예제 #1
def process(res, timestamp):
    global write_lines
    for i in res:
        if i == 'data':
            ts = time.time()
            trade_item = res[i][0]
            latest_price = float(trade_item['price'])
            trade_id = str(trade_item['trade_id'])
            size = float(trade_item['size'])
            side = str(trade_item['side'])
            deal_entity = DealEntity(trade_id, latest_price, size, ts, side)
            print('detail:' + deal_entity.detail())

            handle_deque(deque_3s, deal_entity, ts, ind_3s)
            handle_deque(deque_10s, deal_entity, ts, ind_10s)
            handle_deque(deque_min, deal_entity, ts, ind_1min)
            handle_deque(deque_3m, deal_entity, ts, ind_3m)

            avg_3s_price = ind_3s.cal_avg_price()
            avg_10s_price = ind_10s.cal_avg_price()
            avg_min_price = ind_1min.cal_avg_price()
            avg_3m_price = ind_3m.cal_avg_price()
            price_10s_change = cal_rate(avg_3s_price, avg_10s_price)
            price_1m_change = cal_rate(avg_3s_price, avg_min_price)
            price_3m_change = cal_rate(avg_3s_price, avg_3m_price)

            less = 0
            holding_status = 'spot_less: %d' % less

            price_info = deal_entity.type + u' now_price: %.4f, 3s_price: %.4f, 10s_price: %.4f, 1m_price: %.4f, ' \
                                            u'3min_price: %.4f' % (latest_price, avg_3s_price, avg_10s_price,
                                                                   avg_min_price, avg_3m_price)
            # print("price info: " + price_info)
            vol_info = u'cur_vol: %.3f, 3s vol: %.3f, 10s vol: %.3f, 1min vol: %.3f, ask_vol: %.3f, bid_vol: %.3f, ' \
                       u'3s_ask_vol: %.3f, 3s_bid_vol: %.3f, 3min vol: %.3f, 3min_ask_vol: %.3f, 3min_bid_vol: %.3f' \
                       % (deal_entity.amount, ind_3s.vol, ind_10s.vol, ind_1min.vol, ind_1min.ask_vol, ind_1min.bid_vol,
                          ind_3s.ask_vol, ind_3s.bid_vol, ind_3m.vol, ind_3m.ask_vol, ind_3m.bid_vol)
            # print("vol info: " + vol_info)
            rate_info = u'10s_rate: %.2f%%, 1min_rate: %.2f%%, 3min_rate: %.2f%%' \
                        % (price_10s_change, price_1m_change, price_3m_change)
            # print("rate info: " + rate_info)
            write_info = holding_status + u', ' + price_info + u', ' + vol_info + u', ' + rate_info + u', ' + timestamp + '\r\n'
            if len(write_lines) >= 100:
                with codecs.open(file_deal, 'a+', 'UTF-8') as f:
                    write_lines = []

            print(holding_status + '\r\n' + price_info + '\r\n' + vol_info +
                  '\r\n' + rate_info + u', ' + str(timestamp))
def process_message(message):
    global latest_price, last_avg_price, less, deque_3s, deque_10s, deque_min, future_buy_price,\
        deque_3m, ind_3s, ind_10s, ind_1min, ind_3m, write_lines, last_3min_macd_ts, new_macd, lessless,\
        future_buy_time, spot_buy_time, spot_sell_price, spot_buy_price, lessmore, future_more_buy_price
    ts = time.time()
    now_time = timestamp2string(ts)
    for each_message in message['data']:
        latest_price = float(each_message['price'])
        trade_id = each_message['trade_id']
        size = each_message['size']
        side = each_message['side']
        deal_entity = DealEntity(trade_id, latest_price, size, ts, side)
        print('detail:' + deal_entity.detail())

        handle_deque(deque_3s, deal_entity, ts, ind_1s)
        handle_deque(deque_10s, deal_entity, ts, ind_10s)
        handle_deque(deque_min, deal_entity, ts, ind_1min)
        handle_deque(deque_3m, deal_entity, ts, ind_3m)

        avg_3s_price = ind_1s.cal_avg_price()
        avg_10s_price = ind_10s.cal_avg_price()
        avg_min_price = ind_1min.cal_avg_price()
        avg_3m_price = ind_3m.cal_avg_price()
        price_10s_change = cal_rate(avg_3s_price, avg_10s_price)
        price_1m_change = cal_rate(avg_3s_price, avg_min_price)
        price_3m_change = cal_rate(avg_3s_price, avg_3m_price)

