예제 #1
파일: filters.py 프로젝트: pmrup/labtools
class BaseFilter(HasTraits):
    kw = Dict({}, desc = 'additional keyword arguments to nd filter')
    name_ = Property(Str)
    def process(self, image):
        return image            
    def _get_name_(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__
예제 #2
class OptProblem(ArchitectureAssembly):
    """Class for specifying test problems for optimization 
    algorithms and architectures"""

    solution = Dict({},
                    desc="dictionary of expected values for "
                    "all des_vars and coupling_vars")

    def check_solution(self, strict=False):
        """return dictionary errors (actual-expected) of all des_vars, coupling_vars,
        and objectives

        strict: Boolean (optional)
            If True, then an error will be raised for any des_var, coupling_var, or 
            objective where no solution is provided. If False, missing items are 
            ignored. Defaults to False.
        error = {}

            for k, v in self.get_parameters().iteritems():
                sol = self.solution[k]
                error[k] = v.evaluate() - sol
        except KeyError:
            if strict:
                    "No solution was given for the des_var %s" % str(k),

            for k, v in self.get_coupling_vars().iteritems():
                sol = self.solution[k]
                error[k] = (v.indep.evaluate() - sol, v.dep.evaluate() - sol)
        except KeyError:
            if strict:
                    "No solution was given for the coupling_var %s" % str(k),

            for k, v in self.get_objectives().iteritems():
                sol = self.solution[k]
                error[k] = v.evaluate() - sol
        except KeyError:
            if strict:
                    "No solution was given for the objective %s" % str(k),

        return error
예제 #3
class C(HasTraits):

    # A dict trait containing a list trait
    a = Dict(Int, List(Int))

    # And we must initialize it to something non-trivial
    def __init__(self):
        super(C, self).__init__()
        self.a = {1: [2, 3]}
class MyClass(HasTraits):
    """ A dummy HasTraits class with a Dict """
    d = Dict({"a": "apple", "b": "banana", "c": "cherry", "d": "durian"})

    def __init__(self, callback):
        "The callback is called with the TraitDictEvent instance"
        self.callback = callback

    def _d_items_changed(self, event):
        if self.callback:
예제 #5
class C(HasTraits):
    d = Dict(String, Instance(Parameter), {'p1':Parameter(name='p1',value=0.1),
    d_view = List(Instance(Parameter))
    def _d_view_default(self):
        return self.d.values()
    def update_view(self):
        print 'updating view'
        self.d_view = self.d.values()
    def update_d(self):
        print 'updating d'
    view = View(Item('d_view', editor=Parameter.editor))
예제 #6
class GraphEdge(HasPrivateTraits):
    """ Defines a representation of a graph edge for use by the graph editor
        and the graph editor factory classes.

    #    head_nodes = List( Instance(HasTraits) )
    head_name = Str

    #    tail_nodes = List( Instance(HasTraits) )
    tail_name = Str

    # List of object classes and/or interfaces that the edge applies to.
    edge_for = List(Any)

    # Dot attributes to be applied to the edge.
    dot_attr = Dict(Str, Any)
예제 #7
class ITVTKActorModel(HasTraits):
    """ An interface for view models that can control a TVTK scene's contents.

    # This maintains a dictionary mapping objects (by identity) to lists (or
    # single items) of TVTK Actors or 3D Widgets that represent them in the
    # scene. Adding and removing objects from this dictionary adds and removes
    # them from the scene. This is the trait that will be edited by a
    # ActorEditor.
    actor_map = Dict()

    # Turn off rendering such that multiple adds/removes can be refreshed at
    # once.
    disable_render = Bool(False)

    # Send this event in order to force a rendering of the scene.
    do_render = Event()
예제 #8
class ActorEditor(BasicEditorFactory):
    """ An editor factory for TVTK scenes.

    # The class of the editor object to be constructed.
    klass = _ActorEditor

    # The class or factory function for creating the actual scene object.
    scene_class = Callable(DecoratedScene)

    # Keyword arguments to pass to the scene factory.
    scene_kwds = Dict()

    # The name of the trait used for ITVTKActorModel.disable_render.
    disable_render_name = Str('disable_render')

    # The name of the trait used for ITVTKActorModel.do_render.
    do_render_name = Str('do_render')
예제 #9
class ActorModel(ITVTKActorModel):

    # A simple trait to change the actors/widgets.
    actor_type = Enum('cone', 'sphere', 'plane_widget', 'box_widget')

    # ITVTKView Model traits.

    # This maintains a dictionary mapping objects (by identity) to lists (or
    # single items) of TVTK Actors or 3D Widgets that represent them in the
    # scene. Adding and removing objects from this dictionary adds and removes
    # them from the scene. This is the trait that will be edited by a
    # ActorEditor.
    actor_map = Dict()

    view = View(
             editor=ActorEditor(scene_kwds={'background': (0.2, 0.2, 0.2)}),

    def __init__(self, **traits):
        super(ActorModel, self).__init__(**traits)

    # Private traits.
    def _actor_type_changed(self, value):
        if value == 'cone':
            a = actors.cone_actor()
            self.actor_map = {'cone': a}
        elif value == 'sphere':
            a = actors.sphere_actor()
            self.actor_map = {'sphere': a}
        elif value == 'plane_widget':
            w = tvtk.PlaneWidget()
            self.actor_map = {'plane_widget': w}
        elif value == 'box_widget':
            w = tvtk.BoxWidget()
            self.actor_map = {'box_widget': w}
예제 #10
class WorkbenchWindowMemento(HasTraits):
    """ A memento for a workbench window. """

    # The Id of the active perspective.
    active_perspective_id = Str

    # The memento for the editor area.
    editor_area_memento = Any

    # Mementos for each perspective that has been seen.
    # The keys are the perspective Ids, the values are the toolkit-specific
    # mementos.
    perspective_mementos = Dict(Str, Any)

    # The position of the window.
    position = Tuple

    # The size of the window.
    size = Tuple
예제 #11
class TrimCase(HasTraits):
    # Instance(RunCase)
    runcase = Any()
    type = Trait('horizontal flight', {'horizontal flight':'c1',
                  'looping flight':'c2'})
    parameters = Dict(String, Instance(Parameter))
    parameter_view = List(Parameter, [])
    traits_view = View(Group(Item('type')),
                       Group(Item('parameter_view', editor=Parameter.editor, show_label=False), label='Parameters'),
                        Item(), # so that groups are not tabbed
    def update_parameters_from_avl(self):
        #print 'in update_parameters_from_avl'
        avl = self.runcase.avl
        constraint_lines = [line.strip() for line in avl.before.splitlines()]
        i1 = constraint_lines.index('=================================================')
        constraint_lines = constraint_lines[i1:]
        #print constraint_lines
        groups = [re.search(RunCase.patterns['parameter'], line) for line in constraint_lines]
        params = {}
        for group in groups:
            if group is not None:
                group = group.groupdict()
                pattern = group['pattern']
                name = pattern
                unit = group.get('unit', '')
                unit = unit if unit is not None else ''
                params[name] = Parameter(name=name, pattern=pattern, cmd=group['cmd'], unit=unit, value=float(group['val']))
        self.parameters = params
        self.parameter_view = sorted(params.values(), key=lambda x:x.name.upper())
        return self
예제 #12
파일: py_context.py 프로젝트: sjl421/code-2
class PyContext(Context, Referenceable):
    """ A naming context for a Python namespace. """

    #### 'Context' interface ##################################################

    # The naming environment in effect for this context.
    environment = Dict(ENVIRONMENT)

    #### 'PyContext' interface ################################################

    # The Python namespace that we represent.
    namespace = Any

    # If the namespace is actual a Python object that has a '__dict__'
    # attribute, then this will be that object (the namespace will be the
    # object's '__dict__'.
    obj = Any

    #### 'Referenceable' interface ############################################

    # The object's reference suitable for binding in a naming context.
    reference = Property(Instance(Reference))

    # 'object' interface.

    def __init__(self, **traits):
        """ Creates a new context. """

        # Base class constructor.
        super(PyContext, self).__init__(**traits)

        if type(self.namespace) is not dict:
            if hasattr(self.namespace, '__dict__'):
                self.obj = self.namespace
                self.namespace = self.namespace.__dict__

                raise ValueError('Need a dictionary or a __dict__ attribute')


    # 'Referenceable' interface.

    #### Properties ###########################################################

    def _get_reference(self):
        """ Returns a reference to this object suitable for binding. """

        reference = Reference(
            addresses=[Address(type='py_context', content=self.namespace)])

        return reference

    # Protected 'Context' interface.

    def _is_bound(self, name):
        """ Is a name bound in this context? """

        return self.namespace.has_key(name)

    def _lookup(self, name):
        """ Looks up a name in this context. """

        obj = self.namespace[name]

        return naming_manager.get_object_instance(obj, name, self)

    def _bind(self, name, obj):
        """ Binds a name to an object in this context. """

        state = naming_manager.get_state_to_bind(obj, name, self)
        self.namespace[name] = state

        # Trait event notification.
        # An "added" event is fired by the bind method of the base calss (which calls
        # this one), so we don't need to do the changed here (which would be the wrong
        # thing anyway) -- LGV
        # self.trait_property_changed('context_changed', None, None)


    def _rebind(self, name, obj):
        """ Rebinds a name to a object in this context. """

        self._bind(name, obj)


    def _unbind(self, name):
        """ Unbinds a name from this context. """

        del self.namespace[name]

        # Trait event notification.
        self.trait_property_changed('context_changed', None, None)


    def _rename(self, old_name, new_name):
        """ Renames an object in this context. """

        state = self.namespace[old_name]

        # Bind the new name.
        self.namespace[new_name] = state

        # Unbind the old one.
        del self.namespace[old_name]

        # Trait event notification.
        self.context_changed = True


    def _create_subcontext(self, name):
        """ Creates a sub-context of this context. """

        sub = self._context_factory(name, {})
        self.namespace[name] = sub

        # Trait event notification.
        self.trait_property_changed('context_changed', None, None)

        return sub

    def _destroy_subcontext(self, name):
        """ Destroys a sub-context of this context. """

        del self.namespace[name]

        # Trait event notification.
        self.trait_property_changed('context_changed', None, None)


    def _list_bindings(self):
        """ Lists the bindings in this context. """

        bindings = []
        for name, value in self.namespace.items():
                Binding(name=name, obj=self._lookup(name), context=self))
        return bindings

    def _list_names(self):
        """ Lists the names bound in this context. """

        return self.namespace.keys()

    # Private interface.

    def _context_factory(self, name, namespace):
        """ Create a sub-context. """

        return self.__class__(namespace=namespace)
예제 #13
파일: context.py 프로젝트: sjl421/code-2
class Context(HasTraits):
    """ The base class for all naming contexts. """

    # Keys for environment properties.

    # Non-JNDI.

    #### 'Context' interface ##################################################

    # The naming environment in effect for this context.
    environment = Dict(ENVIRONMENT)

    # The name of the context within its own namespace.
    namespace_name = Property(Str)

    # The type manager in the context's environment (used to create context
    # adapters etc.).
    # fixme: This is an experimental 'convenience' trait, since it is common
    # to get hold of the context's type manager to see if some object has a
    # context adapter.
    type_manager = Property(Instance(TypeManager))

    #### Events ####

    # Fired when an object has been added to the context (either via 'bind' or
    # 'create_subcontext').
    object_added = Event(NamingEvent)

    # Fired when an object has been changed (via 'rebind').
    object_changed = Event(NamingEvent)

    # Fired when an object has been removed from the context (either via
    # 'unbind' or 'destroy_subcontext').
    object_removed = Event(NamingEvent)

    # Fired when an object in the context has been renamed (via 'rename').
    object_renamed = Event(NamingEvent)

    # Fired when the contents of the context have changed dramatically.
    context_changed = Event(NamingEvent)

    #### Protected 'Context' interface #######################################

    # The bindings in the context.
    _bindings = Dict(Str, Any)

    # 'Context' interface.

    #### Properties ###########################################################

    def _get_namespace_name(self):
        Return the name of the context within its own namespace.

