예제 #1
class Housenumber(db.Model):
    """Housenumber class"""
    __tablename__ = 'housenumbers'
    __table_args__ = {'extend_existing': True}

    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    streetid = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('streets.id'))
    number = db.Column(db.String(10))
    _points = db.Column('points', db.Text)
    street = db.relationship("Street", backref="streets", lazy='joined')

    def __init__(self, streetid, number, points):
        self.streetid = streetid
        self.number = number
        self._points = points

    def points(self):
        Get points for housenumber

        :return: yaml structure with point positions
        return yaml.load(self._points)

    def getHousenumbers(id=0):
        Get list of all housenumbers, filtered by paramters

        :param optional id: id of housenumber, *0* for all
        :return: list of :py:class:`emonitor.modules.streets.housenumber.Housenumber`
        if id == 0:
            return Housenumber.query.order_by(Housenumber.number).all()
            return Housenumber.query.filter_by(id=id).one()

    def getPosition(self, index=0):
            p = self.points[index]
            return dict(lat=p[0], lng=p[1])
            return dict(lat=self.street.lat, lng=self.street.lng)
예제 #2
파일: persons.py 프로젝트: nordi81/eMonitor
class Person(db.Model):
    """Person class"""
    __tablename__ = 'persons'
    __table_args__ = {'extend_existing': True}

    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    firstname = db.Column(db.String(64))
    lastname = db.Column(db.String(64))
    salutation = db.Column(db.String(16))
    grade = db.Column(db.String(32))
    position = db.Column(db.String(32))
    identifier = db.Column(db.String(32))
    active = db.Column(db.BOOLEAN)
    birthdate = db.Column(db.DATETIME)
    remark = db.Column(db.TEXT)
    _dept = db.Column('dept', db.ForeignKey('departments.id'))
    _options = db.Column('options', db.TEXT)

    dept = db.relationship("Department",

    def __init__(self, firstname, lastname, salutation, grade, position,
                 identifier, active, birthdate, remark, dept, **options):
        self.firstname = firstname
        self.lastname = lastname
        self.salutation = salutation
        self.grade = grade
        self.position = position
        self.identifier = identifier
        self.active = active
        self.birthdate = birthdate
        self.remark = remark
        self._dept = dept
        self._options = yaml.safe_dump(options, encoding='utf-8')

    def fullname(self):
        """format fullname"""
        return u"{}, {}".format(self.lastname, self.firstname)

    def age(self):
        """calculate age in years"""
        return int(round((datetime.now() - self.birthdate).days / 365.25, 0))

    def birthday(self):
        calculate day of birthdate for sorting
        caution: use the same year for day calculation (1903/1904) and respect leap year
        if calendar.isleap(datetime.now().year):
            return int((datetime(1904,
                        ).strftime('%j'))  # use a leapyear as reference
            return int((datetime(1903,
                        ).strftime('%j'))  # use a non-leapyear as reference

    def options(self):
        return yaml.load(self._options)

    def getPersons(id=0, identifier=0, dept=0, onlyactive=False):
        if id != 0:
            return Person.query.filter_by(id=id).first()
        elif identifier != 0:
            return Person.query.filter_by(identifier=identifier).first()
        elif dept != 0:
            if onlyactive:
                return Person.query.filter_by(
                    _dept=dept, active=True).order_by('lastname').all()
            return Person.query.filter_by(
            if onlyactive:
                return Person.query.filter_by(
            return Person.query.order_by('lastname').all()

    def settings():
        return dict(Settings.getYaml('persons.settings'))
예제 #3
class Department(db.Model):
    """Department class"""
    __tablename__ = 'departments'
    __table_args__ = {'extend_existing': True}

    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = db.Column(db.String(64))
    shortname = db.Column(db.String(10))
    color = db.Column(db.String(7))
    orderpos = db.Column(db.Integer)
    defaultcity = db.Column(
        db.Integer)  # id of default city for this department
    _attributes = db.Column('attributes', db.Text)

    def _get_city(self):
        from emonitor.modules.streets.city import City
        return City.getCities(self.defaultcity)

    city = property(_get_city)
    cars = db.relationship("Car",
                           cascade="all, delete-orphan")

    def __init__(self,
        self.name = name
        self.shortname = shortname
        self.color = color
        self.orderpos = orderpos
        self.defaultcity = defaultcity
        self._attributes = yaml.safe_dump(attributes, encoding='utf-8')

    def __getattr__(self, name, default=''):
        if name in self.attributes:
            return self.attributes[name]
            return default

    def attributes(self):
        return yaml.load(self._attributes)

    def attributes(self, attrs):
        self._attributes = yaml.safe_dump(attrs, encoding='utf-8')

    def set(self, name, value):
        attrs = self.attributes
        attrs[name] = value
        self.attributes = attrs

    def getCars(self):
        return sorted(self.cars.values(), key=lambda car: car.name)

    def getLogoStream(self):
        Deliver logo file as stream, base 64 encoded

        :return: base 64 stream or empty string
        from emonitor import app
        if self.attributes.get('logo', '') != '' and os.path.exists(
                              self.attributes.get('logo', ''))):
            return open(
                              self.attributes.get('logo', '')),
            return open(

    def getDefaultDepartment():
        """Get default department :py:class:`emonitor.modules.settings.department.Department`"""
        return Department.query.order_by('orderpos').first()

    def getDepartments(id=0):
        Get department list filtered by criteria

        :param optional id: id of department, *0* for all
        :return: list of :py:class:`emonitor.modules.settings.department.Department`
        if id == 0:
            return Department.query.order_by('orderpos').all()
            return Department.query.filter_by(id=id).first()

    def getDeptsDict():
        Get departements as dict

        :return: dict of :py:class:`emonitor.modules.settings.department.Department`
        ret = {}
        for dept in Department.query.order_by('orderpos'):
            ret[dept.orderpos] = (dept.name, dept.color)
        return ret
예제 #4
파일: city.py 프로젝트: sambandi/eMonitor
class City(db.Model):
    """City class"""
    __tablename__ = 'cities'
    __table_args__ = {'extend_existing': True}

    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = db.Column(db.String(30))
    dept = db.Column('dept', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('departments.id'))
    mapname = db.Column(db.String(30))
    default = db.Column(db.Integer)
    subcity = db.Column(db.Text)
    color = db.Column(db.String(6), default="000000")
    osmid = db.Column(db.Integer, default=0)
    osmname = db.Column(db.String(30), default="")
    streets = db.relationship("Street", collection_class=attribute_mapped_collection('id'), backref=db.backref('City', remote_side=[Street.cityid]), cascade="all, delete-orphan")
    department = db.relationship("Department", collection_class=attribute_mapped_collection('id'))
    def __init__(self, name, dept, mapname, default, subcity, color, osmid, osmname):
        self.name = name
        self.dept = dept
        self.mapname = mapname
        self.default = default
        self.subcity = subcity
        self.color = color
        self.osmid = osmid
        self.osmname = osmname

    def serialize(self):
        return dict(id=self.id, name=self.name)

    def subcities(self):
        return filter(None, self.subcity.split("\r\n"))

    def getColorName(self):
        return '#%s' % self.color
    def __repr__(self):
        return '<City %r>' % self.name

    def addStreet(self, street):
        Add street to current city

        :param street: :py:class:`emonitor.modules.streeets.street.Street`
        #cache.delete_memoized('getStreets', self)
        if street.id in self.streets:
            self.streets[street.id] = street
            self.streets[street.id] = street
    # static part
    def getCities(id=0):
        Get list of all cities

        :return: list of :py:class:`emonitor.modules.streets.city.City`
        if id == 0:
            return City.query.order_by(City.default.desc(), City.name).all()
            return City.query.filter_by(id=id).first()

    def getCitiesDict():
        Get cities as dict

        :return: dict of :py:class:`emonitor.modules.streets.city.City`, id as key
        ret = dict(db.get(City.id, City).order_by(City.id))
        ret[0] = City.getDefaultCity()
        return ret

    def getDefaultCity():
        Get default city (default=1)

        :return: :py:class:`emonitor.modules.streets.city.City`
        return City.query.filter_by(default=1).first()
예제 #5
class Alarmkey(db.Model):
    """Alarmkey class"""
    __tablename__ = 'alarmkeys'
    __table_args__ = {'extend_existing': True}

    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    category = db.Column(db.String(40), default='')
    key = db.Column(db.String(40), default='')
    key_internal = db.Column(db.String(40), default='')
    _keyset = db.Column('keyset', db.ForeignKey('alarmkeysets.id'))
    keyset = db.relationship(
        "AlarmkeySet", collection_class=attribute_mapped_collection('id'))
    keysetitem = db.Column(db.INTEGER, default=0)
    remark = db.Column(db.Text)

    def __init__(self,
        self.category = category
        self.key = key
        self.key_internal = key_internal
        self.remark = remark
        self._keyset = keyset
        self.keysetitem = keysetitem

    def _getCars(self, cartype, department):
        Prototype method for car or material lists

