예제 #1
파일: tree.py 프로젝트: fspaolo/code
def tree_embeds(t, u, leaves=()):
    ''' ...

        >>> tree_embeds([1], [2])
        >>> tree_embeds([1], [1,2])
        >>> tree_embeds([1], [[1,2]])
        >>> tree_embeds([1,[2,3]], [[True, False], 'ab'])
        >>> tree_embeds([1,[2,3]], [[True, False], 'ab'], leaves=(str,))
        >>> tree_embeds([], [1,2,3])
        >>> tree_embeds(1, [1,2,3])
    # Pass leaf types around, avoiding infinite regress on strings
    _is_fork = partial(is_fork, leaves=leaves)
    if isinstance(t, basestring) or isinstance(u, basestring):
        leaves += (basestring,)
    _tree_embeds = partial(tree_embeds, leaves=leaves)

    if not _is_fork(t):
        return True
        return (_is_fork(u) and len(list(t)) == len(list(u)) and
                all(_tree_embeds(n,m) for n,m in zip(t,u)))
예제 #2
def flatten(tree, leaves=()):
    ''' Flatten a tree, that is, recursively concatenate nested sequences.

        >>> flatten([1, [[2, 3], 4, 5], [[[[6]]]]])
        [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
        >>> mixed = [1, [[2], 3], (4, 5), [(6,)], 'abc']
        >>> flatten(mixed)
        [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 'a', 'b', 'c']
        >>> flatten(mixed, leaves=(str,))
        [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 'abc']
        >>> flatten(mixed, leaves=(str, tuple))
        [1, 2, 3, (4, 5), (6,), 'abc']
        >>> flatten([])
        >>> flatten(1)
    # Pass leaf types around, avoiding infinite regress on strings
    _is_fork = partial(is_fork, leaves=leaves)
    if isinstance(tree, basestring):
        leaves += (basestring, )
    _flatten = partial(flatten, leaves=leaves)

    if not _is_fork(tree):
        return [tree]
        return concat(_flatten(n) for n in tree)
예제 #3
파일: tree.py 프로젝트: fspaolo/code
def flatten(tree, leaves=()):
    ''' Flatten a tree, that is, recursively concatenate nested sequences.

        >>> flatten([1, [[2, 3], 4, 5], [[[[6]]]]])
        [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
        >>> mixed = [1, [[2], 3], (4, 5), [(6,)], 'abc']
        >>> flatten(mixed)
        [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 'a', 'b', 'c']
        >>> flatten(mixed, leaves=(str,))
        [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 'abc']
        >>> flatten(mixed, leaves=(str, tuple))
        [1, 2, 3, (4, 5), (6,), 'abc']
        >>> flatten([])
        >>> flatten(1)
    # Pass leaf types around, avoiding infinite regress on strings
    _is_fork = partial(is_fork, leaves=leaves)
    if isinstance(tree, basestring):
        leaves += (basestring,)
    _flatten = partial(flatten, leaves=leaves)

    if not _is_fork(tree):
        return [tree]
        return concat(_flatten(n) for n in tree)
예제 #4
def tree_embeds(t, u, leaves=()):
    ''' ...

        >>> tree_embeds([1], [2])
        >>> tree_embeds([1], [1,2])
        >>> tree_embeds([1], [[1,2]])
        >>> tree_embeds([1,[2,3]], [[True, False], 'ab'])
        >>> tree_embeds([1,[2,3]], [[True, False], 'ab'], leaves=(str,))
        >>> tree_embeds([], [1,2,3])
        >>> tree_embeds(1, [1,2,3])
    # Pass leaf types around, avoiding infinite regress on strings
    _is_fork = partial(is_fork, leaves=leaves)
    if isinstance(t, basestring) or isinstance(u, basestring):
        leaves += (basestring, )
    _tree_embeds = partial(tree_embeds, leaves=leaves)

    if not _is_fork(t):
        return True
        return (_is_fork(u) and len(list(t)) == len(list(u))
                and all(_tree_embeds(n, m) for n, m in zip(t, u)))
예제 #5
    def _transform_children(self, node):
        if not isinstance(node, Node):
            raise ValueError('Expected a Node, got %r' % node)

        # In these trees, strings and Nodes are leaves
        leaves = (str, Node)
        tree_map = partial(tree.tree_map, leaves=leaves)

        children = tree_map(partial(self.transform), node.getChildrenTree())
        return node.__class__(*children)
예제 #6
파일: tree.py 프로젝트: fspaolo/code
def tree_map(f, tree, leaves=()):
    ''' Map a function over the leaves of a tree.

