def _initialize_window(self, parent, wxid): """ Initialize the window with the specified Id. """ window = parent.FindWindowById(wxid) sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) window.SetSizer(sizer) window.SetAutoLayout(True) window.SetBackgroundColour('white') window.SetWindowStyleFlag(wx.CLIP_CHILDREN) window.Refresh() image = ImageResource('closed_folder_24x24') bitmap = image.create_image().ConvertToBitmap() image_widget = ImageWidget(window, bitmap=bitmap) image_widget.control.SetBackgroundColour('white') sizer.Add(image_widget.control, 0, wx.EXPAND) text = wx.StaticText(window, -1, "Blah", style=wx.ALIGN_CENTRE) sizer.Add(text, 0, wx.EXPAND) # Resize the window to match the sizer's minimum size. sizer.Fit(window) return
def __init__(self, parent, tool_bar, image_cache, item, controller, show_labels): """ Creates a new tool bar tool for an action item. """ self.item = item self.tool_bar = tool_bar # Create an appropriate tool depending on the style of the action. action = self.item.action # If the action has an image then convert it to a bitmap (as required # by the toolbar). if action.image is not None: image = action.image.create_image() path = action.image.absolute_path bmp = image_cache.get_bitmap(path) else: from enthought.pyface.api import ImageResource image = ImageResource('foo') bmp = image.create_bitmap() self.control_id = 1 self.control = None if controller is not None: self.controller = controller controller.add_to_toolbar(self) return
def image_resource ( self, image_name ): """ Returns the ImageResource object for the specified **image_name**. """ # Get the name of the image file: volume_name, file_name = split_image_name( image_name ) if self.is_zip_file: # See if we already have the image file cached in the file system: cache_file = self._check_cache( file_name ) if cache_file is None: # If not cached, then create a zip file reference: ref = ZipFileReference( resource_factory = resource_manager.resource_factory, zip_file = self.zip_file, path = self.path, volume_name =, file_name = file_name ) else: # Otherwise, create a cache file reference: ref = ImageReference( resource_manager.resource_factory, filename = cache_file ) else: # Otherwise, create a normal file reference: ref = ImageReference( resource_manager.resource_factory, filename = join( self.path, file_name ) ) # Create the ImageResource object using the reference (note that the # ImageResource class will not allow us to specify the reference in the # constructor): resource = ImageResource( file_name ) resource._ref = ref # Return the ImageResource: return resource
class FileTreeModel(TreeModel): """ A tree model for local file systems. """ # The image used to represent folders that are NOT expanded. CLOSED_FOLDER = ImageResource('closed_folder') # The image used to represent folders that ARE expanded. OPEN_FOLDER = ImageResource('open_folder') # The image used to represent documents (ie. NON-'folder') nodes. DOCUMENT = ImageResource('document') ######################################################################### # 'TreeModel' interface. ######################################################################### def get_children(self, node): """ Returns the children of a node. """ return [join(node, filename) for filename in listdir(node)] def has_children(self, node): """ Returns True if a node has children, otherwise False. """ if isdir(node): has_children = len(listdir(node)) > 0 else: has_children = False return has_children def get_image(self, node, selected, expanded): """ Returns the label image for a node. """ if isdir(node): if expanded: image = self.OPEN_FOLDER else: image = self.CLOSED_FOLDER else: image = self.DOCUMENT return image def get_text(self, node): """ Returns the label text for a node. """ return basename(node)
def _about_dialog_default(self): """ Initialize the About Dialog """ #from vtk import vtkVersion #vtk_version = vtkVersion().GetVTKVersion() #'VTK version %s' % (vtk_version), from cviewer.version import version adds = ['Connectome Viewer - Version %s' % ( version ), '', 'Copyright © 2009-2011, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and', 'University Hospital Center and University of Lausanne (UNIL-CHUV)', '', 'Author: Stephan Gerhard <em>info [at]</em>', 'Contributors: <em>see README file</em>', '', 'This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY', 'It is licensed under Modified BSD License', ] about_dialog = AboutDialog( parent = self.workbench.active_window.control, image = ImageResource('cviewer_about.png', search_path=self._image_path), additions = adds, ) return about_dialog