        :param cartype: 1|2|3: cars1, cars2, material as integer
        :param department: id of department as integer
        :return: list of cars, material
        alarmcars = AlarmkeyCars.getAlarmkeyCars(kid=self.id or 9999,

        if not alarmcars:
            # try default
            alarmcars = AlarmkeyCars.getAlarmkeyCars(kid=9999, dept=department)

        if alarmcars:
            if cartype == 1:
                return alarmcars.cars1
            elif cartype == 2:
                return alarmcars.cars2
            elif cartype == 3:
                return alarmcars.materials
            return []

    def setCars(self, department, **kwargs):
        Set carlist of department

        :param department: id of department as integer
        :param kwargs:
            - *cars1*: list of :py:class:`emonitor.modules.cars.car.Car` objects for cars1
            - *cars2*: list of :py:class:`emonitor.modules.cars.car.Car` objects for cars2
            - *material*: list of :py:class:`emonitor.modules.cars.car.Car` objects for material
        alarmcars = AlarmkeyCars.getAlarmkeyCars(kid=self.id, dept=department)
        if not alarmcars:
            alarmcars = AlarmkeyCars(self.id, department, '', '', '')
        if "cars1" in kwargs.keys():
            alarmcars._cars1 = kwargs['cars1']
        if "cars2" in kwargs.keys():
            alarmcars._cars2 = kwargs['cars2']
        if "material" in kwargs.keys():
            alarmcars._material = kwargs['material']

    def getCars1(self, department):
        Get list of Car objects for cars1 of current alarmkey definition of given department

        :param department: id of department as integer
        :return: list of :py:class:`emonitor.modules.cars.car.Car` objects
        return self._getCars(1, department)

    def getCars2(self, department):
        Get list of Car objects for cars2 of current alarmkey definition of given department

        :param department: id of department as integer
        :return: list of :py:class:`emonitor.modules.cars.car.Car` objects
        return self._getCars(2, department)

    def getMaterial(self, department):
        Get list of Car objects for material of current alarmkey definition of given department

        :param department: id of department as integer
        :return: list of :py:class:`emonitor.modules.cars.car.Car` objects
        return self._getCars(3, department)

    def hasDefinition(self, department):
        Get definition for current alarmkey of given department

        :param department: id of department
        :return: :py:class:`emonitor.modules.alarmkeys.alarmkey.Alarmkey` or *None*
        return AlarmkeyCars.getAlarmkeyCars(kid=self.id or 9999,
                                            dept=department) is None

    def getAlarmkeys(id='', keysetid=None):
        Get all alarmkey definitions or single definition with given 'id'

        :param id: id of alarmkey
        :param keysetid: id of :py:class:`emonitor.modules.alarmkeys.AlarmkeySet` oder *None*
        :return: list of defintions or single definition
        if id not in ['', 'None']:
            return Alarmkey.query.filter_by(id=id).first()
        elif keysetid:
            if int(keysetid) == 0:  # deliver all un-matched items
                return Alarmkey.query.filter_by(
            return Alarmkey.query.filter_by(
            keyset = AlarmkeySet.getCurrentKeySet()
            if keyset is None:
                return Alarmkey.query.order_by('category').all()
                return Alarmkey.query.filter_by(

    def getOrphanKeys():
        Get list of all orphan alarmkeys

        :return: list of orphan alarmkeys
        return Alarmkey.query.filter_by(keyset=None).all()

    def getAlarmkeysByName(name):
        Get Alarmkey object with given name

        :param name: name as string (like)
        :return: :py:class:`emonitor.modules.alarmkeys.alarmkey.Alarmkey` object
        return Alarmkey.query.filter(Alarmkey.key.like('%' + name + '%')).all()

    def getAlarmkeysByCategory(category):
        Get all alarmkey definitions of given category

        :param category: category as string
        :return: :py:class:`emonitor.modules.alarmkeys.alarmkey.Alarmkey` object list
        return Alarmkey.query.filter_by(category=category).all()

    def getAlarmkeysByCategoryId(categoryid, keysetid=None):
        Get all alarmkey definitions of given category id

        :param categoryid: category as string
        :param keysetid: keysetid as integer, 0 for un-matched, None for all
        :return: :py:class:`emonitor.modules.alarmkeys.alarmkey.Alarmkey` object list
        key = Alarmkey.query.filter_by(id=categoryid).one()
        if keysetid is None:
            return Alarmkey.query.filter_by(category=key.category).all()
        elif int(keysetid) == 0:
            return Alarmkey.query.filter_by(category=key.category,
            return Alarmkey.query.filter(
                Alarmkey.category == key.category
                and Alarmkey._keyset == keysetid).all()

    def getAlarmkeysDict():
        Get dict of all alarmkeys with alarmkey.id as dict key
        :return: dict of alarmkeys
        return dict(db.get(Alarmkey.id, Alarmkey).order_by(Alarmkey.key).all())

    def getDefault(department):
        Get default alarmkey definition of given department

        :param department: id as integer
        :return: :py:class:`emonitor.modules.alarmkeys.alarmkey.Alarmkey` object
        return AlarmkeyCars.query.filter_by(
            kid=9999, dept=department).first() or AlarmkeyCars(
                9999, department, '', '', '')
예제 #6
class AlarmField(db.Model):
    __version__ = '0.1'

    __tablename__ = 'alarmfields'
    __table_args__ = {'extend_existing': True}

    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    fieldtype = db.Column('type', db.String(32))
    name = db.Column(db.String(64))
    _parameters = db.Column('parameters', db.Text)
    dept = db.Column('dept', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('departments.id'))
    position = db.Column(db.Integer)
    department = db.relationship(
        "Department", collection_class=attribute_mapped_collection('id'))

    def hasEditForm(self):
        return True

    def __mapper_args__(self):
        return {
            'polymorphic_on': self.fieldtype,
            'polymorphic_identity': self.__name__

    def __init__(self, name, dept, parameters, position):
        self.fieldtype = self.__class__.__name__
        if self.fieldtype == name:  # translate if classname an name are same
            name = babel.gettext(name)
        self.name = name
        self.dept = dept
        self._parameters = yaml.safe_dump(parameters, encoding='utf-8')
        self.position = position

    def __repr__(self):
        return '{} - {}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.id)

    def parameters(self):
        return yaml.load(self._parameters)

    def parameters(self, params):
        self._parameters = yaml.safe_dump(params, encoding='utf-8')

    def getFields(self, **params):
        return []

    def getFieldValue(self, fieldname, alarm):
        if fieldname.startswith('alarm.'):
            return ">>", alarm.get(fieldname.split('.')[1])  # TODO
        return None

    def getExportFields(self):
        return []

    def configForm(self, dept=0):
        return render_template('fields/field.config_{}.html'.format(

    def editForm(self, alarm):
            return render_template('fields/field.edit_{}.html'.format(
        except TemplateNotFound:
            return ""

    def saveForm(self, request, alarm):

    def renderField(self, alarm, **params):
            return render_template('fields/field.render_{}.html'.format(

    def getAlarmFields(id=0, dept=0, fieldtype=""):
        if id != 0:
            return AlarmField.query.filter_by(id=id).first()
        elif dept != 0:
            return AlarmField.query.filter(
                AlarmField.dept == dept).order_by('position').all()
        elif fieldtype != "":
            return AlarmField.query.filter(
                AlarmField.fieldtype == fieldtype).first()
            return AlarmField.query.order_by('name').all()

    def getAlarmFieldsDict():
        return dict(map(lambda x: [x.id, [x]], AlarmField.query.all()))

    def getAlarmFieldsForDepartment(dept):
        ret = []
        for field in AlarmField.getAlarmFields(dept=dept):
        i = 0
        for name, cls in inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__]):
            if inspect.isclass(cls) and len(
            ) > 0 and cls.__bases__[0].__name__ == 'AlarmField':
                if len(filter(lambda c: c.__class__.__name__ == name,
                              ret)) == 0:
                    ret.append(cls(name, dept, [], i))
                    i += 1
        return ret

    def getAlarmFieldForType(fieldtype, dept=0):
        for name, cls in inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__]):
            if inspect.isclass(cls) and cls.__name__ == fieldtype:
                position = 0
                dbFields = AlarmField.getAlarmFieldsDict()
                if int(dept) in dbFields.keys():
                    position = len(dbFields[int(dept)])
                return cls(cls.__name__, int(dept), {}, position)
예제 #7
class Alarm(db.Model):
    """Alarm class"""
    __tablename__ = 'alarms'
    __table_args__ = {'extend_existing': True}