        That is the full-path, through the namespace this context participates
        in, to get to this context.  For example, if the root context of the
        namespace was called 'Foo', and there was a subcontext of that called
        'Bar', and we were within that and called 'Baz', then this should
        return 'Foo/Bar/Baz'.


        # FIXME: We'd like to raise an exception and force implementors to
        # decide what to do.  However, it appears to be pretty common that
        # most Context implementations do not override this method -- possibly
        # because the comments aren't clear on what this is supposed to be?
        # Anyway, if we raise an exception then it is impossible to use any
        # evaluations when building a Traits UI for a Context.  That is, the
        # Traits UI can't include items that have a 'visible_when' or
        # 'enabled_when' evaluation.  This is because the Traits evaluation
        # code calls the 'get()' method on the Context which attempts to
        # retrieve the current namespace_name value.
        #raise OperationNotSupportedError()
        return ''

    def _get_type_manager(self):
        """ Returns the type manager in the context's environment.

        This will return None if no type manager was used to create the initial


        return self.environment.get(self.TYPE_MANAGER)

    #### Methods ##############################################################

    def bind(self, name, obj, make_contexts=False):
        """ Binds a name to an object.

        If 'make_contexts' is True then any missing intermediate contexts are
        created automatically.


        if len(name) == 0:
            raise InvalidNameError('empty name')

        # Parse the name.
        components = self._parse_name(name)

        # If there is exactly one component in the name then the operation
        # takes place in this context.
        if len(components) == 1:
            atom = components[0]

            # Is the name already bound?
            if self._is_bound(atom):
                raise NameAlreadyBoundError(name)

            # Do the actual bind.
            self._bind(atom, obj)

            # Trait event notification.
            self.object_added = NamingEvent(
                new_binding=Binding(name=name, obj=obj, context=self))

        # Otherwise, attempt to continue resolution into the next context.
            if not self._is_bound(components[0]):
                if make_contexts:

                    raise NameNotFoundError(components[0])

            next_context = self._get_next_context(components[0])
            next_context.bind('/'.join(components[1:]), obj, make_contexts)


    def rebind(self, name, obj, make_contexts=False):
        """ Binds an object to a name that may already be bound.

        If 'make_contexts' is True then any missing intermediate contexts are
        created automatically.

        The object may be a different object but may also be the same object
        that is already bound to the specified name. The name may or may not be
        already used. Think of this as a safer version of 'bind' since this
        one will never raise an exception regarding a name being used.

        if len(name) == 0:
            raise InvalidNameError('empty name')

        # Parse the name.
        components = self._parse_name(name)

        # If there is exactly one component in the name then the operation
        # takes place in this context.
        if len(components) == 1:
            # Do the actual rebind.
            self._rebind(components[0], obj)

            # Trait event notification.
            self.object_changed = NamingEvent(
                new_binding=Binding(name=name, obj=obj, context=self))

        # Otherwise, attempt to continue resolution into the next context.
            if not self._is_bound(components[0]):
                if make_contexts:

                    raise NameNotFoundError(components[0])

            next_context = self._get_next_context(components[0])
            next_context.rebind('/'.join(components[1:]), obj, make_contexts)


    def unbind(self, name):
        """ Unbinds a name. """

        if len(name) == 0:
            raise InvalidNameError('empty name')

        # Parse the name.
        components = self._parse_name(name)

        # If there is exactly one component in the name then the operation
        # takes place in this context.
        if len(components) == 1:
            atom = components[0]

            if not self._is_bound(atom):
                raise NameNotFoundError(name)

            # Lookup the object that we are unbinding to use in the event
            # notification.
            obj = self._lookup(atom)

            # Do the actual unbind.

            # Trait event notification.
            self.object_removed = NamingEvent(
                old_binding=Binding(name=name, obj=obj, context=self))

        # Otherwise, attempt to continue resolution into the next context.
            if not self._is_bound(components[0]):
                raise NameNotFoundError(components[0])

            next_context = self._get_next_context(components[0])


    def rename(self, old_name, new_name):
        """ Binds a new name to an object. """

        if len(old_name) == 0 or len(new_name) == 0:
            raise InvalidNameError('empty name')

        # Parse the names.
        old_components = self._parse_name(old_name)
        new_components = self._parse_name(new_name)

        # If there is axactly one component in BOTH names then the operation
        # takes place ENTIRELY in this context.
        if len(old_components) == 1 and len(new_components) == 1:
            # Is the old name actually bound?
            if not self._is_bound(old_name):
                raise NameNotFoundError(old_name)

            # Is the new name already bound?
            if self._is_bound(new_name):
                raise NameAlreadyBoundError(new_name)

            # Do the actual rename.
            self._rename(old_name, new_name)

            # Lookup the object that we are renaming to use in the event
            # notification.
            obj = self._lookup(new_name)

            # Trait event notification.
            self.object_renamed = NamingEvent(
                old_binding=Binding(name=old_name, obj=obj, context=self),
                new_binding=Binding(name=new_name, obj=obj, context=self))

            # fixme: This really needs to be transactional in case the bind
            # succeeds but the unbind fails.  To be safe should we just not
            # support cross-context renaming for now?!?!
            # Lookup the object.
            obj = self.lookup(old_name)

            # Bind the new name.
            self.bind(new_name, obj)

            # Unbind the old one.


    def lookup(self, name):
        """ Resolves a name relative to this context. """

        # If the name is empty we return the context itself.
        if len(name) == 0:
            # fixme: The JNDI spec. says that this should return a COPY of
            # the context.
            return self

        # Parse the name.
        components = self._parse_name(name)

        # If there is exactly one component in the name then the operation
        # takes place in this context.
        if len(components) == 1:
            atom = components[0]

            if not self._is_bound(atom):
                raise NameNotFoundError(name)

            # Do the actual lookup.
            obj = self._lookup(atom)

        # Otherwise, attempt to continue resolution into the next context.
            if not self._is_bound(components[0]):
                raise NameNotFoundError(components[0])

            next_context = self._get_next_context(components[0])
            obj = next_context.lookup('/'.join(components[1:]))

        return obj

    # fixme: Non-JNDI
    def lookup_binding(self, name):
        """ Looks up the binding for a name relative to this context. """

        if len(name) == 0:
            raise InvalidNameError('empty name')

        # Parse the name.
        components = self._parse_name(name)

        # If there is exactly one component in the name then the operation
        # takes place in this context.
        if len(components) == 1:
            atom = components[0]

            if not self._is_bound(atom):
                raise NameNotFoundError(name)

            # Do the actual lookup.
            binding = self._lookup_binding(atom)

        # Otherwise, attempt to continue resolution into the next context.
            if not self._is_bound(components[0]):
                raise NameNotFoundError(components[0])

            next_context = self._get_next_context(components[0])
            binding = next_context.lookup_binding('/'.join(components[1:]))

        return binding

    # fixme: Non-JNDI
    def lookup_context(self, name):
        """ Resolves a name relative to this context.

        The name MUST resolve to a context. This method is useful to return
        context adapters.


        # If the name is empty we return the context itself.
        if len(name) == 0:
            # fixme: The JNDI spec. says that this should return a COPY of
            # the context.
            return self

        # Parse the name.
        components = self._parse_name(name)

        # If there is exactly one component in the name then the operation
        # takes place in this context.
        if len(components) == 1:
            atom = components[0]

            if not self._is_bound(atom):
                raise NameNotFoundError(name)

            # Do the actual lookup.
            obj = self._get_next_context(atom)

        # Otherwise, attempt to continue resolution into the next context.
            if not self._is_bound(components[0]):
                raise NameNotFoundError(components[0])

            next_context = self._get_next_context(components[0])
            obj = next_context.lookup('/'.join(components[1:]))

        return obj

    def create_subcontext(self, name):
        """ Creates a sub-context. """

        if len(name) == 0:
            raise InvalidNameError('empty name')

        # Parse the name.
        components = self._parse_name(name)

        # If there is exactly one component in the name then the operation
        # takes place in this context.
        if len(components) == 1:
            atom = components[0]

            # Is the name already bound?
            if self._is_bound(atom):
                raise NameAlreadyBoundError(name)

            # Do the actual creation of the sub-context.
            sub = self._create_subcontext(atom)

            # Trait event notification.
            self.object_added = NamingEvent(
                new_binding=Binding(name=name, obj=sub, context=self))

        # Otherwise, attempt to continue resolution into the next context.
            if not self._is_bound(components[0]):
                raise NameNotFoundError(components[0])

            next_context = self._get_next_context(components[0])
            sub = next_context.create_subcontext('/'.join(components[1:]))

        return sub

    def destroy_subcontext(self, name):
        """ Destroys a sub-context. """

        if len(name) == 0:
            raise InvalidNameError('empty name')

        # Parse the name.
        components = self._parse_name(name)

        # If there is exactly one component in the name then the operation
        # takes place in this context.
        if len(components) == 1:
            atom = components[0]

            if not self._is_bound(atom):
                raise NameNotFoundError(name)

            obj = self._lookup(atom)
            if not self._is_context(atom):
                raise NotContextError(name)

            # Do the actual destruction of the sub-context.

            # Trait event notification.
            self.object_removed = NamingEvent(
                old_binding=Binding(name=name, obj=obj, context=self))

        # Otherwise, attempt to continue resolution into the next context.
            if not self._is_bound(components[0]):
                raise NameNotFoundError(components[0])

            next_context = self._get_next_context(components[0])


    # fixme: Non-JNDI
    def get_unique_name(self, prefix):
        """ Returns a name that is unique within the context.

        The name returned will start with the specified prefix.


        return make_unique_name(prefix,
                                format='%s (%d)')

    def list_names(self, name=''):
        """ Lists the names bound in a context. """

        # If the name is empty then the operation takes place in this context.
        if len(name) == 0:
            names = self._list_names()

        # Otherwise, attempt to continue resolution into the next context.
            # Parse the name.
            components = self._parse_name(name)

            if not self._is_bound(components[0]):
                raise NameNotFoundError(components[0])

            next_context = self._get_next_context(components[0])
            names = next_context.list_names('/'.join(components[1:]))

        return names

    def list_bindings(self, name=''):
        """ Lists the bindings in a context. """

        # If the name is empty then the operation takes place in this context.
        if len(name) == 0:
            bindings = self._list_bindings()

        # Otherwise, attempt to continue resolution into the next context.
            # Parse the name.
            components = self._parse_name(name)

            if not self._is_bound(components[0]):
                raise NameNotFoundError(components[0])

            next_context = self._get_next_context(components[0])
            bindings = next_context.list_bindings('/'.join(components[1:]))

        return bindings

    # fixme: Non-JNDI
    def is_context(self, name):
        """ Returns True if the name is bound to a context. """

        # If the name is empty then it refers to this context.
        if len(name) == 0:
            is_context = True

            # Parse the name.
            components = self._parse_name(name)

            # If there is exactly one component in the name then the operation
            # takes place in this context.
            if len(components) == 1:
                atom = components[0]

                if not self._is_bound(atom):
                    raise NameNotFoundError(name)

                # Do the actual check.
                is_context = self._is_context(atom)

            # Otherwise, attempt to continue resolution into the next context.
                if not self._is_bound(components[0]):
                    raise NameNotFoundError(components[0])

                next_context = self._get_next_context(components[0])
                is_context = next_context.is_context('/'.join(components[1:]))

        return is_context

    # fixme: Non-JNDI
    def search(self, obj):
        """ Returns a list of namespace names that are bound to obj. """

        # don't look for None
        if obj is None:
            return []

        # Obj is bound to these names relative to this context
        names = []

        # path contain the name components down to the current context
        path = []

        self._search(obj, names, path, {})

        return names

    # Protected 'Context' interface.

    def _parse_name(self, name):
        """ Parse a name into a list of components.

