예제 #1
def emissions_comparison(process_kwh, locations, year):
    # TODO: Disambiguation of states such as Georgia, US and Georgia
    intl_data = utils.get_data("data/json/energy-mix-intl_" + year + ".json")
    us_data = utils.get_data("data/json/us-emissions_" + year + ".json")
    emissions = []  # list of tuples w/ format (location, emission)

    for location in locations:
        if locate.in_US(location):
            emission = convert.lbs_to_kgs(us_data[location] *
            emissions.append((location, emission))
            c = intl_data[location]
            total, breakdown = c['total'], [c['coal'], c['petroleum'], \
            c['naturalGas'], c['lowCarbon']]
            if isinstance(total, float) and float(total) > 0:
                breakdown = list(map(lambda x: 100 * x / total, breakdown))
                coal, petroleum, natural_gas, low_carbon = breakdown
                breakdown = [
                    convert.coal_to_carbon(process_kwh * coal / 100),
                    convert.petroleum_to_carbon(process_kwh * petroleum / 100),
                    convert.natural_gas_to_carbon(process_kwh * natural_gas /
                                                  100), 0
                emission = sum(breakdown)
                emissions.append((location, emission))

    if emissions != []:
        utils.log('Emissions Comparison', emissions)
    return emissions
예제 #2
def emissions(process_kwh, breakdown, location, year):
    """ Calculates the CO2 emitted by the program based on the location

            process_kwh (int): kWhs used by the process
            breakdown (list): energy mix corresponding to user's location
            location (str): location of user

            emission (float): kilograms of CO2 emitted
            state_emission (float): lbs CO2 per MWh; 0 if international location


    if process_kwh < 0:
        raise OSError(
            "Process wattage lower than baseline wattage. Do not run other processes"
            " during the evaluation, or try evaluating a more resource-intensive process."

    utils.log("Energy Data", breakdown, location)
    state_emission = 0

    # Case 1: Unknown location, default to US data
    # Case 2: United States location
    if locate.in_US(location):
        if location == "Unknown":
            location = "United States"
        # US Emissions data is in lbs/Mwh
        data = utils.get_data("data/json/us-emissions_" + year + ".json")
        state_emission = data[location]
        emission = convert.lbs_to_kgs(state_emission *

    # Case 3: International location
        # Breaking down energy mix
        coal, petroleum, natural_gas, low_carbon = breakdown
        breakdown = [
            convert.coal_to_carbon(process_kwh * coal / 100),
            convert.petroleum_to_carbon(process_kwh * petroleum / 100),
            convert.natural_gas_to_carbon(process_kwh * natural_gas / 100), 0
        emission = sum(breakdown)

    utils.log("Emissions", emission)
    return (emission, state_emission)
def energy_mix(location, location_of_default):
    """ Gets the energy mix information for a specific location

            location (str): user's location
            location_of_default (str): Specifies which average to use if
            	location cannot be determined

            breakdown (list): percentages of each energy type
    if location == "Unknown":
        if location_of_default == "USAverage":
            location = "United States"
        elif location_of_default == "EuropeAverage":
            location = "Europe"
            location = "World"

    if locate.in_US(location):
        # Default to U.S. average for unknown location

        data = utils.get_data("data/json/energy-mix-us.json")
        s = data[location]['mix']  # get state
        coal, oil, gas = s['coal'], s['oil'], s['gas']
        nuclear, hydro, biomass, wind, solar, geo, = \
        s['nuclear'], s['hydro'], s['biomass'], s['wind'], \
        s['solar'], s['geothermal']

        low_carbon = sum([nuclear, hydro, biomass, wind, solar, geo])
        breakdown = [coal, oil, gas, low_carbon]

        return breakdown  # list of % of each

        data = utils.get_data('data/json/energy-mix-intl.json')
        c = data[location]  # get country
        total, breakdown =  c['total'], [c['coal'], c['petroleum'], \
        c['naturalGas'], c['lowCarbon']]

        # Get percentages
        breakdown = list(map(lambda x: 100 * x / total, breakdown))

        return breakdown  # list of % of each
예제 #4
def log(*args):
    if (re.search("Package|CPU.*|GPU|DRAM", args[0])):
        measurement = args[1]
        sys.stdout.write("\r{:<24} {:>49.2f} {:5<}".format(
            args[0] + ":", measurement, "watts"))

    if args[0] == "Baseline wattage":
        measurement = args[1]
        sys.stdout.write("\r{:<24} {:>49.2f} {:5<}".format(
            args[0] + ":", measurement, "watts"))

    elif args[0] == "Process wattage":
        measurement = args[1]
        sys.stdout.write("\r{:<17} {:>56.2f} {:5<}".format(
            args[0] + ":", measurement, "watts"))