    ALARMSTATES = {'0': 'created', '1': 'active', '2': 'done'}
    - 0: alarm *created*
    - 1: alarm *active*
    - 2: alarm *done*
    - 3: alarm *archived* (not in list, only for admin area)
    ALARMTYPES = {'1': 'fax', '2': 'manual'}
    - 1: alarm by *fax* created
    - 2: alarm *manual* created
    ROUTEURL = "http://www.yournavigation.org/api/1.0/gosmore.php"
    URL for routing webservice

    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    timestamp = db.Column(db.DATETIME)
    _key = db.Column('key', db.Text)
    type = db.Column(db.Integer, default=0)
    state = db.Column(db.Integer, default=0)
    attributes = db.relationship("AlarmAttribute", collection_class=attribute_mapped_collection('name'), cascade="all, delete-orphan")
    history = db.relationship(AlarmHistory.__name__, backref="alarms", lazy='joined', cascade="all, delete-orphan")

    # additional properties defined in alarmutils
    endtimestamp = property(alarmutils.get_endtimestamp)
    cars1 = property(alarmutils.get_cars1)
    cars2 = property(alarmutils.get_cars2)
    material = property(alarmutils.get_material, alarmutils.set_material)
    city = property(alarmutils.get_city, alarmutils.set_city)
    key = property(alarmutils.get_key)
    street = property(alarmutils.get_street, alarmutils.set_street)
    street2 = property(alarmutils.get_street2)
    streetno = property(alarmutils.get_streetno)

    housenumber = property(alarmutils.get_housenumber)

    object = property(alarmutils.get_object, alarmutils.set_object)
    person = property(alarmutils.get_person)
    priority = property(alarmutils.get_priority)
    remark = property(alarmutils.get_remark)
    lat = property(alarmutils.get_lat)
    lng = property(alarmutils.get_lng)
    zoom = property(alarmutils.get_zoom)
    position = property(alarmutils.get_position, alarmutils.set_position)
    marker = property(alarmutils.get_marker)

    def __init__(self, timestamp, key, type, state):
        self.timestamp = timestamp
        self._key = key
        self.type = type  # 1:automatic/fax, 2: manual
        self.state = state  # 1: active, 0:created, 2:done, 3:archived

    def get(self, attrname, default=''):
        Getter for attribute names

        :param attrname: name of attribute
        :param optional default: deliver default value if not stored in database
        :return: value of attribute
        if attrname in self.attributes:
            return self.attributes[attrname].value
        return default

    def set(self, attrname, value):
        Setter for attributes

        :param attrname: attribute name
        :param value: value
        if attrname in self.attributes:
            self.attributes[attrname].value = value
            self.attributes[attrname] = AlarmAttribute(attrname, value)

    def addHistory(self, name, value, dtime=None):
        Add history entry for alarm to store actions of alarm using

        :param name: name of event
        :param value: value of history entry
        :param optional dtime: timestamp of history entry (now)
        if not dtime:
            dtime = datetime.datetime.now()
        self.history.append(AlarmHistory(name, value, dtime))

    def getAdditionalLayers(self):
        Get additional layers of default map definition of current alarm

        :return: list of :py:class:`emonitor.modules.mapitems.mapitem.MapItem` objects
        cat = self.key.category
        items = []
        for itemtype in self.getMap().getMapItemDefinitions():
            for r in itemtype['key']:
                regex = re.compile(r)
                if regex.search(cat):
        return items

    def updateSchedules(self, reference=0):
        set scheduler events for current alarm:

        * autoclose
        * autoarchive

        :param reference: 0 (default)= time.time()
                          1 = alarm.timestamp
        for job in scheduler.get_jobs():  # remove schedules of current alarm
            if job.name.startswith('alarms_') and job.name.endswith('_{}'.format(self.id)):

        if reference == 0:
            reference = time.time()
            reference = time.mktime(self.timestamp.timetuple())

        # autoclose
        if self.state == 1 and self.type == 1 and Settings.get('alarms.autoclose', '0') != '0':  # only for open alarms
            closingtime = reference + float(Settings.get('alarms.autoclose', 30)) * 60.0  # minutes -> seconds
            if closingtime > time.time():  # close alarm in future
                logger.debug("add close schedule in future for alarmid {}".format(self.id))
                scheduler.add_job(Alarm.changeState, run_date=datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(closingtime), args=[self.id, 2], name="alarms_close_{}".format(self.id))
            else:  # close alarm now
                logger.debug("add close schedule now for alarmid {}".format(self.id))
                scheduler.add_job(Alarm.changeState, args=[self.id, 2], name="alarms_close_{}".format(self.id))
                self.state = 2

        # autoarchive
        if self.state == 2 and Settings.get('alarms.autoarchive', '0') != '0':  # only closed alarms
            archivetime = reference + float(Settings.get('alarms.autoarchive', 12)) * 3600.0  # hours -> seconds
            if archivetime > time.time():  # archive alarm in future
                logger.debug("add archive schedule in future for alarmid {}".format(self.id))
                scheduler.add_job(Alarm.changeState, run_date=datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(archivetime), args=[self.id, 3], name="alarms_archive_{}".format(self.id))
            else:  # archive alarm now
                logger.debug("add archive schedule now for alarmid {}".format(self.id))
                scheduler.add_job(Alarm.changeState, args=[self.id, 3], name="alarms_archive_{}".format(self.id))

    def getDepartment(self):
        if self.street.city:
            return Department.getDepartments(id=self.street.city.dept)

    def getAlarmFields(self):
        if self.street.city:
            fields = AlarmField.getAlarmFields(dept=self.street.city.dept)
            fields = AlarmField.getAlarmFields(dept=Department.getDefaultDepartment().id)
        return fields

    def getFieldValue(self, field):
        value = field
        if '-' in field:
            value = AlarmField.getAlarmFields(fieldtype=field.split('-')[0]).getFieldValue(field.split('-')[1], self)
        elif field.startswith('basic.'):
            value = AFBasic().getFieldValue(field, self)
        elif field.startswith('alarm.'):
            if field == 'alarm.key':
                if self.key.id:
                    return "{}: {}".format(self.key.category, self.key.key)
                return self.key.key
            elif field == 'alarm.date':
                return self.timestamp.strftime("%d.%m.%Y")
            elif field == 'alarm.time':
                return self.timestamp.strftime("%H:%M")
            value = field
        return value

    def getMap():
        Returns default map defined in eMonitor

        :return: :py:class:`emonitor.modules.maps.map.Map`
        return Map.getDefaultMap()

    def getAlarms(id=0, days=0, state=-1):
        Get list of alarm objects filtered by parameters

        :param optional id: id of alarm or 0 for all alarms
        :param optional days: number of days since alarmdate
        :param optional state: -1 for alarms of all states, see :py:attr:`emonitor.modules.alarms.alarm.Alarm.ALARMSTATES` for value definition
        :return: list or single object :py:class:`emonitor.modules.alarms.alarm.Alarm`
        if id != 0:
            return Alarm.query.filter_by(id=id).first()
        elif days != 0:  # filter last days, 0 = all days
            if int(state) == -1:
                return Alarm.query.filter(Alarm.timestamp > (datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=days))).order_by(Alarm.timestamp.desc()).all()
                return Alarm.query.filter(Alarm.timestamp > (datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=days)), Alarm.state == state).order_by(Alarm.timestamp.desc()).all()
            if int(state) == -1:  # all states
                return Alarm.query.order_by(Alarm.timestamp.desc()).all()
                return Alarm.query.filter(Alarm.state == state).order_by(Alarm.timestamp.desc()).all()

    def getAlarmCount(days=0):
        Get number of alarms, grouped by state

        :param optional days: 0 for all alarms, since days else
        :return: list grouped by state
        if days != 0:
            return db.get(Alarm.state, count(Alarm.id)).filter(Alarm.timestamp > (datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=days))).order_by(Alarm.timestamp.desc()).group_by(Alarm.state).all()
            return db.get(Alarm.state, count(Alarm.id)).group_by(Alarm.state).all()

    def getActiveAlarms():
        Get list of all active alarms

        :return: list or :py:class:`emonitor.modules.alarms.alarm.Alarm`
        from sqlalchemy.exc import OperationalError
            return Alarm.query.filter_by(state=1).order_by(Alarm.timestamp.desc()).all()
        except OperationalError:
            return []

    def changeStates(state):
        Set states of ALL alarms to given state

        :param state: state as :py:attr:`emonitor.modules.alarms.alarm.Alarm.ALARMSTATES`
        for alarm in Alarm.getAlarms(0):
            Alarm.changeState(alarm.id, state)

    def getRouting(self):
        if self.get('routing', '') == "":  # load from webservice if not stored
            routingdata = alarmutils.getAlarmRoute(self)
            if len(routingdata['coordinates']) > 0:
                self.set('routing', yaml.safe_dump(routingdata, encoding="UTF-8"))
        data = yaml.load(self.get('routing'))
        if 'error' in data:
            data['errormessage'] = babel.gettext(u'alarms.routingerror')
        return data

    def changeState(id, state):
        Change state of alarm with given id. Adds entry in alarmhistory and sends signal