        e.g. 'foo/bar/baz' -> ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']


        return name.split('/')

    def _is_bound(self, name):
        """ Is a name bound in this context? """

        return name in self._bindings

    def _lookup(self, name):
        """ Looks up a name in this context. """

        obj = self._bindings[name]

        return naming_manager.get_object_instance(obj, name, self)

    def _lookup_binding(self, name):
        """ Looks up the binding for a name in this context. """

        return Binding(name=name, obj=self._lookup(name), context=self)

    def _bind(self, name, obj):
        """ Binds a name to an object in this context. """

        state = naming_manager.get_state_to_bind(obj, name, self)
        self._bindings[name] = state


    def _rebind(self, name, obj):
        """ Rebinds a name to an object in this context. """

        self._bind(name, obj)


    def _unbind(self, name):
        """ Unbinds a name from this context. """

        del self._bindings[name]


    def _rename(self, old_name, new_name):
        """ Renames an object in this context. """

        # Bind the new name.
        self._bindings[new_name] = self._bindings[old_name]

        # Unbind the old one.
        del self._bindings[old_name]


    def _create_subcontext(self, name):
        """ Creates a sub-context of this context. """

        sub = self.__class__(environment=self.environment)
        self._bindings[name] = sub

        return sub

    def _destroy_subcontext(self, name):
        """ Destroys a sub-context of this context. """

        del self._bindings[name]


    def _list_bindings(self):
        """ Lists the bindings in this context. """

        bindings = []
        for name in self._list_names():
                Binding(name=name, obj=self._lookup(name), context=self))

        return bindings

    def _list_names(self):
        """ Lists the names bound in this context. """

        return self._bindings.keys()

    def _is_context(self, name):
        """ Returns True if a name is bound to a context. """

        return self._get_next_context(name) is not None

    def _get_next_context(self, name):
        """ Returns the next context. """

        obj = self._lookup(name)

        # If the object is a context then everything is just dandy.
        if isinstance(obj, Context):
            next_context = obj

        # Otherwise, instead of just giving up, see if the context has a type
        # manager that knows how to adapt the object to make it quack like a
        # context.
            next_context = self._get_context_adapter(obj)

            # If no adapter was found then we cannot continue name resolution.
            if next_context is None:
                raise NotContextError(name)

        return next_context

    def _search(self, obj, names, path, searched):
        """ Append to names any name bound to obj.
            Join path and name with '/' to for a complete name from the
            top context.

        # Check the bindings recursively.
        for binding in self.list_bindings():
            if binding.obj is obj:

            if isinstance( binding.obj, Context ) \
                and not binding.obj in searched:
                searched[binding.obj] = True
                binding.obj._search(obj, names, path, searched)


    # Private interface.

    def _get_context_adapter(self, obj):
        """ Returns a context adapter for an object.

        Returns None if no such adapter is available.


        if self.type_manager is not None:
            adapter = self.type_manager.object_as(obj,

            adapter = None

        return adapter
예제 #14
class UnstructuredGridReader(FileDataSource):

    # The version of this class.  Used for persistence.
    __version__ = 0

    # The UnstructuredGridAlgorithm data file reader.
    reader = Instance(tvtk.Object, allow_none=False, record=True)

    # Information about what this object can produce.
    output_info = PipelineInfo(datasets=['unstructured_grid'])

    # Private Traits
    _reader_dict = Dict(Str, Instance(tvtk.Object))

    # Our view.
    view = View(Group(Include('time_step_group'),
                      Item(name='reader', style='custom', resizable=True),

    # `object` interface
    def __set_pure_state__(self, state):
        # The reader has its own file_name which needs to be fixed.
        state.reader.file_name = state.file_path.abs_pth
        # Now call the parent class to setup everything.
        super(UnstructuredGridReader, self).__set_pure_state__(state)

    # `FileDataSource` interface
    def update(self):
        if len(self.file_path.get()) == 0:

    # Non-public interface
    def _file_path_changed(self, fpath):
        value = fpath.get()
        if len(value) == 0:
        # Extract the file extension
        splitname = value.strip().split('.')
        extension = splitname[-1].lower()
        # Select UnstructuredGridreader based on file type
        old_reader = self.reader
        if self._reader_dict.has_key(extension):
            self.reader = self._reader_dict[extension]
            error('Invalid file extension for file: %s' % value)

        self.reader.file_name = value.strip()

        if old_reader is not None:
            old_reader.on_trait_change(self.render, remove=True)

        old_outputs = self.outputs
        self.outputs = [self.reader.output]

        if self.outputs == old_outputs:
            self.data_changed = True

        # Change our name on the tree view
        self.name = self._get_name()

    def _get_name(self):
        """ Returns the name to display on the tree view.  Note that
        this is not a property getter.  
        fname = basename(self.file_path.get())
        ret = "%s" % fname
        if len(self.file_list) > 1:
            ret += " (timeseries)"
        if '[Hidden]' in self.name:
            ret += ' [Hidden]'

        return ret

    def __reader_dict_default(self):
        """Default value for reader dict."""
        rd = {
            'inp': tvtk.AVSucdReader(),
            'neu': tvtk.GAMBITReader(),
            'exii': tvtk.ExodusReader()
        return rd
class MyOtherClass(HasTraits):
    """ A dummy HasTraits class with a Dict """
    d = Dict({"a": "apple", "b": "banana", "c": "cherry", "d": "durian"})
예제 #16
class InstanceFactoryChoice ( InstanceChoiceItem ):

    #  Trait definitions:

    # Indicates whether an instance compatible with this item can be dragged and
    # dropped rather than created
    droppable = false

    # Indicates whether the item can be selected by the user
    selectable = true

    # A class (or other callable) that can be used to create an item compatible
    # with this item
    klass = Callable

    # Tuple of arguments to pass to **klass** to create an instance
    args = Tuple

    # Dictionary of arguments to pass to **klass** to create an instance
    kw_args = Dict( Str, Any )

    # Does this item create new instances? This value overrides the default.
    is_factory = True

    #  Returns the name of the item:

    def get_name ( self, object = None ):
        """ Returns the name of the item.
        if self.name != '':
            return self.name

        name = getattr( object, 'name', None )
        if isinstance(name, basestring):
            return name

        if issubclass( type( self.klass ), type ):
            klass = self.klass
            klass = self.get_object().__class__

        return user_name_for( klass.__name__ )

    #  Returns the object associated with the item:

    def get_object ( self ):
        """ Returns the object associated with the item.
        return self.klass( *self.args, **self.kw_args )

    #  Indicates whether the item supports drag and drop:

    def is_droppable ( self ):
        """ Indicates whether the item supports drag and drop.
        return self.droppable

    #  Indicates whether a specified object is compatible with the item:

    def is_compatible ( self, object ):
        """ Indicates whether a specified object is compatible with the item.
        if issubclass( type( self.klass ), type ):
            return isinstance( object, self.klass )
        return isinstance( object, self.get_object().__class__ )

    #  Indicates whether the item can be selected by the user:

    def is_selectable ( self ):
        """ Indicates whether the item can be selected by the user.
        return self.selectable
예제 #17
class Mesh(Base):
    group = Dict(key_trait=String, value_trait=Group)
    groupGroup = Dict(key_trait=String, value_trait=GroupGroup)
예제 #18
class ParametricSurface(Source):
    # The version of this class.  Used for persistence.
    __version__ = 0

    # Flag to set the parametric function type.
    function = Enum('boy',
                    desc='which parametric function to be used')

    # Define the trait 'parametric_function' whose value must be an instance of
    # type ParametricFunction
    parametric_function = Instance(tvtk.ParametricFunction,

    # The Parametric function source which generates the data.
    source = Instance(tvtk.ParametricFunctionSource,
                      kw={'scalar_mode': 'distance'},

    # Information about what this object can produce.
    output_info = PipelineInfo(datasets=['poly_data'],

    # Private traits.

    # A dictionary that maps the function names to instances of the
    # parametric surfaces
    _function_dict = Dict(Str,
                          Instance(tvtk.ParametricFunction, allow_none=False))

    # `object` interface
    def __init__(self, **traits):
        # Setup the function dict.
        fd = {
            'boy': tvtk.ParametricBoy(),
            'conic_spiral': tvtk.ParametricConicSpiral(),
            'cap': tvtk.ParametricCrossCap(),
            'dini': tvtk.ParametricDini(),
            'ellipsoid': tvtk.ParametricEllipsoid(),
            'enneper': tvtk.ParametricEnneper(),
            'figure8klein': tvtk.ParametricFigure8Klein(),
            'klein': tvtk.ParametricKlein(),
            'mobius': tvtk.ParametricMobius(),
            'random_hills': tvtk.ParametricRandomHills(),
            'roman': tvtk.ParametricRoman(),
            'spline': tvtk.ParametricSpline(),
            'super_ellipsoid': tvtk.ParametricSuperEllipsoid(),
            'super_toroid': tvtk.ParametricSuperToroid(),
            'torus': tvtk.ParametricTorus()
        self._function_dict = fd

        # Call parent class' init.
        super(ParametricSurface, self).__init__(**traits)

        # Initialize the function to the default mode's instance from
        # the dictionary
        self.parametric_function = self._function_dict[self.function]

        # Call render everytime source traits change.
        # Setup the outputs.
        self.outputs = [self.source.output]

    # Non-public methods.
    def _function_changed(self, value):
        """This method is invoked (automatically) when the `function`
        trait is changed.
        self.parametric_function = self._function_dict[self.function]

    def _parametric_function_changed(self, old, new):
        """This method is invoked (automatically) when the
        `parametric_function` attribute is changed.
        self.source.parametric_function = self.parametric_function

        # Setup the handlers so that
        if old is not None:
            old.on_trait_change(self.render, remove=True)

        self.data_changed = True
예제 #19
파일: registry.py 프로젝트: sjl421/code-2
class Registry(HasTraits):
    This class is a registry for various engines, and metadata from
    sources, filters and modules

    # The mayavi engines used.
    engines = Dict(Str, Instance('enthought.mayavi.core.engine.Engine'))

    # The metadata for the sources.
    sources = List(Metadata)

    # The metadata for the modules.
    modules = List(Metadata)

    # The metadata for the filters.
    filters = List(Metadata)

    # `Registry` interface.
    def register_engine(self, engine, name=''):
        """Registers a mayavi engine with an optional name.   Note that
        we allow registering an engine with the same name as another
        already registered.  """

        engines = self.engines
        if len(name) == 0:
            name = '%s%d' % (engine.__class__.__name__, len(engines) + 1)

        logger.debug('Engine [%s] named %s registered', engine, name)
        engines[name] = engine

    def unregister_engine(self, engine_or_name):
        """Unregisters a mayavi engine specified either as a name or an
        engine instance."""

        engines = self.engines
        if isinstance(engine_or_name, str):
            name = engine_or_name
            for key, engine in engines.iteritems():
                if engine_or_name == engine:
                    name = key

        del engines[name]
        logger.debug('Engine named %s unregistered', name)

    def get_file_reader(self, filename):
        """Given a filename, find a suitable source metadata that will 
        read the file.

        Returns a suitable source metadata object that will
        handle this.
        base, ext = splitext(filename)
        result = []
        if len(ext) > 0:
            ext = ext[1:]
            result = [src for src in self.sources \
                      if ext in src.extensions]

        # 'result' contains list of all source metadata that can handle
        # the file.

        # If there is only single source metadata available to handle
        # the file, we simply return it.

        # If there is a conflict i.e. more then one source metadata objects
        # capable of handling the file then we check if they are capable of
        # actually reading it using 'can_read_function' which may be a class
        # method or a simple function which returns whether the object is
        # capable of reading the file or not.

