예제 #1
    config_file = open('conf/net/api/webserver.conf.sample')

config_data = json.load(config_file)
static_path = config_data["paths"]["static_path"]
python_path = config_data["paths"]["python_path"]
server_host = config_data["server"]["host"]
server_port = config_data["server"]["port"]
socket_timeout = config_data["server"]["timeout"]
log_base_dir = config_data["paths"]["log_base_dir"]
auth_method = config_data["server"]["auth"]

BaseRequest.MEMFILE_MAX = 1024 * 1024 * 1024  # Allow the request size to be 1G
# to accomodate large section sizes

print("Finished configuring logging for %s" % logging.getLogger())
app = app()

# On MacOS, the current working directory is always in the python path However,
# on ubuntu, it looks like the script directory (api in our case) is in the
# python path, but the pwd is not. This means that "main" is not seen even if
# we run from the CFC_WebApp directory. Let's make sure to manually add it to
# the python path so that we can keep our separation between the main code and
# the webapp layer

#Simple path that serves up a static landing page with javascript in it
def index():
    return static_file("index.html", static_path)

예제 #2
    config_file = open('conf/net/api/webserver.conf.sample')

config_data = json.load(config_file)
static_path = config_data["paths"]["static_path"]
python_path = config_data["paths"]["python_path"]
server_host = config_data["server"]["host"]
server_port = config_data["server"]["port"]
socket_timeout = config_data["server"]["timeout"]
log_base_dir = config_data["paths"]["log_base_dir"]
auth_method = config_data["server"]["auth"]

BaseRequest.MEMFILE_MAX = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 # Allow the request size to be 1G
# to accomodate large section sizes

print("Finished configuring logging for %s" % logging.getLogger())
app = app()

# On MacOS, the current working directory is always in the python path However,
# on ubuntu, it looks like the script directory (api in our case) is in the
# python path, but the pwd is not. This means that "main" is not seen even if
# we run from the CFC_WebApp directory. Let's make sure to manually add it to
# the python path so that we can keep our separation between the main code and
# the webapp layer

#Simple path that serves up a static landing page with javascript in it
def index():
  return static_file("index.html", static_path)

# Bunch of static pages that constitute our website
# Should we have gone for something like django instead after all?