        :param id: id of alarm
        :param state: new state as :py:attr:`emonitor.modules.alarms.alarm.Alarm.ALARMSTATES`
        from emonitor.extensions import monitorserver
        global LASTALARM
        alarm = Alarm.getAlarms(id=id)
        if not alarm:
            return []

        if alarm.state != state and alarm.state != 0:  # only change
            _op = 'changestate'
            _op = 'added'

        if alarm.get('alarmtype', '') != '':
            _type = '.{}'.format(alarm.get('alarmtype'))
            _type = ''

        alarm.state = state
            alarm.addHistory('autochangeState', Alarm.ALARMSTATES[str(state)])
        except KeyError:
            alarm.addHistory('autochangeState', 'archived')

        if state == 1:  # activate alarm
            c = []
            for a in Alarm.getActiveAlarms():  # check cars
                if a.id == id:

            if time.time() - LASTALARM < 60.0:
                    ids = [a.id for a in Alarm.getActiveAlarms()]
                    for j in [job for job in scheduler.get_jobs() if job.name == 'changeLayout']:
                        for i in ids:
                            if "'alarmid', %s" % i in str(j.args):  # layout changes for given alarm
                    logger.error('%s' % [a.id for a in Alarm.getActiveAlarms()])
            LASTALARM = time.time()
            alarm.updateSchedules(reference=0)  # use current time + delta
            j = scheduler.add_job(events.raiseEvent, next_run_time=datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(LASTALARM), args=['alarm_{}{}'.format(_op, _type)], kwargs={'alarmid': id}, name="alarms_activate_{}".format(id))
            signal.send('alarm', _op, alarmid=id, newstate=state)
                flash(babel.gettext(u'alarms.statechangeactivated'), 'alarms.activate')
                monitorserver.sendMessage('0', 'reset')  # refresh monitor layout
                return list(set(c))

        elif state == 2:  # close alarm
            LASTALARM = 0.0
            alarm.updateSchedules(reference=1)  # use alarm.timestamp + delta
            monitorserver.sendMessage('0', 'reset')  # refresh monitor layout
            signal.send('alarm', 'changestate', newstate=2)
            return []

        elif state == 3:  # archive alarm
            signal.send('alarm', 'changestate', newstate=3)
            return []

        signal.send('alarm', 'changestate', newstate=state)

    def getExportData(exportformat, **params):
        Export alarm to given format

        :param exportformat: *.html*, *.png*, *telegram*, [*mail*]
        :param params:
          - style: exportstyle: *alarmmap*, *routemap*, *telegram.text*, *telegram.venue*

          - filename: name of exportfile

        :return: alarm in correct format
        if params['id'] and params:
            alarm = Alarm.getAlarms(id=params['id'])
            logger.debug('load export data for alarm {}, style {}, exportformat {}'.format(params['id'], params['style'], exportformat))
            if not alarm:  # create dummy alarm
                alarm = Alarm(datetime.datetime.now(), '', 2, 0)
                alarm.position = dict(lat=Settings.get('defaultLat'), lng=Settings.get('defaultLng'))
                alarm.set('id.key', '1')
                alarm.set('id.address', '1')
                alarm.set('id.city', '1')
                alarm.set('remark', 'TEST TEST TEST')
            if alarm:
                if exportformat == '.html' and 'style' in params:  # build html-template
                    params.update({'alarm': alarm})
                        if params['style'].startswith(u'report'):
                            return render_template('{}.html'.format(params['style']), **params)
                        elif params['style'] == 'alarm_original':
                            fname = "{}/{}".format(current_app.config.get('PATH_DONE'), alarm.get('filename'))
                            if fname.endswith('.pdf'):  # file still in pdf format
                                if os.path.exists(fname):
                                    with open(fname, 'rb') as f:
                                        return f.read()
                                    return render_template('print.error.html')
                            elif fname.split('.')[-1] in Settings.get('ocr.inputformat'):  # image formats
                                if os.path.exists(fname):
                                    with open(fname, 'rb') as f:
                                        imgstr = base64.b64encode(f.read())
                                    return render_template('print.alarm_original.html', alarm=alarm, txtstr="", imgstr=imgstr, imgmime="image/{}".format(fname.split('.')[-1]))
                            elif fname.split('.')[-1] in Settings.get('ocr.inputtextformat'):
                                if os.path.exists(fname):
                                    with codecs.open(fname, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
                                        txtstr = f.read()
                                    return render_template('print.alarm_original.html', alarm=alarm, txtstr=txtstr, imgstr="", imgmime="")
                                params.update({'path': current_app.config.get('PATH_DONE')})
                                return render_template('print.{}.html'.format(params['style']), **params)
                            return render_template('print.{}.html'.format(params['style']), **params)
                    except TemplateNotFound:
                        logger.error('template {}{} not found'.format(params['style'], exportformat))
                        return abort(404)

                elif exportformat == '.png':  # send image file

                    if params['style'].startswith('alarmmap'):  # deliver map for alarmid
                        from emonitor.modules.maps.map_utils import getAlarmMap
                        args = dict()
                        if params['style'] != 'alarmmap':
                            args = dict(style=params['style'].split('_')[-1])
                        return getAlarmMap(alarm, current_app.config.get('PATH_TILES'), **args)

                    elif params['style'] == 'routemap':  # deliver map with route
                        from emonitor.modules.maps.map_utils import getAlarmRoute
                        return getAlarmRoute(alarm, current_app.config.get('PATH_TILES'))

                    if 'filename' in params and os.path.exists("%s/inc/%s.png" % (os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), params['filename'])):
                        with open("%s/inc/%s.png" % (os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), params['filename']), 'rb') as f:
                            return f.read()

                elif exportformat == 'telegram':  # build telegram information for alarm
                    if alarm.streetno:
                        details = u"*Alarm ({})*\n*{}: {}*\n{} {} ({})\n{}\n\n{}".format(alarm.timestamp, alarm.key.category, alarm.key.key, alarm.street.name, alarm.streetno, alarm.city.name, alarm.street2.name, alarm.remark)
                        address = u"{} {} ({})\n{}".format(alarm.street.name, alarm.streetno, alarm.city.name, alarm.street2.name)
                        details = u"*Alarm ({})*\n*{}: {}*\n{} ({})\n\n{}".format(alarm.timestamp, alarm.key.category, alarm.key.key, alarm.street.name, alarm.city.name, alarm.remark)
                        address = u"{} ({})".format(alarm.street.name, alarm.city.name)
                    attrs = {'text': u"{}: {}".format(alarm.key.category, alarm.key.key),
                             'details': details, 'address': address, 'filename': alarm.get('filename'),
                             'lat': alarm.lat, 'lng': alarm.lng, 'reply': []}

                    if alarm.type == 1:  # fax type can send file
                        attrs['reply'].append(params.get('button')("Fax", callback_data=u'file_{}'.format(attrs['filename'])))

                    if params.get('style') == 'text':
                        attrs['reply'].append(params.get('button')("Position", callback_data=u'location_{}_{}'.format(alarm.lat, alarm.lng)))

                    if params.get('style') == 'venue':
                        attrs['reply'].append(params.get('button')("Details", callback_data=u'details_alarm_{}'.format(alarm.id)))

                    attrs['reply'] = params.get('keyboard')([attrs['reply']])
                    return attrs

                elif exportformat == 'mail':
                    # TODO: Add mailer handler
                    return None


    def handleEvent(eventname, **kwargs):
        Eventhandler for alarm class

        :param eventname: name of event
        :param kwargs: parameter list: error, fields, filename, id, incomepath, mode, time
        :return: all kwargs
            from emonitor import app
            global LASTALARM

            alarm_fields = dict()
            stime = time.time()
            alarmtype = None
            for t in AlarmType.getAlarmTypes():
                if re.search(t.keywords.replace('\r\n', '|'), kwargs.get('text', '')):
                    alarm_fields = t.interpreterclass().buildAlarmFromText(t, kwargs.get('text', ''))
                    if alarm_fields.get('error'):
                        kwargs['error'] = alarm_fields['error']
                        del alarm_fields['error']
                    alarmtype = t
            alarm = Alarm(datetime.datetime.now(), '', 1, 0)
            etime = time.time()

