def tick(self, deltaTime): Entity.tick(self, deltaTime) self._passedDistance += self._speed * deltaTime if (self._passedDistance > 1.0): self._passedDistance -= 1.0 self.move_Internal() self.hangleCollisions_Internal()
def __init__( self, lives, score, bulletMan, maxSpeed, sprite, viewBox, bulletSprite, bulletBox ): # position vars self.SPAWN_X = 300 self.SPAWN_Y = 600 self.xpos = self.SPAWN_X self.ypos = self.SPAWN_Y Entity.__init__( self, 400 , 300, sprite, Rect( self.xpos - 10, self.ypos - 10, self.xpos + 54, self.ypos + 54 ) ) # movement vars self._maxSpeed = maxSpeed self._focusedSpeed = maxSpeed / 2.0 self._xSpeed = 0 self._ySpeed = 0 # Game vars self.lives = lives self.score = score self.invincible = False self._invincibilityTime = 5000 self._bulletMan = bulletMan self._FIRE_COOL_MAX = 10 self._fireCoolDown = 0 # sprite vars self._itemBox = Rect( self.xpos, self.ypos, self.xpos + 64, self.ypos + 64 ) self._viewBox = viewBox self._bulletSprite = bulletSprite self._bulletBox = bulletBox
def __init__(self, pos=(0, 0), zoom=0.25): #possible inheritance fail Vec2.__init__(self, pos[0], pos[1]) Entity.__init__(self) self.zoom = zoom self.shift = Vec2(0, 0)
def init(self): Entity.init(self) for row in range(self._rows): for col in range(self._cols): cellType = self._cellMatrix[row][col] cellEntity = EntitySpawner.spawnEntity(CellEntity, self, Vector2(row, col), cellType) cellEntity.getTransform().position = Vector2(col * CELL_SIZE.x, row * CELL_SIZE.y) self._cells.append(cellEntity)
def init(self): Entity.init(self) self._renderComponent = self.addComponent( SnakeRenderComponent(Screen.getSize(), CELL_SIZE, CELL_BORDER_WIDTH, Color.RED, Color.BLACK)) self._inputComponent = self.addComponent(InputComponent()) self._inputComponent.bindAction("left", InputEvent.EVENT_TYPE_PRESSED, lambda: self.changeDirection(DIRECTION_LEFT)) self._inputComponent.bindAction("right", InputEvent.EVENT_TYPE_PRESSED, lambda: self.changeDirection(DIRECTION_RIGHT)) self._inputComponent.bindAction("up", InputEvent.EVENT_TYPE_PRESSED, lambda: self.changeDirection(DIRECTION_UP)) self._inputComponent.bindAction("down", InputEvent.EVENT_TYPE_PRESSED, lambda: self.changeDirection(DIRECTION_DOWN))
def __init__(self, board, speed, initialSize, initialHeadPos, initialDir, priority=0, initialComponents=None): Entity.__init__(self, priority, initialComponents) self._board = board self._headPos = initialHeadPos self._dir = initialDir self._deque = deque() for i in range(initialSize): self._deque.appendleft(initialHeadPos - initialDir * i) self._speed = speed self._passedDistance = 0.0 self._dirQueue = deque() self._ateFood = False self.onFoodEaten = EventHook() self.onDeath = EventHook()
def __init__( self, xpos, ypos, speed, hp, sprite, hitbox ): Entity.__init__( self, xpos, ypos, sprite, hitbox ) # movement vars self._speedx = 0 self._speedy = 0 self._curAngle = 270 #self._maxspeed = speed self._maxspeed = 2 # game vars self.destroyed = False self.hit = False self.hp = hp self.heat = 0 self._actcode = 0 self._hitbox.move_ip( xpos, ypos )
def add_entity(self): entity_name = str(self.entity_name_field.text()) new_entity = Entity(entity_name) new_entity_wrapper = Component(new_entity, entity_name) widget_component = WidgetItemComponent(entity_name, new_entity_wrapper) self.entity_list_view.addItem(widget_component) self.context['entities'][entity_name] = dict() self.context['entities'][entity_name]['entity'] = new_entity self.context['entities'][entity_name]['components'] = defaultdict(list)
