "no"):
			sql.set_gdbye_preference(str(chat.id), False)
			send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Mereka pergi, mereka sudah mati bagi saya."))

			# idk what you're writing, say yes or no
			send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Saya hanya mengerti 'on/yes' atau 'off/no' saja!"))
예제 #3
def export_data(update, context):
	msg = update.effective_message  # type: Optional[Message]
	user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]

	chat_id = update.effective_chat.id
	chat = update.effective_chat
	current_chat_id = update.effective_chat.id
	chat_data = context.chat_data

	conn = connected(context.bot, update, chat, user.id, need_admin=True)
	if conn:
		chat = dispatcher.bot.getChat(conn)
		chat_id = conn
		chat_name = dispatcher.bot.getChat(conn).title
		if update.effective_message.chat.type == "private":
			send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Anda bisa lakukan command ini pada grup, bukan pada PM"))
			return ""
		chat = update.effective_chat
		chat_id = update.effective_chat.id
		chat_name = update.effective_message.chat.title

	jam = time.time()
	new_jam = jam + 43200
	cek = get_chat(chat_id, chat_data)
	if cek.get('status'):
		if jam <= int(cek.get('value')):
			waktu = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%Y", time.localtime(cek.get('value')))
			send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Anda dapat mencadangan data sekali dalam 12 jam!\n[Orang ini](tg://user?id={}) sudah mencadangan data\nAnda dapat mencadangan data lagi pada `{}`").format(cek.get('user'), waktu), parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN)
			if user.id != OWNER_ID:
				put_chat(chat_id, user.id, new_jam, chat_data)
		if user.id != OWNER_ID:
			put_chat(chat_id, user.id, new_jam, chat_data)

	# Backup version
	# Revision: 07/07/2019
	backup_ver = 1
	bot_base = "Emilia"

	# Make sure this backup is for this bot
	bot_id = context.bot.id

	# Backuping antiflood
	flood_mode, flood_duration = antifloodsql.get_flood_setting(chat_id)
	flood_limit = antifloodsql.get_flood_limit(chat_id)
	antiflood = {'flood_mode': flood_mode, 'flood_duration': flood_duration, 'flood_limit': flood_limit}

	# Backuping blacklists
	all_blacklisted = blacklistsql.get_chat_blacklist(chat_id)
	blacklist_mode, blacklist_duration = blacklistsql.get_blacklist_setting(chat.id)
	blacklists = {'blacklist_mode': blacklist_mode, 'blacklist_duration': blacklist_duration, 'blacklists': all_blacklisted}

	# Backuping blacklists sticker
	all_blsticker = blackliststksql.get_chat_stickers(chat_id)
	blsticker_mode, blsticker_duration = blacklistsql.get_blacklist_setting(chat.id)
	blstickers = {'blsticker_mode': blsticker_mode, 'blsticker_duration': blsticker_duration, 'blstickers': all_blsticker}

	# Backuping disabled
	cmd_disabled = disabledsql.get_all_disabled(chat_id)
	disabled = {'disabled': cmd_disabled}

	# Backuping filters
	all_filters = filtersql.get_chat_triggers(chat_id)
	filters_gen = []
	for x in all_filters:
		filt = filtersql.get_filter(chat.id, x)
		if filt.is_sticker:
			filt_type = 1
		elif filt.is_document:
			filt_type = 2
		elif filt.is_image:
			filt_type = 3
		elif filt.is_audio:
			filt_type = 4
		elif filt.is_voice:
			filt_type = 5
		elif filt.is_video:
			filt_type = 6
		elif filt.has_markdown:
			filt_type = 0
			filt_type = 7
		filters_gen.append({"name": x, "reply": filt.reply, "type": filt_type})
	filters = {'filters': filters_gen}

	# Backuping greetings msg and config
	greetings = {}
	pref, welcome_m, cust_content, welcome_type = welcsql.get_welc_pref(chat_id)
	if not welcome_m:
		welcome_m = ""
	if not cust_content:
		cust_content = ""
	buttons = welcsql.get_welc_buttons(chat_id)
	welcome_m += revert_buttons(buttons)
	greetings["welcome"] = {"enable": pref, "text": welcome_m, "content": cust_content, "type": welcome_type}

	pref, goodbye_m, cust_content, goodbye_type = welcsql.get_gdbye_pref(chat_id)
	if not goodbye_m:
		goodbye_m = ""
	if not cust_content:
		cust_content = ""
	buttons = welcsql.get_gdbye_buttons(chat_id)
	goodbye_m += revert_buttons(buttons)
	greetings["goodbye"] = {"enable": pref, "text": goodbye_m, "content": cust_content, "type": goodbye_type}

	curr = welcsql.clean_service(chat_id)
	greetings["clean_service"] = curr

	getcur, cur_value, extra_verify, timeout, timeout_mode, cust_text = welcsql.welcome_security(chat_id)
	greetings["security"] = {"enable": getcur, "text": cust_text, "time": cur_value, "extra_verify": extra_verify, "timeout": timeout, "timeout_mode": timeout_mode}