            _missing = 0
            for p in ['time', 'city', 'address', 'key']:
                if p not in alarm_fields:  # test required fields
                    _missing += 1
                    kwargs['error'] = kwargs.get('error', 'Missing parameter:') + "<br/>- '{}'".format(p)
                t = datetime.datetime.strptime(alarm_fields.get('time')[0], '%d.%m.%Y - %H:%M:%S')
            except ValueError:
                t = datetime.datetime.now()
            alarm.timestamp = t

            kwargs['id'] = u'<ul><li>-test-</li></ul>'  # add dummy id
            kwargs['fields'] = u'<ul>'  # set evaluated fields from fax
            for k in sorted(alarm_fields):  # add field values as unicode string
                if len(alarm_fields[k]) > 1:
                    kwargs['fields'] = u'{}<li><b>{}:</b>\n   <small style="color:silver">value:</small> "{}" &rarr; <small style="color:silver">id:</small> {}</li>'.format(kwargs.get('fields'), k, alarm_fields[k][0], alarm_fields[k][1])
                    kwargs['fields'] = u'{}<li><b>{}:</b>\n  <small style="color:silver">value:</small> "{}"</li>'.format(kwargs.get('fields'), k, alarm_fields[k])
            kwargs['fields'] = kwargs.get('fields', ' ') + '</ul></pre>\n\n<h5> ALARM-Object</h5>\n<pre><ul>'

            if _missing == 0:  # all required parameters found
                if kwargs.get('mode') != 'test':
                    if not os.path.exists('{}{}'.format(app.config.get('PATH_DONE'), t.strftime('%Y/%m/'))):
                        os.makedirs('{}{}'.format(app.config.get('PATH_DONE'), t.strftime('%Y/%m/')))

                        shutil.copy2('{incomepath}{filename}'.format(**kwargs), '{}{}{}'.format(app.config.get('PATH_DONE'), t.strftime('%Y/%m/%Y%m%d-%H%M%S'), os.path.splitext(kwargs.get('filename'))[1]))

                try:  # remove file
                kwargs['filename'] = '{}{}'.format(t.strftime('%Y/%m/%Y%m%d-%H%M%S'), os.path.splitext(kwargs['filename'])[1])
                logger.debug('alarm_fields: {}'.format(alarm_fields))

                if len(alarm_fields) == 0:  # no alarmfields found
                    kwargs['id'] = 0
                    logger.error('no alarm fields found.')
                    return kwargs

                if not alarmtype:  # alarmtype not found
                    kwargs['id'] = 0
                    kwargs['error'] = kwargs.get('error', '') + 'alarmtype not found'
                    logger.error('alarmtype not found.')
                    return kwargs

                # position
                if alarm_fields.get('lat'):
                    _position = dict(lat=alarm_fields.get('lat')[0], lng=alarm_fields.get('lng')[0])
                    _position = dict(lat=u'0.0', lng=u'0.0')
                if USE_NOMINATIM == 1:
                        url = 'http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search'
                        params = 'format=json&city={}&street={}'.format(alarm_fields['city'][0], alarm_fields['address'][0])
                        if 'streetno' in alarm_fields:
                            params += ' {}'.format(alarm_fields['streetno'][0].split()[0])  # only first value
                        r = requests.get('{}?{}'.format(url, params))
                        _position = dict(lat=r.json()[0]['lat'], lng=r.json()[0]['lon'])

                # create alarm object
                if alarm_fields.get('key', [u'', 0])[0] == u'':
                    if alarmtype.translation(u'_bma_main_') in alarm_fields.get('remark', [u'', 0])[0] or alarmtype.translation(u'_bma_main_') in alarm_fields.get('person', [u'', 0])[0]:
                        alarmkey = Alarmkey.query.filter(Alarmkey.key.like(u"%{}%".format(alarmtype.translation(u'_bma_')))).all()
                        if len(alarmkey) > 0:
                            alarm_fields['key'] = ('{}: {}'.format(alarmkey[0].category, alarmkey[0].key), str(alarmkey[0].id))
                            alarm_fields['key'] = (alarmtype.translation(u'_bma_key_'), u'0')

                if alarm_fields.get('time', [u'', 0])[1] == 1:  # found correct time
                    t = datetime.datetime.strptime(alarm_fields.get('time', [u'', 0])[0], '%d.%m.%Y - %H:%M:%S')
                    t = datetime.datetime.now()
                alarm.timestamp = t

                alarm.set('id.key', alarm_fields['key'][1])
                alarm._key = alarm_fields['key'][0]
                alarm.material = dict(cars1='', cars2='', material='')  # set required attributes
                alarm.set('marker', '0')
                alarm.set('filename', kwargs['filename'])
                alarm.set('priority', '1')  # set normal priority
                alarm.set('alarmtype', alarmtype.name)  # set checker name
                alarm.position = _position
                alarm.state = 1

                # city
                if alarm_fields.get('city', ['', 0])[1] > 0:
                    alarm.city = City.getCities(id=alarm_fields.get('city')[1])
                    if alarm_fields.get('address'):
                        alarm.street = Street.getStreets(id=alarm_fields.get('address')[1])
                else:  # city not found -> build from fax
                    url = 'http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search'

                    if len(alarm_fields.get('city', [u'', 0])[0].split()) > 0:
                        params = u'format=json&city={}&street={}'.format(alarm_fields.get('city', [u'', 0])[0].split()[0], alarm_fields.get('address', [u'', 0])[0])
                        if alarm_fields.get('streetno'):
                                params += u' {}'.format(alarm_fields.get('streetno')[0].split()[0])  # only first value
                            alarm.set('streetno', alarm_fields.get('streetno')[0])
                        r = requests.get(u'{}?{}'.format(url, params))
                        logger.debug(u'load address data from nomination with parameters: city={} street={}'.format(alarm_fields.get('city')[0].split()[0], alarm_fields.get('address', ['', 0])[0]))
                        _position = dict(lat=r.json()[0]['lat'], lng=r.json()[0]['lon'])
                        alarm.position = _position
                    if len(alarm_fields.get('city', ['', 0])[0].split()) > 0:
                        alarm.set('city', alarm_fields.get('city', ['', 0])[0].split()[0])
                    alarm.set('id.city', alarm_fields.get('city')[1])
                    alarm.set('address', alarm_fields.get('address', ['', 0])[0])
                    if alarm_fields.get('address', [u'', 0])[1] != 0:
                        alarm.street = Street.getStreets(id=alarm_fields.get('address')[1])

                    if alarm_fields.get('cars'):  # add cars found in material
                        for _c in alarm_fields.get('cars')[1].split(';'):
                            alarm.set('k.cars1', alarm.get('k.cars1') + ';' + _c)

                # street / street2
                if alarm_fields.get('address', [u'', 0]) != '':
                    # check correct city -> change if street has different city
                    if len(str(alarm_fields.get('address')[1]).split(';')) > 0 and alarm_fields.get('address')[1] != 0:
                        _c = []

                        for s in str(alarm_fields.get('address')[1]).split(';'):
                            _s = Street.getStreets(id=s)
                            if _s.cityid and _s.cityid not in _c and _s.cityid == alarm_fields.get('city', [u'', 0])[1]:
                                alarm.street = _s
                                if alarm_fields.get('object', [u'', 0])[1] == 0:
                                    if not alarm_fields.get('lat') and not alarm_fields.get('lng'):
                                        alarm.position = dict(lat=_s.lat, lng=_s.lng, zoom=_s.zoom)
                                        if _position['lat'] != u'0.0' and _position['lng'] != u'0.0':  # set marker if nominatim delivers result
                                            alarm.position = _position
                                            alarm.set('marker', '1')
                    else:  # add unknown street
                        alarm.set('id.address', 0)
                        alarm.set('address', alarm_fields['address'][0])
                # houseno
                if alarm_fields.get('streetno'):
                    alarm.set('streetno', alarm_fields.get('streetno')[0])
                    if alarm_fields.get('id.streetno') and alarm_fields.get('lat') and alarm_fields.get('lng'):
                        alarm.position = dict(lat=alarm_fields.get('lat')[0], lng=alarm_fields.get('lng')[0])
                        alarm.set('id.streetno', alarm_fields.get('id.streetno')[1])
                        # new
                        hn = alarm.street.getHouseNumber(name=alarm_fields.get('streetno')[0])
                        if hn:
                            alarm.position = hn.getPosition(0)
                    if alarm_fields.get('zoom'):
                        alarm.set('zoom', alarm_fields.get('zoom')[0])