        # Finally returns the most suitable source metadata object to the engine. If
        # multiple objects are still present we return the last one in the list.

        if len(result) > 1:
            for res in result[:]:
                if len(res.can_read_test) > 0:
                    can_read = import_symbol(res.can_read_test)(filename)
                    if can_read:
                        return res

        if len(result) == 0:
            return None

        return result[-1]

    def find_scene_engine(self, scene):
        """ Find the engine corresponding to a given tvtk scene.
        for engine in self.engines.values():
            for s in engine.scenes:
                if scene is s:
                    return engine
                sc = s.scene
                if scene is sc:
                    return engine
                elif hasattr(sc, 'scene_editor') and \
                     scene is sc.scene_editor:
                    # This check is needed for scene model objects.
                    return engine
            raise TypeError, "Scene not attached to a mayavi engine."
예제 #20
class SceneModel(TVTKScene):

    # TVTKScene traits.

    light_manager = Property

    picker = Property

    # SceneModel traits.

    # A convenient dictionary based interface to add/remove actors and widgets.
    # This is similar to the interface provided for the ActorEditor.
    actor_map = Dict()

    # This is used primarily to implement the add_actor/remove_actor methods.
    actor_list = List()

    # The actual scene being edited.
    scene_editor = Instance(TVTKScene)

    do_render = Event()

    # Fired when this is activated.
    activated = Event()

    # Fired when this widget is closed.
    closing = Event()

    # This exists just to mirror the TVTKWindow api.
    scene = Property

    # View related traits.

    # Render_window's view.
    _stereo_view = Group(
        label='Stereo rendering',

    # The default view of this object.
    default_view = View(
                       show_label=False), ),

    # Private traits.

    # Used by the editor to determine if the widget was enabled or not.
    enabled_info = Dict()

    def __init__(self, parent=None, **traits):
        """ Initializes the object. """
        # Base class constructor.  We call TVTKScene's super here on purpose.
        # Calling TVTKScene's init will create a new window which we do not
        # want.
        super(TVTKScene, self).__init__(**traits)
        self.control = None

    # TVTKScene API.
    def render(self):
        """ Force the scene to be rendered. Nothing is done if the
        `disable_render` trait is set to True."""

        self.do_render = True

    def add_actors(self, actors):
        """ Adds a single actor or a tuple or list of actors to the
        if hasattr(actors, '__iter__'):

    def remove_actors(self, actors):
        """ Removes a single actor or a tuple or list of actors from
        the renderer."""
        my_actors = self.actor_list
        if hasattr(actors, '__iter__'):
            for actor in actors:

    # Conevenience methods.
    add_actor = add_actors
    remove_actor = remove_actors

    def add_widgets(self, widgets, enabled=True):
        """Adds widgets to the renderer.
        if not hasattr(widgets, '__iter__'):
            widgets = [widgets]
        for widget in widgets:
            self.enabled_info[widget] = enabled

    def remove_widgets(self, widgets):
        """Removes widgets from the renderer."""
        if not hasattr(widgets, '__iter__'):
            widgets = [widgets]
        for widget in widgets:
            del self.enabled_info[widget]

    def reset_zoom(self):
        """Reset the camera so everything in the scene fits."""
        if self.scene_editor is not None:

    def save(self, file_name, size=None, **kw_args):
        """Saves rendered scene to one of several image formats
        depending on the specified extension of the filename.

        If an additional size (2-tuple) argument is passed the window
        is resized to the specified size in order to produce a
        suitably sized output image.  Please note that when the window
        is resized, the window may be obscured by other widgets and
        the camera zoom is not reset which is likely to produce an
        image that does not reflect what is seen on screen.

        Any extra keyword arguments are passed along to the respective
        image format's save method.
        self.scene_editor.save(file_name, size, **kw_args)

    def save_ps(self, file_name):
        """Saves the rendered scene to a rasterized PostScript image.
        For vector graphics use the save_gl2ps method."""

    def save_bmp(self, file_name):
        """Save to a BMP image file."""

    def save_tiff(self, file_name):
        """Save to a TIFF image file."""

    def save_png(self, file_name):
        """Save to a PNG image file."""

    def save_jpg(self, file_name, quality=None, progressive=None):
        """Arguments: file_name if passed will be used, quality is the
        quality of the JPEG(10-100) are valid, the progressive
        arguments toggles progressive jpegs."""
        self.scene_editor.save_jpg(file_name, quality, progressive)

    def save_iv(self, file_name):
        """Save to an OpenInventor file."""

    def save_vrml(self, file_name):
        """Save to a VRML file."""

    def save_oogl(self, file_name):
        """Saves the scene to a Geomview OOGL file. Requires VTK 4 to

    def save_rib(self, file_name, bg=0, resolution=None, resfactor=1.0):
        """Save scene to a RenderMan RIB file.

        Keyword Arguments:

        file_name -- File name to save to.

        bg -- Optional background option.  If 0 then no background is
        saved.  If non-None then a background is saved.  If left alone
        (defaults to None) it will result in a pop-up window asking
        for yes/no.

        resolution -- Specify the resolution of the generated image in
        the form of a tuple (nx, ny).

        resfactor -- The resolution factor which scales the resolution.
        self.scene_editor.save_rib(file_name, bg, resolution, resfactor)

    def save_wavefront(self, file_name):
        """Save scene to a Wavefront OBJ file.  Two files are
        generated.  One with a .obj extension and another with a .mtl
        extension which contains the material proerties.

        Keyword Arguments:

        file_name -- File name to save to

    def save_gl2ps(self, file_name, exp=None):
        """Save scene to a vector PostScript/EPS/PDF/TeX file using
        GL2PS.  If you choose to use a TeX file then note that only
        the text output is saved to the file.  You will need to save
        the graphics separately.

        Keyword Arguments:

        file_name -- File name to save to.

        exp -- Optionally configured vtkGL2PSExporter object.
        Defaults to None and this will use the default settings with
        the output file type chosen based on the extention of the file
        self.scene_editor.save_gl2ps(file_name, exp)

    def get_size(self):
        """Return size of the render window."""
        return self.scene_editor.get_size()

    def set_size(self, size):
        """Set the size of the window."""

    def _update_view(self, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz):
        """Used internally to set the view."""
        if self.scene_editor is not None:
            self.scene_editor._update_view(x, y, z, vx, vy, vz)

    def _check_scene_editor(self):
        if self.scene_editor is None:
            msg = """
            This method requires that there be an active scene editor.
            To do this, you will typically need to invoke::
            where object is the object that contains the SceneModel.
            raise SceneModelError(msg)

    def _scene_editor_changed(self, old, new):
        if new is None:
            self._renderer = None
            self._renwin = None
            self._interactor = None
            self._renderer = new._renderer
            self._renwin = new._renwin
            self._interactor = new._interactor

    def _get_picker(self):
        """Getter for the picker."""
        se = self.scene_editor
        if se is not None and hasattr(se, 'picker'):
            return se.picker
        return None

    def _get_light_manager(self):
        """Getter for the light manager."""
        se = self.scene_editor
        if se is not None:
            return se.light_manager
        return None

    # SceneModel API.
    def _get_scene(self):
        """Getter for the scene property."""
        return self
예제 #21
class GlyphSource(Component):

    # The version of this class.  Used for persistence.
    __version__ = 1

    # Glyph position.  This can be one of ['head', 'tail', 'center'],
    # and indicates the position of the glyph with respect to the
    # input point data.  Please note that this will work correctly
    # only if you do not mess with the source glyph's basic size.  For
    # example if you use a ConeSource and set its height != 1, then the
    # 'head' and 'tail' options will not work correctly.
    glyph_position = Trait('center',
                           TraitPrefixList(['head', 'tail', 'center']),
                           desc='position of glyph w.r.t. data point')

    # The Source to use for the glyph.  This is chosen from
    # `self._glyph_list` or `self.glyph_dict`.
    glyph_source = Instance(tvtk.Object, allow_none=False, record=True)

    # A dict of glyphs to use.
    glyph_dict = Dict(desc='the glyph sources to select from', record=False)

    # A list of predefined glyph sources that can be used.
    glyph_list = Property(List(tvtk.Object), record=False)

    # Private traits.

    # The transformation to use to place glyph appropriately.
    _trfm = Instance(tvtk.TransformFilter, args=())

    # Used for optimization.
    _updating = Bool(False)

    # View related traits.

    view = View(Group(
              label='Glyph Source',

    # `Base` interface
    def __get_pure_state__(self):
        d = super(GlyphSource, self).__get_pure_state__()
        for attr in ('_updating', 'glyph_list'):
            d.pop(attr, None)
        return d

    def __set_pure_state__(self, state):
        if 'glyph_dict' in state:
            # Set their state.
            set_state(self, state, first=['glyph_dict'], ignore=['*'])
            ignore = ['glyph_dict']
            # Set the dict state using the persisted list.
            gd = self.glyph_dict
            gl = self.glyph_list
            handle_children_state(gl, state.glyph_list)
            for g, gs in zip(gl, state.glyph_list):
                name = camel2enthought(g.__class__.__name__)
                if name not in gd:
                    gd[name] = g
                # Set the glyph source's state.
                set_state(g, gs)
            ignore = ['glyph_list']
        g_name = state.glyph_source.__metadata__['class_name']
        name = camel2enthought(g_name)
        # Set the correct glyph_source.
        self.glyph_source = self.glyph_dict[name]
        set_state(self, state, ignore=ignore)

    # `Component` interface
    def setup_pipeline(self):
        """Override this method so that it *creates* the tvtk

        This method is invoked when the object is initialized via
        `__init__`.  Note that at the time this method is called, the
        tvtk data pipeline will *not* yet be setup.  So upstream data
        will not be available.  The idea is that you simply create the
        basic objects and setup those parts of the pipeline not
        dependent on upstream sources and filters.  You should also
        set the `actors` attribute up at this point.

        self._trfm.transform = tvtk.Transform()
        # Setup the glyphs.
        self.glyph_source = self.glyph_dict['glyph_source2d']

    def update_pipeline(self):
        """Override this method so that it *updates* the tvtk pipeline
        when data upstream is known to have changed.

        This method is invoked (automatically) when any of the inputs
        sends a `pipeline_changed` event.
        self.pipeline_changed = True

    def update_data(self):
        """Override this method so that it flushes the vtk pipeline if
        that is necessary.

        This method is invoked (automatically) when any of the inputs
        sends a `data_changed` event.
        self.data_changed = True

    def render(self):
        if not self._updating:
            super(GlyphSource, self).render()

    # Non-public methods.
    def _glyph_source_changed(self, value):
        if self._updating == True:

        gd = self.glyph_dict
        value_cls = camel2enthought(value.__class__.__name__)
        if value not in gd.values():
            gd[value_cls] = value

        # Now change the glyph's source trait.
        self._updating = True
        recorder = self.recorder
        if recorder is not None:
            name = recorder.get_script_id(self)
            lhs = '%s.glyph_source' % name
            rhs = '%s.glyph_dict[%r]' % (name, value_cls)
            recorder.record('%s = %s' % (lhs, rhs))

        name = value.__class__.__name__
        if name == 'GlyphSource2D':
            self.outputs = [value.output]
            self._trfm.input = value.output
            self.outputs = [self._trfm.output]
        self._updating = False

        # Now update the glyph position since the transformation might
        # be different.

    def _glyph_position_changed(self, value):
        if self._updating == True:

        self._updating = True
        tr = self._trfm.transform

        g = self.glyph_source
        name = g.__class__.__name__
        # Compute transformation factor
        if name == 'CubeSource':
            tr_factor = g.x_length / 2.0
        elif name == 'CylinderSource':
            tr_factor = -g.height / 2.0
        elif name == 'ConeSource':
            tr_factor = g.height / 2.0
        elif name == 'SphereSource':
            tr_factor = g.radius
            tr_factor = 1.
        # Translate the glyph
        if value == 'tail':
            if name == 'GlyphSource2D':
                g.center = 0.5, 0.0, 0.0
            elif name == 'ArrowSource':
            elif name == 'CylinderSource':
                g.center = 0, tr_factor, 0.0
            elif hasattr(g, 'center'):
                g.center = tr_factor, 0.0, 0.0
        elif value == 'head':
            if name == 'GlyphSource2D':
                g.center = -0.5, 0.0, 0.0
            elif name == 'ArrowSource':
                tr.translate(-1, 0, 0)
            elif name == 'CylinderSource':
                g.center = 0, -tr_factor, 0.0
                g.center = -tr_factor, 0.0, 0.0
            if name == 'ArrowSource':
                tr.translate(-0.5, 0, 0)
            elif name != 'Axes':
                g.center = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

        if name == 'CylinderSource':

        self._updating = False

    def _get_glyph_list(self):
        # Return the glyph list as per the original order in earlier
        # implementation.
        order = [
            'glyph_source2d', 'arrow_source', 'cone_source', 'cylinder_source',
            'sphere_source', 'cube_source', 'axes'
        gd = self.glyph_dict
        for key in gd:
            if key not in order:
        return [gd[key] for key in order]

    def _glyph_dict_default(self):
        g = {
            tvtk.GlyphSource2D(glyph_type='arrow', filled=False),
            tvtk.ConeSource(height=1.0, radius=0.2, resolution=15),
            tvtk.CylinderSource(height=1.0, radius=0.15, resolution=10),
        return g
예제 #22
class MousePickDispatcher(HasTraits):
    """ An event dispatcher to send pick event on mouse clicks. 
        This objects wires VTK observers so that picking callbacks
        can be bound to mouse click without movement.

