"Path to the train data dir") DEFINE_string("val_data_dir", "./data/mnist/valid", "Path to the validation data dir") DEFINE_string("test_data_dir", "./data/mnist/test", "Path to the test data dir") DEFINE_integer("channel", 1, "Input channels, MNIST: 1, Cifar10: 3") DEFINE_integer("img_size", 32, "Enlarge input image size to") DEFINE_integer( "n_aug_img", 3, "Data augmentation for the train data, if 2: num_img: 55000 -> aug_img: 110000" ) DEFINE_boolean("reset_output_dir", True, "Delete output_dir if it exists") # ------------------------------ # ----Child Model Settings----- DEFINE_float("child_lr_min", 0.00001, "For learning rate schedule") DEFINE_string( "child_fixed_arc", "1 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 3 0 1 1 0 1 4 1 1 2 0 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 0 1 0 3 1 1 0", "Child architecture string, normal and reduction cells") DEFINE_string("data_format", "NHWC", " Data format NHWC or NCHW ") DEFINE_string("search_for", "micro", "Only Micro-Search in this experiment") DEFINE_integer("batch_size", 128, "") DEFINE_integer("num_epochs", 300, "Number of epochs to train the child model") DEFINE_integer("child_lr_dec_every", 100, "Learning Rate Decay after Every") DEFINE_integer("child_num_layers", 6, "Number of layers in the child model") DEFINE_integer( "child_num_cells", 5, "Number of cells in the architecture, this should be faithful with architecture string passed" ) DEFINE_integer("child_out_filters", 16,
DEFINE_integer("child_lr_dec_every", 100, "") DEFINE_integer("child_num_layers", 2, "Number of layers in the child model") DEFINE_integer("child_num_cells", 3, "Number of cells in the architecture") DEFINE_integer("child_filter_size", 5, "") DEFINE_integer("child_out_filters", 20, "") DEFINE_integer("child_out_filters_scale", 1, "") DEFINE_integer( "child_num_branches", 5, "It should be same with number of kernel operation to calculate.") DEFINE_integer("child_num_aggregate", None, "") DEFINE_integer("child_num_replicas", 1, "") DEFINE_integer("child_block_size", 3, "") DEFINE_integer("child_lr_T_0", 10, "for lr schedule") DEFINE_integer("child_lr_T_mul", 2, "for lr schedule") DEFINE_integer("child_cutout_size", None, "CutOut size") DEFINE_float("child_grad_bound", 5.0, "Gradient clipping") DEFINE_float("child_lr", 0.1, "") DEFINE_float("child_lr_dec_rate", 0.1, "") DEFINE_float("child_keep_prob", 1, "0.9") DEFINE_float("child_drop_path_keep_prob", 1, "minimum drop_path_keep_prob = 0.6") DEFINE_float("child_l2_reg", 0, "") DEFINE_float("child_lr_max", 0.05, "for lr schedule") DEFINE_float("child_lr_min", 0.0005, "for lr schedule") DEFINE_string("child_skip_pattern", None, "Must be ['dense', None]") DEFINE_string("child_fixed_arc", None, "For architecture search this should be None.") DEFINE_boolean("child_use_aux_heads", True, "Should we use an aux head") DEFINE_boolean("child_sync_replicas", False, "To sync or not to sync.") DEFINE_boolean("child_lr_cosine", True, "Use cosine lr schedule") # --------------------------
flags = tf.app.flags FLAGS = flags.FLAGS DEFINE_boolean("reset_output_dir", False, "Delete output_dir if exists.") DEFINE_string("data_path", "", "") DEFINE_string("output_dir", "", "") DEFINE_string("search_for", None, "[rhn|base|enas]") DEFINE_string("child_fixed_arc", None, "") DEFINE_integer("batch_size", 25, "") DEFINE_integer("child_base_number", 4, "") DEFINE_integer("child_num_layers", 2, "") DEFINE_integer("child_bptt_steps", 20, "") DEFINE_integer("child_lstm_hidden_size", 200, "") DEFINE_float("child_lstm_e_keep", 1.0, "") DEFINE_float("child_lstm_x_keep", 1.0, "") DEFINE_float("child_lstm_h_keep", 1.0, "") DEFINE_float("child_lstm_o_keep", 1.0, "") DEFINE_boolean("child_lstm_l_skip", False, "") DEFINE_float("child_lr", 1.0, "") DEFINE_float("child_lr_dec_rate", 0.5, "") DEFINE_float("child_grad_bound", 5.0, "") DEFINE_float("child_temperature", None, "") DEFINE_float("child_l2_reg", None, "") DEFINE_float("child_lr_dec_min", None, "") DEFINE_float("child_optim_moving_average", None, "Use the moving average of Variables") DEFINE_float("child_rnn_l2_reg", None, "") DEFINE_float("child_rnn_slowness_reg", None, "") DEFINE_float("child_lr_warmup_val", None, "")