        >>> tree_map(str, [1,[2,3]])
        ['1', ['2', '3']]
        >>> tree_map(len, ['foo', ['x', 'asdf']])
        [[1, 1, 1], [[1], [1, 1, 1, 1]]]
        >>> tree_map(len, ['foo', ['x', 'asdf']], leaves=(str,))
        [3, [1, 4]]
    # Pass leaf types around, avoiding infinite regress on strings
    _is_fork = partial(is_fork, leaves=leaves)
    if isinstance(tree, basestring):
        leaves += (basestring,)
    _tree_map = partial(tree_map, leaves=leaves)

    if not _is_fork(tree):
        return f(tree)
        seq = isinstance(tree, tuple) and tuple or list
        return seq([ _tree_map(f,n) for n in tree ])
예제 #7
def tree_map(f, tree, leaves=()):
    ''' Map a function over the leaves of a tree.

        >>> tree_map(str, [1,[2,3]])
        ['1', ['2', '3']]
        >>> tree_map(len, ['foo', ['x', 'asdf']])
        [[1, 1, 1], [[1], [1, 1, 1, 1]]]
        >>> tree_map(len, ['foo', ['x', 'asdf']], leaves=(str,))
        [3, [1, 4]]
    # Pass leaf types around, avoiding infinite regress on strings
    _is_fork = partial(is_fork, leaves=leaves)
    if isinstance(tree, basestring):
        leaves += (basestring, )
    _tree_map = partial(tree_map, leaves=leaves)

    if not _is_fork(tree):
        return f(tree)
        seq = isinstance(tree, tuple) and tuple or list
        return seq([_tree_map(f, n) for n in tree])
예제 #8
파일: tree.py 프로젝트: fspaolo/code
def tree_zip(*trees, **kw):
    ''' Zip recursively.

        Returns nested lists with tuples at the bottom.

        >>> tree_zip([1,[2,3]], [5,[6,7]])
        [(1, 5), [(2, 6), (3, 7)]]
        >>> tree_zip([1,[2,3]], [5,[6,7]], ['a',['b','c']])
        [(1, 5, 'a'), [(2, 6, 'b'), (3, 7, 'c')]]

        >>> tree_zip('foo', 'bar')
        [('f', 'b'), ('o', 'a'), ('o', 'r')]
        >>> tree_zip(['foo'], ['bar'])
        [[('f', 'b'), ('o', 'a'), ('o', 'r')]]
        >>> tree_zip(['foo'], ['bar'], leaves=(str,))
        [('foo', 'bar')]
        >>> tree_zip('foo', ['bar'])
        [('f', 'bar')]
        >>> tree_zip('foo', ['bar'], leaves=(str,))
        ('foo', ['bar'])
        >>> tree_zip(1, 2)
        (1, 2)

        >>> tree_zip([1,[2,3]], [5,6,7,8], [['a','b'],['c','d']])
        [(1, 5, ['a', 'b']), ([2, 3], 6, ['c', 'd'])]
    # (Default arguments)
    leaves = kw.get('leaves', ())

    # Pass leaf types around, avoiding infinite regress on strings
    _is_fork = partial(is_fork, leaves=leaves)
    if any(isinstance(t, basestring) for t in trees):
        leaves += (basestring,)
    _tree_zip = partial(tree_zip, leaves=leaves)

    if not all(_is_fork(t) for t in trees):
        return trees
        return [ _tree_zip(*neighbors) for neighbors in zip(*trees) ]
예제 #9
def tree_zip(*trees, **kw):
    ''' Zip recursively.

        Returns nested lists with tuples at the bottom.

        >>> tree_zip([1,[2,3]], [5,[6,7]])
        [(1, 5), [(2, 6), (3, 7)]]
        >>> tree_zip([1,[2,3]], [5,[6,7]], ['a',['b','c']])
        [(1, 5, 'a'), [(2, 6, 'b'), (3, 7, 'c')]]

        >>> tree_zip('foo', 'bar')
        [('f', 'b'), ('o', 'a'), ('o', 'r')]
        >>> tree_zip(['foo'], ['bar'])
        [[('f', 'b'), ('o', 'a'), ('o', 'r')]]
        >>> tree_zip(['foo'], ['bar'], leaves=(str,))
        [('foo', 'bar')]
        >>> tree_zip('foo', ['bar'])
        [('f', 'bar')]
        >>> tree_zip('foo', ['bar'], leaves=(str,))
        ('foo', ['bar'])
        >>> tree_zip(1, 2)
        (1, 2)

        >>> tree_zip([1,[2,3]], [5,6,7,8], [['a','b'],['c','d']])
        [(1, 5, ['a', 'b']), ([2, 3], 6, ['c', 'd'])]
    # (Default arguments)
    leaves = kw.get('leaves', ())

    # Pass leaf types around, avoiding infinite regress on strings
    _is_fork = partial(is_fork, leaves=leaves)
    if any(isinstance(t, basestring) for t in trees):
        leaves += (basestring, )
    _tree_zip = partial(tree_zip, leaves=leaves)

    if not all(_is_fork(t) for t in trees):
        return trees
        return [_tree_zip(*neighbors) for neighbors in zip(*trees)]
예제 #10
파일: tree.py 프로젝트: fspaolo/code
def tree_shape(tree, leaves=()):
    ''' The shape of a tree expressed as nested tuples of nothing.

