def load_project(pickle_filename, updater_path, application_version, protocol):
    """ Reads a project from a pickle file and if necessary will update it to 
    the latest version of the application.

    latest_file = pickle_filename
    # Read the pickled project's metadata.
    f = file(latest_file, 'rb')
    metadata = VersionedUnpickler(f).load()
    project_version = metadata.get('version', False)
    if not project_version:
        raise ValueError, "Could not read version number from the project file"
    logger.debug('Project version: %d Application version: %d' % 
                (project_version, application_version))
    # here you can temporarily force an upgrade each time for testing ....
    # project_version = 0
    latest_file = upgrade_project(pickle_filename, updater_path, 
                                project_version, application_version, protocol)

    # Finally we can import the project ...'loading %s' % latest_file)
    i_f = file(latest_file, 'rb')          
    version = VersionedUnpickler(i_f).load()   
    project = VersionedUnpickler(i_f).load()
    return project
예제 #2
def load_project(pickle_filename, updater_path, application_version, protocol):
    """ Reads a project from a pickle file and if necessary will update it to 
    the latest version of the application.

    latest_file = pickle_filename

    # Read the pickled project's metadata.
    f = file(latest_file, 'rb')
    metadata = VersionedUnpickler(f).load()
    project_version = metadata.get('version', False)

    if not project_version:
        raise ValueError, "Could not read version number from the project file"

    logger.debug('Project version: %d Application version: %d' %
                 (project_version, application_version))

    # here you can temporarily force an upgrade each time for testing ....
    # project_version = 0
    latest_file = upgrade_project(pickle_filename, updater_path,
                                  project_version, application_version,

    # Finally we can import the project ...'loading %s' % latest_file)
    i_f = file(latest_file, 'rb')
    version = VersionedUnpickler(i_f).load()
    project = VersionedUnpickler(i_f).load()

    return project
def upgrade_project(pickle_filename, updater_path, project_version, application_version, protocol):
    """ Repeatedly read and write the project to disk updating it one version 
    at a time. 
    Example the p5.project is at version 0 
    The application is at version 3
    p5.project    --- Update1 ---> p5.project.v1
    p5.project.v1 --- Update2 ---> p5.project.v2
    p5.project.v2 --- Update3 ---> p5.project.v3
    p5.project.v3 ---> loaded into app 
    The user then has the option to save the updated project as p5.project
    first_time = True
    latest_file = pickle_filename
    # update the project until it's version matches the application's
    while project_version < application_version:
        next_version = project_version + 1
        if first_time:
            i_f = file(pickle_filename, 'rb')
            data =
            open('%s.bak' % pickle_filename, 'wb').write(data) 
   # rewind the file to the start
            name = '%s.v%d' % (pickle_filename, project_version)
            i_f = file(name, 'rb')
            latest_file = name
           'converting %s' % latest_file) 

        # find this version's updater ...
        updater_name = '%s.update%d' % (updater_path, next_version)
        mod = sys.modules[updater_name]
        klass = getattr(mod, 'Update%d' % next_version)
        updater = klass()
        # load and update this version of the project 
        version = VersionedUnpickler(i_f).load()
        project = VersionedUnpickler(i_f, updater).load()
        # set the project version to be the same as the updater we just 
        # ran on the unpickled files ...
        project.metadata['version'] = next_version
        # Persist the updated project ...
        name = '%s.v%d' % (pickle_filename, next_version)
        latest_file = name
        o_f = file(name, 'wb')
        pickle.dump(project.metadata, o_f, protocol=protocol)
        pickle.dump(project, o_f, protocol=protocol)
        # Bump up the version number of the pickled project... 
        project_version += 1
        first_time = False
    return latest_file
### EOF #################################################################
예제 #4
def upgrade_project(pickle_filename, updater_path, project_version,
                    application_version, protocol):
    """ Repeatedly read and write the project to disk updating it one version 
    at a time. 
    Example the p5.project is at version 0 
    The application is at version 3
    p5.project    --- Update1 ---> p5.project.v1
    p5.project.v1 --- Update2 ---> p5.project.v2
    p5.project.v2 --- Update3 ---> p5.project.v3
    p5.project.v3 ---> loaded into app 
    The user then has the option to save the updated project as p5.project
    first_time = True
    latest_file = pickle_filename

    # update the project until it's version matches the application's
    while project_version < application_version:

        next_version = project_version + 1

        if first_time:
            i_f = file(pickle_filename, 'rb')
            data =
            open('%s.bak' % pickle_filename, 'wb').write(data)
    # rewind the file to the start
            name = '%s.v%d' % (pickle_filename, project_version)
            i_f = file(name, 'rb')
            latest_file = name'converting %s' % latest_file)

        # find this version's updater ...
        updater_name = '%s.update%d' % (updater_path, next_version)
        mod = sys.modules[updater_name]
        klass = getattr(mod, 'Update%d' % next_version)
        updater = klass()

        # load and update this version of the project
        version = VersionedUnpickler(i_f).load()
        project = VersionedUnpickler(i_f, updater).load()

        # set the project version to be the same as the updater we just
        # ran on the unpickled files ...
        project.metadata['version'] = next_version

        # Persist the updated project ...
        name = '%s.v%d' % (pickle_filename, next_version)
        latest_file = name
        o_f = file(name, 'wb')
        pickle.dump(project.metadata, o_f, protocol=protocol)
        pickle.dump(project, o_f, protocol=protocol)

        # Bump up the version number of the pickled project...
        project_version += 1
        first_time = False

    return latest_file