def handle(self, *args, **options): for sensor in Sensor.objects.all(): cur = connection.cursor() power_average_qs = PowerAverage.objects.filter( sensor=sensor).order_by('-trunc_reading_time') sensor_reading_qs = SensorReading.objects.filter( sensor=sensor).order_by('-reading_time') try: latest_reading = sensor_reading_qs.latest('reading_time') except SensorReading.DoesNotExist: pass # No readings: nothing to do. else: print 'Inserting missing averages for sensor %d:' % for average_type in PowerAverage.AVERAGE_TYPES: # Don't confuse trunc_latest_reading_time with the # similarly-named column of graph_poweraverage. # trunc_latest_reading_time is the truncated # reading_time of the latest row in graph_sensorreading # for this sensor. trunc_latest_reading_time = PowerAverage.date_trunc( average_type, latest_reading.reading_time) r = PowerAverage.insert_averages(cur, average_type, sensor, trunc_latest_reading_time) transaction.commit_unless_managed() print ' \'%s\': %d rows' % (average_type, r)
def _build_db_results(res,start_dt,end_dt, rtn_obj, x_call, acc_call,snr_call=None): ''' Loops through the database from UTC datetime object start_dt to end_dt Uses a string of res to determine point resolution. rtn_obj must be a mutable type, like dictionary or list. x_call will get current timetuple and the return object acc_call puts things into the rtn_obj by building snr_call will place things into the rtn_obj by sensor ''' from django.db import connection, transaction cur = connection.cursor() PowerAverage.graph_data_execute(cur, res, start_dt, end_dt) r = cur.fetchone() if r is None: return None else: per = r[2] per_incr = RESOLUTION_DELTAS[res] # At the end of each outer loop, we increment the # current period by a resolution step. while r is not None: # Call the given function. # Pass the return object in case they want to do something odd x = x_call(per.timetuple(), rtn_obj) for sg in sorted(SENSOR_GROUPS): y = 0 # Always starts at 0 for sid in sorted(SENSOR_IDS_BY_GROUP[sg[0]]): # If this sensor has a reading for the current per, # update y. There are three ways the sensor might # not have such a reading: # 1. r is None, i.e. there are no more readings at # all # 2. r is not None and r[2] > per, i.e. there are # more readings but not for this per # 3. r is not None and r[2] <= per and r[1] != s[0], # i.e. there are more readings for this per, # but none for this sensor if r is not None and r[2] <= per and r[1] == sid: # Increase y if its there. # Then get the next data point if y is not None: y += float(r[0]) r = cur.fetchone() else: y = None if snr_call: snr_call(sid,x,y,rtn_obj) # Add to object as described acc_call(sg[0],x,y,rtn_obj) per += per_incr return rtn_obj
def _query_averages(res,orig_dt): """ Gets the averages for a string res (needs to be a resolution type) Returns them for all Sensors, in a dictionary with sensor ID as keys. Start_offset is to be used for cycle_view. This should be the key of the list to use. """ from django.db import connection, transaction all_averages = dict([[sid,0] for sid in SENSOR_IDS]) cur = connection.cursor() start_dt = orig_dt - RESOLUTION_DELTAS[res] # Search for data averages PowerAverage.graph_data_execute(cur, res, start_dt, orig_dt) # r is the current entry in the database r = cur.fetchone() while r is not None: for sid in sorted(SENSOR_IDS): if r and r[1] == sid: all_averages[sid] = r[0] r = cur.fetchone() return all_averages
def static_graph_data(request, start, end, res): ''' A view returning the JSON data used to populate the static graph. ''' from django.db import connection, transaction cur = connection.cursor() start_dt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(start)) end_dt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(end)) per_incr = PowerAverage.AVERAGE_TYPE_TIMEDELTAS[res] (sensor_groups, sensor_ids, sensor_ids_by_group) = _get_sensor_groups() PowerAverage.graph_data_execute(cur, res, start_dt, end_dt) # Now organize the query in a format amenable to the # (javascript) client. (The grapher wants (x, y) pairs.) sg_xy_pairs = dict([[sg[0], []] for sg in sensor_groups]) r = cur.fetchone() if r is None: d = {'no_results': True, 'sensor_groups': sensor_groups} else: per = r[2] # At the end of each outer loop, we increment per (the current # ten-second period of time we're considering) by ten seconds. while r is not None: # Remember that the JavaScript client takes (and # gives) UTC timestamps in ms x = int(calendar.timegm(per.timetuple()) * 1000) for sg in sensor_groups: y = 0 for sid in sensor_ids_by_group[sg[0]]: # If this sensor has a reading for the current per, # update y. There are three ways the sensor might # not have such a reading: # 1. r is None, i.e. there are no more readings at # all # 2. r is not None and r[2] > per, i.e. there are # more readings but not for this per # 3. r is not None and r[2] <= per and r[1] != s[0], # i.e. there are more readings for this per, # but none for this sensor if r is not None and r[2] <= per and r[1] == sid: # If y is None, leave it as such. Else, add # this sensor reading to y. Afterwards, in # either case, fetch a new row. if y is not None: y += float(r[0]) r = cur.fetchone() else: y = None sg_xy_pairs[sg[0]].append((x, y)) per += per_incr d = {'no_results': False, 'sg_xy_pairs': sg_xy_pairs, 'show_points': _graph_max_points(start_dt, end_dt, res) <= GRAPH_SHOW_POINTS_THRESHOLD, 'sensor_groups': sensor_groups} json_serializer = serializers.get_serializer("json")() return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(d), mimetype='application/json')