                # crossing
                if alarm_fields.get('crossing', [u'', 0])[0] != '':
                    if alarm_fields.get('crossing', [u'', 0])[1] != alarm_fields.get('address',[u'', 0])[1]:
                        alarm.set('id.address2', alarm_fields.get('crossing')[1])
                        alarm.set('address2', alarm_fields.get('crossing')[0])
                        alarm.set('id.address2', '0')
                        alarm.set('address2', alarm_fields.get('crossing')[0])

                # addresspart
                if alarm_fields.get('addresspart', [u'', 0])[0] != u'' and alarm_fields.get('addresspart', [u'', 0])[0] != alarm_fields.get('address', [u'', 0])[0]:
                    if alarm_fields.get('addresspart')[1] > 0:
                        if len(str(alarm_fields.get('addresspart')[1]).split(';')) > 0:
                            _c = []

                            for s in str(alarm_fields.get('addresspart')[1]).split(';'):
                                    _s = Street.getStreets(id=s)
                                    if _s.cityid not in _c and _s.cityid == alarm_fields.get('city')[1]:
                                        alarm.set('id.address2', _s.id)
                            alarm.set('id.address2', alarm_fields.get('addresspart')[1])
                        alarm.set('id.address2', '0')
                    alarm.set('address2', alarm_fields.get('addresspart')[0])

                # person
                if alarm_fields.get('person', [u'', 0])[0] != u'':
                    alarm.set('person', alarm_fields.get('person')[0])
                # alarmplan
                if alarm_fields.get('alarmplan', [u'', 0])[0] != u'':
                    alarm.set('alarmplan', alarm_fields.get('alarmplan')[0])

                # alarmobject
                _ao = None
                if alarm_fields.get('object', [u'', 0])[0] != u'' and alarm_fields.get('city', [u'', 0])[1] > 0:
                    alarm.set('object', alarm_fields.get('object')[0])
                    alarm.set('id.object', alarm_fields.get('object')[1])
                    # alarmplan from object
                    if alarm_fields.get('object')[1] != 0:
                        _ao = AlarmObject.getAlarmObjects(id=alarm_fields.get('object')[1])

                    if _ao:
                        if _ao.alarmplan != 0:
                            alarm.set('alarmplan', _ao.alarmplan)
                        elif alarm_fields.get('alarmplan'):
                            alarm.set('alarmplan', alarm_fields.get('alarmplan')[0])

                        if _ao.street.id != alarm_fields.get('address', [u'', 0])[1]:  # street config from alarmobject
                            alarm.street = Street.getStreets(id=_ao.street.id)
                            if _ao.streetno == "":
                                alarm.set('streetno', alarm_fields.get('streetno')[0])
                                alarm.set('streetno', _ao.streetno)
                        alarm.position = dict(lat=_ao.lat, lng=_ao.lng, zoom=_ao.zoom)

                # remark
                if alarm_fields.get('remark', [u'', 0])[0] != u'':
                    alarm.set('remark', alarm_fields.get('remark')[0])
                    _bma = 0
                    for v in alarmtype.translation(u'_bma_main_').split():
                        if v in alarm_fields.get('remark', [u'', 0])[0] or v in alarm_fields.get('person', [u'', 0])[0]:
                            _bma = 1
                    if _bma == 1:
                        alarmkey = Alarmkey.query.filter(Alarmkey.key.like(u"%{}%".format(alarmtype.translation(u'_bma_')))).first()
                        if alarmkey:
                            alarm.set('id.key', alarmkey.id)
                            alarm._key = u'{}: {}'.format(alarmkey.category, alarmkey.key)
                            alarm.set('id.key', '0')
                            alarm._key = alarmtype.translation(u'_bma_key_')
                # additional remarks
                if alarm_fields.get('remark2', [u'', 0])[0] != u'':
                    alarm.set('remark', u'{}\n{}'.format(alarm.get('remark'), alarm_fields.get('remark2')[0]))

                # material
                if alarm.get('id.key') != 0 and alarm_fields.get('city'):  # found key with aao
                    if alarm_fields.get('city')[1] not in [0, -1]:  # default city
                        if Department.getDepartments(id=alarm.city.dept).defaultcity == alarm_fields.get('city')[1]:  # default city for dep
                            if alarm_fields.get('material'):
                                if str(alarm_fields.get('material')[1])[0] == '0':  # default cars for aao
                                        alarm.material = dict(cars1=u','.join([str(c.id) for c in alarm.key.getCars1(alarm.street.city.dept)]), cars2=u','.join([str(c.id) for c in alarm.key.getCars2(alarm.street.city.dept)]), material=u','.join([str(c.id) for c in alarm.key.getMaterial(alarm.street.city.dept)]))
                                    except AttributeError:
                                        alarm.material = dict(cars1=u','.join([str(c.id) for c in alarm.key.getCars1(alarm.city.dept)]), cars2=u','.join([str(c.id) for c in alarm.key.getCars2(alarm.city.dept)]), material=u','.join([str(c.id) for c in alarm.key.getMaterial(alarm.city.dept)]))

                                for _c in u'{}'.format(alarm_fields.get('material')[1]).split(','):  # add additional cars
                                    if _c != '0' and _c not in alarm.get('k.cars1').split(','):
                                        alarm.set('k.cars1', u'{},{}'.format(alarm.get('k.cars1'), _c))

                        else:  # only alarmed material
                            alarm.material = dict(cars1=alarm_fields.get('material', [u'', ''])[1])

                    else:  # else city
                        if alarm_fields.get('material', [u'', u''])[1] == u'0':  # default cars for aao
                            alarm.material = dict(cars1=u','.join([str(c.id) for c in alarm.key.getCars1(alarm.city.dept)]), cars2=u','.join([str(c.id) for c in alarm.key.getCars2(alarm.city.dept)]), material=u','.join([str(c.id) for c in alarm.key.getMaterial(alarm.city.dept)]))
                            alarm.material = dict(cars1=u','.join(list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(filter(lambda x: x != '0', str(alarm_fields.get('material', ['', '-1'])[1]).split(','))))))

                else:  # default aao of current department (without aao)
                    if alarm_fields.get('city', [u'', 0])[1] != 0:  # found city -> use default aao
                        if City.getCities(id=alarm_fields.get('city')[1]):
                            c = City.getCities(id=alarm_fields.get('city')[1]).dept
                            c = City.getDefaultCity().dept
                        akc = Alarmkey.getDefault(c)
                        if len(akc.cars1) + len(akc.cars2) + len(akc.materials) == 0:  # no default aao defined
                            # use cars of fax
                            alarm.material = {'cars1': re.sub(r'^0,', '', alarm_fields.get('material')[1]), 'cars2': '', 'material': ''}
                        else:  # use cars of default aao
                            alarm.material = dict(cars1=u','.join([str(c.id) for c in akc.cars1]), cars2=u",".join([str(c.id) for c in akc.cars2]), material=u",".join([str(c.id) for c in akc.materials]))

                    l = (u'{},{},{}'.format(alarm.get('k.cars1'), alarm.get('k.cars2'), alarm.get('k.material'))).split(',')
                    if len(set(str(alarm_fields.get('material', ([], '-1'))[1]).split(',')).intersection(set(l))) == 0:
                        _dep = Department.getDefaultDepartment()
                        for c in str(alarm_fields.get('material', ([], '-1'))[1]).split(','):
                            if c == u'0':  # default of home department needed
                                alarm.material = dict(cars1=u','.join([str(c.id) for c in alarm.key.getCars1(_dep.id)]), cars2=u",".join([str(c.id) for c in alarm.key.getCars2(_dep.id)]), material=u",".join([str(c.id) for c in alarm.key.getMaterial(_dep.id)]))
                        if u'0' not in str(alarm_fields.get('material', ([], '-1'))[1]):  # only single car needed
                            alarm.set('k.cars1', u'{},{}'.format(alarm_fields.get('material', ([], '-1'))[1], alarm.get('k.cars1')))

                if _ao and _ao.hasOwnAAO():  # use aao of current object
                    alarm.material = dict(cars1=u",".join([str(c.id) for c in _ao.getCars1()]), cars2=u",".join([str(c.id) for c in _ao.getCars2()]), material=u",".join([str(c.id) for c in _ao.getMaterial()]))

                if not kwargs.get('time'):
                    kwargs['time'] = []
                kwargs['time'].append('alarm creation done in {} sec.'.format(etime - stime))

            if kwargs.get('mode') != 'test':
                signal.send('alarm', 'added', alarmid=alarm.id)
                Alarm.changeState(alarm.id, 1)  # activate alarm
                logger.info('alarm created with id {} ({})'.format(alarm.id, (etime - stime)))