def init(self): Entity.init(self) self._inputComponent = self.addComponent(InputComponent()) self._inputComponent.bindAction("submit", InputEvent.EVENT_TYPE_PRESSED, self.restart) self._inputComponent.bindAction("cancel", InputEvent.EVENT_TYPE_PRESSED, self.quit) self._inputComponent.bindAction("pause", InputEvent.EVENT_TYPE_PRESSED, self.togglePaused) self._backgroundEntity = EntitySpawner.spawnEntity(Entity) self._backgroundEntity.addComponent(RectRenderComponent(Screen.getSize(), Screen.getSize(), Color.BLACK)) self._boardEntity = EntitySpawner.spawnEntity(BoardEntity, CELL_MATRIX) self._snakeEntity = EntitySpawner.spawnEntity(SnakeEntity, self._boardEntity, 5, 3, Vector2(3, 3), DIRECTION_RIGHT) self._snakeEntity.onFoodEaten += lambda: self.spawnFood() self._snakeEntity.onFoodEaten += lambda: self.setScore(self._score + 1) self._snakeEntity.onFoodEaten += lambda: self.increaseSnakeSpeed() self._snakeEntity.onDeath += lambda: self.setGameOver(True) self.spawnFood() self._pausedTextEntity = self.createTextEntity("PAUSED") pausedTextRectSize = self._pausedTextEntity.getComponent(TextRenderComponent).getRectSize() boardRectSize = Vector2(self._boardEntity.getCols() * CELL_SIZE.x, self._boardEntity.getRows() * CELL_SIZE.y) self._pausedTextEntity.getTransform().position = Vector2((boardRectSize.x - pausedTextRectSize.x) // 2, (boardRectSize.y - pausedTextRectSize.y) // 2) self._gameOverTextEntity = self.createTextEntity("GAME OVER") gameOverTextRectSize = self._gameOverTextEntity.getComponent(TextRenderComponent).getRectSize() self._gameOverTextEntity.getTransform().position = Vector2((boardRectSize.x - gameOverTextRectSize.x) // 2, (boardRectSize.y - gameOverTextRectSize.y) // 2) self._scoreTextEntity = self.createTextEntity("SCORE:0") self._scoreTextEntity.getTransform().position = Vector2(0, boardRectSize.y) self._score = 0 self._gameOver = False self.setGameOver(self._gameOver) self._paused = True self.setPaused(self._paused)
def __init__(self): self.map_width = 80 self.map_height = 45 self.game_map = GameMap(self.map_width, self.map_height) self.player = Hero(int(self.map_width / 2), int(self.map_height / 2), '@', 'player') self.entities = [self.player] self.entities.append( Entity(int(self.map_width / 2 - 5), int(self.map_height / 2), '@', 'npc')) self.current_entity = 0 self.energy_threshold = 5
def get_game_variables(constant_variables): fighter_component = Fighter(hp=100, armor_class=3, strength=10, intelligence=10) inventory_component = Inventory(26) grimoire_component = Grimoire(5) equipment_component = Equipment() player = Entity(0, 0, '@',, 'Player', blocks=True, render_order=RenderOrder.ACTOR, fighter=fighter_component, inventory=inventory_component, grimoire=grimoire_component, equipment=equipment_component) spell = Spell(name='Fireball', cast_function=fireball, damage=10, targeting=True, targeting_message=Message('click to target'), radius=3, cost=10) player.grimoire.add_spell(spell) entities = [player] # Initializes map game_map = Map(constant_variables['map_width'], constant_variables['map_height']) game_map.make_BSP_map(player, entities, constant_variables['map_width'], constant_variables['map_height']) # Initializes other game variables game_state = GameStates.PLAYERS_TURN message_log = MessageLog(constant_variables['message_x'], constant_variables['message_width'], constant_variables['message_height']) return player, entities, game_map, game_state, message_log
def init(self): Entity.init(self) if (self._type == CELL_TYPE_EMPTY): self.addComponent(CellRenderComponent(CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE, CELL_BORDER_WIDTH, Color(25, 25, 25), Color.BLACK)) if (self._type == CELL_TYPE_BLOCK): self.addComponent(CellRenderComponent(CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE, CELL_BORDER_WIDTH, Color.BLUE, Color.BLACK))
def __init__(self, board, pos, priority=0, initialComponents=None): Entity.__init__(self, priority, initialComponents) self._board = board self._pos = pos self.setPos(self._pos) self._board.getCell(self._pos.x, self._pos.y).food = self