class OpenDataFileAction(Action): """ An action that opens a new beam data file """ #### 'Action' interface ################################################### # A longer description of the action. description = 'Open a beam data file' # The action's name (displayed on menus/tool bar tools etc). name = 'Open File' # A short description of the action used for tooltip text etc. tooltip = 'Open a beam data file' image = ImageResource(os.getcwd() + '/radpy/images/open_file.png') ########################################################################### # 'Action' interface. ########################################################################### def perform(self, event): """ Perform the action. """ fname = unicode(QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self.window.control, "Choose Scan", USERHOME, "RadPy Files (*.dcm *.rfb *.xml)" + \ ";;Dicom Files (*.dcm);;RFB Files (*.rfb);;XML Files (*.xml)")) if fname: self.window.active_view.control.load(fname)
class NewPlotAction(Action): """ An action that creates a new plot window. """ #### 'Action' interface ################################################### # A longer description of the action. description = 'Open a new plot window' # The action's name (displayed on menus/tool bar tools etc). name = 'New Plot' # A short description of the action used for tooltip text etc. tooltip = 'Open a new plot window' image = ImageResource(os.getcwd() + '/radpy/images/window_new.png') ########################################################################### # 'Action' interface. ########################################################################### def perform(self, event): """ Perform the action. """ plot = ChacoPlot() self.window.workbench.edit(plot, kind=ChacoPlotEditor) return
class OpenDirectoryAction(Action): """ An action that opens all files in a directory and its subdirectories""" #### 'Action' interface ################################################### # A longer description of the action. description = 'Open all data files in a directory and its subdirectories' # The action's name (displayed on menus/tool bar tools etc). name = 'Open Directory' # A short description of the action used for tooltip text etc. tooltip = 'Open all files in a directory' image = ImageResource(os.getcwd() + '/radpy/images/open_directory.png') ########################################################################### # 'Action' interface. ########################################################################### def perform(self, event): """Perform the action. """ fname = unicode( QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self.window.control, "Choose Directory", USERHOME)) if fname: self.window.active_view.control.load(fname)
class DocImageResource(ImageResource): """ Implementation of the ImageResource class to be used for the DocAction class. Overrides the '_image_not_found' trait in the base ImageResource class. """ _image_not_found = ImageResource('document')
def _about_dialog_default(self): """ Trait initializer. """ about_dialog = AboutDialog(parent=self.workbench.active_window.control, image=ImageResource('about')) return about_dialog
class DocumentedItem(HasTraits): """ Container to hold a name and a documentation for an action. """ # Name of the action name = Str # Button to trigger the action add = ToolbarButton('Add', orientation='horizontal', image=ImageResource('add.ico')) # Object the action will apply on object = Any # Two lines documentation for the action documentation = Str view = View( '_', Item('add', style='custom', show_label=False), Item('documentation', style='readonly', editor=TextEditor(multi_line=True), resizable=True, show_label=False), ) def _add_fired(self): """ Trait handler for when the add_source button is clicked in one of the sub objects in the list. """ action = getattr(self.object.menu_helper, action()