def dynamic_graph_data(request, data): ''' A view returning the JSON data used to populate the dynamic graph. ''' from django.db import connection, transaction cur = connection.cursor() (sensor_groups, sensor_ids, sensor_ids_by_group) = _get_sensor_groups() week_and_month_averages = dict(week={}, month={}) for average_type in ('week', 'month'): trunc_reading_time = None for average in PowerAverage.objects.filter(average_type=average_type ).order_by('-trunc_reading_time')[:len(sensor_ids)]: if trunc_reading_time is None: trunc_reading_time = average.trunc_reading_time if average.trunc_reading_time == trunc_reading_time: # Note that we limited the query by the number of sensors in # the database. However, there may not be an average for # every sensor for this time period. If this is the case, # some of the results will be for an earlier time period and # have an earlier trunc_reading_time . week_and_month_averages[average_type][average.sensor_id] \ = average.watts / 1000.0 for sensor_id in sensor_ids: if not week_and_month_averages[average_type].has_key(sensor_id): # We didn't find an average for this sensor; set the entry # to None. week_and_month_averages[average_type][sensor_id] = None week_averages = week_and_month_averages['week'] month_averages = week_and_month_averages['month'] # If the client has supplied data (a string of digits in the # URL---representing UTC seconds since the epoch), then we only # consider data since (and including) that timestamp. # The max is here just in case a client accidentally calls this # view with a weeks-old timestamp... start_dt = max(datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(data) / 1000), - datetime.timedelta(0, 3600*3, 0)) PowerAverage.graph_data_execute(cur, 'second*10', start_dt) # Also note, above, that if data was supplied then we selected # everything since the provided timestamp's truncated date, # including that date. We will always provide the client with # a new copy of the latest record he received last time, since # that last record may have changed (more sensors may have # submitted measurements and added to it). The second to # latest and older records, however, will never change. # Now organize the query in a format amenable to the # (javascript) client. (The grapher wants (x, y) pairs.) sg_xy_pairs = dict([[sg[0], []] for sg in sensor_groups]) r = cur.fetchone() if r is None: d = {'no_results': True, 'week_averages': week_and_month_averages['week'], 'month_averages': week_and_month_averages['month']} else: per = r[2] per_incr = datetime.timedelta(0, 10, 0) # At the end of each outer loop, we increment per (the current # ten-second period of time we're considering) by ten seconds. while r is not None: # Remember that the JavaScript client takes (and # gives) UTC timestamps in ms x = int(calendar.timegm(per.timetuple()) * 1000) for sg in sensor_groups: y = 0 for sid in sensor_ids_by_group[sg[0]]: # If this sensor has a reading for the current per, # update y. There are three ways the sensor might # not have such a reading: # 1. r is None, i.e. there are no more readings at # all # 2. r is not None and r[2] > per, i.e. there are # more readings but not for this per # 3. r is not None and r[2] <= per and r[1] != s[0], # i.e. there are more readings for this per, # but none for this sensor if r is not None and r[2] <= per and r[1] == sid: # If y is None, leave it as such. Else, add # this sensor reading to y. Afterwards, in # either case, fetch a new row. if y is not None: y += float(r[0]) r = cur.fetchone() else: y = None sg_xy_pairs[sg[0]].append((x, y)) per += per_incr last_record = x # desired_first_record lags by (3:00:00 - 0:00:10) = 2:59:50 desired_first_record = x - 1000*3600*3 + 1000*10 junk = str(calendar.timegm( data_url = reverse('energyweb.graph.views.dynamic_graph_data', kwargs={'data': str(last_record)}) + '?junk=' + junk d = {'no_results': False, 'sg_xy_pairs': sg_xy_pairs, 'desired_first_record': desired_first_record, 'week_averages': week_and_month_averages['week'], 'month_averages': week_and_month_averages['month'], 'sensor_groups': sensor_groups, 'data_url': data_url} json_serializer = serializers.get_serializer("json")() return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(d), mimetype='application/json')