        The object deals with adding and removing the VTK-level

    # The scene events are wired to.
    scene = Instance(Scene)

    # The list of callbacks, with the picker type they should be using,
    # and the mouse button that triggers them.
    callbacks = List(Tuple(
        Enum('cell', 'point', 'world'),
        Enum('Left', 'Middle', 'Right'),
                     help="The list of callbacks, with the picker type they "
                     "should be using, and the mouse button that "
                     "triggers them. The callback is passed "
                     "as an argument the tvtk picker.")

    # Private traits

    # Whether the mouse has moved after the button press
    _mouse_no_mvt = Int

    # The button that has been pressed
    _current_button = Enum('Left', 'Middle', 'Right')

    # The various picker that are used when the mouse is pressed
    _active_pickers = Dict

    # The VTK callback numbers corresponding to our callbacks
    _picker_callback_nbs = Dict(value_trait=Int)

    # The VTK callback numbers corresponding to mouse movement
    _mouse_mvt_callback_nb = Int

    # The VTK callback numbers corresponding to mouse press
    _mouse_press_callback_nbs = Dict

    # The VTK callback numbers corresponding to mouse release
    _mouse_release_callback_nbs = Dict

    # Callbacks management

    def dispatch_callbacks_change(self, name, trait_list_event):
        for item in trait_list_event.added:
        for item in trait_list_event.removed:

    def callback_added(self, item):
        """ Wire up the different VTK callbacks. 
        callback, type, button = item
        picker = getattr(self.scene.scene.picker, '%spicker' % type)
        self._active_pickers[type] = picker

        # Register the pick callback
        if not type in self._picker_callback_nbs:
            self._picker_callback_nbs[type] = \

        # Register the callbacks on the scene interactor
        if VTK_VERSION > 5:
            move_event = "RenderEvent"
            move_event = 'MouseMoveEvent'
        if not self._mouse_mvt_callback_nb:
            self._mouse_mvt_callback_nb = \
        if not button in self._mouse_press_callback_nbs:
            self._mouse_press_callback_nbs[button] = \
                                    '%sButtonPressEvent' % button,
        if VTK_VERSION > 5:
            release_event = "EndInteractionEvent"
            release_event = '%sButtonReleaseEvent' % button
        if not button in self._mouse_release_callback_nbs:
            self._mouse_release_callback_nbs[button] = \

    def callback_removed(self, item):
        """ Clean up the unecessary VTK callbacks.
        callback, type, button = item

        # If the picker is no longer needed, clean up its observers.
        if not [t for c, t, b in self.callbacks if t == type]:
            picker = self._active_pickers[type]
            del self._active_pickers[type]

        # If there are no longer callbacks on the button, clean up
        # the corresponding observers.
        if not [b for c, t, b in self.callbacks if b == button]:
        if len(self.callbacks) == 0 and self._mouse_mvt_callback_nb:
            self._mouse_mvt_callback_nb = 0

    def clear_callbacks(self):
        while self.callbacks:

    # Mouse movement dispatch mechanism

    def on_button_press(self, vtk_picker, event):
        self._current_button = event[:-len('ButtonPressEvent')]
        self._mouse_no_mvt = 2

    def on_mouse_move(self, vtk_picker, event):
        if self._mouse_no_mvt:
            self._mouse_no_mvt -= 1

    def on_button_release(self, vtk_picker, event):
        """ If the mouse has not moved, pick with our pickers.
        if self._mouse_no_mvt:
            x, y = vtk_picker.GetEventPosition()
            for picker in self._active_pickers.values():
                picker.pick((x, y, 0), self.scene.scene.renderer)
        self._mouse_no_mvt = 0

    def on_pick(self, vtk_picker, event):
        """ Dispatch the pick to the callback associated with the
            corresponding mouse button.
        picker = tvtk.to_tvtk(vtk_picker)
        for event_type, event_picker in self._active_pickers.iteritems():
            if picker is event_picker:
                for callback, type, button in self.callbacks:
                    if (type == event_type and button == self._current_button):

    # Private methods

    def __del__(self):
예제 #23
class BaseGraph(HasTraits):
    """ Defines a representation of a graph in Graphviz's dot language """

    #  Trait definitions.

    # Optional unique identifier.
    ID = id_trait

    # Synonym for ID.
    name = Alias("ID", desc="synonym for ID")  # Used by InstanceEditor

    # Main graph nodes.
    nodes = List(Instance(Node))

    # Map if node IDs to node objects.
    #    id_node_map = Dict

    # Graph edges.
    edges = List(Instance(Edge))

    # Separate layout regions.
    subgraphs = List(Instance("godot.subgraph.Subgraph"))

    # Clusters are encoded as subgraphs whose names have the prefix 'cluster'.
    clusters = List(Instance("godot.cluster.Cluster"))

    # Node from which new nodes are cloned.
    default_node = Instance(Node)

    # Edge from which new edges are cloned.
    default_edge = Instance(Edge)

    # Graph from which new subgraphs are cloned.
    default_graph = Instance(HasTraits)

    # Level of the graph in the subgraph hierarchy.
    #    level = Int(0, desc="level in the subgraph hierarchy")

    # Padding to use for pretty string output.
    padding = Str("        ", desc="padding for pretty printing")

    # A dictionary containing the Graphviz executable names as keys
    # and their paths as values.  See the trait initialiser.
    programs = Dict(desc="names and paths of Graphviz executables")

    # The Graphviz layout program
    program = Enum("dot",
                   desc="layout program used by Graphviz")

    # Format for writing to file.
    format = Enum(FORMATS, desc="format used when writing to file")

    # Use Graphviz to arrange all graph components.
    arrange = Button("Arrange All")

    # Parses the Xdot attributes for all graph components.
    redraw = Button("Redraw Canvas")

    #  Enable trait definitions.

    # Container of graph components.
    component = Instance(Container, desc="container of graph components.")

    # A view into a sub-region of the canvas.
    vp = Instance(Viewport, desc="a view of a sub-region of the canvas")

    #  Xdot trait definitions:

    # For a given graph object, one will typically a draw directive before the
    # label directive. For example, for a node, one would first use the
    # commands in _draw_ followed by the commands in _ldraw_.
    _draw_ = Str(desc="xdot drawing directive")

    # Label draw directive.
    _ldraw_ = Str(desc="xdot label drawing directive")

    #  "object" interface:

    #    def __init__(self, **traits):
    #        """ Initialises a new BaseGraph instance.
    #        """
    #        super(BaseGraph, self).__init__(**traits)
    #        # Automatically creates all the methods enabling the saving
    #        # of output in any of the supported formats.
    #        for frmt in FORMATS:
    #            self.__setattr__('save_'+frmt,
    #                             lambda flo, f=frmt, prog=self.program: \
    #                             flo.write( self.create(format=f, prog=prog) ))
    #            f = self.__dict__['save_'+frmt]
    #            f.__doc__ = '''Refer to the docstring accompanying the 'create'
    #            method for more information.'''

    def __len__(self):
        """ Return the order of the graph when requested by len().

            @rtype:  number
            @return: Size of the graph.
        return len(self.nodes)

    def __iter__(self):
        """ Return a iterator passing through all nodes in the graph.

            @rtype:  iterator
            @return: Iterator passing through all nodes in the graph.
        for each in self.nodes:
            yield each

    def __getitem__(self, node):
        """ Return a iterator passing through all neighbours of the given node.

            @rtype:  iterator
            @return: Iterator passing through all neighbours of the given node.
        for each_edge in self.edges:
            if (each_edge.tail_node == node) or (each_edge.head_node == node):
                yield each_edge

    def __str__(self):
        """ Returns a string representation of the graph in dot language. It
            will return the graph and all its subelements in string form.
        s = ""
        padding = self.padding
        if self.ID:
            s += "%s {\n" % self.ID
            s += "{\n"

        # Traits to be included in string output have 'graphviz' metadata.
        for trait_name, trait in self.traits(graphviz=True).iteritems():
            # Get the value of the trait for comparison with the default.
            value = getattr(self, trait_name)

            # Only print attribute value pairs if not defaulted.
            # FIXME: Alias/Synced traits default to None.
            if (value != trait.default) and (trait.default is not None):
                if isinstance(value, basestring):
                    # Add double quotes to the value if it is a string.
                    valstr = '"%s"' % value
                    valstr = str(value)

                s += "%s%s=%s;\n" % (padding, trait_name, valstr)

        def prepend_padding(s):
            return "\n".join([padding + line for line in s.splitlines()])

        for node in self.nodes:
            s += "%s%s\n" % (padding, str(node))
        for edge in self.edges:
            s += "%s%s\n" % (padding, str(edge))
        for subgraph in self.subgraphs:
            s += prepend_padding(str(subgraph)) + "\n"
        for cluster in self.clusters:
            s += prepend_padding(str(cluster)) + "\n"

        s += "}"

        return s

    #  Trait initialisers:

    def _default_node_default(self):
        """ Trait initialiser.
        return Node("default")

    def _default_edge_default(self):
        """ Trait initialiser.
        return Edge("tail", "head")

    def _default_graph_default(self):
        """ Trait initialiser.
        return godot.cluster.Cluster(ID="cluster_default")

    def _programs_default(self):
        """ Trait initaliser.
        progs = find_graphviz()
        if progs is None:
            logger.warning("GraphViz's executables not found")
            return {}
            return progs

    def _component_default(self):
        """ Trait initialiser.
        return Container(draw_axes=True, fit_window=False, auto_size=True)

    def _vp_default(self):
        """ Trait initialiser.
        vp = Viewport(component=self.component)

        vp.enable_zoom = True
        vp.view_position = [-5, -5]

        return vp

    #  Public interface:

    def save_dot(self, flo, prog=None):
        """ Writes a graph to a file.

            Given a file like object 'flo' it will truncate it and write a
            representation of the graph defined by the dot object and in the
            format specified.
            The format 'raw' is used to dump the string representation
            of the Dot object, without further processing.
            The output can be processed by any of graphviz tools, defined
            in 'prog', which defaults to 'dot'.

    def save_xdot(self, flo, prog=None):
        prog = self.program if prog is None else prog
        flo.write(self.create(prog, "xdot"))

    def save_png(self, flo, prog=None):
        prog = self.program if prog is None else prog
        flo.write(self.create(prog, "png"))

    def load_dot(cls, flo):
        parser = godot.dot_data_parser.GodotDataParser()
        return parser.parse_dot_file(flo)

    def load_xdot(cls, flo):
        parser = godot.dot_data_parser.GodotDataParser()
        return parser.parse_dot_file(flo)

    def create(self, prog=None, format=None):
        """ Creates and returns a representation of the graph using the
            Graphviz layout program given by 'prog', according to the given

            Writes the graph to a temporary dot file and processes it with
            the program given by 'prog' (which defaults to 'dot'), reading
            the output and returning it as a string if the operation is
            successful. On failure None is returned.
        prog = self.program if prog is None else prog
        format = self.format if format is None else format

        # Make a temporary file ...
        tmp_fd, tmp_name = tempfile.mkstemp()
        # ... and save the graph to it.
        dot_fd = file(tmp_name, "w+b")

        # Get the temporary file directory name.
        tmp_dir = os.path.dirname(tmp_name)

        # TODO: Shape image files (See PyDot). Important.

        # Process the file using the layout program, specifying the format.
        p = subprocess.Popen((self.programs[prog], '-T' + format, tmp_name),

        stderr = p.stderr
        stdout = p.stdout

        # Make sense of the standard output form the process.
        stdout_output = list()
        while True:
            data = stdout.read()
            if not data:

        if stdout_output:
            stdout_output = ''.join(stdout_output)