def create_BSP_rooms(self, player, tree, entities): """Creates rooms from BSP leafs""" room_centers = [] for node in tree.pre_order(): # random height and width for rooms rand_width = randint(node.x + 4, (node.x + node.width - 1)) rand_height = randint(node.y + 4, (node.y + node.height - 1)) node.width = rand_width node.height = rand_height if not node.children: # creates rooms # adds center of node to be used for hallway mining center_x = int((rand_width + node.x) / 2) center_y = int((rand_height + node.y) / 2) room_centers.append([center_x, center_y]) for x in range(node.x, node.width): for y in range(node.y, node.height): #if self.node_area_check(rand_height, rand_width, 10): #Check if this is needed after we get the random room sizes working self.tiles[x][y].block_sight = False self.tiles[x][y].blocked = False for i in range(len(room_centers)): if i == 0: player.x, player.y = room_centers[i] # Spawning flavor text obelisk next to player obelisk_fight_comp = Fighter(hp=9999, armor_class=9999) start_obelisk = Entity(player.x - 1, player.y, ')',, 'Obelisk of the Start', blocks=True, render_order=RenderOrder.ACTOR, fighter=obelisk_fight_comp, ai=WordBlock()) entities.append(start_obelisk) # Spawns stairs in a random room center s = randint(1, len(room_centers)) if s == i: s_center_x, s_center_y = room_centers[s] stairs_component = Stairs(self.dungeon_level + 1) down_stairs = Entity(s_center_x, s_center_y, '>',, 'Stairs', render_order=RenderOrder.STAIRS, stairs=stairs_component) entities.append(down_stairs) x1, y1 = room_centers[i - 1] x2, y2 = room_centers[i] # Makes rooms visible and walk through able for x in range(min(x1, x2), max(x1, x2) + 1): self.tiles[x][y1].block_sight = False self.tiles[x][y1].blocked = False for y in range(min(y1, y2), max(y1, y2) + 1): self.tiles[max(x1, x2)][y].block_sight = False self.tiles[max(x1, x2)][y].blocked = False
def place_bsp_entities(self, node, entities): """Handles monster gen""" max_monsters_per_room = from_dungeon_level([[5, 1], [7, 4], [9, 6]], self.dungeon_level) max_items_per_room = from_dungeon_level([[1, 1], [2, 4]], self.dungeon_level) number_of_monsters = randint( 0, max_monsters_per_room) # Gets rand num of spoopy monsters max_objects_per_room = from_dungeon_level([[1, 1]], self.dungeon_level) number_of_objects = randint(0, max_objects_per_room) # Tables for spawn chances monster_chances = { 'ashlee': from_dungeon_level([[1, 1]], self.dungeon_level), 'orc': from_dungeon_level([[15, 1], [35, 3], [65, 5]], self.dungeon_level), 'goblin': from_dungeon_level([[60, 1], [40, 3], [20, 5]], self.dungeon_level), 'troll': from_dungeon_level([[30, 3], [40, 5]], self.dungeon_level) } item_chances = { 'healing_potion': from_dungeon_level([[25, 1]], self.dungeon_level), #'lighting_scroll': from_dungeon_level([[25, 3]], self.dungeon_level), #'fireball_scroll': from_dungeon_level([[25, 2]], self.dungeon_level), 'wand': from_dungeon_level([[20, 1]], self.dungeon_level), 'wooden_club': from_dungeon_level([[20, 1]], self.dungeon_level), 'simple_robes': from_dungeon_level([[90, 1]], self.dungeon_level), 'vine_mail': from_dungeon_level([[90, 1]], self.dungeon_level) } object_chances = { 'grimoire': from_dungeon_level([[10, 4]], self.dungeon_level), 'word_chunk': from_dungeon_level([[5, 1]], self.dungeon_level) } for i in range(number_of_objects): # Choose random location in the room x = randint(node.x + 1, node.width - 1) y = randint(node.y + 1, node.height - 1) if not any([ entity for entity in entities if entity.x == x and entity.y == y ]): # Choose objects randomly object_choice = random_choice_from_dict(object_chances) if object_choice == 'word_chunk': obelisk_fight_comp = Fighter(hp=9999, armor_class=9999) world_object = Entity(x, y, ')',, 'Obelisk', blocks=True, render_order=RenderOrder.ACTOR, fighter=obelisk_fight_comp, ai=WordBlock()) if object_choice == 'grimoire': world_obj_comp = Item(use_function=spell_tome) world_object = Entity(x, y, '$', libtcod.dark_flame, 'spell_tome', render_order=RenderOrder.ITEM, item=world_obj_comp, interactable=True) try: entities.append(world_object) except UnboundLocalError: pass for i in range(number_of_monsters): # Choose random location in the room x = randint(node.x + 1, node.width - 1) y = randint(node.y + 1, node.height - 1) if not any([ entity for entity in entities if entity.x == x and entity.y == y ]): # Choose monsters randomly monster_choice = random_choice_from_dict(monster_chances) if monster_choice == 'ashlee': monster_fight_comp = Fighter(hp=10, armor_class=7, strength=12) monster = Entity(x, y, 'A', libtcod.purple, "Ashlee", blocks=True, fighter=monster_fight_comp, render_order=RenderOrder.ACTOR, ai=BasicMonster()) elif monster_choice == 'orc': monster_fight_comp = Fighter(hp=15, armor_class=6, strength=10) monster = Entity(x, y, 'O', libtcod.darkest_green, "Orc", blocks=True, fighter=monster_fight_comp, render_order=RenderOrder.ACTOR, ai=BasicMonster()) elif monster_choice == 'goblin': monster_fight_comp = Fighter(hp=7, armor_class=4, strength=4) monster = Entity(x, y, 'G', libtcod.dark_green, "Goblin", blocks=True, fighter=monster_fight_comp, render_order=RenderOrder.ACTOR, ai=BasicMonster()) elif monster_choice == 'troll': monster_fight_comp = Fighter(hp=20, armor_class=8, strength=16) monster = Entity(x, y, 'T', libtcod.dark_green, "Troll", blocks=True, fighter=monster_fight_comp, render_order=RenderOrder.ACTOR, ai=BasicMonster()) try: entities.append(monster) except UnboundLocalError: pass # Handles item gen number_of_items = randint(0, max_items_per_room) for i in range(number_of_items): x = randint(node.x + 1, node.width - 1) y = randint(node.y + 1, node.height - 1) if not any([ entity for entity in entities if entity.x == x and entity.y == y ]): item_choice = random_choice_from_dict(item_chances) if item_choice == 'healing_potion': item_component = Item(use_function=heal, amount=15) item = Entity(x, y, '!', libtcod.violet, 'Healing Potion', render_order=RenderOrder.ITEM, item=item_component) elif item_choice == 'wooden_club': equippable_component = Equippable(EquipmentSlots.MAIN_HAND, strength_bonus=3) item = Entity(x, y, '\\', libtcod.brass, 'Wooden Club', render_order=RenderOrder.ITEM, equippable=equippable_component) elif item_choice == 'wand': equippable_component = Equippable(EquipmentSlots.MAIN_HAND, intelligence_bonus=3) item = Entity(x, y, '/',, 'Wand', equippable=equippable_component) elif item_choice == 'simple_robes': equippable_component = Equippable(EquipmentSlots.BODY, intelligence_bonus=3, armor_bonus=1) item = Entity(x, y, '#', libtcod.purple, 'Simple Robes', equippable=equippable_component) elif item_choice == 'vine_mail': equippable_component = Equippable(EquipmentSlots.BODY, strength_bonus=3, armor_bonus=3) item = Entity(x, y, '#', libtcod.dark_green, 'Vine Mail', render_order=RenderOrder.ITEM, equippable=equippable_component) try: entities.append(item) except UnboundLocalError: pass
def init(self): Entity.init(self) self._renderComponent = self.addComponent( CellRenderComponent(CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE, CELL_BORDER_WIDTH, Color.GREEN, Color.BLACK))
def testCreateGoblin(self): e = Entity(EntityLibrary().getEntity('goblin'), 'The Force') self.assertTrue(e.getMaxHP() >= 2 and e.getMaxHP() <= 12)
def __init__(self, board, pos, type, priority=0, initialComponents=None): Entity.__init__(self, priority, initialComponents) self._board = weakref.ref(board) self._pos = pos self._type = type = None
def __init__ ( self, xpos, ypos, speed, damageValue, sprite, hitbox ): Entity.__init__( self, xpos, ypos, sprite, hitbox ) self._speed = speed self.damageValue = damageValue self.destroyed = False
def __init__(self, cellMatrix, priority=0, initialComponents=None): Entity.__init__(self, priority, initialComponents) self._cellMatrix = cellMatrix self._rows = len(self._cellMatrix) self._cols = len(self._cellMatrix[0]) self._cells = list()