def _start_timer(self): """Called when the user selects "Start Timer" from the menu.""" if self.my_timer is None: # First call, so create a Timer. It starts automatically. self.my_timer = Timer(500, self._timer_task) else: self.my_timer.Start()
def __init__(self): = ArrayPlotData() self.set_empty_data() self.plot = Plot(, padding=10) scatter = self.plot.plot(("x","y", "c"), type="cmap_scatter", marker_size=1, color_mapper=make_color_map(), line_width=0)[0] self.plot.x_grid.visible = False self.plot.y_grid.visible = False self.plot.x_axis.visible = False self.plot.y_axis.visible = False self.tool = TrianglesTool(self.plot) self.plot.overlays.append(self.tool) try: with file("","rb") as f: tmp = pickle.load(f) self.ifs_names = [x[0] for x in tmp] self.ifs_points = [np.array(x[1]) for x in tmp] if len(self.ifs_names) > 0: self.current_name = self.ifs_names[-1] except: pass self.tool.on_trait_change(self.triangle_changed, 'changed') self.timer = Timer(10, self.ifs_calculate)
def __init__(self, **traits): super(HistDemo, self).__init__(**traits) img = cv.imread("lena.jpg") gray_img = cv.Mat() cv.cvtColor(img, gray_img, cv.CV_BGR2GRAY) self.img = gray_img self.img2 = self.img.clone() result = cv.MatND() r = cv.vector_float32([0, 256]) ranges = cv.vector_vector_float32([r, r]) cv.calcHist(cv.vector_Mat([self.img]), channels=cv.vector_int([0, 1]), mask=cv.Mat(), hist=result, histSize=cv.vector_int([256]), ranges=ranges) data = ArrayPlotData(x=np.arange(0, len(result[:])), y=result[:]) self.plot = Plot(data, padding=10) line = self.plot.plot(("x", "y"))[0] self.select_tool = RangeSelection(line, left_button_selects=True) self.select_tool.on_trait_change(self._selection_changed, "selection") line.overlays.append(RangeSelectionOverlay(component=line)) cv.imshow("Hist Demo", self.img) self.timer = Timer(50, self.on_timer)
def __call__(self, step=0): """Get the file source.""" if self.source is None: self.source = self.create_source() if self.timer = Timer(1000, self.poll_file) return self.source
class MainWindow(ApplicationWindow): """ The main application window. """ # The pyface Timer. my_timer = Any() # Count each time the timer task executes. counter = Int def __init__(self, **traits): """ Creates a new application window. """ # Base class constructor. super(MainWindow, self).__init__(**traits) # Add a menu bar. self.menu_bar_manager = MenuBarManager( MenuManager( Action(name='Start Timer', on_perform=self._start_timer), Action(name='Stop Timer', on_perform=self._stop_timer), Action(name='E&xit', on_perform=self.close), name='&File', )) return def _start_timer(self): """Called when the user selects "Start Timer" from the menu.""" if self.my_timer is None: # First call, so create a Timer. It starts automatically. self.my_timer = Timer(500, self._timer_task) else: self.my_timer.Start() def _stop_timer(self): """Called when the user selecte "Stop Timer" from the menu.""" if self.my_timer is not None: self.my_timer.Stop() def _timer_task(self): """The method run periodically by the timer.""" self.counter += 1 print "counter = %d" % self.counter
def __init__(self, **traits): super(Demo, self).__init__(**traits) self.plot = self._create_plot_component() self.queue = Queue() self.finish_event = threading.Event() self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.get_audio_data) self.thread.start() self.timer = Timer(10, self.on_timer)