        # Similarly so for any standard error.
        if not stderr.closed:
            stderr_output = list()
            while True:
                data = stderr.read()
                if not data:

            if stderr_output:
                stderr_output = ''.join(stderr_output)

        #pid, status = os.waitpid(p.pid, 0)
        status = p.wait()

        if status != 0:
            logger.error("Program terminated with status: %d. stderr " \
                "follows: %s" % ( status, stderr_output ) )
        elif stderr_output:
            logger.error("%s", stderr_output)

        # TODO: Remove shape image files from the temporary directory.

        # Remove the temporary file.

        return stdout_output

    def arrange_all(self):
        """ Sets for the _draw_ and _ldraw_ attributes for each of the graph
            sub-elements by processing the xdot format of the graph.
        import godot.dot_data_parser

        parser = godot.dot_data_parser.GodotDataParser()

        xdot_data = self.create(format="xdot")
        print "GRAPH DOT:\n", str(self)
        print "XDOT DATA:\n", xdot_data

        ndata = xdot_data.replace("\\\n", "")
        tokens = parser.dotparser.parseString(ndata)[0]
        parser.build_graph(graph=self, tokens=tokens[3])

    def add_node(self, node_or_ID, **kwds):
        """ Adds a node to the graph.
        if not isinstance(node_or_ID, Node):
            nodeID = str(node_or_ID)
            if nodeID in self.nodes:
                node = self.nodes[self.nodes.index(nodeID)]
                if self.default_node is not None:
                    node = self.default_node.clone_traits(copy="deep")
                    node.ID = nodeID
                    node = Node(nodeID)
            node = node_or_ID
            if node in self.nodes:
                node = self.nodes[self.nodes.index(node_or_ID)]


        return node

    def delete_node(self, node_or_ID):
        """ Removes a node from the graph.
        if isinstance(node_or_ID, Node):
            #            name = node_or_ID.ID
            node = node_or_ID
            #            name = node_or_ID
            node = self.get_node(node_or_ID)
            if node is None:
                raise ValueError("Node %s does not exists" % node_or_ID)

#        try:
#            del self.nodes[name]
#        except:
#            raise ValueError("Node %s does not exists" % name)

#        self.nodes = [n for n in self.nodes if n.ID != name]
#        idx = self.nodes.index(name)
#        return self.nodes.pop(idx)


    def get_node(self, ID):
        """ Returns the node with the given ID or None.
        for node in self.nodes:
            if node.ID == str(ID):
                return node
        return None

    def delete_edge(self, tail_node_or_ID, head_node_or_ID):
        """ Removes an edge from the graph. Returns the deleted edge or None.
        if isinstance(tail_node_or_ID, Node):
            tail_node = tail_node_or_ID
            tail_node = self.get_node(tail_node_or_ID)

        if isinstance(head_node_or_ID, Node):
            head_node = head_node_or_ID
            head_node = self.get_node(head_node_or_ID)

        if (tail_node is None) or (head_node is None):
            return None

        for i, edge in enumerate(self.edges):
            if (edge.tail_node == tail_node) and (edge.head_node == head_node):
                edge = self.edges.pop(i)
                return edge

        return None

    def add_edge(self, tail_node_or_ID, head_node_or_ID, **kwds):
        """ Adds an edge to the graph.
        tail_node = self.add_node(tail_node_or_ID)
        head_node = self.add_node(head_node_or_ID)

        # Only top level graphs are directed and/or strict.
        if "directed" in self.trait_names():
            directed = self.directed
            directed = False

        if self.default_edge is not None:
            edge = self.default_edge.clone_traits(copy="deep")
            edge.tail_node = tail_node
            edge.head_node = head_node
            edge.conn = "->" if directed else "--"
            edge = Edge(tail_node, head_node, directed, **kwds)

        if "strict" in self.trait_names():
            if not self.strict:
                # FIXME: Implement strict graphs.
#                raise NotImplementedError

    def add_subgraph(self, subgraph_or_ID):
        """ Adds a subgraph to the graph.
        if not isinstance(subgraph_or_ID,
                          (godot.subgraph.Subgraph, godot.cluster.Cluster)):
            subgraphID = str(subgraph_or_ID)
            if subgraph_or_ID.startswith("cluster"):
                subgraph = godot.cluster.Cluster(ID=subgraphID)
                subgraph = godot.subgraph.Subgraph(ID=subgraphID)
            subgraph = subgraph_or_ID

        subgraph.default_node = self.default_node
        subgraph.default_edge = self.default_edge
        #        subgraph.level = self.level + 1
        #        subgraph.padding += self.padding

        if isinstance(subgraph, godot.subgraph.Subgraph):
        elif isinstance(subgraph, godot.cluster.Cluster):

        return subgraph

    def add_cluster(self, cluster_or_ID):
        """ Adds a cluster to the graph.
        return self.add_subgraph(cluster_or_ID)

    #  "BaseGraph" interface:

    def _program_changed(self, new):
        """ Handles the Graphviz layout program selection changing.
        progs = self.progs

        if not progs.has_key(prog):
            logger.warning('GraphViz\'s executable "%s" not found' % prog)

        if not os.path.exists( progs[prog] ) or not \
            os.path.isfile( progs[prog] ):
            logger.warning("GraphViz's executable '%s' is not a "
                           "file or doesn't exist" % progs[prog])

    def _component_changed(self, new):
        """ Handles the graph canvas changing.
        self.vp.component = new

#    @on_trait_change("nodes,nodes_items")
#    def remove_duplicates(self, new):
#        """ Ensures node ID uniqueness.
#        """
#        if isinstance(new, TraitListEvent):
#            old = event.removed
#            new = event.added
#        set = {}
#        self.set( trait_change_notify = False,
#                  nodes = [set.setdefault(e, e) for e in new if e not in set] )

    def _set_node_lists(self, new):
        """ Maintains each edge's list of available nodes.
        for edge in self.edges:
            edge._nodes = self.nodes
예제 #24
class Preferences(HasTraits):
    """ The default implementation of a node in a preferences hierarchy. """


    #### 'IPreferences' interface #############################################

    # The absolute path to this node from the root node (the empty string if
    # this node *is* the root node).
    path = Property(Str)

    # The parent node (None if this node *is* the root node).
    parent = Instance(IPreferences)

    # The name of the node relative to its parent (the empty string if this
    # node *is* the root node).
    name = Str

    #### 'Preferences' interface ##############################################

    # The default name of the file used to persist the preferences (if no
    # filename is passed in to the 'load' and 'save' methods, then this is
    # used instead).
    filename = Str

    #### Protected 'Preferences' interface ####################################

    # A lock to make access to the node thread-safe.
    # fixme: There *should* be no need to declare this as a trait, but if we
    # don't then we have problems using nodes in the preferences manager UI.
    # It is something to do with 'cloning' the node for use in a 'modal' traits
    # UI... Hmmm...
    _lk = Any

    # The node's children.
    _children = Dict(Str, IPreferences)

    # The node's preferences.
    _preferences = Dict(Str, Any)

    # Listeners for changes to the node's preferences.
    # The callable must take 4 arguments, e.g::
    # listener(node, key, old, new)
    _preferences_listeners = List(Callable)

    # 'object' interface.

    def __init__(self, **traits):
        """ Constructor. """

        # A lock to make access to the '_children', '_preferences' and
        # '_preferences_listeners' traits thread-safe.
        self._lk = threading.Lock()

        # Base class constructor.
        super(Preferences, self).__init__(**traits)

        # If a filename has been specified then load the preferences from it.
        if len(self.filename) > 0:


    # 'IPreferences' interface.

    #### Trait properties #####################################################

    def _get_path(self):
        """ Property getter. """

        names = []

        node = self
        while node.parent is not None:
            node = node.parent


        return '.'.join(names)

    #### Methods ##############################################################

    #### Methods where 'path' refers to a preference ####

    def get(self, path, default=None, inherit=False):
        """ Get the value of the preference at the specified path. """

        if len(path) == 0:
            raise ValueError('empty path')

        components = path.split('.')

        # If there is only one component in the path then the operation takes
        # place in this node.
        if len(components) == 1:
            value = self._get(path, Undefined)

        # Otherwise, find the next node and pass the rest of the path to that.
            node = self._get_child(components[0])
            if node is not None:
                value = node.get('.'.join(components[1:]), Undefined)

                value = Undefined

        # If inherited values are allowed then try those as well.
        # e.g. 'acme.ui.widget.bgcolor'
        #      'acme.ui.bgcolor'
        #      'acme.bgcolor'
        #      'bgcolor'
        while inherit and value is Undefined and len(components) > 1:
            # Remove the penultimate component...
            # e.g. 'acme.ui.widget.bgcolor' -> 'acme.ui.bgcolor'
            del components[-2]

            # ... and try that.
            value = self.get('.'.join(components), default=Undefined)

        if value is Undefined:
            value = default

        return value

    def remove(self, path):
        """ Remove the preference at the specified path. """

        if len(path) == 0:
            raise ValueError('empty path')

        components = path.split('.')

        # If there is only one component in the path then the operation takes
        # place in this node.
        if len(components) == 1:

        # Otherwise, find the next node and pass the rest of the path to that.
            node = self._get_child(components[0])
            if node is not None:


    def set(self, path, value):
        """ Set the value of the preference at the specified path. """

        if len(path) == 0:
            raise ValueError('empty path')

        components = path.split('.')

        # If there is only one component in the path then the operation takes
        # place in this node.
        if len(components) == 1:
            self._set(path, value)

        # Otherwise, find the next node (creating it if it doesn't exist)
        # and pass the rest of the path to that.
            node = self._node(components[0])
            node.set('.'.join(components[1:]), value)


    #### Methods where 'path' refers to a node ####

    def clear(self, path=''):
        """ Remove all preferences from the node at the specified path. """

        # If the path is empty then the operation takes place in this node.
        if len(path) == 0:

        # Otherwise, find the next node and pass the rest of the path to that.
            components = path.split('.')

            node = self._get_child(components[0])
            if node is not None:


    def keys(self, path=''):
        """ Return the preference keys of the node at the specified path. """

        # If the path is empty then the operation takes place in this node.
        if len(path) == 0:
            keys = self._keys()

        # Otherwise, find the next node and pass the rest of the path to that.
            components = path.split('.')

            node = self._get_child(components[0])
            if node is not None:
                keys = node.keys('.'.join(components[1:]))

                keys = []

        return keys

    def node(self, path=''):
        """ Return the node at the specified path. """

        # If the path is empty then the operation takes place in this node.
        if len(path) == 0:
            node = self

        # Otherwise, find the next node and pass the rest of the path to that.
            components = path.split('.')

            node = self._node(components[0])
            node = node.node('.'.join(components[1:]))

        return node

    def node_exists(self, path=''):
        """ Return True if the node at the specified path exists. """

        # If the path is empty then the operation takes place in this node.
        if len(path) == 0:
            exists = True

        # Otherwise, find the next node and pass the rest of the path to that.
            components = path.split('.')

            node = self._get_child(components[0])
            if node is not None:
                exists = node.node_exists('.'.join(components[1:]))

                exists = False

        return exists

    def node_names(self, path=''):
        """ Return the names of the children of the node at the specified path.


        # If the path is empty then the operation takes place in this node.
        if len(path) == 0:
            names = self._node_names()

        # Otherwise, find the next node and pass the rest of the path to that.
            components = path.split('.')

            node = self._get_child(components[0])
            if node is not None:
                names = node.node_names('.'.join(components[1:]))

                names = []

        return names

    #### Persistence methods ####

    def flush(self):
        """ Force any changes in the node to the backing store.

        This includes any changes to the node's descendants.