class NewDotGraphAction(PyFaceAction): """ An action for creating a new Dot graph. """ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # "Action" interface: #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # A longer description of the action: description = "Create a new Dot graph" # The action"s name (displayed on menus/tool bar tools etc): name = "Graph" # A short description of the action used for tooltip text etc: tooltip = "Create a Dot graph" # The action's image (displayed on tool bar tools etc): image = ImageResource("graph", search_path=[IMAGE_LOCATION]) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # "Action" interface: #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def perform(self, event): """ Perform the action. """ wizard = NewDotGraphWizard(parent=self.window.control, window=self.window, title="New Graph") # Open the wizard if == OK: wizard.finished = True
class PyAVLApplication(WorkbenchApplication): id = 'pyavl.ui.envisage' icon = ImageResource('pyAVL.ico') name = 'pyAVL' ########################################################################### # 'WorkbenchApplication' interface. ########################################################################### def _about_dialog_default(self): """ Trait initializer. """ about_dialog = AboutDialog(parent=self.workbench.active_window.control, image=ImageResource('about')) return about_dialog def _splash_screen_default(self): """ Trait initializer. """ splash_screen = SplashScreen(image=ImageResource('splash'), show_log_messages=True, log_level=DEBUG) return splash_screen
def _splash_screen_default(self): """ Trait initializer. """ splash_screen = SplashScreen(image=ImageResource('splash'), show_log_messages=True, log_level=DEBUG) return splash_screen
def _about_dialog_default(self): """ Trait initializer. """ about_dialog = AboutDialog( parent = self.workbench.active_window.control, image = ImageResource('about'), additions = ['RadPy version: ' + self.version] ) return about_dialog
class FileSelection(HasTraits): """ Object used to display the results. """ fn = File() eeg_filename1 = Str long_eeg_filename1 = Str remove_f1 = Button("Remove") eeg_filename2 = Str long_eeg_filename2 = Str remove_f2 = Button("Remove") etm = Instance(EventTableManager, ()) def _fn_default(self): tmp_fn = "/media/Extern/public" if not os.path.exists(tmp_fn): tmp_fn = "." fn = File(tmp_fn, label="File", desc="Select filename") return fn traits_view = View( Item( 'fn', style='custom', show_label=False, ), Group( HGroup( Item('eeg_filename1', style="readonly", springy=True, label="Main file:"), Item('remove_f1', style="custom", image=ImageResource("images/up.png"), width=-100, resizable=False, show_label=False), ), HGroup( Item('eeg_filename2', style="readonly", springy=True, label="Compare to:"), Item('remove_f2', width=-100, resizable=False, show_label=False), ), label="EEG-files", ), Item('etm', style="custom", show_label=False), handler=FileSelectionHandler(), )
def _splash_screen_default(self): """ Trait initializer. """ if preference_manager.root.show_splash_screen: splash_screen = SplashScreen( image=ImageResource('m2_about.jpg', search_path=[IMG_DIR]), show_log_messages=True, ) else: splash_screen = None return splash_screen
def _actions_default(self): actions = [ Group( Action(tooltip="View the Mayavi pipeline", image=ImageResource('m2', search_path=self.image_search_path), on_perform=self.show_engine, ), ), ] actions.extend(DecoratedScene._actions_default(self)) return actions
def dialog_view(self): """ View shown by double-clicking on the node. Same as in Base(). """ view = self.trait_view() view.buttons = [] view.title = self.label view.icon = ImageResource('add.ico') view.resizable = True view.width = 350 view.height = 650 return view
class FileTableLabelProvider(TableLabelProvider): """ A table label provider for local file systems. """ # The icon used to represent 'folder' elements. FOLDER = ImageResource('closed_folder') # The icon used to represent 'document' elements. DOCUMENT = ImageResource('document') ########################################################################### # 'TableLabelProvider' interface. ########################################################################### def get_image(self, viewer, element, column_index=0): """ Returns the filename of the label image for an element. """ if isdir(element): image = self.FOLDER else: image = self.DOCUMENT return image def get_text(self, viewer, element, column_index=0): """ Returns the label text for an element. """ details = stat(element) if column_index == 0: label = basename(element) elif column_index == 1: label = str(int(details.st_size) / 1000) + ' KB' else: # Format is: mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM AM eg. '12/31/2004 12:00 PM' label = strftime('%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p', localtime(details.st_mtime)) return label
