예제 #1
    def getScoreOfKilledEnemies(self, killedEnemies):
        score = 0
        multiplier = 1

        for dist in range(len(killedEnemies)):
            list = killedEnemies[dist]
            sortedList = sorted(list)
            for enemy in sortedList:
                score += Enemy.getEnemy(enemy)['points'] * multiplier
                multiplier *= 2

        return score
예제 #2
    def moveEnemy(self, speed):
        for i in range(self.level.numberEnemies):
            if (Enemy.getEnemy(self.level.listEnemies[i][3])['speed'] == speed):
                curX = self.level.listEnemies[i][0]
                curY = self.level.listEnemies[i][1]
                tempDir = self.level.listEnemies[i][2]
                tempWP = Enemy.getEnemy(self.level.listEnemies[i][3])['wallpass']
                tempIntel = Enemy.getEnemy(self.level.listEnemies[i][3])['intelligence']
                newX = 0
                newY = 0
                randInt = 0
                hasDied = False
                hasMoved = False

                if (tempIntel == 3): randInt = 2
                elif (tempIntel == 2): randInt = 10

                if (tempIntel == 2 or tempIntel == 3):
                    if (self.level.board[curY+1][curX].peek() == Tile.Bomberman and hasMoved == False):
                        newX = curX
                        newY = curY + 1
                        tempDir = 0
                        hasMoved = True
                        hasDied = True
                    if (self.level.board[curY-1][curX].peek() == Tile.Bomberman and hasMoved == False):
                        newX = curX
                        newY = curY - 1
                        tempDir = 2
                        hasMoved = True
                        hasDied = True
                    if (self.level.board[curY][curX+1].peek() == Tile.Bomberman and hasMoved == False):
                        newX = curX + 1
                        newY = curY
                        tempDir = 1
                        hasMoved = True
                        hasDied = True
                    if (self.level.board[curY][curX-1].peek() == Tile.Bomberman and hasMoved == False):
                        newX = curX - 1
                        newY = curY
                        tempDir = 3
                        hasMoved = True
                        hasDied = True

                    tempTile = self.level.board[curY+1][curX].peek()
                    if (tempTile != Tile.Bomb and ((tempTile == Tile.Brick and tempWP == True) or tempTile != Tile.Brick) and tempTile != Tile.Concrete and random.randint(1,randInt) == 1 and hasMoved == False):
                        newX = curX
                        newY = curY + 1
                        tempDir = 0
                        hasMoved = True

                    tempTile = self.level.board[curY-1][curX].peek()
                    if (tempTile != Tile.Bomb and ((tempTile == Tile.Brick and tempWP == True) or tempTile != Tile.Brick) and tempTile != Tile.Concrete and random.randint(1,randInt) == 1 and hasMoved == False):
                        newX = curX
                        newY = curY - 1
                        tempDir = 2
                        hasMoved = True

                    tempTile = self.level.board[curY][curX+1].peek()
                    if (tempTile != Tile.Bomb and ((tempTile == Tile.Brick and tempWP == True) or tempTile != Tile.Brick) and tempTile != Tile.Concrete and random.randint(1,randInt) == 1 and hasMoved == False):
                        newX = curX + 1
                        newY = curY
                        tempDir = 1
                        hasMoved = True

                    tempTile = self.level.board[curY][curX-1].peek()
                    if (tempTile != Tile.Bomb and ((tempTile == Tile.Brick and tempWP == True) or tempTile != Tile.Brick) and tempTile != Tile.Concrete and random.randint(1,randInt) == 1 and hasMoved == False):
                        newX = curX - 1
                        newY = curY
                        tempDir = 3
                        hasMoved = True

                    if (hasMoved == True):
                        self.level.listEnemies[i][0] = newX
                        self.level.listEnemies[i][1] = newY
                        self.level.listEnemies[i][2] = tempDir
                        self.popTileAt(curX, curY)
                        self.setTileAt(newX, newY, self.level.listEnemies[i][3])
                        if (hasDied == True):
                            return False

                if (tempIntel == 1 or hasMoved == False):
                    if (tempDir == 0):
                        newX = curX
                        newY = curY + 1
                    elif (tempDir == 1):
                        newX = curX + 1
                        newY = curY
                    elif (tempDir == 2):
                        newX = curX
                        newY = curY - 1
                    elif (tempDir == 3):
                        newX = curX - 1
                        newY = curY

                    tempTile = self.level.board[newY][newX].peek()

                    if (tempTile == Tile.Bomb or (tempTile == Tile.Brick and tempWP == False) or tempTile == Tile.Concrete):
                        if (tempDir == 0): newY -= 2
                        elif (tempDir == 1): newX -= 2
                        elif (tempDir == 2): newY += 2
                        elif (tempDir == 3): newX += 2
                        self.level.listEnemies[i][2] = (self.level.listEnemies[i][2] + 2) % 4

                        # tempTile = self.level.board[newY][newX].peek()
                        # if (tempTile == Tile.Bomb or tempTile == Tile.Brick or tempTile == Tile.Concrete):
                        #     self.level.listEnemies[i][2] = (self.level.listEnemies[i][2] + 1) % 4

                    tempTile = self.level.board[newY][newX].peek()

                    if ((tempTile == Tile.Brick and tempWP == True) or (tempTile != Tile.Bomb and tempTile != Tile.Brick and tempTile != Tile.Concrete)):
                        self.level.listEnemies[i][0] = newX
                        self.level.listEnemies[i][1] = newY
                        self.popTileAt(curX, curY)
                        self.setTileAt(newX, newY, self.level.listEnemies[i][3])
                        if (tempTile == Tile.Bomberman):
                            return False