                _cdict = Car.getCarsDict()
                for a in sorted(alarm.attributes):
                        if a in ['k.cars1', 'k.cars2', 'k.material']:
                            kwargs['fields'] += '<li><b>%s:</b>\n   <small style="color:silver">id:</small> "%s" &rarr; "%s"</li>' % (a, alarm.get(a), ", ".join([_cdict[int(_c)].name for _c in alarm.get(a).split(',') if _c not in ['', '0']]))
                        elif a in 'id.key':
                            if alarm.get(a) > 0:
                                _k = Alarmkey.getAlarmkeys(id=alarm.get(a))
                                kwargs['fields'] += '<li><b>%s:</b>\n   <small style="color:silver">id:</small> "%s" &rarr; "%s: %s"</li>' % (a, alarm.get(a), _k.category, _k.key)
                                kwargs['fields'] += '<li><b>%s:</b>\n   <small style="color:silver">value:</small> "%s"</li>' % (a, alarm.get(a))
                                kwargs['fields'] += '<li><b>key:</b>\n   <small style="color:silver">value:</small> "%s"</li>' % alarm._key
                        elif a == 'id.address':
                            kwargs['fields'] += '<li><b>%s:</b>\n   <small style="color:silver">id:</small> "%s" &rarr; "%s"</li>' % (a, alarm.get(a), Street.getStreets(id=alarm.get(a)).name)
                        elif a == 'id.object':
                            kwargs['id.object'] = '<li><b>%s:</b>\n   <small style="color:silver">value:</small> "%s"</li>' % (a, alarm.get(a))
                            kwargs['object'] = '<li><b>object:</b>\n   <small style="color:silver">value:</small> "%s"</li>' % alarm.get('object')
                            kwargs['fields'] += '<li><b>%s:</b>\n   <small style="color:silver">value:</small> "%s"</li>' % (a, alarm.get(a))
                    except (AttributeError, KeyError):
                        kwargs['fields'] += '<li style="color:red"><b>%s:</b>\n   <small style="color:silver">value:</small> "%s" (error)</li>' % (a, alarm.get(a))
                kwargs['fields'] += "</ul>"
                logger.info('alarm created in TESTMODE (%s)' % (etime - stime))
            signal.send('alarm', 'error', message='alarms.errorincreation', text=kwargs.get('text', ''))

        return kwargs
예제 #8
파일: car.py 프로젝트: sambandi/eMonitor
class Car(db.Model):
    """Car class"""
    __tablename__ = 'cars'
    __table_args__ = {'extend_existing': True}

    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = db.Column(db.String(64))
    description = db.Column(db.Text)
    fmsid = db.Column(db.String(8))
    active = db.Column(db.Integer)
    type = db.Column(db.Text)
    _dept = db.Column('dept', db.ForeignKey('departments.id'))

    dept = db.relationship("Department",

    def __init__(self, name, description, fmsid, active, type, dept):
        self.name = name
        self.description = description
        self.fmsid = fmsid
        self.active = active
        self.type = type
        self._dept = dept

    def getColor(self):
        Get color of car, default *#ffffff*

        :return: colorcode
        for t in Settings.getCarTypes():
            if t[0] == self.type:
                return t[1]
        return "#ffffff"

    def __str__(self):
        return self.name

    def getCars(id=0, deptid=0, params=[]):
        Get list of cars filtered by given parameters

        :param optional id: id of car or 0 for all cars
        :param optional deptid: only cars of department with given id
        :param optional params: *onlyactive*
        :return: list of :py:class:`emonitor.modules.cars.car.Car`
        if id != 0:
            return Car.query.filter_by(id=int(id)).first()
        elif int(deptid) != 0:
            return Car.query.filter_by(
            if 'onlyactive' in params:
                return Car.query.filter_by(active=1).order_by('dept',
                return Car.query.order_by('dept', 'name').all()

    def getCarsDict():
        Get dict of cars, id as key

        :return: dict with :py:class:`emonitor.modules.cars.car.Car`
        ret = {}
        for car in Car.getCars():
            ret[car.id] = car
        return ret
예제 #9
class Monitor(db.Model):
    """Monitor class"""
    __tablename__ = 'monitors'
    __table_args__ = {'extend_existing': True}

    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    clientid = db.Column(db.Integer)
    name = db.Column(db.String(30))
    orientation = db.Column(db.Integer, default=0)
    resolutionx = db.Column(db.Integer, default=0)
    resolutiony = db.Column(db.Integer, default=0)
    formatx = db.Column(db.Integer, default=0)
    formaty = db.Column(db.Integer, default=0)

    layouts = db.relationship(
        cascade="all, delete-orphan")

    def _get_current_layout(self):
        from emonitor.monitorserver import MonitorLog
        layoutid = 0

        def findid(clientid):
            for ml in MonitorLog.getLogForClient(clientid):
                if ml.type == 'change layout':
                    for p in ml.operation.split(';'):

                        if p.startswith('layoutid='):
                            return int(p.replace('layoutid=', ''))

        layoutid = findid(self.clientid)
            if layoutid > 0:
                return filter(lambda l: l.id == layoutid,
            else:  # return defaultlayout
                return filter(lambda l: l.trigger == 'default',
            ml = MonitorLayout(self.id, 'default', '--', '', 0, 0, 0)
            ml.theme = ml.themes[0]
            return ml

    currentlayout = property(_get_current_layout)

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<Monitor %r>' % self.clientid

    def __init__(self, clientid, name, orientation, resolutionx, resolutiony,
                 formatx, formaty):
        self.clientid = clientid
        self.name = name
        self.orientation = orientation
        self.resolutionx = resolutionx
        self.resolutiony = resolutiony
        self.formatx = formatx
        self.formaty = formaty

    def layout(self, layoutid):
        Get MonitorLayout for given id
        :param layoutid: id as integer
        :return: :py:class:`emonitor.modules.monitors.monitorlayout.MonitorLayout`
        l = MonitorLayout.getLayouts(id=int(layoutid))
        if l:
            return l
        else:  # deliver default layout
            return self.currentlayout

    def getLayouts(self, triggername=""):
        Get list of all MonitorLayouts defined for *triggername* or all
        :param optional triggername: triggername as filter
        :return: list of :py:class:`emonitor.modules.monitors.monitorlayout.MonitorLayout`
        if triggername == "":
            return sorted(self.layouts.values())
        elif triggername != "":
            return filter(lambda x: x.trigger.startswith(triggername),

    def getMonitors(id=0, clientid=0):
        Get list of monitor definitions filtered by parameters

        :param optional id:
        :param optional clientid:
        :return: list of :py:class:`emonitor.modules.monitors.monitor.Monitor`
        if id != 0:
            return Monitor.query.filter_by(id=id).first()
        elif clientid != 0:
            return Monitor.query.filter_by(clientid=clientid).first()
            return Monitor.query.order_by('clientid').all()

    def handleEvent(eventname, **kwargs):
        return kwargs
예제 #10
class AlarmType(db.Model):
    """AlarmType class"""
    __tablename__ = 'alarmtypes'
    __table_args__ = {'extend_existing': True}

    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = db.Column(db.String(32))
    keywords = db.Column(db.Text, default='')
    interpreter = db.Column(db.String(64))
    sections = db.relationship(
        cascade="all, delete-orphan")
    _translations = db.Column('translations', db.Text)
    _attributes = db.Column('attributes', db.Text)

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.name

    def __init__(self,
        self.name = name
        self.keywords = keywords
        self.interpreter = interpreter
        self._translations = translations
        self._attributes = attributes

    def buildFromConfigFile(cfile):
        create alarmtype from ini file definition

        :param cfile:
        :return: alarmtype
        from emonitor.modules.alarms.alarmsection import AlarmSection
        _cfg = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()

        if not _cfg.has_section('global'):  # global section needed
            return None
            if 'name' not in _cfg.options(
                    'global') or 'class' not in _cfg.options('global'):
                return None

        alarmtype = AlarmType(_cfg.get('global', 'name'),
                              _cfg.get('global', 'class'))
        alarmtype.keywords = _cfg.get('global',
                                      'keywords').replace(u';', u'\r\n')
        t = {}

        for _k, _v in yaml.safe_load(_cfg.get('global',
            t[_k.strip()] = _v.strip().encode('utf-8')
        alarmtype.translations = t
        t = {}
        for item in [
                i for i in _cfg.items('global')
                if i[0] not in ['keywords', 'name', 'class', 'translations']
            t[item[0]] = item[1]
            alarmtype.attributes = t

        for section in _cfg.sections():
            if section != 'global':  # global parameters
                if 'name' not in _cfg.options(
                        section):  # required attribute name missing in section
                    return None