def _splash_screen_default(self): """ Initialize the Splash Screen """ if preference_manager.cviewerui.show_splash_screen: splash_screen = SplashScreen( image = ImageResource('cviewer_about.png', search_path=self._image_path), show_log_messages = True, ) else: splash_screen = None return splash_screen
def _create_contents(self, parent): """ Creates the window contents. """ actions = [] for i in range(25): actions.append( Action(name='Foo', style='radio', image=ImageResource('document'))) tool_palette = ToolPaletteManager(*actions) return tool_palette.create_tool_palette(parent).control
class FileTreeLabelProvider(TreeLabelProvider): """ A tree label provider for local file systems. """ # The image used to represent folders that are NOT expanded. CLOSED_FOLDER = ImageResource('closed_folder') # The image used to represent folders that ARE expanded. OPEN_FOLDER = ImageResource('open_folder') # The image used to represent documents (ie. NON-'folder') elements. DOCUMENT = ImageResource('document') ########################################################################### # 'TreeLabelProvider' interface. ########################################################################### def get_image(self, viewer, element): """ Returns the filename of the label image for an element. """ selected = viewer.is_selected(element) expanded = viewer.is_expanded(element) if isdir(element): if expanded: image = self.OPEN_FOLDER else: image = self.CLOSED_FOLDER else: image = self.DOCUMENT return image def get_text(self, viewer, element): """ Returns the label text for an element. """ return basename(element)
class UserAction(Action): #### 'Action' interface ################################################### # A longer description of the action. description = 'Renormalize a scan to dmax or central axis' # The action's name (displayed on menus/tool bar tools etc). name = 'Quick Renormalize' # A short description of the action used for tooltip text etc. tooltip = 'Quick Renormalize' # The keyboard accelerator to use (e.g. 'Ctrl+Q') # See # for a list of standard shortcuts and a discussion of cross-platform # key definitions. accelerator = None # Image to use for toolbar menu buttons. image = ImageResource(os.getcwd() + '/radpy/images/renormalize.png') #### BeamAnalysis metadata################################################# # The paths in which this action should show up. menubar_path = None toolbar_path = 'ToolBar/Beam Analysis' ########################################################################### # 'Action' interface. ########################################################################### def perform(self, event): beam = event.window.active_editor.obj.selected_beam x = beam.Data_Abscissa scan_type = beam.get_scan_type() if scan_type == "Depth Dose": beam.Data_Ordinate = \ 100*beam.Data_Ordinate/numpy.max(beam.Data_Ordinate) elif scan_type.endswith('Profile'): y = beam.Data_Ordinate tck = interpolate.splrep(x, y, s=0) beam.Data_Ordinate = (100. * beam.Data_Ordinate / interpolate.splev(0, tck)) event.window.active_editor.obj.selected_plot.value.set_data( beam.Data_Ordinate)
class PreferenceManagerView(PreferencesManager): """ A preference manager UI for Mayavi, to be used outside of Envisage. """ # Path used to search for images _image_path = [join(resource_path(), 'images'), ] # The icon of the dialog icon = ImageResource('preferences.ico', search_path=_image_path) # The preference pages displayed pages = List(PreferencesPage) def _pages_default(self): return [ MayaviRootPreferencesPage( preferences=preference_manager.root.preferences), MayaviMlabPreferencesPage( preferences=preference_manager.mlab.preferences), ] def dialog_view(self): """ Poor-man's subclassing of view to overload size. """ view = self.trait_view() view.width = 0.7 view.height = 0.5 view.title = 'Mayavi preferences' view.icon = self.icon ui = self.edit_traits( view=view, scrollable=True, id='enthought.mayavi.preferences.preference_view') return ui def _get_root(self): """ Subclass the root getter, to work outside of envisage, with no well-defined root. """ root = PreferencesNode(page=self.pages[0]) for page in self.pages: root.append(PreferencesNode(page=page)) return root def apply(self): super(PreferenceManagerView, self).apply() for page in self.pages:
def _about_dialog_default(self): """ Trait initializer. """ from enthought.mayavi import api from vtk import vtkVersion vtk_version = vtkVersion().GetVTKVersion() about_dialog = AboutDialog( parent=self.workbench.active_window.control, image=ImageResource('m2_about.jpg', search_path=[IMG_DIR]), additions=[ 'Authors: Prabhu Ramachandran', 'and Gael Varoquaux', '', 'Mayavi version %s \t - \t VTK version %s' % (api.__version__, vtk_version) ], ) return about_dialog
class NewDotWizardExtension(WizardExtension): """ Contributes a new Dot graph creation wizard. """ # The wizard contribution's globally unique identifier. id = "godot.new_dot_wizard" # Human readable identifier name = "Dot Graph" # The wizards's image (displayed on selection etc) image = ImageResource("graph", search_path=[IMAGE_LOCATION]) # The class of contributed wizard wizard_class = "godot.plugin.wizard:NewDotGraphWizard" # A longer description of the wizard's function description = "Create a new Dot graph resource"
def _test(): import doctest, numpy from enthought.pyface.api import GUI, ApplicationWindow, SplashScreen, ImageResource splash_screen = SplashScreen(image=ImageResource('splash')) splash_screen = SplashScreen() gui = GUI(splash_screen=splash_screen) #doctest.testmod() x = numpy.linspace(0, 100) y = numpy.linspace(0, 100) + numpy.random.randn(50) t = FitFunction(name='general.linear') t.configure_traits() data = FitData(x=x, y=y) #t = DataFitterPanel(data = data, category = 'general', function_name = 'linear') t = DataFitter(data=data, function=t) #t.plotter.savefig('test.png') gui.start_event_loop() t.configure_traits()
class SceneAdderNode(AdderNode): """ Subclass for adding Scene nodes to a Mayavi Engine node. """ # String to be shown in the TreeEditor. label = Str('Add a new scene') # Button for the View. add_scene = Button('Add a new scene', image=ImageResource('add_scene.png')) # Trait view to show in the Mayavi current object panel. view = View( Group(Item('add_scene', show_label=False, style='custom'), label='Add a scene')) def _add_scene_fired(self): """ Trait handler for when the add_scene button is clicked. """ self.object.new_scene()
class SaveDataFileAction(Action): """ An action that saves the currently selected beam data file """ #### 'Action' interface ################################################### # A longer description of the action. description = 'Save a beam data file into BDML format' # The action's name (displayed on menus/tool bar tools etc). name = 'Save File' # A short description of the action used for tooltip text etc. tooltip = 'Save a beam data file' image = ImageResource(os.getcwd() + '/radpy/images/file_save.png') ########################################################################### # 'Action' interface. ########################################################################### def perform(self, event): """ Perform the action. """ widget = self.window.active_view.control file_root = widget.model().nodeFromIndex( widget.currentIndex()).getFileBranch() filename = file_root.filename extension = os.path.basename(filename).split('.')[1] if extension != 'xml': filename = unicode( QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self.window.control, "Choose Save Filename", USERHOME, "XML Files *.xml")) beam_list = file_root.asRecord() progress = QProgressBar() progress.setWindowTitle('Saving...') progress.setMinimum(0) progress.setMaximum(len(beam_list)) bdml_export(beam_list, filename, progress)
class SourceAdderNode(ListAdderNode): """ Tree node that presents a view to the user to add a scene source. """ # Button for adding a data file, with automatic format checking. open_file = ToolbarButton('Load data from file', orientation='horizontal', image=ImageResource('file.png')) # A reference to the registry, to generate this list. items_list_source = [ source for source in registry.sources if len(source.extensions) == 0 ] # The string to display on the icon in the TreeEditor. label = 'Add Data Source' # The icon of the displayed objects icon_name = Str('source.ico') # Trait view to show in the Mayavi current object panel. def default_traits_view(self): return View( Group(Group(Item('open_file', style='custom'), show_labels=False, show_border=False), Item('items_list', style='readonly', editor=ListEditor(style='custom')), show_labels=False, label='Add a data source')) def _open_file_fired(self): """ Trait handler for when the open_file button is clicked. """ self.object.menu_helper.open_file_action() def _is_action_suitable(self, object, src): return True