    elif args[0] == "Final Readings":
        baseline_average, process_average, difference_average, timedelta = args[
            1], args[2], args[3], args[4]
        sys.stdout.write("{:<25} {:>48.2f} {:5<}\n".format(
            "Average baseline wattage:", baseline_average, "watts"))
        sys.stdout.write("{:<25} {:>48.2f} {:5<}\n".format(
            "Average total wattage:", process_average, "watts"))
        sys.stdout.write("{:<25} {:>48.2f} {:5<}\n".format(
            "Average process wattage:", difference_average, "watts"))
        sys.stdout.write("{:<17} {:>62}\n".format("Process duration:",

    elif args[0] == "Energy Data":
        location = args[2]
        log_header('Energy Data')
        if location == "Unknown" or locate.in_US(location):
            coal, oil, gas, low_carbon = args[1]
            if location == "Unknown":
                location = "United States"
                        "Location unknown, default energy mix in " + location +
                        ":", "Coal:", coal, "Oil:", oil, "Natural Gas:", gas,
                        "Low Carbon:", low_carbon))
            elif locate.in_US(location):
                    "{:<13}{:>66.2f}%\n".format("Energy mix in " + location,
                                                "Coal:", coal, "Oil:", oil,
                                                "Natural Gas:", gas,
                                                "Low Carbon:", low_carbon))
            coal, natural_gas, petroleum, low_carbon = args[1]
                "{:<13}{:>66.2f}%\n".format("Energy mix in " + location,
                                            "Coal:", coal, "Petroleum:",
                                            petroleum, "Natural Gas:",
                                            natural_gas, "Low Carbon:",

    elif args[0] == "Emissions":
        emission = args[1]
        sys.stdout.write("{:<19}{:>54.2e} kg CO2\n".format("Effective emission:", \
        sys.stdout.write("{:<24}{:>50.2e} miles\n".format("Equivalent miles driven:", \
        sys.stdout.write("{:<45}{:>27.2e} minutes\n".format("Equivalent minutes of 32-inch LCD TV watched:", \
            "Percentage of CO2 used in a US"
            " household/day:", convert.carbon_to_home(emission)))

    elif args[0] == "Assumed Carbon Equivalencies":
        log_header('Assumed Carbon Equivalencies')
        sys.stdout.write("{:<14} {:>65}\n".format("Coal:",
                                                  "995.725971 kg CO2/MWh"))
        sys.stdout.write("{:<14} {:>65}\n".format("Petroleum:",
                                                  "816.6885263 kg CO2/MWh"))
        sys.stdout.write("{:<14} {:>65}\n".format("Natural gas:",
                                                  "743.8415916 kg CO2/MWh"))
        sys.stdout.write("{:<14} {:>65}\n".format("Low carbon:",
                                                  "0 kg CO2/MWh"))
    elif args[0] == "Emissions Comparison":
        log_header('Emissions Comparison')
        emissions = args[1]
        for location, emission in emissions:
            sys.stdout.write("{:<19}{:>54.2e} kg CO2\n".format(
                location + ":", emission))

    #OLD VERSION: US, EU, Rest comparison
    elif args[0] == "Emissions Comparison default":
        log_header('Emissions Comparison')
        (max_global, median_global, min_global, max_europe, median_europe,
         min_europe, max_us, median_us, min_us) = args[1:]
            "{:^80}\n".format("Quantities below expressed in kg CO2"))
        sys.stdout.write("{:8}{:<23} {:<23} {:<22}\n".format("", "US", "Europe", \
            "Global minus US/Europe"))
        sys.stdout.write("{:<7} {:<13}{:>10.2e} {:<13}{:>10.2e} {:<14}{:>10.2e}\n".format("Max:", max_us[0], max_us[1], \
             max_europe[0], max_europe[1], max_global[0], max_global[1]))
        sys.stdout.write("{:<7} {:<13}{:>10.2e} {:<13}{:>10.2e} {:<14}{:>10.2e}\n".format("Median:", median_us[0], median_us[1], \
             median_europe[0], median_europe[1], median_global[0], median_global[1]))
        sys.stdout.write("{:<7} {:<13}{:>10.2e} {:<13}{:>10.2e} {:<14}{:>10.2e}\n".format("Min:", min_us[0], min_us[1], \
             min_europe[0], min_europe[1], min_global[0], min_global[1]))
    elif args[0] == "Process Energy":
        energy = args[1]
        sys.stdout.write("-" * 80 + "\n" + "-" * 80 + "\n")
        sys.stdout.write("{:<13} {:51} {:>10.2e} {:>3}\n".format(
            "Process used:", "", energy, "kWh"))