	# Backuping chat language
	getlang = langsql.get_lang(chat_id)
	language = {"language": getlang}

	# Backuping locks
	curr_locks = locksql.get_locks(chat_id)
	curr_restr = locksql.get_restr(chat_id)

	if curr_locks:
		locked_lock = {
			"sticker": curr_locks.sticker,
			"audio": curr_locks.audio,
			"voice": curr_locks.voice,
			"document": curr_locks.document,
			"video": curr_locks.video,
			"contact": curr_locks.contact,
			"photo": curr_locks.photo,
			"gif": curr_locks.gif,
			"url": curr_locks.url,
			"bots": curr_locks.bots,
			"forward": curr_locks.forward,
			"game": curr_locks.game,
			"location": curr_locks.location,
			"rtl": curr_locks.rtl
		locked_lock = {}

	if curr_restr:
		locked_restr = {
			"messages": curr_restr.messages,
			"media": curr_restr.media,
			"other": curr_restr.other,
			"previews": curr_restr.preview,
			"all": all([curr_restr.messages, curr_restr.media, curr_restr.other, curr_restr.preview])
		locked_restr = {}

	lock_warn = locksql.get_lockconf(chat_id)

	locks = {'lock_warn': lock_warn, 'locks': locked_lock, 'restrict': locked_restr}

	# Backuping notes
	note_list = notesql.get_all_chat_notes(chat_id)
	notes = []
	for note in note_list:
		buttonlist = ""
		note_tag = note.name
		note_type = note.msgtype
		getnote = notesql.get_note(chat_id, note.name)
		if not note.value:
			note_data = ""
			tombol = notesql.get_buttons(chat_id, note_tag)
			keyb = []
			buttonlist = ""
			for btn in tombol:
				if btn.same_line:
					buttonlist += "[{}](buttonurl:{}:same)\n".format(btn.name, btn.url)
					buttonlist += "[{}](buttonurl:{})\n".format(btn.name, btn.url)
			note_data = "{}\n\n{}".format(note.value, buttonlist)
		note_file = note.file
		if not note_file:
			note_file = ""
		notes.append({"note_tag": note_tag, "note_data": note_data, "note_file": note_file, "note_type": note_type})

	# Backuping reports
	get_report = reportsql.user_should_report(chat_id)
	report = {'report': get_report}

	# Backuping rules
	getrules = rulessql.get_rules(chat_id)
	rules = {"rules": getrules}

	# Backuping warns config and warn filters
	warn_limit, _, warn_mode = warnssql.get_warn_setting(chat_id)
	all_handlers = warnssql.get_chat_warn_triggers(chat_id)
	all_warn_filter = []
	for x in all_handlers:
		warnreply = warnssql.get_warn_filter(chat_id, x)
		all_warn_filter.append({'name': x, 'reason': warnreply.reply})
	if not warn_mode:
		warn_mode = ""
	# Get all warnings in current chat
	allwarns = warnssql.get_allwarns(chat_id)
	warns = {"warn_limit": warn_limit, "warn_mode": warn_mode, "warn_filters": all_warn_filter, "chat_warns": allwarns}

	# Parsing backups
	backup = {"bot_id": bot_id, "bot_base": bot_base, "antiflood": antiflood, "blacklists": blacklists, "blstickers": blstickers, "disabled": disabled, "filters": filters, "greetings": greetings, "language": language, "locks": locks, "notes": notes, "report": report, "rules": rules, "warns": warns, "version": backup_ver}