    # 'Preferences' interface.

    #### Listener methods ####

    def add_preferences_listener(self, listener, path=''):
        """ Add a listener for changes to a node's preferences. """

        # If the path is empty then the operation takes place in this node.
        if len(path) == 0:
            names = self._add_preferences_listener(listener)

        # Otherwise, find the next node and pass the rest of the path to that.
            components = path.split('.')

            node = self._node(components[0])
            node.add_preferences_listener(listener, '.'.join(components[1:]))


    def remove_preferences_listener(self, listener, path=''):
        """ Remove a listener for changes to a node's preferences. """

        # If the path is empty then the operation takes place in this node.
        if len(path) == 0:
            names = self._remove_preferences_listener(listener)

        # Otherwise, find the next node and pass the rest of the path to that.
            components = path.split('.')

            node = self._node(components[0])


    #### Persistence methods ####

    def load(self, file_or_filename=None):
        """ Load preferences from a file.

        This is a *merge* operation i.e. the contents of the file are added to
        the node.

        This implementation uses 'ConfigObj' files.


        if file_or_filename is None:
            file_or_filename = self.filename

        logger.debug('loading preferences from <%s>', file_or_filename)

        # Do the import here so that we don't make 'ConfigObj' a requirement
        # if preferences aren't ever persisted (or a derived class chooses to
        # use a different persistence mechanism).
        from configobj import ConfigObj

        config_obj = ConfigObj(file_or_filename)

        # 'name' is the section name, 'value' is a dictionary containing the
        # name/value pairs in the section (the actual preferences ;^).
        for name, value in config_obj.items():
            # Create/get the node from the section name.
            components = name.split('.')

            node = self
            for component in components:
                node = node._node(component)

            # Add the contents of the section to the node.
            self._add_dictionary_to_node(node, value)


    def save(self, file_or_filename=None):
        """ Save the node's preferences to a file.

        This implementation uses 'ConfigObj' files.


        if file_or_filename is None:
            file_or_filename = self.filename

        # If no file or filename is specified then don't save the preferences!
        if len(file_or_filename) > 0:
            # Do the import here so that we don't make 'ConfigObj' a
            # requirement if preferences aren't ever persisted (or a derived
            # class chooses to use a different persistence mechanism).
            from configobj import ConfigObj

            logger.debug('saving preferences to <%s>', file_or_filename)

            config_obj = ConfigObj(file_or_filename)
            self._add_node_to_dictionary(self, config_obj)


    # Protected 'Preferences' interface.
    # These are the only methods that should access the protected '_children'
    # and '_preferences' traits. This helps make it easy to subclass this class
    # to create other implementations (all the subclass has to do is to
    # implement these protected methods).

    def _add_dictionary_to_node(self, node, dictionary):
        """ Add the contents of a dictionary to a node's preferences. """



    def _add_node_to_dictionary(self, node, dictionary):
        """ Add a node's preferences to a dictionary. """

        # This method never manipulates the '_preferences' trait directly.
        # Instead it does eveything via the other protected methods and hence
        # doesn't need to grab the lock.
        if len(node._keys()) > 0:
            dictionary[node.path] = {}
            for key in node._keys():
                dictionary[node.path][key] = node._get(key)

        for name in node._node_names():
            self._add_node_to_dictionary(node._get_child(name), dictionary)


    def _add_preferences_listener(self, listener):
        """ Add a listener for changes to thisnode's preferences. """



    def _clear(self):
        """ Remove all preferences from this node. """



    def _create_child(self, name):
        """ Create a child of this node with the specified name. """

        child = self._children[name] = Preferences(name=name, parent=self)

        return child

    def _get(self, key, default=None):
        """ Get the value of a preference in this node. """

        value = self._preferences.get(key, default)

        return value

    def _get_child(self, name):
        """ Return the child of this node with the specified name.

        Return None if no such child exists.


        child = self._children.get(name)

        return child

    def _keys(self):
        """ Return the preference keys of this node. """

        keys = self._preferences.keys()

        return keys

    def _node(self, name):
        """ Return the child of this node with the specified name.

        Create the child node if it does not exist.


        node = self._get_child(name)
        if node is None:
            node = self._create_child(name)

        return node

    def _node_names(self):
        """ Return the names of the children of this node. """

        node_names = self._children.keys()

        return node_names

    def _remove(self, name):
        """ Remove a preference value from this node. """

        if name in self._preferences:
            del self._preferences[name]


    def _remove_preferences_listener(self, listener):
        """ Remove a listener for changes to the node's preferences. """

        if listener in self._preferences_listeners:


    def _set(self, key, value):
        """ Set the value of a preference in this node. """

        # Preferences are *always* stored as strings.
        value = str(value)

        old = self._preferences.get(key)
        self._preferences[key] = value

        # If the value is unchanged then don't call the listeners!
        if old == value:
            listeners = []

            listeners = self._preferences_listeners[:]

        for listener in listeners:
            listener(self, key, old, value)


    # Debugging interface.

    def dump(self, indent=''):
        """ Dump the preferences hierarchy to stdout. """

        if indent == '':

        print indent, 'Node(%s)' % self.name, self._preferences
        indent += '  '

        for child in self._children.values():

예제 #25
class TemplateDataContext(HasPrivateTraits):
    """ A concrete implementation of the ITemplateDataContext interface 
        intended to be used for creating the *output_data_context* value of an 
        **ITemplateDataNameItem** implementation (although they are not 
        required to use it).


    #-- 'ITemplateDataContext' Interface Traits --------------------------------

    # The path to this data context (does not include the 'data_context_name'):
    data_context_path = Str

    # The name of the data context:
    data_context_name = Str

    # A list of the names of the data values in this context:
    data_context_values = Property  # List( Str )

    # The list of the names of the sub-contexts of this context:
    data_contexts = Property  # List( Str )

    #-- Public Traits ---------------------------------------------------------

    # The data context values dictionary:
    values = Dict(Str, Any)

    # The data contexts dictionary:
    contexts = Dict(Str, ITemplateDataContext)

    #-- 'ITemplateDataContext' Property Implementations ------------------------

    def _get_data_context_values(self):
        values = self.values.keys()
        return values

    def _get_data_contexts(self):
        contexts = self.contexts.keys()
        return contexts

    #-- 'ITemplateDataContext' Interface Implementation ------------------------

    def get_data_context_value(self, name):
        """ Returns the data value with the specified *name*. Raises a
            **ITemplateDataContextError** if *name* is not defined as a data
            value in the context.
            name : A string specifying the name of the context data value to
                be returned.
            The data value associated with *name* in the context. The type of
            the data is application dependent.
            Raises **ITemplateDataContextError** if *name* is not associated 
            with a data value in the context.
            return self.values[name]
            raise ITemplateDataContextError("Value '%s' not found." % name)

    def get_data_context(self, name):
        """ Returns the **ITemplateDataContext** value associated with the
            specified *name*. Raises **ITemplateDataContextError** if *name* is
            not defined as a data context in the context.
            name : A string specifying the name of the data context to be 
            The **ITemplateDataContext** associated with *name* in the context.
            Raises **ITemplateDataContextError** if *name* is not associated 
            with a data context in the context.
            return self.context[name]
            raise ITemplateDataContextError("Context '%s' not found." % name)
예제 #26
class MultiFitGui(HasTraits):
    data should be c x N where c is the number of data columns/axes and N is
    the number of points
    doplot3d = Bool(False)
    show3d = Button('Show 3D Plot')
    replot3d = Button('Replot 3D')
    scalefactor3d = Float(0)
    do3dscale = Bool(False)
    nmodel3d = Int(1024)
    usecolor3d = Bool(False)
    color3d = Color((0,0,0))
    scene3d = Instance(MlabSceneModel,())
    plot3daxes = Tuple(('x','y','z'))
    data = Array(shape=(None,None))
    weights = Array(shape=(None,))
    curveaxes = List(Tuple(Int,Int))
    axisnames = Dict(Int,Str)
    invaxisnames = Property(Dict,depends_on='axisnames')

    fgs = List(Instance(FitGui))

    traits_view = View(VGroup(Item('fgs',editor=ListEditor(use_notebook=True,page_name='.plotname'),style='custom',show_label=False),
                              resizable=True,height=900,buttons=['OK','Cancel'],title='Multiple Model Data Fitters')

    plot3d_view = View(VGroup(Item('scene3d',editor=SceneEditor(scene_class=MayaviScene),show_label=False,resizable=True),
                              HGroup(Item('do3dscale',label='Scale by weight?'),
                              Item('scalefactor3d',label='Point scale'),
                              HGroup(Item('usecolor3d',label='Use color?'),Item('color3d',label='Relation Color',enabled_when='usecolor3d')),
                       resizable=True,height=800,width=800,title='Multiple Model3D Plot')

    def __init__(self,data,names=None,models=None,weights=None,dofits=True,**traits):
        :param data: The data arrays
        :type data: sequence of c equal-length arrays (length N)
        :param names: Names
        :type names: sequence of strings, length c
        :param models:
            The models to fit for each pair either as strings or
            :class:`astroypsics.models.ParametricModel` objects.
        :type models: sequence of models, length c-1
        :param weights: the weights for each point or None for no weights
        :type weights: array-like of size N or None
        :param dofits:
            If True, the data will be fit to the models when the object is
            created, otherwise the models will be passed in as-is (or as
        :type dofits: bool

        extra keyword arguments get passed in as new traits
        self._lastcurveaxes = None

        data = np.array(data,copy=False)
        if weights is None:
            self.weights = np.ones(data.shape[1])
            self.weights = np.array(weights)

        self.data = data
        if data.shape[0] < 2:
            raise ValueError('Must have at least 2 columns')

        if isinstance(names,basestring):
            names = names.split(',')
        if names is None:
            if len(data) == 2:
                self.axisnames = {0:'x',1:'y'}
            elif len(data) == 3:
                self.axisnames = {0:'x',1:'y',2:'z'}
                self.axisnames = dict((i,str(i)) for i in data)
        elif len(names) == len(data):
            self.axisnames = dict([t for t in enumerate(names)])
            raise ValueError("names don't match data")

        #default to using 0th axis as parametric
        self.curveaxes = [(0,i) for i in range(len(data))[1:]]
        if models is not None:
            if len(models) != len(data)-1:
                raise ValueError("models don't match data")
            for i,m in enumerate(models):
                fg = self.fgs[i]
                newtmodel = TraitedModel(m)
                if dofits:
                    fg.tmodel = newtmodel
                    fg.fitmodel = True #should happen automatically, but this makes sure
                    oldpard = newtmodel.model.pardict
                    fg.tmodel = newtmodel
                    fg.tmodel .model.pardict = oldpard
                if dofits:
                    fg.fitmodel = True

    def _data_changed(self):
        self.curveaxes = [(0,i) for i in range(len(self.data))[1:]]

    def _axisnames_changed(self):
        for ax,fg in zip(self.curveaxes,self.fgs):
            fg.plot.x_axis.title = self.axisnames[ax[0]] if ax[0] in self.axisnames else ''
            fg.plot.y_axis.title = self.axisnames[ax[1]] if ax[1] in self.axisnames else ''
        self.plot3daxes = (self.axisnames[0],self.axisnames[1],self.axisnames[2] if len(self.axisnames) > 2 else self.axisnames[1])

    def _curveaxes_update(self,names,old,new):
        for t in self.curveaxes:
        if set(ax) != set(range(len(self.data))):
            self.curveaxes = self._lastcurveaxes
            return #TOOD:check for recursion

        if self._lastcurveaxes is None:
            self.fgs = [FitGui(self.data[t[0]],self.data[t[1]],weights=self.weights) for t in self.curveaxes]
            for ax,fg in zip(self.curveaxes,self.fgs):
                fg.plot.x_axis.title = self.axisnames[ax[0]] if ax[0] in self.axisnames else ''
                fg.plot.y_axis.title = self.axisnames[ax[1]] if ax[1] in self.axisnames else ''
            for i,t in enumerate(self.curveaxes):
                if  self._lastcurveaxes[i] != t:
                    self.fgs[i] = fg = FitGui(self.data[t[0]],self.data[t[1]],weights=self.weights)
                    ax = self.curveaxes[i]
                    fg.plot.x_axis.title = self.axisnames[ax[0]] if ax[0] in self.axisnames else ''
                    fg.plot.y_axis.title = self.axisnames[ax[1]] if ax[1] in self.axisnames else ''

        self._lastcurveaxes = self.curveaxes

    def _show3d_fired(self):
        self.doplot3d = True
        self.replot3d = True

    def _plot3daxes_changed(self):
        self.replot3d = True

    def weightsChanged(self):
        for fg in self.fgs:
            if fg.weighttype != 'custom':
                fg.weighttype = 'custom'
            fg.weights = self.weights

    def _do_3d(self):
        if self.doplot3d:
            M = self.scene3d.mlab
                xi = self.invaxisnames[self.plot3daxes[0]]
                yi = self.invaxisnames[self.plot3daxes[1]]
                zi = self.invaxisnames[self.plot3daxes[2]]

                x,y,z = self.data[xi],self.data[yi],self.data[zi]
                w = self.weights

                if self.scalefactor3d == 0:
                    sf = x.max()-x.min()
                    sf *= y.max()-y.min()
                    sf *= z.max()-z.min()
                    sf = sf/len(x)/5
                    self.scalefactor3d = sf
                    sf = self.scalefactor3d
                glyph = M.points3d(x,y,z,w,scale_factor=sf)
                glyph.glyph.scale_mode = 0 if self.do3dscale else 1

                    xs = np.linspace(np.min(x),np.max(x),self.nmodel3d)