        >>> tree_shape([1,[2,3]]) == tree_shape([True, 'ab'])
        >>> tree_shape([1,[2,3]])
        ((), ((), ()))
        >>> tree_shape(['ab', ['c', 'd']])
        (((), ()), (((),), ((),)))
        >>> tree_shape(['ab', ['c', 'd']], leaves=(str,))
        ((), ((), ()))
        >>> tree_shape(1)
    # Pass leaf types around, avoiding infinite regress on strings
    _is_fork = partial(is_fork, leaves=leaves)
    if isinstance(tree, basestring):
        leaves += (basestring,)
    _tree_shape = partial(tree_shape, leaves=leaves)

    if not _is_fork(tree):
        return ()
        return tuple(_tree_shape(n) for n in tree)
예제 #11
def tree_shape(tree, leaves=()):
    ''' The shape of a tree expressed as nested tuples of nothing.

        >>> tree_shape([1,[2,3]]) == tree_shape([True, 'ab'])
        >>> tree_shape([1,[2,3]])
        ((), ((), ()))
        >>> tree_shape(['ab', ['c', 'd']])
        (((), ()), (((),), ((),)))
        >>> tree_shape(['ab', ['c', 'd']], leaves=(str,))
        ((), ((), ()))
        >>> tree_shape(1)
    # Pass leaf types around, avoiding infinite regress on strings
    _is_fork = partial(is_fork, leaves=leaves)
    if isinstance(tree, basestring):
        leaves += (basestring, )
    _tree_shape = partial(tree_shape, leaves=leaves)

    if not _is_fork(tree):
        return ()
        return tuple(_tree_shape(n) for n in tree)
예제 #12
    def transformAssign(self, node):

        # Only transform constant assignments
        if not is_const(node.expr):
            return self._transform_children(node)

        # '__foo' names come from each lhs name at the head of the assignment:
        #   'l = a,b = 0,1' -> 'l = a,b = __a,__b', { '__a':0, '__b':1 }
        # Unpack the rhs enough to map each '__foo' name to a value.
        #   'a,l = 0,[1,2]' -> 'a,l = __a,__l', { '__a':0, '__l':[1,2] }
        #   'a,l = 2'       -> SyntaxError

        def lvalue_name(node):
            'Construct a "magic" name to represent an l-value.'
            prefix = sep = '__'
            dot = '_'
            if isinstance(node, AssName):
                return prefix + node.name
            elif isinstance(node, AssAttr):
                name = node.attrname
                expr = node.expr
                while isinstance(expr, Getattr):
                    name = sep.join([expr.attrname, name])
                    expr = expr.expr
                if isinstance(expr, Name):
                    expr_name = expr.name
                    expr_name = dot
                return prefix + sep.join([expr_name, name])

        # In these trees, strings and tuples are leaves
        leaves = (str, tuple, AssAttr, AssName)
        tree_zip = partial(tree.tree_zip, leaves=leaves)
        flatten = partial(tree.flatten, leaves=leaves)
        tree_embeds = partial(tree.tree_embeds, leaves=leaves)

        # Grab the (right-most) lhs and the rhs
        lhs, rhs = node.nodes[-1], node.expr

        # Associate constants with l-value names
        if not tree_embeds(lhs, rhs):
            raise SyntaxError('Not enough r-values to unpack: %s' % node)
        zipped = flatten(tree_zip(lhs, rhs))
        const_ast_for = map_keys(lambda v: lvalue_name(v), dict(zipped))

        # Gather name<->const mappings for names we haven't seen before
        name_for = {}
        for name in const_ast_for.keys():
            if name not in self.const_for.keys():
                self.const_for[name] = eval_ast(Expression(const_ast_for[name]))
                assert const_ast_for[name] not in name_for
                name_for[const_ast_for[name]] = name

        class C(Transformer):
            def transform(self, node):
                if isinstance(node, Node) and node in name_for.keys():
                    return Name(name_for[node])
                    return super(C, self).transform(node)
        return Assign(node.nodes, C().transform(rhs))