        # 做空
        if less == 0 and check_do_future_less(price_3m_change, price_1m_change,
            sell_id = sell_all_position(spotAPI, instrument_id,
                                        latest_price - 0.001)
            if sell_id:
                spot_buy_time = int(ts)
                sell_order_info = spotAPI.get_order_info(
                    sell_id, instrument_id)
                if sell_order_info['status'] == 'filled' or sell_order_info[
                        'status'] == 'part_filled':
                    less = 1
                    spot_sell_price = float(sell_order_info['price'])
                    info = now_time + u' 现货全部卖出!!!spot_sell_price:' + str(
                    with codecs.open(file_transaction, 'a+', 'utf-8') as f:
                        f.writelines(info + '\n')
                    spotAPI.revoke_order_exception(instrument_id, sell_id)
        if less == 1:
            if price_1m_change > 0 and new_macd > 0:
                usdt_account = spotAPI.get_coin_account_info("usdt")
                usdt_available = float(usdt_account['available'])
                amount = math.floor(usdt_available / latest_price)
                if amount > 0:
                    buy_id = spot_buy(spotAPI, instrument_id, amount,
                    if buy_id:
                        order_info = spotAPI.get_order_info(
                            buy_id, instrument_id)
                        if order_info['status'] == 'filled':
                            less = 0
                            spot_buy_price = order_info['price']
                            info = u'macd > 0, 买入现货止盈!!!买入价格:' + str(
                                spot_buy_price) + u', ' + now_time
                            with codecs.open(file_transaction, 'a+',
                                             'utf-8') as f:
                                f.writelines(info + '\n')
                            attempts = 5
                            while attempts > 0:
                                attempts -= 1
                                    instrument_id, buy_id)
                                order_info = spotAPI.get_order_info(
                                    buy_id, instrument_id)
                                if order_info['status'] == 'cancelled':
                    less = 0

            if int(ts) - spot_buy_time > 60:
                if latest_price > spot_sell_price and price_1m_change >= 0 and price_10s_change >= 0 \
                        and (ind_1min.bid_vol > ind_1min.ask_vol or price_3m_change >= 0):
                    usdt_account = spotAPI.get_coin_account_info("usdt")
                    usdt_available = float(usdt_account['available'])
                    amount = math.floor(usdt_available / latest_price)
                    if amount > 0:
                        buy_id = spot_buy(spotAPI, instrument_id, amount,
                        if buy_id:
                            order_info = spotAPI.get_order_info(
                                buy_id, instrument_id)
                            if order_info['status'] == 'filled':
                                less = 0
                                spot_buy_price = order_info['price']
                                info = u'macd > 0, 买入现货止损!!!买入价格:' + str(
                                    spot_buy_price) + u', ' + now_time
                                with codecs.open(file_transaction, 'a+',
                                                 'utf-8') as f:
                                    f.writelines(info + '\n')
                                attempts = 5
                                while attempts > 0:
                                    attempts -= 1
                                        instrument_id, buy_id)
                                    order_info = spotAPI.get_order_info(
                                        buy_id, instrument_id)
                                    if order_info['status'] == 'cancelled':
                        less = 0

        holding_status = 'spot_less: %d' % less
        price_info = deal_entity.type + u' now_price: %.4f, 3s_price: %.4f, 10s_price: %.4f, 1m_price: %.4f, ' \
                                        u'3min_price: %.4f' \
                     % (latest_price, avg_3s_price, avg_10s_price, avg_min_price, avg_3m_price)
        vol_info = u'cur_vol: %.3f, 3s vol: %.3f, 10s vol: %.3f, 1min vol: %.3f, ask_vol: %.3f, bid_vol: %.3f, ' \
                   u'3s_ask_vol: %.3f, 3s_bid_vol: %.3f, 3min vol: %.3f, 3min_ask_vol: %.3f, 3min_bid_vol: %.3f' \
                   % (deal_entity.amount, ind_1s.vol, ind_10s.vol, ind_1min.vol, ind_1min.ask_vol, ind_1min.bid_vol,
                      ind_1s.ask_vol, ind_1s.bid_vol, ind_3m.vol, ind_3m.ask_vol, ind_3m.bid_vol)
        rate_info = u'10s_rate: %.2f%%, 1min_rate: %.2f%%, 3min_rate: %.2f%%, new_macd: %.6f' \
                    % (price_10s_change, price_1m_change, price_3m_change, new_macd)
        write_info = holding_status + u', ' + price_info + u', ' + vol_info + u', ' + rate_info + u', ' + now_time + '\r\n'
        if len(write_lines) >= 100:
            with codecs.open(file_deal, 'a+', 'UTF-8') as f:
                write_lines = []

        print(holding_status + '\r\n' + price_info + '\r\n' + vol_info +
              '\r\n' + rate_info + u', ' + now_time)