                    #find sequence of models to go from x to y and z
                    ymods,zmods = [],[]
                    for curri,mods in zip((yi,zi),(ymods,zmods)):
                        while curri != xi:
                            for i,(i1,i2) in enumerate(self.curveaxes):
                                if curri==i2:
                                    curri = i1
                                raise KeyError

                    ys = xs
                    for m in ymods:
                        ys = m(ys)
                    zs = xs
                    for m in zmods:
                        zs = m(zs)

                    if self.usecolor3d:
                        c = (self.color3d[0]/255,self.color3d[1]/255,self.color3d[2]/255)
                except (KeyError,TypeError):
                    M.text(0.5,0.75,'Underivable relation')
            except KeyError:
                M.text(0.25,0.25,'Data problem')

    def _get_invaxisnames(self):
        for k,v in self.axisnames.iteritems():
            d[v] = k
        return d
예제 #27
파일: model.py 프로젝트: tyl12/pytimechart
class tcGeneric(HasTraits):
    name = String
    start_ts = CArray
    end_ts = CArray
    types = CArray
    has_comments = Bool(True)
    total_time = Property(Int)
    max_types = Property(Int)
    max_latency = Property(Int)
    max_latency_ts = Property(CArray)
    overview_ts_cache = Dict({})

    def _get_total_time(self):
        return sum(self.end_ts - self.start_ts)

    def _get_max_types(self):
        return amax(self.types)

    def _get_max_latency(self):
        return -1

    def get_partial_tables(self, start, end):
        low_i = searchsorted(self.end_ts, start)
        high_i = searchsorted(self.start_ts, end)
        ends = self.end_ts[low_i:high_i].copy()
        starts = self.start_ts[low_i:high_i].copy()
        if len(starts) == 0:
            return np.array([]), np.array([]), []
        # take care of activities crossing the selection
        if starts[0] < start:
            starts[0] = start
        if ends[-1] > end:
            ends[-1] = end
        types = self.types[low_i:high_i]
        return starts, ends, types

    def get_overview_ts(self, threshold):
        """merge events so that there never are two events in the same "threshold" microsecond
        if threshold in self.overview_ts_cache:
            return self.overview_ts_cache[threshold]
        # we recursively use the lower threshold caches
        # this allows to pre-compute the whole cache more efficiently
        if threshold > 4:
            origin_start_ts, origin_end_ts = self.get_overview_ts(threshold /
            origin_start_ts, origin_end_ts = self.start_ts, self.end_ts
        # only calculate overview if it worth.
        if len(origin_start_ts) < 500:
            overview = (origin_start_ts, origin_end_ts)
            self.overview_ts_cache[threshold] = overview
            return overview
        # assume at least one event
        start_ts = []
        end_ts = []
        # start is the first start of the merge list
        start = origin_start_ts[0]
        i = 1
        while i < len(origin_start_ts):
            if origin_start_ts[i] > origin_start_ts[i - 1] + threshold:
                end_ts.append(origin_end_ts[i - 1])
                start = origin_start_ts[i]
            i += 1
        end_ts.append(origin_end_ts[i - 1])
        overview = (numpy.array(start_ts), numpy.array(end_ts))
        self.overview_ts_cache[threshold] = overview
        return overview

    # UI traits
    default_bg_color = Property(ColorTrait)
    bg_color = Property(ColorTrait)

    def _get_bg_color(self):
        return colors.get_traits_color_by_name("idle_bg")
예제 #28
from enthought.traits.api \
    import Trait, HasStrictTraits, List, Dict, Str, Int, Any
from enthought.traits.trait_base \
    import enumerate

from view_element \
    import ViewElement

#  Trait definitions:

# Trait for contents of a ViewElements object
content_trait = Dict( str, ViewElement )

#  'ViewElements' class:

class ViewElements ( HasStrictTraits ):
    """ Defines a hierarchical name space of related ViewElement objects.
    #  Trait definitions:
    # Dictionary containing the named ViewElement items
    content = content_trait 
예제 #29
class BuiltinImage(Source):
    # The version of this class.  Used for persistence.
    __version__ = 0

    # Flag to set the image data type.
    source = Enum('ellipsoid','gaussian','grid','mandelbrot','noise',
                  desc='which image data source to be used')

    # Define the trait 'data_source' whose value must be an instance of
    # type ImageAlgorithm
    data_source = Instance(tvtk.ImageAlgorithm, allow_none=False, 

    # Information about what this object can produce.
    output_info = PipelineInfo(datasets=['image_data'], 

    # Create the UI for the traits.
    view = View(Group(Item(name='source'),
                   label='Image Source',
    # Private traits.
    # A dictionary that maps the source names to instances of the
    # image data objects. 
    _source_dict = Dict(Str,

    # `object` interface
    def __init__(self, **traits):
        # Call parent class' init.
        super(BuiltinImage, self).__init__(**traits)

        # Initialize the source to the default mode's instance from
        # the dictionary if needed.
        if 'source' not in traits:
    def __set_pure_state__(self, state):
        self.source = state.source
        super(BuiltinImage, self).__set_pure_state__(state)

    # Non-public methods.
    def _source_changed(self, value):
        """This method is invoked (automatically) when the `function`
        trait is changed.
        self.data_source = self._source_dict[self.source]
    def _data_source_changed(self, old, new):
        """This method is invoked (automatically) when the
        image data source is changed ."""

        self.outputs = [self.data_source.output]
        if old is not None:
            old.on_trait_change(self.render, remove=True)
    def __source_dict_default(self):
        """The default _source_dict trait."""
        sd = {
        if hasattr(tvtk, 'RTAnalyticSource'):
            sd['rt_analytic'] = tvtk.RTAnalyticSource()
            sd['rt_analytic'] = tvtk.ImageNoiseSource()
        return sd
예제 #30
class DatasetManager(HasTraits):

    # The TVTK dataset we manage.
    dataset = Instance(tvtk.DataSet)

    # Our output, this is the dataset modified by us with different
    # active arrays.
    output = Property(Instance(tvtk.DataSet))

    # The point scalars for the dataset.  You may manipulate the arrays
    # in-place.  However adding new keys in this dict will not set the
    # data in the `dataset` for that you must explicitly call
    # `add_array`.
    point_scalars = Dict(Str, Array)
    # Point vectors.
    point_vectors = Dict(Str, Array)
    # Point tensors.
    point_tensors = Dict(Str, Array)

    # The cell scalars for the dataset.
    cell_scalars = Dict(Str, Array)
    cell_vectors = Dict(Str, Array)
    cell_tensors = Dict(Str, Array)

    # This filter allows us to change the attributes of the data
    # object and will ensure that the pipeline is properly taken care
    # of.  Directly setting the array in the VTK object will not do
    # this.
    _assign_attribute = Instance(tvtk.AssignAttribute,

    # Public interface.
    def add_array(self, array, name, category='point'):
        Add an array to the dataset to specified category ('point' or
        assert len(array.shape) <= 2, "Only 2D arrays can be added."
        data = getattr(self.dataset, '%s_data' % category)
        if len(array.shape) == 2:
            assert array.shape[1] in [1, 3, 4, 9], \
                    "Only Nxm arrays where (m in [1,3,4,9]) are supported"
            va = tvtk.to_tvtk(array2vtk(array))
            va.name = name
            mapping = {1: 'scalars', 3: 'vectors', 4: 'scalars', 9: 'tensors'}
            dict = getattr(self, '%s_%s' % (category, mapping[array.shape[1]]))
            dict[name] = array
            va = tvtk.to_tvtk(array2vtk(array))
            va.name = name
            dict = getattr(self, '%s_scalars' % (category))
            dict[name] = array

    def remove_array(self, name, category='point'):
        """Remove an array by its name and optional category (point and
        cell).  Returns the removed array.
        type = self._find_array(name, category)
        data = getattr(self.dataset, '%s_data' % category)
        d = getattr(self, '%s_%s' % (category, type))
        return d.pop(name)

    def rename_array(self, name1, name2, category='point'):
        """Rename a particular array from `name1` to `name2`.
        type = self._find_array(name1, category)
        data = getattr(self.dataset, '%s_data' % category)
        arr = data.get_array(name1)
        arr.name = name2
        d = getattr(self, '%s_%s' % (category, type))
        d[name2] = d.pop(name1)

    def activate(self, name, category='point'):
        """Make the specified array the active one.
        type = self._find_array(name, category)
        self._activate_data_array(type, category, name)

    def update(self):
        """Update the dataset when the arrays are changed.

    # Non-public interface.
    def _dataset_changed(self, value):
        self._assign_attribute.input = value

    def _get_output(self):
        return self._assign_attribute.output

    def _setup_data(self):
        """Updates the arrays from what is available in the input data.
        input = self.dataset
        pnt_attr, cell_attr = get_all_attributes(input)

        self._setup_data_arrays(cell_attr, 'cell')
        self._setup_data_arrays(pnt_attr, 'point')

    def _setup_data_arrays(self, attributes, d_type):
        """Given the dict of the attributes from the
        `get_all_attributes` function and the data type (point/cell)
        data this will setup the object and the data.  
        attrs = ['scalars', 'vectors', 'tensors']
        aa = self._assign_attribute
        input = self.dataset
        data = getattr(input, '%s_data' % d_type)
        for attr in attrs:
            values = attributes[attr]
            # Get the arrays from VTK, create numpy arrays and setup our
            # traits.
            arrays = {}
            for name in values:
                va = data.get_array(name)
                npa = va.to_array()
                # Now test if changes to the numpy array are reflected
                # in the VTK array, if they are we are set, else we
                # have to set the VTK array back to the numpy array.
                if len(npa.shape) > 1:
                    old = npa[0, 0]
                    npa[0][0] = old - 1
                    if abs(va[0][0] - npa[0, 0]) > 1e-8:
                    npa[0][0] = old
                    old = npa[0]
                    npa[0] = old - 1
                    if abs(va[0] - npa[0]) > 1e-8:
                    npa[0] = old
                arrays[name] = npa

            setattr(self, '%s_%s' % (d_type, attr), arrays)

    def _activate_data_array(self, data_type, category, name):
        """Activate (or deactivate) a particular array.

        Given the nature of the data (scalars, vectors etc.) and the
        type of data (cell or points) it activates the array given by
        its name.


        data_type: one of 'scalars', 'vectors', 'tensors'
        category: one of 'cell', 'point'.
        name: string of array name to activate.
        input = self.dataset
        data = None
        data = getattr(input, category + '_data')
        method = getattr(data, 'set_active_%s' % data_type)
        if len(name) == 0:
            # If the value is empty then we deactivate that attribute.
            aa = self._assign_attribute
            aa.assign(name, data_type.upper(), category.upper() + '_DATA')

    def _find_array(self, name, category='point'):
        """Return information on which kind of attribute contains the
        specified named array in a particular category."""
        types = ['scalars', 'vectors', 'tensors']
        for type in types:
            attr = '%s_%s' % (category, type)
            d = getattr(self, attr)
            if name in d.keys():
                return type
        raise KeyError('No %s array named %s available in dataset' %
                       (category, name))