def __init__(self, options, **kwtraits): super(FiberView, self).__init__(**kwtraits) self.model = FiberModel(options) # debugging self.debug = options.debug self.model.debug = options.debug # timing parameters self.max_packets = options.max_packets self.hertz = options.hertz # extend options to model self.model.max_packets = options.max_packets self.model.preallocate_arrays() self.model.num_analog_channels = options.num_analog_channels # generate traits plot self.plot_data = ArrayPlotData(x=self.model._tdata, y=self.model._ydata) self.plot = Plot(self.plot_data) renderer = self.plot.plot(("x", "y"), type="line", name='old', color="green")[0] # self.plot.delplot('old') # recording flags self.model.recording = False self.model.trialEnded = True print 'Viewer initialized.' # should we wait for a ttl input to start? if options.ttl_start: self.model.ttl_start = True self.ttl_received = False # initialize FIO0 for TTL input self.FIO0_DIR_REGISTER = 6100 self.FIO0_STATE_REGISTER = 6000 self.model.labjack.writeRegister(self.FIO0_DIR_REGISTER, 0) # Set FIO0 low # initialize output array self.out_arr = None # keep track of number of runs self.run_number = 0 self.timer = Timer(self.model.dt, self.time_update) # update every 1 ms
def init_gui_component(self): self.ifs_triangle = IFSTriangles( self.figure.canvas.draw() try: with file("","rb") as f: tmp = pickle.load(f) self.ifs_names = [x[0] for x in tmp] self.ifs_points = [np.array(x[1]) for x in tmp] if len(self.ifs_names) > 0: self.current_name = self.ifs_names[-1] except: pass self.timer = Timer(10, self.ifs_calculate)
def __init__(self): #读入图像 img = cv.imread("lena_full.jpg") img2 = cv.Mat() cv.cvtColor(img, img2, cv.CV_BGR2GRAY) img = cv.Mat() cv.resize(img2, img, cv.Size(N, N)) self.fimg = fft.fft2(img[:]) # 图像的频域信号 mag_img = np.log10(np.abs(self.fimg)) # 创建计算用图像 filtered_img = np.zeros((N, N), dtype=np.float) self.mask = np.zeros((N, N), dtype=np.float) self.mask_img = cv.asMat(self.mask) # 在self.mask上绘制多边形用的图像 # 创建数据源 = ArrayPlotData(mag_img=fft.fftshift(mag_img), filtered_img=filtered_img, mask_img=self.mask) # 创建三个图像绘制框以及容器 meg_plot, img = self.make_image_plot("mag_img") mask_plot, _ = self.make_image_plot("mask_img") filtered_plot, _ = self.make_image_plot("filtered_img") self.plot = HPlotContainer(meg_plot, mask_plot, filtered_plot) # 创建套索工具 lasso_selection = LassoSelection(component=img) lasso_overlay = LassoOverlay(lasso_selection=lasso_selection, component=img, selection_alpha=0.3) img.overlays.append(lasso_overlay) self.lasso_selection = lasso_selection # 监听套索工具的事件、开启时钟事件 lasso_selection.on_trait_change(self.lasso_updated, "disjoint_selections") self.timer = Timer(50, self.on_timer)
def main(): def sys_var(name): return os.popen("echo $"+name).readline()[:-1] # Change this to suit your needs. Edit the file after running this # script and the pipeline should be updated automatically. tmpdir="seatree." + sys_var("USER") + "." #+ sys_var("$") fulltmpdir = fnmatch.filter(os.listdir('/tmp/.'),tmpdir+"*") tmpdirpath = os.sep+"tmp"+os.sep + fulltmpdir[0] + os.sep model = tmpdirpath + 'model.vtk' vtkpath = os.path.abspath(".." + os.sep + ".." + os.sep + "plotter" + os.sep + "vtk_objects") coast = vtkpath + os.sep + "coastline.vtk" plate = vtkpath + os.sep + "nuvel.vtk" #Move the earth to a more interesting viewing angle sc = mayavi.new_scene() #sc = mayavi.scenes[0] = [-2.7052003426618358, -5.734319456638211, 2.1247131906105454] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] = 30.0 = [-0.2466025971449512, 0.43686490479728257, 0.86506428318236928] = [3.4791144146559461, 10.741021597415996] coastdata = setup_data(coast) view_data("black") platedata = setup_data(plate) view_data("white") modeldata = setup_data(model) view_model() # Poll the file. p = Pollster(model, modeldata) timer = Timer(3000, p.poll_file) # Keep a reference on the timer mayavi2.savedtimerbug = timer
def __init__(self): self.pendulum = DoublePendulum(self.m1, self.m2, self.l1, self.l2) self.pendulum.init_status[:] = 1.0, 2.0, 0, 0 self.graph = DoublePendulumComponent() self.graph.gui = self self.timer = Timer(10, self.on_timer)
def init(self, info): super(AnimationHandler, self).init(info) info.object.timer = Timer(10, info.object.on_timer)
def _timer_default(self): return Timer(int(self.interval * 1000), self._timer_event)