def parse_factor(): ''' 解析项中单个因子 ''' node = TreeNode('FACTOR') node.line = tokens[tokens_index].pos[0] token = get_next_token() if token.type == 'NUM': rnode = TreeNode('NUM') rnode.line = tokens[tokens_index].pos[0] rnode.value = node.add_child(rnode) skip_next_token() elif == '(': check_next_token('(') node.add_child(parse_expr()) check_next_token(')') else: node.add_child(parse_var()) return node
def parse_term(): ''' 解析表达式中单个项 ''' node = TreeNode('TERM') node.line = tokens[tokens_index].pos[0] node.add_child(parse_factor()) while get_next_token().name in ['*', '/']: node.add_child(check_next_token(get_next_token().name)) node.add_child(parse_factor()) return node
def parse_in_stmt(): ''' 解析输入语句 ''' new_node = TreeNode('INSTMT') new_node.line = tokens[tokens_index].pos[0] check_next_token('in') check_next_token('(') new_node.add_child(parse_var()) check_next_token(')') check_next_token(';') return new_node
def parse_decl_stmt(): ''' 解析声明语句 ''' type_token = get_next_token() decl_node = TreeNode('VARDECL') type_node = TreeNode('TYPE') decl_node.line = tokens[tokens_index].pos[0] type_node.line = tokens[tokens_index].pos[0] decl_node.add_child(type_node) type_node.add_child(check_next_token( next_token = get_next_token() if == '[': #判断声明是否为数组 check_next_token('[') num_token = get_next_token() if num_token.type != 'NUM' or '.' in #声明数组长度时需为正整数 raise ParseException( 'Line %d: length of array should be a positive constant number' % num_token.pos[0]) num_node = TreeNode('NUM') num_node.line = tokens[tokens_index].pos[0] num_node.value = type_node.add_child(num_node) skip_next_token() check_next_token(']') id = parse_id() decl_node.add_child(id) next_name = get_next_token().name assfunc = parse_str if == 'string' else parse_expr while next_name in [',', '=']: if next_name == '=': check_next_token('=') id.add_child(assfunc()) else: check_next_token(',') id = parse_id() decl_node.add_child(id) next_name = get_next_token().name check_next_token(';') return decl_node
def parse_str(): ''' 解析字符串 ''' if get_next_token().type == 'STR': rnode = TreeNode('STR') rnode.line = tokens[tokens_index].pos[0] rnode.value = get_next_token().name skip_next_token() return rnode else: raise ParseException('Line %d: token should be a string ' % get_next_token().pos[0])
def parse_id(): ''' 解析标识符 ''' id_token = get_next_token() if id_token.type != 'ID': raise ParseException('Line %d: token should be a identifier' % id_token.pos[0]) skip_next_token() rnode = TreeNode('ID') rnode.line = tokens[tokens_index].pos[0] rnode.value = return rnode
def parse_while_stmt(): ''' 解析while语句 ''' node = TreeNode('WHILESTMT') node.line = tokens[tokens_index].pos[0] check_next_token('while') check_next_token('(') node.add_child(parse_condition()) check_next_token(')') temp = parse_stmt() if temp: node.add_child(temp) return node if temp is not None else None
def parse_expr(): ''' 解析表达式 ''' node = TreeNode('EXPR') node.line = tokens[tokens_index].pos[0] if get_next_token().name == '-': node.add_child(check_next_token('-')) node.add_child(parse_expr()) else: node.add_child(parse_term()) while get_next_token().name in ['+', '-']: node.add_child(check_next_token(get_next_token().name)) node.add_child(parse_term()) return node
def parse_assign_stmt(): ''' 解析赋值语句 ''' node = TreeNode('ASSIGNSTMT') node.line = tokens[tokens_index].pos[0] node.add_child(parse_var()) check_next_token('=') token = get_next_token() if token.type == 'STR': node.add_child(parse_str()) else: node.add_child(parse_expr()) check_next_token(';') return node
def parse_cond(): ''' 解析单个条件布尔项 ''' cond_node = TreeNode('COND') cond_node.line = tokens[tokens_index].pos[0] if get_next_token().name == '!': cond_node.add_child(check_next_token('!')) check_next_token('(') cond_node.add_child(parse_cond()) check_next_token(')') else: cond_node.add_child(parse_expr()) cond_node.add_child(parse_compare()) cond_node.add_child(parse_expr()) return cond_node
def parse_block(): ''' 解析语句块 ''' new_node = TreeNode('BLOCK') new_node.line = tokens[tokens_index].pos[0] leftbrace = get_next_token() check_next_token('{') while get_next_token().name != 'END' and get_next_token().name != '}': stmt = parse_stmt() if stmt: new_node.add_child(stmt) if get_next_token().name == 'END': raise ParseException("Not matched closed } for { at line %d" % leftbrace.pos[0]) check_next_token('}') return new_node
def parse_if_stmt(): ''' 解析if语句 ''' node = TreeNode('IFSTMT') node.line = tokens[tokens_index].pos[0] check_next_token('if') check_next_token('(') node.add_child(parse_condition()) check_next_token(')') temp = parse_stmt() if temp: node.add_child(temp) if get_next_token().name == 'else': check_next_token('else') temp = parse_stmt() if temp: node.add_child(temp) return node if temp is not None else None
def parse_condition(): ''' 解析整个条件布尔值 ''' condition_node = TreeNode('CONDITION') condition_node.line = tokens[tokens_index].pos[0] if get_next_token().name == '!': condition_node.add_child(check_next_token('!')) check_next_token('(') condition_node.add_child(parse_condition()) check_next_token(')') else: condition_node.add_child(parse_cond()) while get_next_token().name in ['&&', '||']: condition_node.add_child(check_next_token(get_next_token().name)) condition_node.add_child(parse_cond()) return condition_node
def parse_out_stmt(): ''' 解析输出语句 ''' new_node = TreeNode('OUTSTMT') new_node.line = tokens[tokens_index].pos[0] check_next_token('out') check_next_token('(') token = get_next_token() if token.type == 'STR': new_node.add_child(parse_str()) else: new_node.add_child(parse_expr()) check_next_token(')') check_next_token(';') return new_node
def parse_var(): ''' 解析变量,包括标识符及数组元素 ''' token = get_next_token() node = TreeNode('VAR') node.line = tokens[tokens_index].pos[0] if token.type == 'ID': node.add_child(parse_id()) next_token = get_next_token() if == '[': check_next_token('[') node.add_child(parse_expr()) check_next_token(']') return node else: raise ParseException('line %d: token should be a identifier' % token.pos[0])
def check_next_token(token_name): ''' 检查当前token是否指定类型token,是则返回相应树节点,否则报错 ''' global tokens_index if tokens_index >= len(tokens): raise ParseException('lack of token %s at the end of code' % token_name) if tokens[tokens_index].name == token_name: node = TreeNode(token_name) node.line = tokens[tokens_index].pos[0] node.child = None tokens_index += 1 return node else: raise ParseException('line %d index %d: unpected token,should be %s' % (tokens[tokens_index].pos[0], tokens[tokens_index].pos[1], token_name))