def infer(): premises_txt = get_sentences(premises_path) hypotheses_txt = get_sentences(hypotheses_path) # both should be tuples. [0] is a torch.tensor of size (max_len x N x 300) # [1] is a torch.tensor of size (N) # get glove print("GloVe:\t\tloading...", end='\r') glove = torchtext.vocab.GloVe() print("GloVe:\t\tloaded ") # get the batches in the right, embedded format p_batch = get_batch(premises_txt, glove) h_batch = get_batch(hypotheses_txt, glove) # remove glove from memory glove = None # check that there's an equal number of pairs assert p_batch[1].size() == h_batch[1].size() n_sentences = len(p_batch[1]) # load the right model model_path = 'models/' + model_type + '_model.tar' assert os.path.exists(model_path) print("Using", model_type.upper(), "model") if model_type == 'baseline': encoder = Baseline().to(device) elif model_type == 'lstm': encoder = LSTM().to(device) elif model_type == 'bilstm': encoder = BiLSTM().to(device) elif model_type == 'maxbilstm': encoder = BiLSTM(maxpooling=True).to(device) else: encoder = Baseline().to(device) classifier = MLPClassifier(encoder, n_sentences).to(device) encoder, classifier = load_model(encoder, classifier, model_path) # get predictions y = classifier.forward(p_batch, h_batch) predictions = [outcome[l] for l in y.argmax(1).cpu().numpy()] # print result for i in range(n_sentences): print("\nPREMISE:\t", premises_txt[i]) print("HYPOTHESIS:\t", hypotheses_txt[i]) print("PREDICTION:\t", predictions[i])
def SequenceEncoder(): if seq_encoder == 'BiLSTM': encoder = BiLSTM(**kwargs) elif seq_encoder == 'multi_CNN': encoder = multi_CNN(**kwargs) else: print("please choose seq_encoder in ['BiLSTM','multi_CNN']") return encoder
def TextEncoder(): if text_encoder == 'BiLSTM': encoder = BiLSTM(**kwargs) elif text_encoder == 'multi_CNN': encoder = multi_CNN(**kwargs) elif text_encoder == 'Transformer': encoder = Transformer(**kwargs) else: print( "please choose text_encoder in ['BiLSTM','multi_CNN','Transformer']" ) return encoder
for gpu in gpus: tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(gpu, True) logical_gpus = tf.config.experimental.list_logical_devices('GPU') print(len(gpus), "Physical GPUs,", len(logical_gpus), "Logical GPUs") except RuntimeError as e: print(e) dataset_val, tokenizer, data_size = make_val_dataset('val') def seq_to_str(seq): output = ' '.join(tokenizer.sequences_to_texts([np.array(seq)])) return output.replace(config.start_token, ' ').replace(config.end_token, ' ').replace('<s>', ' ').replace('</s>', ' ') encoder = BiLSTM(config.vocab_size, config.embedding_len, config.encoder_feature_len) decoder_left = Decoder(config.vocab_size, config.embedding_len, config.decoder_hidden_len) decoder_right = Decoder(config.vocab_size, config.embedding_len, config.decoder_hidden_len) optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam() checkpoint = tf.train.Checkpoint(optimizer=optimizer, encoder=encoder, decoder_left=decoder_left, decoder_right=decoder_right) checkpoint.restore(tf.train.latest_checkpoint(config.checkpoint_dir)) hypothesis = [] reference = [] pbar = tqdm(total=data_size) for article, abstract, guiding_objects, object_sequence in dataset_val: hypothesis.append(predict(article, guiding_objects, object_sequence, encoder, decoder_left, decoder_right, tokenizer, config.beam_top_k)) reference.append(abstract)
def test(model_folder='models/', data_path='.data/'): train_set, dev_set, test_set = reduce_dataset(full_train_set, full_dev_set, full_test_set, n_samples=data_limit) for encoder_type in encoder_types: print() dev_accuracies = [] test_accuracies = [] model_path = model_folder + encoder_type + '_model.tar' if not os.path.exists(model_path): print(encoder_type.upper(), "not found") continue print("Retrieving", encoder_type.upper(), "model") if encoder_type == 'baseline': encoder = Baseline().to(device) elif encoder_type == 'lstm': encoder = LSTM().to(device) elif encoder_type == 'bilstm': encoder = BiLSTM().to(device) elif encoder_type == 'maxbilstm': encoder = BiLSTM(maxpooling=True).to(device) else: encoder = Baseline().to(device) classifier = MLPClassifier(encoder, batch_size).to(device) encoder, classifier, end_epoch = load_model(encoder, classifier, model_path) train_iter, dev_iter, test_iter = datasets=(train_set, dev_set, test_set), batch_sizes=(batch_size, batch_size, batch_size), device=device, shuffle=True) # iteration of dev for batch in dev_iter: # p_batch and h_batch are tuples. The first element is the # embedded batch, and the second contains all sentence lengths p_batch, h_batch, l_batch = preprocess_batch(batch) # forward pass preds = classifier.forward(p_batch, h_batch) # compute accuracies dev_accuracies.append(get_accuracy(preds, l_batch)) dev_accuracy = np.mean(dev_accuracies) # iteration of test for batch in test_iter: # p_batch and h_batch are tuples. The first element is the # embedded batch, and the second contains all sentence lengths p_batch, h_batch, l_batch = preprocess_batch(batch) # forward pass preds = classifier.forward(p_batch, h_batch) # compute accuracies test_accuracies.append(get_accuracy(preds, l_batch)) test_accuracy = np.mean(test_accuracies) print("Test accuracy: ", round(test_accuracy * 100, 1), "%") print("Dev accuracy: ", round(dev_accuracy * 100, 1), "%") print("Total training epochs:", end_epoch)
def stest(): for encoder_type in encoder_types: model_path = model_folder + encoder_type + '_model.tar' assert os.path.exists(model_path) print("Using", encoder_type.upper(), "model") if encoder_type == 'baseline': encoder = Baseline().to(device) elif encoder_type == 'lstm': encoder = LSTM().to(device) elif encoder_type == 'bilstm': encoder = BiLSTM().to(device) elif encoder_type == 'maxbilstm': encoder = BiLSTM(maxpooling=True).to(device) else: encoder = Baseline().to(device) encoder = load_encoder(encoder, model_path) # set parameters for senteval params_senteval = { 'task_path': 'SentEval/data', 'usepytorch': True, 'kfold': 5, 'classifier': { 'nhid': 0, 'optim': 'rmsprop', 'batch_size': 128, 'tenacity': 3, 'epoch_size': 2 }, 'encoder': } # senteval engine se = senteval.engine.SE(params_senteval, batcher, prepare) # task list if task_size == 'reduced': transfer_tasks = ['MR', 'CR', 'SUBJ', 'TREC', 'STS14'] else: transfer_tasks = [ 'CR', 'MR', 'MPQA', 'SUBJ', 'SST2', 'SST5', 'TREC', 'MRPC', 'SNLI', 'SICKEntailment', 'SICKRelatedness', 'STSBenchmark', 'ImageCaptionRetrieval', 'STS12', 'STS13', 'STS14', 'STS15', 'STS16', 'Length', 'WordContent', 'Depth', 'TopConstituents', 'BigramShift', 'Tense', 'SubjNumber', 'ObjNumber', 'OddManOut', 'CoordinationInversion' ] # run evaluation results = se.eval(transfer_tasks) # print print(results) # define save path result_path = 'senteval_results/' if not os.path.exists(result_path): os.makedirs(result_path) time_string ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") file_path = result_path + time_string + '_' + encoder_type # save with open(file_path, 'wb') as file: pickle.dump(results, file)