                _params = {}
                for p in [
                        param for param in _cfg.options(section)
                        if param not in ['name', 'method']
                    _params[p] = _cfg.get(section, p)

                if 'method' in [k[0] for k in _cfg.items(section)]:
                    _method = _cfg.get(section, 'method')
                    _method = ""
                    section)] = AlarmSection(
                        _cfg.get(section, 'name').decode('utf-8'),
                        attributes=yaml.safe_dump(_params, encoding="utf-8"))
        return alarmtype

    def getConfigFile(self):
        build config file from type definition in database

        :return: string in .ini format with [global] and fields as section
        class MyConfigParser(ConfigParser.ConfigParser):
            def getStr(self):
                """Write an .ini-format string representation of the configuration state."""
                ret = []
                if self._defaults:
                    for (key, value) in self._defaults.items():
                        ret.append(u"{} = {}s".format(
                            str(value).replace('\n', '\n\t')))

                for _section in self._sections:
                    for (key, value) in self._sections[_section].items():
                        if key == "__name__":
                        if (value is not None) or (self._optcre
                                                   == self.OPTCRE):
                            key = u" = ".join(
                                (key, value.replace(u'\n', u'\n\t')))
                return u'\n'.join(ret)

        if self.interpreterclass(
        ).configtype == 'generic':  # only regex parsers use config file
            _cfg = MyConfigParser()
            _cfg.set('global', 'class', self.interpreter)
            _cfg.set('global', 'keywords', self.keywords.replace('\r\n', ';'))
            _cfg.set('global', 'translations',
                     yaml.safe_dump(self.translations, encoding="utf-8"))
            _cfg.set('global', 'name', self.name)
            for k, v in self.attributes.items():
                _cfg.set('global', k, v)

            for section in [s for s in self.getSections() if s.active]:
                _cfg.set(section.key, 'name', section.name)
                if section.method:
                    _cfg.set(section.key, 'method', section.method)

                for _k, _v in section.attributes.items():
                    _cfg.set(section.key, _k, _v)
            return _cfg.getStr()
            return ""

    def translations(self):
        return yaml.load(self._translations) or {}

    def translations(self, values):
        self._translations = yaml.safe_dump(values, encoding='utf-8')

    def attributes(self):
        getter for attributes

        :return: dict with type attributes
        return yaml.load(self._attributes) or {}

    def attributes(self, values):
        setter for type attributes
        :param values: digt with key-value pairs
        self._attributes = yaml.safe_dump(values, encoding='utf-8')

    def interpreterclass(self):
        Get type interpreter class from directory *emonitor/modules/alarms/inc/*

        :return: interpreterlass as instance :py:class:`emonitor.modules.alarms.alarmutils.AlarmFaxChecker`
        if self.interpreter:
            cls = imp.load_source(
                'emonitor/modules/alarms/inc/%s' % self.interpreter)
            return getattr(cls, cls.__all__[0])()
        return None

    def interpreterStrings(self):
        Get list of needed string for interpreter class

        :return: list of strings
        if self.interpreterclass():
            return sorted(
        return []

    def translation(self, name):
        if name in self.translations:
            return self.translations[name]
        return ""

    def getSections(self):
        Get sorted list of possible sections of :py:class:`emonitor.modules.alarms.alarmtype.AlarmType`

        :return: list of :py:class:`emonitor.modules.alarms.alarmsection.AlarmSection`
        return sorted(self.sections.values())

    def getVariables():
        return Settings.get('alarms.evalfields').split('\r\n')

    def getAlarmTypes(id=0):
        Get list of alarm type objects filtered by parameter

        :param optional id: id of alarm type or 0 for all types
        :return: list of single object :py:class:`emonitor.modules.alarms.alarmtype.AlarmType`
        if id != 0:
            return AlarmType.query.filter_by(id=id).first()
            return AlarmType.query.order_by('id').all()

    def getAlarmTypeByClassname(name):
        Get list of all alarm types by given class name

        :param name: name of interpreter class
        :return: list of :py:class:`emonitor.modules.alarms.alarmtype.AlarmType`
        return AlarmType.query.filter_by(interpreter=name).all() or []

    def handleEvent(eventname, **kwargs):
        Eventhandler for alarm type class: do type detection

        :param eventname:
        :param kwargs:
        stime = time.time()

        if 'text' in kwargs.keys():
            text = kwargs['text']
            atype = None
            for alarmtype in AlarmType.getAlarmTypes():
                for kw in alarmtype.keywords.split('\n'):
                    if kw in text:
                        atype = alarmtype

            kwargs['type'] = 0
            if atype:
                kwargs['type'] = atype.id

        if 'time' not in kwargs.keys():
            kwargs['time'] = []
            'alarmtype: alarmtype detection done in %s sec.' %
            (time.time() - stime))

        return kwargs
예제 #11
class AlarmObject(db.Model):
    """AlarmObject class"""
    __tablename__ = 'alarmobjects'
    __table_args__ = {'extend_existing': True}
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = db.Column(db.String(50))
    _streetid = db.Column('streetid', db.ForeignKey('streets.id'))
    _objecttype = db.Column('typeid', db.ForeignKey('alarmobjecttypes.id'))
    _attributes = db.Column('attributes', db.Text)
    remark = db.Column(db.Text)
    lat = db.Column(db.Float)
    lng = db.Column(db.Float)
    zoom = db.Column(db.Integer)
    alarmplan = db.Column(db.String(5), default='')
    streetno = db.Column(db.String(10), default='')
    bma = db.Column(db.String(10), default='')
    active = db.Column(db.Integer)
    street = db.relationship(Street, collection_class=attribute_mapped_collection('id'), lazy='subquery')
    objecttype = db.relationship(AlarmObjectType, collection_class=attribute_mapped_collection('id'), lazy='subquery')
    files = db.relationship(AlarmObjectFile, collection_class=attribute_mapped_collection('id'), cascade="all, delete-orphan", lazy='subquery')

    def __init__(self, name, streetid, remark, lat, lng, zoom, alarmplan, streetno, bma, active, objecttype):
        self.name = name
        self._streetid = streetid
        self.remark = remark
        self.lat = lat
        self.lng = lng
        self.zoom = zoom
        self.alarmplan = alarmplan
        self.streetno = streetno
        self.bma = bma
        self.active = active
        self._objecttype = objecttype

    def serialize(self):
        return dict(id=self.id, name=self.name, lat=self.lat, lng=self.lng, zoom=self.zoom, alarmplan=self.alarmplan, street=self.street.serialize, streetno=self.streetno)

    def get(self, attribute, default=""):
        Getter for attribute names

        :param attribute: name of attribute as string
        :param optional default: default value
        :return: value of attribute
            values = yaml.load(self._attributes)
            return values[attribute]
            return default

    def set(self, attribute, val):
        Setter for attributes

        :param attribute: attribute name as string
        :param val: value as string
            values = yaml.load(self._attributes)
            values = {}
        values[attribute] = val
        self._attributes = yaml.safe_dump(values, encoding='utf-8')

    def get_cars_proto(self, ctype):
        Prototype of car, material getter

        :param ctype: 1:cars1, 2:cars2, 3:material
        :return: list of :py:class:`emonitor.modules.cars.car.Car`
        _t = {1: 'cars1', 2: 'cars2', 3: 'material'}
        ret = []
        cars = Car.getCars()
        for _c in [int(c) for c in self.get(_t[ctype]) if c != '']:
                ret.append(filter(lambda c: c.id == _c, cars)[0])
            except IndexError:
        return ret

    def getCars1(self):
        return self.get_cars_proto(1)

    def getCars2(self):
        return self.get_cars_proto(2)

    def getMaterial(self):
        return self.get_cars_proto(3)

    def hasOwnAAO(self):
        return len(self.get('cars1') + self.get('cars2') + self.get('material')) > 0

    def getAlarmObjectsDict():
        return dict((_o.id, _o) for _o in AlarmObject.query.order_by('name'))

    def getAlarmObjects(id=0, active=1):
        Get list of alarmobjects with given params

        :param id: id of alarmobject or *0* for all objects
        :param active: *1* for active objects or *0* for all objects
        :return: list of :py:class:`emonitor.modules.alarmobjects.alarmobject.AlarmObject`
        if id != 0:
            return AlarmObject.query.filter_by(id=id).first()
            if active == 1:  # only active objects
                return AlarmObject.query.filter_by(active=1).order_by('name').all()
            else:  # deliver all objects
                return AlarmObject.query.order_by('name').all()