	all_backups = json.dumps(backup, indent=4, cls=SetEncoder)
	f = open("{}-Emilia.backup".format(chat_id), "w")
	context.bot.sendChatAction(current_chat_id, "upload_document")
	tgl = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S - %d/%m/%Y", time.localtime(time.time()))
		context.bot.sendMessage(TEMPORARY_DATA, "*Berhasil mencadangan untuk:*\nNama chat: `{}`\nID chat: `{}`\nPada: `{}`".format(chat.title, chat_id, tgl), parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN)
	except BadRequest:
	send = context.bot.sendDocument(current_chat_id, document=open('{}-Emilia.backup'.format(chat_id), 'rb'), caption=tl(update.effective_message, "*Berhasil mencadangan untuk:*\nNama chat: `{}`\nID chat: `{}`\nPada: `{}`\n\nNote: cadangan ini khusus untuk bot ini, jika di import ke bot lain maka catatan dokumen, video, audio, voice, dan lain-lain akan hilang").format(chat.title, chat_id, tgl), timeout=360, reply_to_message_id=msg.message_id, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN)
		# Send to temp data for prevent unexpected issue
		context.bot.sendDocument(TEMPORARY_DATA, document=send.document.file_id, caption=tl(update.effective_message, "*Berhasil mencadangan untuk:*\nNama chat: `{}`\nID chat: `{}`\nPada: `{}`\n\nNote: cadangan ini khusus untuk bot ini, jika di import ke bot lain maka catatan dokumen, video, audio, voice, dan lain-lain akan hilang").format(chat.title, chat_id, tgl), timeout=360, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN)
	except BadRequest:
	os.remove("{}-Emilia.backup".format(chat_id)) # Cleaning file
예제 #4
def left_member(bot: Bot, update: Update):
	chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
	should_goodbye, cust_goodbye, cust_content, goodbye_type = sql.get_gdbye_pref(chat.id)
	if should_goodbye:
		left_mem = update.effective_message.left_chat_member
		if left_mem:
			# Ignore bot being kicked
			if left_mem.id == bot.id:

			# Give the owner a special goodbye
			if OWNER_SPECIAL and left_mem.id == OWNER_ID:
				send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Selamat jalan master 😢"))

			# if media goodbye, use appropriate function for it
			if goodbye_type != sql.Types.TEXT and goodbye_type != sql.Types.BUTTON_TEXT:
				reply = update.message.message_id
				cleanserv = sql.clean_service(chat.id)
				# Clean service welcome
				if cleanserv:
						dispatcher.bot.delete_message(chat.id, update.message.message_id)
					except BadRequest:
					reply = False
				# Formatting text
				first_name = left_mem.first_name or "PersonWithNoName"  # edge case of empty name - occurs for some bugs.
				if left_mem.last_name:
					fullname = "{} {}".format(first_name, left_mem.last_name)
					fullname = first_name
				count = chat.get_members_count()
				mention = mention_markdown(left_mem.id, first_name)
				if left_mem.username:
					username = "******" + escape_markdown(left_mem.username)
					username = mention
				if cust_goodbye:
					formatted_text = cust_goodbye.format(first=escape_markdown(first_name),
											  last=escape_markdown(left_mem.last_name or first_name),
											  fullname=escape_markdown(fullname), username=username, mention=mention,
											  count=count, chatname=escape_markdown(chat.title), id=left_mem.id)
					formatted_text = ""
				# Build keyboard
				buttons = sql.get_gdbye_buttons(chat.id)
				keyb = build_keyboard(buttons)
				keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyb)
				# Send message
					ENUM_FUNC_MAP[goodbye_type](chat.id, cust_content, caption=formatted_text, reply_markup=keyboard, parse_mode="markdown", reply_to_message_id=reply)
				except BadRequest:
					send_message(update.effective_message, tl(update.effective_message, "Catatan: Terjadi kesalahan saat mengirim pesan kustom. Harap perbarui."))

			first_name = left_mem.first_name or "PersonWithNoName"  # edge case of empty name - occurs for some bugs.
			if cust_goodbye:
				if left_mem.last_name:
					fullname = "{} {}".format(first_name, left_mem.last_name)
					fullname = first_name
				count = chat.get_members_count()
				mention = mention_markdown(left_mem.id, first_name)
				if left_mem.username:
					username = "******" + escape_markdown(left_mem.username)
					username = mention

				valid_format = escape_invalid_curly_brackets(cust_goodbye, VALID_WELCOME_FORMATTERS)
				if valid_format:
					res = valid_format.format(first=escape_markdown(first_name),
										  last=escape_markdown(left_mem.last_name or first_name),
										  fullname=escape_markdown(fullname), username=username, mention=mention,
										  count=count, chatname=escape_markdown(chat.title), id=left_mem.id)
					res = ""
				buttons = sql.get_gdbye_buttons(chat.id)
				keyb = build_keyboard(buttons)

				res = sql.DEFAULT_GOODBYE
				keyb = []

			keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyb)

			send(update, res, keyboard, sql.DEFAULT_GOODBYE)